1,104 research outputs found

    La radiotelevisión pública local en Andalucía: situación actual e incidencia social. Análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de las emisoras de la provincia de Cádiz

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    Este artículo tiene como principal objetivo la presentación de los resultados obtenidos en el Proyecto del Plan Nacional I+D+i CSO 2011-29195: La radiotelevisión pública local en Andalucía: situación actual e incidencia social. El proyecto tiene como objetivos principales: 1) conocer la realidad de los medios de comunicación públicos locales (radios y televisiones locales) de la comunidad andaluza, para comprobar en qué medida estos medios sirven para propiciar una mayor participaciónciudadana; 2) conocer los contenidos que ofertan las emisoras municipales de radio y televisión en Andalucía, teniendo en cuenta, preferentemente, aquellos que responden a los criterios de servicio público. En este sentido, se presentarán los resultados obtenidos, correspondientes a la provincia de Cádiz. En el nivel cuantitativo se ha elaborado un cuestionario dividido en seis grandes apartados (ficha técnica, programación y contenidos, recursos humanos, equipamiento e instalaciones y financiación) que se ha administrado telefónicamente a los responsables de cada una de las emisoras de la provincia. En el plano cualitativo, se ha aplicado la metodología del estudio de casos para analizar cuatro emisoras representativas de las radios públicas locales gaditanas. A la vista de los resultados, una de las principales conclusiones del estudio apunta a la posibilidad de considerar a estos medios públicos locales como termómetros de la calidad democrática de la sociedad andaluza, en general, y de las localidades en las que se ubica cada uno de estos medios, en particular. Los medios públicos locales, también denominados medios del tercer sector, se sitúan en un juego de fuerzas que amplia o limita las posibilidades de participación y de deliberación de la ciudadanía. Los resultados del proyecto apuntan en varios sentidos: 1) a un predominio de las fuerzas del mercado a la hora de orientar las políticas y las prácticas comunicativas de los medios públicos locales de Andalucía; 2) a una infrautilización de los medios públicos locales por parte del poder político local, que no termina de aprovechar las potencialidades de servicio público y de participación ciudadana de estos medios; 3) a un escaso empoderamiento comunicativo de la ciudadanía (Chaparro, 2007), que solamente en un reducido número de las localidades estudiadas está aprovechando estos medios para ejercer cotidianamente sus derechos en el campo comunicacional.The main objective of this article is to present the results obtained in the Project of the National Plan I + D + i CSO 2011-29195: Local public broadcasting in Andalusia: present situation and social impact. The project, which bears the same title as the present paper, has as main objectives: 1) know the reality of the local public media (local radio and television) of Andalusia, to check to what extent they serve to promote a greater citizen participation; 2) know the contents that the local radio and television offer in Andalusia, considering preferably, who answer the criteria of «public service». In this sense, we will present the results obtained in the province of Cadiz. At the quantitative level there a questionnaire has been developed and divided in six main sections (Specification sheet, programming and contents, human resources, equipment and facilities and financing) that has been administered by telephone to those responsible for each of the radio stations in the province. In qualitative terms, a case study methodology has been applied to analyze four representative stations of local public radio of Cadiz. In view of the results, one of the conclusions is the possibility of considering these local public media as thermometers of democratic quality of Andalusian society in general, and the locality where each is located such media, in particular. The local public media, also called Third Sector media, are placed in a game of forces which broad or limit the possibilities of citizens’ participation and deliberation. The results of the project point to several directions: 1) a predominance of market forces at the time of guide policies and communicative practices of local public media of Andalusia; 2) a underuse of local public media by the local political power, which not ending exploit the potentials of public service and citizen participation of this medias and 3) a poor «communicative empowerment of citizenship» (Chaparro, 2007), which only in a small number of studied localities is leveraging these medias to exercise daily their rights in communication field

    Opening the black box of citations: a qualitative analysis on the basis of the taxonomy of Erikson and Erlandson

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    Over the past few years, citation practice has become progressively more pertinent to academic production, with important consequences. The aim of this paper is to contribute to communication theory through a critical analysis of literature on Communication, Development and Social Change (CDSC) published in Spain. This analysis was performed on the basis of the citation categories suggested by Erikson and Erlandson (2014). The conclusions of this paper point to the dominance of citations that, in many cases, reveal a disturbing disregard for the cited works and a general lack of scholarly debate between authors and conflicting paradigms.This paper forms part of the R&D project “Evaluación y monitorización de la Comunicación para el Desarrollo y el Cambio Social en España” (MINECO, España) (CSO2014-52005-R) (2015-2017), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competition.18 página

    Critical strain for dynamic recrystallisation. The particular case of steel

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    The knowledge of the flow behavior of metallic alloys subjected to hot forming operations has particular interest for metallurgists in the practice of industrial forming processes involving high temperatures (e.g., rolling, forging, and/or extrusion operations). Dynamic recrystallisation (DRX) occurs during high temperature forming over a wide range of metals and alloys, and it is known to be a powerful tool that can be used to control the microstructure and mechanical properties. Therefore, it is important to know, particularly in low stacking fault energy materials, the precise time at which DRX is available to act. Under a constant strain rate condition, and for a given temperature, such a time is defined as a critical strain (ec). Unfortunately, this critical value is not always directly measurable on the flow curve; as a result, different methods have been developed to derive it. Focused on carbon and microalloyed steels subjected to laboratory-scale testing, in the present work, the state of art on the critical strain for the initiation of DRX is reviewed and summarized. A review of the different methods and expressions for assessing the critical strain is also included. The collected data are well suited to feeding constitutive models and computational codes.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Axes thematiques et mots cles dans la Communication pour le Developpement et le Changement Social en Espagne. Analyse des marqueurs linguistiques dans les journaux de communication espagnols

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es indicar aquellas temáticas que hacen posible la rigurosa delimitación del campo de la Comunicación para el Desarrollo y el Cambio Social (CDCS), frente a otros subcampos de la investigación en comunicación limítrofes, afines y, al tiempo, diferentes, como son la Comunicación Política, el Marketing Social o la Educación para el Desarrollo. A partir de la estrategia metodológica del análisis de contenido y la lingüística de corpus hemos analizado, dentro de la producción académica en revistas españolas de comunicación en el período 2000-2015, los marcadores temáticos que caracterizan al discurso de la CDCS frente al de las áreas limítrofes indicadas. Los resultados muestran la centralidad que en la CDCS tienen los siguientes elementos: 1) la investigación de carácter participativo; 2) lo comunitario y alternativo, en concreto las emisoras de radio comunitarias y 3) la cuestión de la alternatividad.The objective of this research is to indicate which topics make possible the rigorous delimitation of the field of Communication for Development and Social Change (CDSC), compared to other subfields that are bordering or related to it and, at the same time, different, such as Political Communication, Social Marketing or Education for Development. Based on the methodological strategy of content analysis and corpus linguistics, we have analyzed, within the academic production in Spanish communication journals in the period 2000-2015, the thematic markers that characterize the discourse of the CDSC compared to that of the bordering areas indicated. The results show the centrality in CDSC of the following elements: 1) participatory research; 2) the comunity and alternative perspective, in particular the community radio stations, and 3) the issue of the alternativity.L’objectif de cette recherche est d’indiquer les sujets qui permettent une délimitation rigoureuse du domaine de la communication pour le développement et du changement social (CDCS), par rapport à d’autres sous-domaines de la recherche sur la communication, qu’elle soit limitrophe, différente ou parallèle, comme la communication politique, le marketing social ou éducation pour le développement. Sur la base de la stratégie méthodologique de l'analyse de contenu et de la linguistique de corpus, nous avons analysé, au sein de la production académique de revues de communication espagnoles dans la période 2000-2015, les marqueurs thématiques qui caractérisent le discours du CDCS par rapport à celui des domaines limites indiquées. Les résultats montrent la centralité des éléments suivants dans la CDCS: 1) recherche participative; 2) la communauté et les alternatives, en particulier les stations de radio communautaires, et 3) le problème de l’alternativité

    The local public media as thermometers of the quality of democracy in Andalusia

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    En el actual contexto de crisis y de recortes en políticas públicas que se vive en España, los medios públicos locales pueden ser considerados como termómetros de la calidad democrática de las localidades en las que se ubica cada uno de ellos. Los medios públicos locales, también denominados medios del Tercer Sector, se sitúan en un juego de fuerzas que amplia o limita las posibilidades de participación y de deliberación de la ciudadanía. Los resultados preliminares de la investigación recogida en este artículo apuntan a un predominio de las fuerzas del mercado a la hora de orientar las prácticas comunicativas de los medios públicos locales de Andalucía y a una escasa apropiación de ellos por parte de la ciudadaníaIn the current context of crisis and cutbacks in public policy experienced in Spain, the local public media can be considered as a thermometer of the democratic quality of the localities in which each of these media are located. Local public media, also known as the Third Sector Media, are placed in a kind of interplay of forces that broaden or limit the possibilities of participation and deliberation of the citizenry. The preliminary results of the research in this article point to a predominance of the forces of the market when it comes to guiding policies and communicative practices of the local public media of Andalusia and to a limited communication appropriation of the citizenship

    Intralaboratory Validation of a Kinetic Turbidimetric Assay Based on Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) for Assessing Endotoxin Activity in Cow Milk

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    [EN] Mastitis, one of the most common diseases in dairy cattle, causes severe losses in the dairy sector worldwide and affects animal welfare. The disease is characterized by an inflammatory reaction of the mammary gland and is mainly caused by bacterial infections, including both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. The release of endotoxins associated to bacterial lysis is a weighty factor in the clinical course of Gram-negative associated mastitis and should be taken into consideration when using antibiotics in the treatment of these infections. Therefore, endotoxin detection in milk samples would be of help in the management of bovine mastitis. With this aim, we have validated a kinetic turbidimetric assay based on Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) for the quantification of endotoxins in milk samples. The assay was adapted to this particular matrix by incorporating filtration and dilution of the milk samples in the procedure. Our results demonstrate the robustness and usefulness of the assay, which allows the identification of coliform mastitis in milk samples from affected cows and the quantification of endotoxin activity in bulk and commercial milk samples. Further studies are required to evaluate the performance of the assay in mastitis milk samples associated to Gram-negative bacteria other than Escherichia coli as well as during the clinical course of these Gram-negative mastitis or after their treatment with antibiotics.S

    Diamond for Electronics: Materials, Processing and Devices

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    Progress in power electronic devices is currently accepted through the use of wide bandgap materials (WBG). Among them, diamond is the material with the most promising characteristics in terms of breakdown voltage, on-resistance, thermal conductance, or carrier mobility. However, it is also the one with the greatest difficulties in carrying out the device technology as a result of its very high mechanical hardness and smaller size of substrates. As a result, diamond is still not considered a reference material for power electronic devices despite its superior Baliga's figure of merit with respect to other WBG materials. This review paper will give a brief overview of some scientific and technological aspects related to the current state of the main diamond technology aspects. It will report the recent key issues related to crystal growth, characterization techniques, and, in particular, the importance of surface states aspects, fabrication processes, and device fabrication. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of diamond devices with respect to other WBG materials are also discussed.The authors thank the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) of the Spanish Government for funding under Grant Nos. TEC2017-86347-C2-1-R, ESP2017-91820, PID2020-117201RB-C21, and PID2019-110219RB-100 and the Junta de Andalucia (Andalusian Government, Spain) for funding through Nos. P20_00946, FEDER-UCA18- 106470 and FEDER-UCA18-107851 projects

    Ejes temáticos y palabras clave en la Comunicación para el Desarrollo y el Cambio Social en España. Análisis de marcadores lingüísticos en revistas españolas de comunicación

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es indicar aquellas temáticas que hacen posible la rigurosa delimitación del campo de la Comunicación para el Desarrollo y el Cambio Social (CDCS), frente a otros subcampos de la investigación en comunicación limítrofes, afines y, al tiempo, diferentes, como son la Comunicación Política, el Marketing Social o la Educación al Desarrollo. A partir de la estrategia metodológica del análisis de contenido y la lingüística de corpus hemos analizado, dentro de la producción académica en revistas españolas de comunicación en el período 2000-2015, los marcadores temáticos que caracterizan al discurso de la CDCS frente al de las áreas limítrofes indicadas. Los resultados muestran la centralidad que en la CDCS tienen los siguientes elementos: 1) la investigación de carácter participativo; 2) lo comunitario y alternativo, en concreto las emisoras de radio comunitarias y 3) la cuestión de la alternatividad

    Dislocation generation mechanisms in heavily boron-doped diamond epilayers

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    Doping diamond layers for electronic applications has become straightforward during the last two decades. However, dislocation generation in diamond during the microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition growth process is still not fully understood. This is a truly relevant topic to avoid for an optimal performance of any device, but, usually, it is not considered when designing diamond structures for electronic devices. The incorporation of a dopant, here boron, into a lattice as close as that of diamond, can promote the appearance of dislocations in the epilayer. The present contribution analyzes the different processes that can take place in this epilayer and gives some rules to avoid the formation of dislocations, based on the comparison of the different dislocation generation mechanisms. Indeed, competitive mechanisms, such as doping atom proximity effect and lattice strain relaxation, are here quantified for heavily boron-doped diamond epilayers. The resulting growth condition windows for defect-free heavily doped diamond are here deduced, introducing the diamond parameters and its lattice expansion in several previously published critical thickness (h(c)) and critical doping level relationships for different doping levels and growth conditions. Experimental evidence supports the previously discussed thickness-doping-growth condition relationships. Layers with and without dislocations reveal that not only the thickness but also other key factors such as growth orientation and growth parameters are important, as dislocations are shown to be generated in epilayers with a thickness below the People and Bean critical thickness

    Adolescentes y abuso de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación en la provincia de Cádiz

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    El presente informe es el resultado de la investigación conducida en Cádiz, entre 2015 y 2016, con el objetivo de identificar los comportamientos abusivos de las TIC por parte de adolescentes de la provincia de Cádiz. La investigación surge a propuesta de Proyecto Hombre Provincia de Cádiz, entidad pionera en el tratamiento de adicciones.Proyecto Hombre Provincia de Cádiz Fundación La Caixa71 página