1,481 research outputs found

    El inolvidable poeta y narrador Severino Salazar

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    1 archivo PDF (5 páginas)En este texto se señala la gran riqueza de la narrativa de Severino Salazar y una de sus grandes peculiaridades: partir de lo cercano, de lo íntimo, de lo entrañable, para hacer valer lo provechoso que es lo regional ante el gran impacto de lo internacional. Severino, como se manifiesta en este artículo, supo usar las palabras, incluso de manera poética, para captar el gran encanto y arraigo de lo que lo rodeaba, sobre todo su natal Tepetongo y otros lugares pequeños de Zacatecas, para hacer valer esas historias como dignas de figurar en las historias universales, como tanto lo pedía don Alfonso Reyes. This text highlights the wealth of Severino Salazar narrative and one of its major characteristics: depart from what is close, from intimacy, from the deepest, to enforce what is beneficial, what is regional in front of the great impact of the international. Severino, as stated in this article, even knew how to use words in a poetic way to capture the charm and roots of his surroundings, especially his native Tepetongo and other small places of Zacatecas, to enforce those stories as worthy of being included in the universal histories, so as Don Alfonso Reyes asked so often. Palabras clave/Key words: íntimo, entrañable, poético, regional, universal / close, intimacy, poetic, regional, universal. tyvlxxxvii

    Toledo, "locus terribilis". Church and Miracles in the "De viris illustribus" of Ildefonsus of Toledo

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    A mediados del siglo VII, el obispo Ildefonso de Toledo (657-667) elaboró su propio catálogo de hombres ilustres, continuando una tradición cuyos orígenes cristianos se remontaban a Jerónimo en el siglo IV. Sin embargo, en lugar de reproducir los modelos de sus antecesores cristianos, entre los que se incluyen además a Genadio de Marsella e Isidoro de Sevilla, el De viris illustribus de Ildefonso incorporaba cambios significativos en el género. Este artículo estudia el tópico del milagro en el opúsculo toledano con el objetivo de indagar qué tipo de relación estableció la Iglesia visigoda de la segunda mitad del siglo VII con este tipo de fenómenos y qué estrategias elaboró en función de él.In the mid-seventh century, Bishop Ildefonsus of Toledo (657-667) wrote his own catalogue of illustrious men, continuing the Christian tradition initiated by Jerome in the fourth century. However, far from imitating the models of his Christian predecessors (Jerome, Gennadius of Marseilles, and Isidore of Seville), the work of the Toledan bishop De viris illustribus incorporated significant changes in the genre. This article studies the topic of miracles in the Toledan catalogue in order to analyse the midseventh century Visigothic church’s stance on miraculous phenomena and to examine the strategies it developed in consequence

    Extraction of wood compounds by use of subcritical fluids

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    A study of the extraction of oak wood compounds with subcritical water-ethanol mixtures as extractant, with an ethanol content between 0-60%, is reported. Identification and characterisation of the extracted compounds have been made by spectrophotometry and gas chromatography with either flame ionisation or mass detectors. Extraction was performed statically manner by use of a single cycle or repeated cycles. All variables affecting the extraction process were studied and optimised. Extraction time and temperature are 60 min and 200ºC, respectively. Comparison of the extract thus obtained with commercial extracts showed the former to be rich in compounds characteristic of the commercial extracts. The method enables manipulation of the extract composition by changing the temperature and water/ethanol ratio used. It is faster than the traditional procedures for obtaining wood extracts

    Two-parameter determination in vinegar by a flow injection-pervaporation system

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    A flow-injection method (FI) for the sequential determination of ethanol and acetic acid in vinegar is reported. The determination of ethanol is based on the oxidation of the pervaporated ethanol by Cr2O7K2. The acetic acid is determined by an acid-base reaction with Thymol Blue as the indicator. Both reactions are monitored photometrically at 600 nm using a single detector. Optimisation studies and assessment of the sequential FI method are also reported. The linear determination range is between 0-12 % (v/v) for ethanol and 0-10 % (grams of acetic acid in 100 ml) for acetic acid. The sample throughput of the sequential manifold is 7 per hour. The new method has been applied to vinegar samples and the results obtained are in excellent agreement with those from the reference methods used in Spain

    Semiautomatic flow-injection method for the determination of volatile acidity in wines

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    A flow-injection (FI) method based on analytical pervaporation was assessed for its routine use in the determination of volatile acidity in winery laboratories. The new method was compared with both the official method and the Mathieu method, which is most often used in Spanish wineries, by testing 30 different wines, including young and aged, and sweet and dry wines from Montilla-Moriles appellation d´origine. The robustness of the new method was established and then all three methods were studied in terms of range of linearity and regression of the calibration curve, repeatability, reproducibility, sensitivity, detection and quantification limits (LOD and LQ, respectively) and time of analysis. The FI method surpasses the Mathieu method in reproducibility and both the Mathieu and official methods in LOD and LQ and sensitivity; it also requires less personnel involvement and shorter analysis time. The statistical criteria established by the “Office International de la Vigne et du Vin” were applied to the data and the results obtained indicated that the differences between the analytical parameters of the 3 methods are not significant and can be applied indistinctly. The correlation of the methods was studied by taking them 2 by 2, and the corresponding equations, coefficients and deviations confirmed the statistical results. Thus, the new method can be used in winery laboratories with clear advantages over its 2 counterparts (the routine and official methods)

    Sequential Spectrophotometric determination of methanol and iron in vinegar by a flow injection-pervaporation method

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    An easily automatable sequential flow-injection-pervaporation method is proposed for the photometric determination of methanol and iron in vinegar. The method is based on separation of the methanol from the sample matrix by pervaporation followed by its oxidation to formaldehyde with permanganate, decolouration of the latter with S2O5-2 and subsequent reaction of formaldehyde with p-rosaniline to yield a violet reaction product with maximum absorption at 567 nm. Iron is determined by an existing method based on reaction with thiocyanate in acidic medium and monitoring at 508 nm. After optimisation by either the univariate or multivariate approaches, as required, the linear range was established for methanol (4-1000 mg L-1) and iron (0.18-20 mg L-1); The proposed method was then compared with reference methods for methanol and iron in terms of repeatability (2.452 mg L-1 and 0.245 mg L-1, respectively), reproducibility (4.435 mg L-1 and 0.356 mg L-1, respectively), detection limit (LOD=82 and 0.234 mg L-1, respectively) and traceability. The throughput was nine samples per hour

    Method for the simultaneous determination of total polyphenol and anthocyan indexes in red wines using a flow injection approach

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    A simultaneous and fast method for the determination of total polyphenol index (t.p.i.) and total anthocyan index (t.a.i.) has been developed by a flow injection approach and a diode array spectrophotometer for monitoring at 280 nm and 520 nm, respectively. Linear ranges were obtained from 20 to 70 index units and from 20 to 500 mg l-1 for t.p.i. and t.a.i., respectively. The results provided by the proposed method agree with those obtained using the polyphenol index at 280 nm and the Ribereau-Gayon method for the determination of total anthocyans. The sample throughput was 25-30 samples per hour. Analytical features such as repeatability, reproducibility and detection and quantification limits as well as the results of a robustness study based on the Steiner-Younden procedure are also given

    Determination of ethanol in beverages by flow injection, pervaporation and density measurements

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    A fast, clean and easy to automate flow injection-pervaporation method for the determination of ethanol in different beverages using density measurements is proposed. The method is based on separation of the ethanol from the sample using a pervaporation module, thus obtaining in the acceptor chamber of the pervaporator a water-alcohol mixture, the density of which is measured. After optimisation by either the univariate or multivariate approach as required, a linear range between 0-40% was established. Then, the assessment of the method versus a reference one was studied in terms of repeatability (0.12% v/v), reproducibility (0.32% v/v), detection limit (0.11% v/v) and traceability. The sample throughput was 15 samples h-1. The method was in agreement with the reference methods used in the European Union