13,024 research outputs found
La marxa nòrdica com a exercici físic que caldria prescriure a
El limfoedema és una complicació freqüent del tractament del càncer de mama. Està demostrat que l’exercici físic millora sensiblement la qualitat de vida d’aquestes pacients; tanmateix, l’adhesió als programes d’exercici físic és escassa. Cal un model sociosanitari assistencial que abordi aquest problema. Per la seva versatilitat, la marxa nòrdica es perfila com una activitat física ideal per ser utilitzada en aquest context
Análisis de la variabilidad en el manejo del dolor en la lumbalgia aguda
El dolor lumbar es una de las patologías más prevalentes y recidivantes, el 90%
de la población padecerá lumbalgia alguna vez en su vida, sin diagnóstico
etiológico en más del 80% de los casos, lo que se conoce como inespecífica. El
abordaje de esta patología se basa en descartar patología grave subyacente y
aliviar los síntomas, siendo el dolor un motivo frecuente de consulta a los
servicios de urgencias hospitalarios.
El objetivo de este estudio consiste en evaluar la adecuación y la variabilidad del
tratamiento de la lumbalgia, así como las distintas formas de abordaje en el
servicio de Urgencias del HURH (Hospital Universitario Río Hortega).Se trata de
un estudio: descriptivo analítico transversal retrospectivo en pacientes atendidos
por lumbalgia en el Hospital Universitario Río Hortega durante el 2015. La
muestra estudiada se ha tomado de las consultas atendidas en los 2 primeros
meses del año y las reconsultas de esos pacientes a lo largo del año, acorde al
tamaño muestral.
El estudio se realizó sobre 261 pacientes y sus reconsultas lo que incluye 317
episodios, el 64% con nivel de triaje 4 y una media de edad cercana a 50 años,
en el que se evidenció que el 54 % de la muestra estudiada padece lumbalgias
de repetición, siendo el 68% de los casos episodios agudos. No se utilizan
escalas rápidas validadas como la EVA/EVN para evaluar el dolor ni la respuesta
al tratamiento. La exploración abdominal y neurológica consta en menos del 50%
de los episodios y en más del 50 % de las consultas se ha realizado radiografía
lumbar a pesar de su escasa validez diagnóstica, no mejorar el pronóstico ni
modificar el tratamiento. Las vías de administración preferidas en urgencias son
la intravenosa y la intramuscular, la intramuscular se usa mayormente para
AINEs a pesar de estudios que igualan su eficacia a la vía oral. Se prescribe un
alto porcentaje de AINEs frente a un bajo porcentaje de Paracetamol contrario a
las guías. Los opioides débiles se prescriben al alta en un 25% de los casos y el
mismo porcentaje de opioides fuertes se administra en urgencias.
Como conclusión final, el dolor lumbar es un problema recurrente que motiva un
numerosas consultas al servicio de urgencias en las que es importante una adecuada detección y monitorización del dolor mediante la utilización de escalas
EVA/EVN para abordarlo con la terapéutica disponible y que son necesarios más
estudios que evalúen la efectividad y eficiencia de los distintos grupos de
fármacos en esta patología.Grado en Medicin
El Nordic Walking como ejercicio físico a prescribir en pacientes
El linfedema es una complicación frecuente del tratamiento para el cáncer de mama. Está demostrado que el ejercicio físico mejora sensiblemente la calidad de vida de estas pacientes, sin embargo la adhesión a los programas de ejercicio es escasa. Es necesario un modelo asistencial sociosanitario que aborde este problema. Gracias a su versatilidad, el Nordic Walking se perfila como una actividad física ideal para ser utilizada en este contexto
Validation of a qualitative method of Listeria monocytogenes detection in a food matrix according to ISO 17025 and ISO 11290-1
Motivation: Listeria monocytogenes is a bacterium that is mainly transmitted through contaminated water and food. It can cause listeriosis in susceptible populations such as pregnant women, neonates, the elderly and immunosuppressed individuals.In recent years, there has been an increase in the incidence of this disease, so, to safeguard public health, it is very important to have a fast and secure method of detection and identification of L. monocytogenes in contaminated products [1].Therefore, the main objective of this study is to perform a secondary validation of a qualitative method of L. monocytogenes detection on five food matrices.Methods: As a general rule for the cultures preparation, it will be used the European and International Standard method for detection and enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes (EN ISO 11290-1) [2], with the use of a chromogenic agar, the "Agar Listeria according to Ottaviani and Agosti" (ALOA) [3]. In addition, it will be used the UNE-EN ISO 17025 Standard.A commercial strain of L. monocytogenes will be used.In order to determine the detection limit of the validation method, some chicken samples will be inoculated with L. monocytogenes at different concentrations.Having calculated this parameter, it will be chosen the concentration to inoculate the samples of each matrix. In addition, it will be done negative controls with Staphylococcus aureus contaminated samples.The artificially contaminated samples will be cultured in ALOA medium and incubated at 37 °C for 24 hours.The L. monocytogenes growth in each plate, will be ratified with confirmatory tests.Finally, it will be calculated the next parameters: sensitivity, specificity, false negatives, false positives and efficiency.Results: The parameters calculated were: detection limit of <10 ufc/25 g, 94% sensitivity, 98% specificity, 2% false positives, 5,7% false negative and 96% efficiency.Conclusions: It is concluded that the analytical technique has been applied properly in the laboratory, obtaining high efficiency values. Therefore, this method of L. monocytogenes detection would successfully validated for its use in this laboratory
Translation choices as sites of state power: Gender and habitus in bestsellers in Franco’s Spain
[EN] Drawing on the long-standing interest of translation studies in questions of power and ideology, this chapter aims to explore the ways in which gender was represented in bestselling novels published in Spain under Franco's political regime (1939-1978). Directly associated with economic interests, bestsellers offer a significant vantage point from which to observe the power games at stake in any national publishing sector
Role of plant-associated bacteria in the remediation of contaminated soils
The global objective of this doctoral thesis consisted in the study and optimisation of
the plant-soil-microorganism system within phytoremediation strategies for soils
contaminated with organic and inorganic compounds. Phytoremediation can be defined
as a group of techniques based on the use of plants and their associated microorganisms
for the clean-up of contaminated soils. In recent years, studies aimed at optimising the
efficiency of these techniques have been increasingly more focused on the importance
of the role of plant-associated bacteria in these processes. It is well known that bacteria
are commonly associated with plants, either surface-dwelling (epiphytic bacteria) or in
the plant interior (endophytic bacteria). Exploiting these plant-bacterial associations in
the field of phytoremediation has been centred in two areas. On one hand, these
approaches use bacterial strains which are capable of influencing the general status of
the plant, enhancing their establishment and growth in the contaminated soils. This type
of bacteria are denominated as plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) and influence
plant growth via various mechanisms, such as through an increase in nutrient
availability (e.g. nitrogen, iron or phosphorus), or through the synthesis of
phytohormones (e.g. indoleacetic acid, IAA). On the other hand, bacterial strains can be
employed which act directly on the contaminant in question, for example, strains
capable of degrading contaminants (in the case of organic pollutants), or those which
can modify the bioavailability of contaminants (e.g. through the production of
biosurfactants), thus affecting contaminant fate and/or absorption by the plant
The use of corpora and other electronic tools in historical research on translation
[EN] Translation history and historiographical approaches to translation have traditionally relied on the knowledge provided by the historical context and both contextual and paratextual features of the translated texts together with their reception. Nonetheless, only by correlating historiographical insights with empirical evidence obtained from the translated texts will it be possible to produce a coherent and sound translation history. In this line of work, technology and digital humanities offer tools to the translation historian which that can complement non-computational methods and more traditional approaches to the sources and which that can be very beneficial if implemented correctly. This chapter advocates the use of tools such as corpora derived from linguistics to complement the research carried out from a historiographical point of view, while also indicating some of their possible drawbacks or limitations. In this increasingly technological world, the translation history researcher should be aware of both the opportunities and challenges provided by these tools and embrace their use with the aim of facilitating interdisciplinary avenues and progress in the field
Translated Overseas, Manipulated in Spain:Two Argentinean Translations Facing Censorship in the Last Franco’s Years
[EN] At the end of the Spanish Civil War and with the beginning of Franco’s political regime (1939), many Spanish intellectuals went into exile in Latin America and founded publishing houses there with the idea of publishing all the material that was not allowed in their native country due to the system of censorship established by the dictator. Mexico and Argentina were the countries which established the closest links with Spain and which benefited most from the interchange of printed material that used to take place between them at the time
Master of Science
thesisOne of the major concerns of energy production is the environmental impact associated with the extraction of natural resources. Nuclear energy fuel is obtained from uranium, an abundant and naturally occurring element in the environment, but the currently used techniques for uranium extraction leave either a significant fingerprint (open pit mines) or a chemical residue that alters the pH of the environment (acid or alkali leaching). It is therefore clear that a new and greener approach to uranium extraction is needed. Bioleaching is one potential alternative. In bioleaching, complexants naturally produced from fungi or bacteria may be used to extract the uranium. In the following research, the siderophore enterobactin, which is naturally produced by bacteria to extract and solubilize iron from the environment, is evaluated to determine its potential for complexing with uranium. To determine whether enterobactin could be used for uranium extraction, its acid dissociation and its binding strength with the metal of interest must be determined. Due to the complexity of working with radioactive materials, lanthanides were used as analogs for uranium. In addition, polyprotic acids were used as structural and chemical analogs for the siderophore during method development. To evaluate the acid dissociation of enterobactin and the subsequent binding constants with lanthanides, three different analytical techniques were studied including: potentiometric titration, UltraViolet Visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometry and Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC). After evaluation of three techniques, a combination of ITC and potentiometric titrations was deemed to be the most viable way for studying the siderophore of interest. The results obtained from these studies corroborate the ideal pH range for enterobactin complexation to the lanthanide of interest and pave the way for determining the strength of complexation relative to other naturally occurring metals. Ultimately, this fundamental research enhances our current understanding of heavy metal complexation to naturally occurring complexants, which may enhance the metals mobility in the environment or potentially be used as a greener alternative in uranium extraction or remediation
Harold Robbins’ The Betsy and its Spanish translation under dictatorship: a race against censorship
[EN] Harold Robbins was one of the most prolific bestselling writers in the United States. He publishedThe Betsyin 1971 and the story quickly became a bestseller.The history of this novel within the official book control system in Spain was not an uncomplicated one: the first time the censors readit,it was in the form of a translation into Spanish that had originated in Argentina. This translation, entitledBetsy, was deemed inadmissibleby the censors, who denied its publication. However, publishers would sometimes resubmit the same book under another title or in another translation to get it published. This was the case with The Betsy, which was examined a second time by the censors and hence authorized. The story of this race against censorship is an interesting case study to understand how, in the space of three months, the book wentfrom dangerous and reprehensible to morally acceptable
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