430 research outputs found

    Note sur la place des mots

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    Cette contribution complĂšte le dossier et prĂ©sente une brĂšve rĂ©flexion sur le rĂŽle du traducteur et les difficultĂ©s propres Ă  la traduction du texte d’Eduardo Rinesi mettant en prĂ©sence trois langues.This contribution completes the special issue and presents a brief reflexion on the role of the translator while pointing to the unique difficulties of bringing together three languages in translating the work of Eduardo Rinesi

    Le fil de la ChacĂłn

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    À la fin des annĂ©es 1980, le travail de la brigade ChacĂłn consiste Ă  rĂ©diger un message politique, formulĂ© sous forme de phrase unique, laquelle Ă©tait peinte sur un rouleau de papier de grande dimension. Ce message Ă©tait ensuite dĂ©roulĂ© dans la rue et collĂ© en quelques minutes sur un mur, toujours dans des lieux stratĂ©giques, de maniĂšre Ă  ce que la phrase soit lue par le plus grand nombre de personnes possible. Au Chili, ce message politique qu’on dĂ©roule dans la rue s’appelle depuis papelĂłgrafo. Ce dossier revient sur les premiĂšres annĂ©es de la brigade et l’importance d’un corpus de plus de trois cents photographies rĂ©cemment retrouvĂ©es. Ces photographies prises par le crĂ©ateur de la ChacĂłn, Danilo Bahamondes, donnent Ă  voir les murs de Santiago et des messages rĂ©digĂ©s –peints et collĂ©s– entre 1989 et 2001.At the end of the 1980s, the work of the ChacĂłn brigade consisted of formulating a political message, articulated in a single sentence, which was painted on a large roll of paper. This message was revealed in the street and stuck to a wall in just few minutes, always in strategic places so that the sentence could be read by as many people as possible. In Chile, this form of political message that is displayed in the streets has since been called papelĂłgrafo. This article returns to the early years of the brigade and points to the importance of a recently found collection of over 300 photos of the brigade’s activities. Taken by the founder of the ChacĂłn brigade, Danilo Bahamondes, these photos document the walls of Santiago and the messages that were painted and pasted on them between 1989 and 2001

    Wat als de slachtoffers spoorloos zijn?

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    Dit artikel, gewijd aan de Chileense Vereniging van Families van Verdwenen Gevangenen, stelt de impact van de benaming van ‘slachtoffers’ in vraag tijdens en na de dictatuur (1973-1989). Er wordt in het bijzonder aandacht besteed aan de logica van acties die de families ondernamen en aan de wijze waarop zij zich opstellen als vertegenwoordiger van ‘derden’ die, in hun ogen, een politiek acteur wordt.ConsacrĂ© Ă  l’Association chilienne de Familles de DĂ©tenus-Disparus, cet article examine les enjeux de la qualification des victimes pendant et aprĂšs la dictature (1973-1989). On s’intĂ©resse en particulier aux logiques de l’action des familles et Ă  la maniĂšre dont elles se postulent d’abord comme les reprĂ©sentantes d’un tiers qui est aussi et avant tout – à leurs yeux – un acteur politique.This article deals with the Chilean association of Families of Detained Disappeared. It examines issues related to the qualification of victims during and after the dictatorship (1973-1989). Particular emphasis is laid on the actions of the families and the way they present themselves as the representatives of a third party which, for them, is first and foremost a political actor

    Dans le noir. La piĂšce qu’on ne voit pas (Bonbon acidulĂ© de Ricardo Sued )

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    NDR : Ce dossier donne Ă  entendre plusieurs voix, celle de l’auteur de la piĂšce (R. Sued), celles de ses personnages (EugĂ©nie, MarĂ­a et les autres), celle d’une spectatrice (A. GarcĂ­a Castro), celle d’un comĂ©dien et metteur en scĂšne (G. Reyna). Un mot semble nĂ©cessaire sur les conditions de travail car celles-ci renvoient, en partie, Ă  la piĂšce elle-mĂȘme et Ă  sa spĂ©cificitĂ© la plus Ă©vidente (elle se dĂ©roule dans l’obscuritĂ© et, selon le mot d’Estelle Durand, traite « de la force de la rĂ©minis..

    Enfance et dictature en Argentine : autour de l’affaire Gaspar

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    Depuis l’annĂ©e 2002, suite Ă  une dĂ©cision du Parlement argentin, la date du 24 mars est commĂ©morĂ©e en tant que « Jour National de la MĂ©moire, pour la VĂ©ritĂ© et la Justice ». C’est Ă  cette date qu’a eu lieu le coup d’État de 1976. En 2004, il a Ă©tĂ© par ailleurs dĂ©cidĂ© que ce jour-lĂ  serait fĂ©riĂ© et qu’il donnerait lieu, dans toutes les Ă©coles du pays, Ă  une cĂ©rĂ©monie de type 1, ce qui en fait l’un des Ă©vĂ©nements les plus importants au sein des Ă©tablissements scolaires. Dans la continuitĂ© de ce..

    Literal Metaphors

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    Introduction : This text was published in the magazine Cultures & Conflits in the section “Regards sur l'entre-deux” (A Look at the “Space in Between”), which the magazine dedicates to cultural and political exchange. The majority of the interviews carried out for this section have been done remotely and, additionally, have involved people who didn't know each another previously. This conversation is a little different. I met Lucía Cedrón in February 2002 ; her film En Ausencia (In Absence) h..

    La terre sous les pieds. Entretien sur l’installation « Fosse commune » et la question des disparus de la guerre civile espagnole

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    « Cependant, cela ne fait pas de doute que la sociĂ©tĂ© a besoin de constructions symboliques, et plus encore quand elle affronte des faits si difficiles Ă  assumer par la raison. Et c’est de cela dont nous allons parler aujourd’hui, demain et aprĂšs-demain. Du rĂŽle que joue ou peut jouer l’art dans un dĂ©bat plus large sur les disparus, de la possibilitĂ© de la reprĂ©sentation de l’horreur, des limites de cette reprĂ©sentation et de sa transcendance, ou de sa non-transcendance, politique, et aussi d..

    Mixed-method research protocol: Development and evaluation of a nursing intervention in patients discharged from the intensive care unit

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    Alta de la UCI; Diseño de un mĂ©todo mixto; IntervenciĂłn de enfermerĂ­aAlta de la UCI; Disseny d'un mĂštode mixt; IntervenciĂł d'infermeriaICU discharge; Mixed-method design; Nursing interventionAim (a) To understand patients’ lived experience at intensive care unit (ICU) discharge and (b) to evaluate the impact of a nursing empowerment intervention (NEI) on patients’ anxiety and depression levels at ICU discharge. Design A mixed-methods approach will be applied. Methods In the qualitative phase, the hermeneutic phenomenological method will be used. Participants will be patients from three university hospitals who will be selected by purposive sampling. Data will be gathered through in-depth interviews and analysed using content analysis. The qualitative data obtained will be employed to develop the nursing intervention. Subsequently, a multicenter, parallel-group, experimental pre-test/post-test design with a control group will be used to measure the effectiveness of the nursing empowerment intervention in the quantitative phase by means of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Simple random probabilistic sampling will include 172 patients in this phase

    Normocalcemic hyperparathyroidism, what do we know this disease?

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    La evaluaciĂłn de pacientes con niveles de PTH persistentemente elevados y concentraciones sĂ©ricas de calcio dentro de la normalidad es cada vez mĂĄs frecuente en la prĂĄctica clĂ­nica habitual. Esta situaciĂłn se conoce como hiperparatiroidismo normocalcĂ©mico, tĂ©rmino acuñado por Wills en 1962. Las evidencias existentes sobre su historia natural son escasas y sugieren una amplia heterogeneidad clĂ­nica. En esta revisiĂłn repasamos los estudios que analizan su etiopatogenia, sus posibles consecuencias clĂ­nicas y su evoluciĂłn. Asimismo destacamos la importancia del diagnĂłstico diferencial con las causas tanto habituales como poco frecuentes del hiperparatiroidismo secundario. En este sentido, la determinaciĂłn de los niveles de vitamina D es fundamental. Por Ășltimo, concluimos que, para definir esta entidad y establecer el seguimiento de estos pacientes, se precisan estudios mĂĄs amplios y diseñados especĂ­ficamente con tales fines.The evaluation of patients with persistently elevated PTH levels and normal serum calcium is increasingly common in clinical practice. This situation is known as normocalcemic hyperparathyroidism, a term coined by Wills in 1962. The existing evidence about its natural history is little and suggests a wide clinical heterogeneity. In this paper, we review studies examining its pathogenesis, clinical consequences and evolution. Also, we emphasize the importance of differential diagnosis for the common such as infrequent causes of secondary hyperparathyroidism. So, the determination of vitamin D levels is essential. Finally, we conclude that larger studies are needed to define this entity and setting up monitoring of these patients

    A simple solvothermal synthesis of MFe2O4 (M=Mn, Co and Ni) nanoparticles

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    This is the accepted manuscript of the following article: Yåñez-Vilar, S., SĂĄnchez-AndĂșjar, M., GĂłmez-Aguirre, C., Mira, J., SeñarĂ­s-RodrĂ­guez, M., & Castro-GarcĂ­a, S. (2009). A simple solvothermal synthesis of MFe2O4 (M=Mn, Co and Ni) nanoparticles. Journal Of Solid State Chemistry, 182(10), 2685-2690. doi: 10.1016/j.jssc.2009.07.028Nanoparticles of MFe2O4 (M=Mn, Co and Ni), with diameters ranging from 5 to 10 nm, have been obtained through a solvothermal method. In this synthesis, an alcohol (benzyl alcohol or hexanol) is used as both a solvent and a ligand; it is not necessary, therefore, to add a surfactant, simplifying the preparation of the dispersed particles. We have studied the influence of the synthetic conditions (temperature, time of synthesis and nature of solvent) on the quality of the obtained ferrites and on their particle size. In this last aspect, we have to highlight that the solvent plays an important role on the particle size, obtaining the smallest diameters when hexanol was used as a solvent. In addition, the magnetic properties of the obtained compounds have been studied at room temperature (RT). These compounds show a superparamagnetic behaviour, as was expected for single domain nanoparticles, and good magnetization values. The maxima magnetization values of the MFe2O4 samples are quite high for such small nanoparticles; this is closely related to the high crystallinity of the particles obtained by the solvothermal methodThe authors are grateful for financial support from the MEC of Spain (Project CSD2006-00012 of Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Programme and FPI fellowship to S. Yåñez-Vilar), from the Xunta de Galicia (Project PGIDIT06PXIB103298PR, Rede Galega de Nanomedicina and Parga Pondal Programme) and from the EU (FEDER)S
