3,926 research outputs found

    La construcción de Venus: fragmentación, montaje y despersonalización del cuerpo femenino en la estética vanguardista

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    Actas del Décimo Coloquio Internacional de la Asociación Española de Investigación de Historia de las Mujeres (AEIHM) celebrado del 17 al 19 de abril de 2002 en la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPublicad

    El Antidarwinismo en Canarias: La obra de Rafael Lorenzo y García (1876-1877)

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    One of the protagonists of the darwinist controversy in the Canary Islands (Spain), during the Nineteenth Century, was the advocate and teacher Rafael Lorenzo y García. In this paper, I show his original thought, until now unknown, against the classical darwinism and next to the fixism.Moreover I analyse the philosophical and natural constants in his Estudios filosóficos (1876 y 1877).Uno de los protagonistas de la polémica darwinista en las Islas Canarias, durante el siglo XIX, fue el abogado y profesor Rafael Lorenzo y García. En el presente, se muestra su original pensamiento, hasta ahora inédito, contrario al darwinismo clásico y muy próximo al fijismo. Además se analizan las constantes filosóficas y naturales de sus Estudios filosóficos (1876 y 1877)

    La prensa médica en Canarias: la revista La medicina canaria en el período de entreguerras (1925-1931)

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    La prensa científica en las Islas Canarias comenzó prácticamente con el siglo XX. La aparición de las revistas médicas especializadas marca el inicio de la divulgación de las nuevas técnicas terapéuticas y, sobre todo, supone el mejor medio de comunicación y actualización entre los profesionales de la medicina. La Medicina Canaria es una de las revistas de semejante proceso, con un desarrollo, temporal y temático, interesante para la historia de la ciencia, además de ofrecer el estado de la medicina y la higiene pública durante el período de entreguerras en las islas. De origen tinerfeño, extendió su ámbito de referencia al archipiélago en conjunto. En el presente, se somete a estudio los números conservados y se descubre su importancia histórica tanto en el plano divulgativo como en el médico.The scientific press in the Canary Islands (Spain) began practically in the Twentieth Century. The rise of medical reviews is the initial mark of the divulgation of new therapeutical techniques and, for all, the communication meeting point and improvement among the professionals. La Medicina Canaria is one of reviews which describes this process, with an interesting historical development —temporal and thematical— during the interwars period in the islands. From Tenerife, it was followed by the major part of physicians and well read people in the archipelago. In this paper, I study the conserved numbers of review and discover their historical importance, divulgative as much as medical

    Estudio clínico de un brote de peritonitis infecciosa felina

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    Se describe un brote de peritonitis infecciosa felina (P.L.F) en una comunidad de 6 gatos. La baja prevalencia de la enfermedad, la inespecificidad de sus síntomas y la complejidad del diagnóstico dieron como resultado que sólo se detectase la enfermedad en e! estudio ana tomo patológico post-mortern del primer caso. Posteriormente, este diagnóstico se confirmó mediante necropsia y análisishistopatológico de otro de los gatos que contrajeron la enfermedad. No se ha encontrado ninguna referencia anterior de esta enfermedad en España, por lo que creemos que se trata de la primera descripción de P.L.F en nuestro país.An outbreak offeline infectious peritonitis (F.l.P.) is described in a community of six cats. The low prevalence of the disease, the non-specific nature of its symptoms and the complexity of diagnosis gave, as their result, that it could only be detected in the post-mortem anatornical-pathological study of the first case. Later on, this diagnosis was supported by means of the necropsy and histopathological analysis of one of the other cats that caught the disease. No previous reference to this disease has been found in Spain, due to which we belieue this may be considered as thefirst description of Feline Infectious Peritonitis in our country

    Health state perception of people close to retirement age: Relationship with lifestyle habits and subjects’ characteristics

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    Aim: Societal ageing increases the need for correct and healthy ageing to ensure the well-being of older adults. Practical strategies are needed to acquire healthy habits for the ageing process. This study aims to analyse the lifestyle habits of subjects who are retired or close to retirement and identify factors that could influence their perceived health and that could be related to these habits. Methods: A Spanish observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study of subjects close to retirement-age. Socio-demographic, family, work, leisure, social, and clinical-psychological indicators were evaluated. Results: 1,700 participants (581 employed; 714 retirees; 405 other-status) were included, average age 63 years, 52% women. Most reported a satisfactory social life (90%), were in live-in relationships (74%), non-smoking (80%), followed a Mediterranean diet (73%), and took medicines daily (70%). Perceived health (EQ-VAS) was 75.9/100, with low disability (12-WHODAS) (7.4/ 100) and moderate/severe depression. Women reported higher disability (p < 0.001) and depression (p < 0.001), a better social life, and healthier lifestyle, but lower physical/work activity. Retirees reported less depression, better social life, healthier lifestyle, higher physical/work activity, and better sleeping habits. The multivariate model showed a significant association of health-status with disability level, number of chronic diseases, sleep habits, exercise, diet, and alcohol consumption. When depression level was introduced, age and being a woman were also related. Conclusions: Retirement does not mean worse health but rather an opportunity to reinforce favourable health activities and improve lifestyle factors. Incorporating the differences related to gender and employment status in health-perception will facilitate the design of healthy ageing strategie

    Construction of higher-order curl-conforming finite elements and its assembly

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    Different choices are available when constructing vector finite element bases in real coordinates. In this communication, two different designs of higher-order curl-conforming basis functions are introduced and explained, showing the particularities of its assembly. Tetrahedra and hexahedra are used as element shapes to assess the effect of triangular and quadrilateral faces on the two considered constructions of basis functions. A comparison of their robustness in terms of the condition number of the finite element matrices for a number of distortions is includedMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Grant/Award Numbers: TEC2013- 47753-C3, TEC2016-80386-P; Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Grant/Award Number: FPU14/0374

    Adaptive Semi-Structured Mesh Refinement Techniques for the Finite Element Method

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    The adaptive mesh techniques applied to the Finite Element Method have continuously been an active research line. However, these techniques are usually applied to tetrahedra. Here, we use the triangular prismatic element as the discretization shape for a Finite Element Method code with adaptivity. The adaptive process consists of three steps: error estimation, marking, and refinement. We adapt techniques already applied for other shapes to the triangular prisms, showing the differences here in detail. We use five different marking strategies, comparing the results obtained with different parameters. We adapt these strategies to a conformation process necessary to avoid hanging nodes in the resulting mesh. We have also applied two special rules to ensure the quality of the refined mesh. We show the effect of these rules with the Method of Manufactured Solutions and numerical results to validate the implementation introduced.This work has been financially supported by TEC2016-80386-

    Fostering Sport Activities Among Elders

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    El objetivo de este artículo es definir los segmentos de demanda de actividades físico-deportivas de los hombres y mujeres mayores en España. En particular, el estudio realizado se ha centrado en las personas mayores que “no practican, pero desean practicar”, en las diferencias de género existentes en las actividades demandadas y en sus características organizativas. Para la obtención de la información empírica, se ha realizado una encuesta a una muestra de mujeres y varones mayores de 65 años de toda España. Los resultados revelan diferencias de género en las actividades demandadas, espacios y modo de organización de la actividad, que quizás configuren lo que podría denominarse como una cultura deportiva femenina de las mujeres mayores. Estas diferencias pueden ser tomadas como elementos de referencia, para que las organizaciones deportivas incorporen adecuadamente a este segmento sus ofertas. Ello facilitaría el acceso a la práctica deportiva a aquellas mujeres y hombres mayores que no practican, pero que desean practicar.The purpose of this article is to define the existing different segments in the demands for physical activity among elders in Spain, both men and women. Those men and women who do not practice physical activity, but would like to do so, show clearly defined gender differences regarding the demanded activities and in the organizational characteristics. The quantitative methodology used has been a survey, based on a questionnaire, using a random sample, for Spanish persons above 65 years of age. The results show gender differences in the demanded activities, the places and the organizational aspects of the activity. This probably forms what might be labeled as a “feminine culture in sports” among the older women. Those differences can be considered as key elements for the sports organizations in order to incorporate adequately and facilitate the access to the practice of sports for those women and men who do not practice but would like to do so