1,383 research outputs found

    VSD-MOEA: A Dominance-Based Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm with Explicit Variable Space Diversity Management

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    Most state-of-the-art Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms (moeas) promote the preservation of diversity of objective function space but neglect the diversity of decision variable space. The aim of this article is to show that explicitly managing the amount of diversity maintained in the decision variable space is useful to increase the quality of moeas when taking into account metrics of the objective space. Our novel Variable Space Diversity-based MOEA (vsd-moea) explicitly considers the diversity of both decision variable and objective function space. This information is used with the aim of properly adapting the balance between exploration and intensification during the optimization process. Particularly, at the initial stages, decisions made by the approach are more biased by the information on the diversity of the variable space, whereas it gradually grants more importance to the diversity of objective function space as the evolution progresses. The latter is achieved through a novel density estimator. The new method is compared with state-of-art moeas using several benchmarks with two and three objectives. This novel proposal yields much better results than state-of-the-art schemes when considering metrics applied on objective function space, exhibiting a more stable and robust behavior


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      Las vulcanitas neógenas aflorantes al sur de la latitud 2°N en el valle superior del Magdalena, en el departamento del Huila y NW del departamento del Putumayo, conforman un retro-arco volcánico con conos y anillos piroclásticos, generalmente monogenéticos con flujos de lava asociados de extensión variable y depósitos de caída piroclásticos. La composición de las vulcanitas según el diagrama TAS varía entre basanitas, basaltos alcalinos, nefelinitas, traquiandesitas y en menor proporción andesitas basálticas. Para enmarcar el vulcanismo se compara su geoquímica con la de los volcanes cuaternarios calcoalcalinos que forman el arco frontal volcánico más sur en Colombia (volcanes Chiles, Cumbal, Azufral, Galeras, Bordoncillo - Campanero y Doña Juana). Estas vulcanitas alcalinas de retro-arco son mayoritariamente de carácter alcalino, con contenido de TiO2 entre 1,24 y 2.46% y los diagramas Harker con respecto a SiO2 presentan tendencias similares a las encontradas en basaltos tipo OIB, especialmente comparables con las rocas volcánicas de la Provincia Volcánica Central Europea. Este vulcanismo sería el efecto de la colisión del Ridge de Carnegie desde hace 8 Ma en el S de Colombia, al que estaba acoplado el Rift de Malpelo contra la trinchera colombiana, este choque permitió la formación de una ventana astenosférica (slab window) dentro de la placa subducente, Placa de Nazca, que permitió que una cuña del manto astenosférico se percolara a través de ella y fuera la fuente para los magmas tipo OIB del retro-arco del Sur de Colombia. El acople de este ridge modificó la estructura geodinámica del Sur de Colombia y del Norte de Ecuador evidenciada por el fuerte contraste entre el vulcanismo de los volcanes del Sur de Colombia y la continuidad del arco frontal hacia el Ecuador.   Palabras Clave: Vulcanismo alcalino, sur de Colombia, Ridge de Carnegie, Rift de Malpelo, retro-arco.        The Neogene volcanism outcropping to the south of 2°N Latitude at the Upper Magdalena Valley in the Huila department and the Northwestern of Putumayo department (Colombia) defines a volcanic back-arc with monogenetic pyroclastic cones and rings associated to lava flows and pyroclastic fall deposits. The composition according to the TAS classification include basanites, alkaline basalts, nephelinites, trachyandesites, and in lesser proportion basaltic andesites. The back-arc volcanism was geochemically compared with the calc-alkaline Quaternary volcanoes that define the southern Colombian front arc (Chiles, Cumbal, Azufral, Galeras, Bordoncillo - Campanero y Doña Juana volcanoes). The alkaline volcanism has contents of TiO2 from 1,24 to 2.46% in wt. and the distribution tendency of major elements in the Harker diagrams is similar to the OIB-Type basalts, especially comparable to the volcanic rocks of the Central European Volcanic Province. This volcanism is possibly the result of the Carnegie Ridge collision since 8 Ma, with the Malpelo Rift coupled, against the Colombian Trench. This collision permitted the formation of slab window into the subducted Nazca plate, where the astenopheric mantle passes through of this window and possibly was the source of the OIB-type magmas in the Southern Colombia. This collision modified the geodynamic structure of this area evidenced by the strong change in style of the front arc in the southern Colombia and the northern Equator.   Keywords: Alkaline volcanism, Southern Colombia, Carnegie Ridge, Malpelo Rift, Back-arc


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      Las vulcanitas neógenas aflorantes al sur de la latitud 2°N en el valle superior del Magdalena, en el departamento del Huila y NW del departamento del Putumayo, conforman un retro-arco volcánico con conos y anillos piroclásticos, generalmente monogenéticos con flujos de lava asociados de extensión variable y depósitos de caída piroclásticos. La composición de las vulcanitas según el diagrama TAS varía entre basanitas, basaltos alcalinos, nefelinitas, traquiandesitas y en menor proporción andesitas basálticas. Para enmarcar el vulcanismo se compara su geoquímica con la de los volcanes cuaternarios calcoalcalinos que forman el arco frontal volcánico más sur en Colombia (volcanes Chiles, Cumbal, Azufral, Galeras, Bordoncillo - Campanero y Doña Juana). Estas vulcanitas alcalinas de retro-arco son mayoritariamente de carácter alcalino, con contenido de TiO2 entre 1,24 y 2.46% y los diagramas Harker con respecto a SiO2 presentan tendencias similares a las encontradas en basaltos tipo OIB, especialmente comparables con las rocas volcánicas de la Provincia Volcánica Central Europea. Este vulcanismo sería el efecto de la colisión del Ridge de Carnegie desde hace 8 Ma en el S de Colombia, al que estaba acoplado el Rift de Malpelo contra la trinchera colombiana, este choque permitió la formación de una ventana astenosférica (slab window) dentro de la placa subducente, Placa de Nazca, que permitió que una cuña del manto astenosférico se percolara a través de ella y fuera la fuente para los magmas tipo OIB del retro-arco del Sur de Colombia. El acople de este ridge modificó la estructura geodinámica del Sur de Colombia y del Norte de Ecuador evidenciada por el fuerte contraste entre el vulcanismo de los volcanes del Sur de Colombia y la continuidad del arco frontal hacia el Ecuador.   Palabras Clave: Vulcanismo alcalino, sur de Colombia, Ridge de Carnegie, Rift de Malpelo, retro-arco.        The Neogene volcanism outcropping to the south of 2°N Latitude at the Upper Magdalena Valley in the Huila department and the Northwestern of Putumayo department (Colombia) defines a volcanic back-arc with monogenetic pyroclastic cones and rings associated to lava flows and pyroclastic fall deposits. The composition according to the TAS classification include basanites, alkaline basalts, nephelinites, trachyandesites, and in lesser proportion basaltic andesites. The back-arc volcanism was geochemically compared with the calc-alkaline Quaternary volcanoes that define the southern Colombian front arc (Chiles, Cumbal, Azufral, Galeras, Bordoncillo - Campanero y Doña Juana volcanoes). The alkaline volcanism has contents of TiO2 from 1,24 to 2.46% in wt. and the distribution tendency of major elements in the Harker diagrams is similar to the OIB-Type basalts, especially comparable to the volcanic rocks of the Central European Volcanic Province. This volcanism is possibly the result of the Carnegie Ridge collision since 8 Ma, with the Malpelo Rift coupled, against the Colombian Trench. This collision permitted the formation of slab window into the subducted Nazca plate, where the astenopheric mantle passes through of this window and possibly was the source of the OIB-type magmas in the Southern Colombia. This collision modified the geodynamic structure of this area evidenced by the strong change in style of the front arc in the southern Colombia and the northern Equator.   Keywords: Alkaline volcanism, Southern Colombia, Carnegie Ridge, Malpelo Rift, Back-arc

    Parallel Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) are powerful search techniques that have been extensively used to solve difficult problems in a wide variety of disciplines. However, they can be very demanding in terms of computational resources. Parallel implementations of MOEAs (pMOEAs) provide considerable gains regarding performance and scalability and, therefore, their relevance in tackling computationally expensive applications. This paper presents a survey of pMOEAs, describing a refined taxonomy, an up-to-date review of methods and the key contributions to the field. Furthermore, some of the open questions that require further research are also briefly discussed

    Gestational hypothyroxinemia affects its offspring with a reduced suppressive capacity impairing the outcome of the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

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    Indexación: Scopus.Hypothyroxinemia (Hpx) is a thyroid hormone deficiency (THD) condition highly frequent during pregnancy, which although asymptomatic for the mother, it can impair the cognitive function of the offspring. Previous studies have shown that maternal hypothyroidism increases the severity of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an autoimmune disease model for multiple sclerosis (MS). Here, we analyzed the immune response after EAE induction in the adult offspring gestated in Hpx. Mice gestated in Hpx showed an early appearance of EAE symptoms and the increase of all parameters of the disease such as: the pathological score, spinal cord demyelination, and immune cell infiltration in comparison to the adult offspring gestated in euthyroidism. Isolated CD4+CD25+ T cells from spleen of the offspring gestated in Hpx that suffer EAE showed reduced capacity to suppress proliferation of effector T cells (TEff) after being stimulated with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies. Moreover, adoptive transfer experiments of CD4+CD25+ T cells from the offspring gestated in Hpx suffering EAE to mice that were induced with EAE showed that the receptor mice suffer more intense EAE pathological score. Even though, no significant differences were detected in the frequency of Treg cells and IL-10 content in the blood, spleen, and brain between mice gestated in Hpx or euthyroidism, T cells CD4+CD25+ from spleen have reduced capacity to differentiate in vitro to Treg and to produce IL-10. Thus, our data support the notion that maternal Hpx can imprint the immune response of the offspring suffering EAE probably due to a reduced capacity to trigger suppression. Such "imprints" on the immune system could contribute to explaining as to why adult offspring gestated in Hpx suffer earlier and more intense EAE. © 2018 Haensgen, Albornoz, Opazo, Bugueño, Jara Fernández, Binzberger, Rivero-Castillo, Venegas Salas, Simon, Cabello-Verrugio, Elorza, Kalergis, Bueno and Riedel.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2018.01257/ful

    Influencia del tiempo de maduración en la calidad nutricional de ensilajes con forrajes arbóreos

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    This work was conducted at the Universidad de los Llanos located on the Barcelona hamlet, Meta Department, Colombia. In this investigation was evaluated the nutritional quality of silages prepared with forage trees: Cratylia argentea, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Trychanthera gigantea and Tithonia diversifolia. The species were sown in plots, and then made a pruning and were harvested 60 days after which leaves were kept silages 5 kg, leaving four periods of maturation (0, 30, 60, 90 days). The silage was analyzed in the Laboratory of Animal Nutrition: dry matter (DM), ash, fat, protein, crude fiber (CF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), nitrogen joined FDN (NFDN), cellulose, and lignin. Cratylia, argentea (32.6%) was produced more dry matter than Tithonia diversifolia (30%), Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (28.5%) and Trychanthera gigantea (25%). Although there was an increase of DM with increasing the retention period of silage (0, 30, 60 and 90) as increases FDN, FDA and lignin in these four forage species too. The protein in the four species decreased with longer maturity of these forage silage, this reduction was greater in Cratylia argentea (8.2%) compared with others: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (6%), Trychanthera gigantea (6%) and Tithonia diversifolia (4%).Este trabajo se realizó en la Universidad de los Llanos ubicada en el Km 12 vía Puerto López en la Vereda Barcelona, Departamento Meta, Colombia. Se evaluó la calidad nutricional de ensilajes de cuatro especies forrajeras preparados con las siguientes especies: veranera (Cratylia argéntea), Cayeno (Hibiscus-rosa-sinensis) nacedero (Trychanthera gigantea) y Botón de oro (Titonia diversifolia). Las especies se sembraron en parcelas, y después se realizó una poda y 60 días después se cosecharon sus hojas las cuales fueron conservadas en microsilos de 5 kilogramos, dejando cuatro periodos de maduración (0, 30, 60, 90 días). Los ensilajes fueron analizados en el Laboratorio de Nutrición Animal: materia seca (MS), cenizas, grasa, proteína, fibra cruda (FC), fibra detergente neutro (FDN), fibra detergente ácido (FDA), nitrógeno adherido a FDN (NFDN), celulosa, y lignina. La especie que más materia seca produjo fue la veranera 32.6% seguida de botón de oro (30%), cayeno (28,5%) nacedero (25%). Aunque se observó un aumento de la MS a medida que aumentaba el tiempo de maduración del ensilaje (0, 30, 60 y 90). También se mostraron incrementos a medida que el forraje maduraba la FDN, FDA y la lignina en estas cuatro especies forrajeras. El porcentaje de proteína en las cuatro especies decreció con mayor tiempo de maduración del ensilaje de estas forrajeras, esta reducción fue mayor en la veranera (8.2%) en comparación con las demás: cayeno (6%), cajeto (6%) y botón de oro (4%)

    The effect of sintering temperature on the properties of the BiOCl films for potential application in DSSC

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    In this work, BiOCl films were obtained by tape casting using BiOCl powders synthesized by the co-precipitation method. The effect of the film's sintering temperature (300 °C–600 °C) on the morphology, chemical composition, crystalline phases and optical characteristics was studied. The obtained BiOCl powders showed a flake-like morphology, a tetragonal crystalline structure without secondary phases and a wide band gap of 3.53 eV. For BiOCl films, results indicated that as the sintering temperature increased the flake-like shaped particles changed to rectangular ones while the amount of chlorine in the films decreased. A phase transition from tetragonal BiOCl to monoclinic Bi24O31Cl10 was also observed as the sintering temperature increased. Consequently, optical studies revealed that the band gap of BiOCl films decreased from 3.03 eV to 2.82 eV. FTIR analysis demonstrated that the organic groups were removed from the films only for sintering temperatures above 400 °C. The Rhodamine B dye adsorption capacity of BiOCl films decreased with increasing sintering temperature. The results obtained allow us to conclude that BiOCl films are suitable for use in DSSC when the sintering temperature is in the range of 400–500 °C

    Turnover time of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the dark global ocean

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    Research articleMarine dissolved organic matter (DOM) is one of the largest reservoirs of reduced carbon on Earth. In the dark ocean (4200 m), most of this carbon is refractory DOM. This refractory DOM, largely produced during microbial mineralization of organic matter, includes humic-like substances generated in situ and detectable by fluorescence spectroscopy. Here we show two ubiquitous humic-like fluorophores with turnover times of 435±41 and 610±55 years, which persist significantly longer than the B350 years that the dark global ocean takes to renew. In parallel, decay of a tyrosine-like fluorophore with a turnover time of 379±103 years is also detected. We propose the use of DOM fluorescence to study the cycling of resistant DOM that is preserved at centennial timescales and could represent a mechanism of carbon sequestration (humic-like fraction) and the decaying DOM injected into the dark global ocean, where it decreases at centennial timescales (tyrosine-like fraction).Versión del editor10,015

    Dynamic heterogeneities in the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of simple spherical spin models

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    The response of spherical two-spin interaction models, the spherical ferromagnet (s-FM) and the spherical Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (s-SK) model, is calculated for the protocol of the so-called nonresonant hole burning experiment (NHB) for temperatures below the respective critical temperatures. It is shown that it is possible to select dynamic features in the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of both models, one of the hallmarks of dynamic heterogeneities. The behavior of the s-SK model and the s-FM in three dimensions is very similar, showing dynamic heterogeneities in the long time behavior, i.e. in the aging regime. The appearence of dynamic heterogeneities in the s-SK model explicitly demonstrates that these are not necessarily related to {\it spatial} heterogeneities. For the s-FM it is shown that the nature of the dynamic heterogeneities changes as a function of dimensionality. With incresing dimension the frequency selectivity of the NHB diminishes and the dynamics in the mean-field limit of the s-FM model becomes homogeneous.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Normal Faults on Ceres: Insights Into the Mechanical Properties and Thermal History of Nar Sulcus

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    We characterized two sets of extensional faults that comprise the Nar Sulcus region of Ceres by applying a cantilever model for fault related flexure and derived flexural rigidity values for Nar Sulcus between 2.0 · 10E15 and 1.8 · 10E16 N·m. This range of flexural rigidity makes Nar Sulcus mechanically akin to extensional structures on Ganymede, Europa, and Enceladus. We combine these observations with an inferred strength profile for the upper mechanical layer of Ceres and estimate its thickness to be 2.9–9.5 km. Surface heat fluxes at Nar Sulcus during its formation were likely ≥10 mW/m2 for estimated strain rates of 10E−17–10E−14 sE−1, which is at least one order of magnitude larger than the current estimated global average. For geologically plausible heat fluxes between 10 and 100 mW/m2, we estimate an upper bound of ~30 vol.% mechanically silicate‐like phases in the near surface at Nar Sulcus, neglecting the effects of porosity