3,955 research outputs found


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    Ha llovido demasiado y presiento que pronto alguien subirá al zarzo a ver  dónde está la gotera que amenaza con borrarme para siempre, pero no me voy a dejar. No hace mucho noté que me iba por el cielorraso creando una mancha negra. Ayer escuché que subían por las escaleras del zarzo. Pensé que se trataba de mi hijo o quizás mi nieto aunque los pasos eran débiles. Se acercaba el ruido y descubrí que era una voz juvenil. De pronto, me giraron brusca y repentinamente. Ya estoy viejo para que me zarandeen, grité. La mano me soltó. Un joven buscó con la mirada el lugar de dónde provenía la voz. Desconcertado, se agachó. Entonces se me ocurrió hacer una jugarreta, así que pregunté: ¿Quién está aquí? El chico respondió ¿Quién eres? Le dije que mirara al piso. Asustado todavía, murmuró, ¿Qué…? Volví a decirle que mirara y lentamente comenzó a inspeccionar

    The early evolutionary history of neo-sex chromosomes in Neotropical grasshoppers, Boliviacris noroestensis (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Melanoplinae)

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    Neo-sex chromosomes are an important component of chromosome variation in Orthoptera, particularly South American Melanoplinae species, which have proven to be outstanding experimental model system to study the mechanism of sex chromosome evolution in this group of insects. In terms of their origin, most derived sex chromosome mechanisms involve a Robertsonian fusion (i.e. translocation) between the ancestral X chromosome and an autosome. In the grasshopper, Boliviacris noroestensis Ronderos & Cigliano (1990) (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Melanoplinae), our results point to a small degree of differentiation (conserved homology between the XR arm and the neo-Y) of the neo-XY chromosomes, which may be of recent evolutionary origin. However, a simple centric fusion model does not explain their origin, mainly because of the observed reduction in the fundamental number (FN) of arms. We propose two models which, we hope, clarify the genesis of B. noroestensis neo-sex chromosomes. Records of karyotype variation in related species due to multiple rearrangements support our models. We propose a possible adaptive advantage for neo-sex chromosome carriers, such changes perhaps representing the primary force that increases their frequency within natural populations compared with non-fused translocated forms, and occurring without apparent detriment to the microevolutionary forces that may also act, at least at the beginning of the evolutionary history of individuals bearing such neo-sex chromosomes.Fil: Castillo, Elio Rodrigo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas; ArgentinaFil: Taffarel, Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas; ArgentinaFil: Marti, Dardo Andrea. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas | Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Instituto de Biología Subtropical. Instituto de Biología Subtropical - Nodo Posadas; Argentin

    Environmental impact assessment of solar and wind energy in abiotic of Colombia

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    En el siguiente artículo se realiza la evaluación del impacto ambiental del uso de energía eólica y solar de en los suelos, aire y agua de acuerdo al contexto social, económico y ecosistémico Colombiano. Lo anterior se realiza mediante una matriz de valoración de impactos ambientales donde en el eje horizontal se ubicaron las categorías ambientales afectas y en el eje vertical los impactos ambientales más relevantes según su grado de importancia en los proyectos ya ejecutado. Luego se realizó el análisis individual de los resultados obtenidos del uso de este tipo de energía renovable en sus fases de construcción y operación.In the following article describe the assessment of the environmental impact of the use of wind and solar energy in the soil, air, and water according to the context of the social, economic and Colombian ecosystem. This is done through a rubric of environmental impacts on the horizontal axis where the affected environmental categories were located on the vertical axis and the most relevant environmental impacts according to their degree of importance in the projects already implemented. After the individual analysis of the results obtained from the use of this type of renewable energy in its phases of construction and operation was performe

    Restructuración y mejoramiento de espacios democráticos para el arraigo y cohesión social

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    Artículo científicoEl proyecto parte de la necesidad de generar alternativas para espacios democráticos, convirtiéndose así en un punto de referencia para la comunidad. La concepción y materialización del proyecto exige trabajo de arquitectura participativa y reutilización de espacios degradados, transformándolos en la posibilidad de contar con un sitio de descanso, para el encuentro y el disfrute colectivo, generando condiciones para dinámicas sociales que inviten a nuevas formas de convivencia y en las comunidades. Se aborda en una primera etapa, la problemática de borde periurbano y su influencia en el planteamiento proyectual, esto, en aspectos urbanos, ambientales, y de orden cultural, en búsqueda de dar respuesta a las necesidades del barrio Egipto (Bogotá); el cual, se muestra ante la ciudad como parte de la estructura ecológica principal.1 INTRODUCCIÓN 2 METODOLOGÍA 3 RESULTADOS 4 DISCUSIÓN 5 CONCLUSIONES REFERENCIASPregradoArquitect

    Análisis farmacoterapéutico del uso de duloxetina como coadyuvante del dolor en pacientes ambulatorios con dolor neuropático, del Hospital Clínico Mutual de Seguridad.

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    Tesis (Químico Farmacéutico)Dolor neuropático es una afección neurológica que aparece como consecuencia de alteraciones del sistema nervioso, tanto periférico como central. Los tratamientos para el síndrome de dolor neuropático siguen siendo una fuente de frustración para los pacientes y los especialistas en el dolor ya que muy pocos tratamientos han demostrado ser eficaces. Gran parte de los tratamientos que se ofrecen actualmente a los pacientes se basan en la experiencia clínica del médico y en tratamientos empíricos. Duloxetina es un fármaco utilizado en psiquiatría como antidepresivo y del cual existen algunos estudios preliminares que han demostrado su utilidad en el manejo del dolor neuropático. En el Hospital Clínico Mutual de Seguridad se utiliza como tratamiento estándar para el dolor neuropático la pregabalina. Objetivo principal: Determinar la efectividad de duloxetina adicionada al tratamiento estándar con pregabalina en la disminución del dolor neuropático en pacientes ambulatorios del Hospital c1úiico Mutual de Seguridad (CChC). Método: Este es un estudio observacional retrospectivo en el cual se evaluó la efectividad de duloxetina como coadyuvante del dolor en pacientes con dolor neuropático. Se realizó una revisión de fichas clínicas utilizando el sistema Medisyn. Se obtuvo información del diagnóstico médico del paciente y los fármacos prescritos. Se utilizó como instrumento de cuantificación del dolor la escala visual análoga (BVA), obtenida en las fichas clínicas, fueron incluidos 50 pacientes aplicando los criterios de inclusión y exclusión del estudio

    Short Neuropeptide F Receptor in the Worker Brain of the Red Imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) and Methodology for RNA Interference

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    The red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) is one of the worst invasive species in the United States. Investigating their physiology to understand its molecular basis could lead to the discovery of new gene targets for fire ant control. Neuropeptides are involved in the regulation of important physiological processes, and in insects the short neuropeptide F (sNPF) plays an important role as regulator of feeding, and involved in mechanisms of nutrient sensing, growth and reproduction. This study is focused into unveiling the physiological role of the sNPF and its receptor (sNPFR) in fire ants. In workers, we found a total of nine clusters of immunoreactive-sNPFR cells located near important neuropiles in the brain. These sNPFR-expressing cells are sensitive to the presence/absent of brood, perhaps in correlation with changes in the nutritional status of the colony. Also, these cell clusters are differentially expressed among worker subcastes, suggesting the sNPF/sNPFR pathway could be associated with mechanisms of division of labor. To discover where sNPF is synthesized, we attempted to localize the sNPF-expressing cells in the brain of queens and workers through in situ hybridization, unfortunately without success; thus, the site of synthesis of sNPF in the brain still remains unknown. Finally, we tried to elucidate the role of the sNPFR in social context by silencing its gene expression trough feeding of dsRNA using small laboratory colonies. We found differential effects when delivering the sNPFR-dsRNA through heat-killed dsRNA-producing bacteria or by delivering dsRNA purified from these bacterial cultures. Also, the type of food used as carrier and the concentration of dsRNA were crucial for gene silencing success. Our results showed that feeding a large concentration of dsRNA in liquid and solid foods is required to induce RNAi in the queen midgut; and that the silencing of the sNPFR in this organ did not induce mortality in these queens, but instead it appears to increase larval mortality. In summary, our results are consistent with the sNPF/sNPFR signaling pathway in fire ants being involved in the regulation of division of labor and in sensing the nutritional status, and suggest its function is fundamental for larval development

    Short Neuropeptide F Receptor in the Worker Brain of the Red Imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) and Methodology for RNA Interference

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    The red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) is one of the worst invasive species in the United States. Investigating their physiology to understand its molecular basis could lead to the discovery of new gene targets for fire ant control. Neuropeptides are involved in the regulation of important physiological processes, and in insects the short neuropeptide F (sNPF) plays an important role as regulator of feeding, and involved in mechanisms of nutrient sensing, growth and reproduction. This study is focused into unveiling the physiological role of the sNPF and its receptor (sNPFR) in fire ants. In workers, we found a total of nine clusters of immunoreactive-sNPFR cells located near important neuropiles in the brain. These sNPFR-expressing cells are sensitive to the presence/absent of brood, perhaps in correlation with changes in the nutritional status of the colony. Also, these cell clusters are differentially expressed among worker subcastes, suggesting the sNPF/sNPFR pathway could be associated with mechanisms of division of labor. To discover where sNPF is synthesized, we attempted to localize the sNPF-expressing cells in the brain of queens and workers through in situ hybridization, unfortunately without success; thus, the site of synthesis of sNPF in the brain still remains unknown. Finally, we tried to elucidate the role of the sNPFR in social context by silencing its gene expression trough feeding of dsRNA using small laboratory colonies. We found differential effects when delivering the sNPFR-dsRNA through heat-killed dsRNA-producing bacteria or by delivering dsRNA purified from these bacterial cultures. Also, the type of food used as carrier and the concentration of dsRNA were crucial for gene silencing success. Our results showed that feeding a large concentration of dsRNA in liquid and solid foods is required to induce RNAi in the queen midgut; and that the silencing of the sNPFR in this organ did not induce mortality in these queens, but instead it appears to increase larval mortality. In summary, our results are consistent with the sNPF/sNPFR signaling pathway in fire ants being involved in the regulation of division of labor and in sensing the nutritional status, and suggest its function is fundamental for larval development

    Characterization of a \u3ci\u3eHelicobacter pylori\u3c/i\u3e Small RNA by RT-PCR

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    Helicobacter pylori, a bacterial gastric pathogen infecting approximately 50% of the human population, produces gastritis, ulcers, and gastric cancers. Colonizing the inhospitable and fluctuating environment in the stomach requires tight genetic control. However, H. pylori lacks many genetic regulatory elements present in other bacteria to control gene expression. Instead, over 200 small RNAs (sRNAs; noncoding RNAs shorter than 300 nucleotides) have been found in this bacterium, but few have been fully characterized. Of those, many are antisense to virulence genes. Characterizing these sRNAs is important in understanding the mechanisms of molecular genetics and potentially supporting medical management of this pathogen. In the current study, a previously identified but as-yet uncharacterized sRNA was analyzed through reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) utilizing primer walking, a technique employing custom oligonucleotides to experimentally determine the beginning and end regions of a transcript. RT-PCR results are unclear, representing longer-than-expected transcripts of variable lengths. This sRNA occurs downstream of another predicted sRNA. The results may represent two overlapping (possibly rather large) transcripts. Future work includes RT-PCR of two other antisense sRNAs and Northern blotting to analyze the size and gene boundaries of these sRNAs. Total results will explicate these three sRNAs and provide a foundation for further inquiry into the regulatory role these small but impactful molecules play in H. pylori

    The mall as a public space: the Case of La Florida, Santiago

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    La Florida, en Santiago de Chile, es un barrio de “clase media emergente” que ha crecido rápidamente durante los últimos años. Actualmente, es dentro del Mall donde sucede la mayor parte de la “vida pública”, recreación y ocio de los residentes de La Florida, quienes son particularmente atraídos por este espacio público de consumo. Este fenómeno se vuelve visible al comparar los [verdaderos] espacios públicos en La Florida—calles, veredas, plazas y parques—con el espacio público ficticio del mall. Dentro del Mall todo está limpio y lleno de vida, sin embargo, inmediatamente fuera del Mall, las calles de La Florida están deficientemente mantenidas y carecen de vida pública. Más aún, existen dinámicas de clase e identidad social detrás de este fenómeno. Este paper apunta a esbozar una teoría que responda la siguiente pregunta: ¿Por qué es el Mall el espacio [privado de uso] público más exitoso en La Florida?La Florida, in Santiago de Chile, is an “emergent middle class” neighborhood and is one of the fastest-densifying areas in Santiago. Currently, most “public life” and leisure time of La Florida’s citizens happens in the Mall. People of La Florida are deeply attracted to this public space of consumption. This phenomenon becomes visible when comparing the physical quality of the [actual] public spaces of the neighborhood—the streets, sidewalks, plazas and parks—with this fictitious public space: the privately owned streets of the mall. Inside the Mall, everything is clean and full of life. However, immediately outside the Mall, La Florida streets are in poor condition, and lack of public life. Moreover, there are certain class and social identity dynamics behind this phenomenon. This paper aims to outline a theory answering the following question: why is the mall the most successful [privately owned] public space in La Florida?Peer Reviewe

    Power-Aware Logical Topology Design Heuristics in Wavelength-Routing Networks

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    Abstract—Wavelength-Routing (WR) networks are the most common solution for core networks. With the access segment moving from copper to Passive Optical Networks (PON), core networks will become one of the major culprits of Internet power consumption. However, WR networks offer some design flexibility which can be exploited to mitigate their energy requirements. One of the main steps which has to be faced in designing WR networks is the planning of the Logical Topology (LT) starting from the matrix of traffic requests. In this paper, we propose a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) formulation to find power-wise optimal LTs. In addition, due to the complexity of the MILP approach we propose a greedy heuristic and a genetic algorithm (GA) ensuring performance close to the one achieved by the MILP formulation. I