272 research outputs found

    La podoposturología y el rendimiento escolar

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    Treball Final de Grau de Podologia, Escola Universitària d'Infermeria, Universitat de Barcelona, curs: 2014-2015, Tutor: J. Ignasi Beltrán RuizEl presente trabajo es de tipo teórico, realizado mediante una búsqueda bibliográfica. Empezando con un estudio de las bases científicas de la posturología y la podoposturología para conocer, entre otros aspectos, la importancia que tiene la propiocepción en general y las relaciones oculopodales y podooculares, en concreto, en el control del sistema postural. Dado que distintos estudios franceses han relacionado un déficit de propiocepción y percepción en niños con trastornos del aprendizaje; este trabajo concluye con la presentación de un caso clínico junto con un análisis de distintos artículos para explicar la opción de tratamiento postural con la ayuda de otras disciplinas como la optometría y la logopedia para conseguir una mejora del rendimiento escolar ante trastornos como la dislexia o el TD

    La accesibilidad de las webs de las universidades españolas. Balance 2001-2006

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    El estudio analiza el nivel de cumplimiento que el año 2006 hacían las sedes web de las universidades españolas de las Pautas de accesibilidad al contenido de la web (WCAG), versión 1.0, en su nivel A. Los resultados del análisis se comparan con los obtenidos el año 2001. Por el lado positivo se observa una mayor implantación de las alternativas a gráfi cos, hojas de estilo CSS y de las alternativas a Flash y PDF; y que un número mayor de universidades (10 en total) logra en 2006 un cumplimiento al 100 % del nivel A de las WCAG. Por el lado negativo se observa una peor calidad de los textos y un menor cumplimiento de las normas de accesibilidad, respecto a los resultados del año 2001, en las páginas de los planes de estudio, usualmente generadas de forma automática. El estudio, de forma complementaria, también analiza el nivel de seguimiento de los indicadores de la norma 508 de Estados Unidos y de otros 5 indicadores adicionales de usabilidad. En cuanto al cumplimiento de la norma 508, no obligatoria en España, ninguna universidad logra el 100 % de cumplimiento. Respecto a los otros indicadores el cumplimiento es de un 65 %. Como resultado global se constata que el nivel de accesibilidad sigue en niveles bajos, similar al del año 2001, y con grandes diferencias entre centros; estos resultados indican un nivel de cumplimiento menor del que cabría esperar por los cambios aplicados en la legislación española a favor de la accesibilidad de los sitios web

    Influence of Glycaemic Control on Cognitive Function in Diabetic Children and Adolescents

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    According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the number of people with diabetes has risen to 422 million in 2014. Poorly managed diabetes leads to chronic hyper and/or hypoglycaemia, which are associated with neurological complications in type 1 (T1DM) and type 2 (T2DM) diabetes mellitus. Therefore, the primary target of diabetic treatment is to achieve a good glycaemic control (GC). In this chapter, we reviewed studies published up to September 2017 about GC and cognitive development in diabetic children and adolescents, as well as the nutritional approaches used for the management of diabetes in childhood, focusing on low glycaemic index (GI) diets. According to different studies, low GI diets effectively improve GC, which may reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications, such as cognitive dysfunction; however, the evidence is not sufficiently robust and the results are inconclusive. Despite the fact that, low GI diets are consistent with healthy eating recommendations and should be encouraged in the prevention and nutritional management of diabetes. Further research is needed in diabetic children and adolescents at risk, especially well-designed long-term randomised controlled trials, with larger sample size, to determine the true value of low GI diets on long-term GC and diabetes prevention and management

    Orthotopic kidney transplantation survival and complications: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Purpose: To determine graft and patient survival and adverse events in patients who undergo orthotopic kidney transplantation. Methods: We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis. We search in Medline, Embase, and Central from inception to nowadays. We included observational studies with patients who undergo orthotopic kidney transplantation. The primary outcomes were overall patient and graft survival. We pooled the information in a frequency meta-analysis with a 95% CI. We analyzed bias with the STROBE statement. Results: Of the 106 papers initially retrieved, four met the inclusion criteria. Vascular and urinary tract complications were reported in 19% and 15%, respectively. The overall patient survival was 92% 95%CI (88% to 95%), I2 = 0%, and the overall graft survival was 88% 95 CI (83% to 91%), I2 = 0%. Conclusion: Our analysis showed a high survival rate in patients and kidney grafts after orthotopic kidney transplantation, with a similar complication rate compared to a heterotopic kidney transplant

    Pancreatic intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm associated colloid carcinoma

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    Funding Information: Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Celso Matos, MD/PhD, for assistance with manuscrip preparation. The authors received no financial support for the publication of this article. Publisher Copyright: © 2021Colloid carcinomas are rare pancreatic tumors characterized by the presence of mucin pools with scarce malignant cells. Most of these neoplasms arise from intestinal-type intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs). We report a case of a 77-year-old male patient who presented with weight loss, asthenia, lumbar pain and diabetes. Imaging studies revealed a mixed-type IPMN with high-risk features and a possible invasive component. The patient underwent surgical resection and the histology confirmed an invasive colloid carcinoma of the pancreas associated with an intestinal-type IPMN. Although invasive ductal and colloid carcinomas may look similar on imaging studies, its distinction is important because the latter have a better prognosis.publishersversionpublishe

    Introducció a l'estadística amb recursos tecnològics (TIC) apropiats a cursos amb multiplicitat de grups

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    En aquest treball presentem una experiència duta a terme al llarg de quatre anys que ens ha permès motivar els estudiants de Biologia per a l'estudi de l'Estadística, entenent que aquesta és una matèria pròpia de la titulació que han escollit. Hem incrementat així decisivament la seva participació en els exàmens. La idea inicial ha estat realitzar amb els estudiants un treball de camp d'estadística en cadascuna de les seves etapes. Per això hem introduït unes classes pràctiques amb ordinador i hem adaptat la metodologia docent, tot actualitzant algunes parts del programa. Paral·lelament, ha anat pujant clarament el nombre d'estudiants que superen l'assignatura. Les noves tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació fan possible treballar amb un gran nombre d'estudiants (500) de tal manera que sembli un treball personalitzat. Cada estudiant té un treball diferent i a la vegada equivalent, de manera que això el porta a treballar amb col·laboració sentint-se atès i avaluat individualment.In this paper we present an experience developed over four years with students of Biology. Through it we have been able to motivate first year students to introduce themselves in the study of the Statistics as a major not strange to their curricular interest. The idea was to carry out with the students a statistics work in each one of its phases. To achieve that goal, we organized practical sessions with computer and adapted the educational methodology and program. The new technologies make possible to work with a large number of students in a way apparently personalized. Each student is assigned to an individual and equivalent homework, and so moved to work cooperatively and feeling to be assessed individually. The fact is that the index of participation in evaluation test has significantly increased, as well as the index of success of students

    Introducció a l'estadística amb recursos tecnològics (tic) apropiats a cursos amb multiplicitat de grups : corrector de pràctiques

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    Durant els darrers 4 anys, els professors del departament de matemàtiques de l'assignatura d'estadística a 1er de biologia hem dissenyat un model docent implementant recursos tecnològics a un curs introductori a l'estadística. Aquest model es pot aplicar a molts estudis que ofereix la nostra universitat. En particular, és molt interessant per a cursos amb multiplicitat de grups. Alguns de vosaltres us haureu trobat en algun moment, impartint matèries amb multiplicitat de grups. En aquest cas, hi ha dues possibilitats, o bé treballar de forma independent per a cada grup d'alumnes, o bé en equip. Aquest model que us presentem, és un software que hem creat per a la part pràctica, el qual aposta pel treball en equip i resol els problemes que comporta fer-ho ( com per exemple l'avaluació ). Cal notar que cada estudiant té un treball diferent però a la vegada equivalent, de manera que això el porta a treballar amb col·laboració, sentint-se atès i avaluat individualment.During last 4 years, professors from mathematics department teaching an introduction to statistics in biology have been developing a teaching model, using technological resources, for a first course in statistics. This model can be applied to plenty of degrees in our university. In particular, it is very interesting for courses with multiple groups. Probably, most of you, at some point, have been teaching courses with multiple groups. In this case, there are two possibilities: either every professor works independently or together as a team. Our choice is to work as a team. The model that we are showing is a software that we have developed for the practical part and solves the problems that it supposes (like test corrections). It is well worth to say that every student has a different, but equivalent, work so that he found himself individually attended

    Short- and Long-Term Implications of Human Milk Microbiota on Maternal and Child Health

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    Conceptualization, C.C. and T.C.; searching and review of published articles: M.E.-M., E.D., M.G.-R., J.A.G.-S., T.C. and C.C.; writing—original draft preparation, M.E.-M., E.D., C.C., M.G.-R., J.A.G.-S. and T.C.; writing—review and editing, M.G.-R., J.A.G.-S. and T.C.; visualization, M.G.-R.; J.A.G.-S. and T.C.; supervision, T.C. and C.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.Human milk (HM) is considered the most complete food for infants as its nutritional composition is specifically designed to meet infant nutritional requirements during early life. HM also provides numerous biologically active components, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, milk fat globules, IgA, gangliosides or polyamines, among others; in addition, HM has a "bifidogenic effect ", a prebiotic effect, as a result of the low concentration of proteins and phosphates, as well as the presence of lactoferrin, lactose, nucleotides and oligosaccharides. Recently, has been a growing interest in HM as a potential source of probiotics and commensal bacteria to the infant gut, which might, in turn, influence both the gut colonization and maturation of infant immune system. Our review aims to address practical approaches to the detection of microbial communities in human breast milk samples, delving into their origin, composition and functions. Furthermore, we will summarize the current knowledge of how HM microbiota dysbiosis acts as a short- and long-term predictor of maternal and infant health. Finally, we also provide a critical view of the role of breast milk-related bacteria as a novel probiotic strategy in the prevention and treatment of maternal and offspring diseases

    Characterization of Desmoglein Expression in the Normal Prostatic Gland. Desmoglein 2 Is an Independent Prognostic Factor for Aggressive Prostate Cancer

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    Purpose: The expression of desmogleins (DSGs), which are known to be crucial for establishing and maintaining the cell-cell adhesion required for tissue integrity, has been well characterized in the epidermis and hair follicle; however, their expression in other epithelial tissues such as prostate is poorly understood. Although downregulation of classical cadherins, such as E-cadherin, has been described in prostate cancer tissue samples, the expression of desmogleins has only been previously reported in prostate cancer cell lines. In this study we characterized desmoglein expression in normal prostate tissues, and further investigated whether Desmoglein 2 (DSG2) expression specifically can serve as a potential clinical prognostic factor for patients diagnosed with primary prostate cancer. Experimental Design: We utilized immunofluorescence to examine DSG2 expression in normal prostate (n = 50) and in a clinically well-characterized cohort of prostate cancer patients (n = 414). Correlation of DSG2 expression with clinico-pathological characteristics and biochemical recurrence was analyzed to assess its clinical significance. Results: These studies revealed that DSG2 and DSG4 were specifically expressed in prostatic luminal cells, whereas basal cells lack their expression. In contrast, DSG1 and DSG3 were not expressed in normal prostate epithelium. Further analyses of DSG2 expression in prostate cancer revealed that reduced levels of this biomarker were a significant independent marker of poor clinical outcome. Conclusion: Here we report for the first time that a low DSG2 expression phenotype is a useful prognostic biomarker of tumor aggressiveness and may serve as an aid in identifying patients with clinically significant prostate cancer

    Correction: Deficient pulmonary IFN-β expression in COPD patients

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    COPD patients are prone to acute infectious exacerbations that impair their quality of life and hamper prognosis. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the in situ IFN-β response in the lungs of stable COPD and non-COPD patients. Lung samples from 70 subjects (9 control never smokers, 19 control smokers without COPD, 21 patients with moderate COPD and 21 patients with very severe COPD) were studied for the expression of IFN-β, its main transcription factor, IRF-7, and two products of its autocrine function, namely RIG-I and MDA-5, by immunohistochemical techniques and quantitative real-time PCR. IFN-β, IRF-7, RIG-I and MDA-5 were widely detected in most lung cell types. In epithelial tissues and alveolar macrophages, IFN-β and IRF-7 labeling scores were decreased up to 65% and 74%, respectively, for COPD patients, paralleling an analogous reduction (43% and 65%, respectively) in the amount of their lung mRNA. Moreover, this decreased production of IFN-β in COPD patients correlated with a similar decrease in the expression of RIG-I and MDA-5, two essential members of the innate immune system. Our study indicates that most lung cells from stable COPD patients show a constitutive decreased expression of IFN-β, IRF-7, RIG-I and MDA-5, suggesting that this deficiency is the main cause of their acute viral exacerbations