1,000 research outputs found

    Polarimetry of Li-rich giants

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    Protoplanetary nebulae typically present non-spherical envelopes. The origin of such geometry is still controversial. There are indications that it may be carried over from an earlier phase of stellar evolution, such as the AGB phase. But how early in the star's evolution does the non-spherical envelope appear? Li-rich giants show dusty circumstellar envelopes that can help answer that question. We study a sample of fourteen Li-rich giants using optical polarimetry in order to detect non-spherical envelopes around them. We used the IAGPOL imaging polarimeter to obtain optical linear polarization measurements in V band. Foreground polarization was estimated using the field stars in each CCD frame. After foreground polarization was removed, seven objects presented low intrinsic polarization (0.19 - 0.34)% and two (V859 Aql and GCSS 557) showed high intrinsic polarization values (0.87 - 1.16)%. This intrinsic polarization suggests that Li-rich giants present a non-spherical distribution of circumstellar dust. The intrinsic polarization level is probably related to the viewing angle of the envelope, with higher levels indicating objects viewed closer to edge-on. The correlation of the observed polarization with optical color excess gives additional support to the circumstellar origin of the intrinsic polarization in Li-rich giants. The intrinsic polarization correlates even better with the IRAS 25 microns far infrared emission. Analysis of spectral energy distributions for the sample show dust temperatures for the envelopes tend to be between 190 and 260 K. We suggest that dust scattering is indeed responsible for the optical intrinsic polarization in Li-rich giants. Our findings indicate that non-spherical envelopes may appear as early as the red giant phase of stellar evolution.Comment: to be published in A&A, 15 pages, 10 figures. Fig. 3 is available in ftp://astroweb.iag.usp.br/pub/antonio/4270/4270.fig3.pd

    Inhibition Of Mitochondrial Permeability Transition By Low Ph Is Associated With Less Extensive Membrane Protein Thiol Oxidation.

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    Ca2+ and inorganic phosphate-induced mitochondrial swelling and membrane protein thiol oxidation, which are associated with mitochondrial permeability transition, are inhibited by progressively decreasing the incubation medium pH between 7.2 and 6.0. Nevertheless, the detection of mitochondrial H2O2 production under these conditions is increased. Permeability transition induced by phenylarsine oxide, which promotes membrane protein thiol cross-linkage in a process independent of Ca2+ or reactive oxygen species, is also strongly inhibited in acidic incubation media. In addition, we observed that the decreased protein thiol reactivity with phenylarsine oxide or phenylarsine oxide-induced swelling at pH 6.0 is reversed by diethyl pyrocarbonate, in a hydroxylamine-sensitive manner. These results provide evidence that the inhibition of mitrochondrial permeability transition observed at lower incubation medium pH is mediated by a decrease in membrane protein thiol reactivity, related to the protonation of protein histidyl residues.19525-3

    Restoring observed classical behavior of the carbon nanotube field emission enhancement factor from the electronic structure

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    Experimental Fowler-Nordheim plots taken from orthodoxly behaving carbon nanotube (CNT) field electron emitters are known to be linear. This shows that, for such emitters, there exists a characteristic field enhancement factor (FEF) that is constant for a range of applied voltages and applied macroscopic fields FMF_\text{M}. A constant FEF of this kind can be evaluated for classical CNT emitter models by finite-element and other methods, but (apparently contrary to experiment) several past quantum-mechanical (QM) CNT calculations find FEF-values that vary with FMF_\text{M}. A common feature of most such calculations is that they focus only on deriving the CNT real-charge distributions. Here we report on calculations that use density functional theory (DFT) to derive real-charge distributions, and then use these to generate the related induced-charge distributions and related fields and FEFs. We have analysed three carbon nanostructures involving CNT-like nanoprotrusions of various lengths, and have also simulated geometrically equivalent classical emitter models, using finite-element methods. We find that when the DFT-generated local induced FEFs (LIFEFs) are used, the resulting values are effectively independent of macroscopic field, and behave in the same qualitative manner as the classical FEF-values. Further, there is fair to good quantitative agreement between a characteristic FEF determined classically and the equivalent characteristic LIFEF generated via DFT approaches. Although many issues of detail remain to be explored, this appears to be a significant step forwards in linking classical and QM theories of CNT electrostatics. It also shows clearly that, for ideal CNTs, the known experimental constancy of the FEF value for a range of macroscopic fields can also be found in appropriately developed QM theory.Comment: A slightly revised version has been published - citation below - under a title different from that originally used. The new title is: "Restoring observed classical behavior of the carbon nanotube field emission enhancement factor from the electronic structure

    Detailed Analysis of Nearby Bulgelike Dwarf Stars II. Lithium Abundances

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    Li abundances are derived for a sample of bulgelike stars with isochronal ages of 10-11 Gyr. These stars have orbits with pericentric distances, Rp, as small as 2-3 kpc and Zmax < 1 kpc. The sample comprises G and K dwarf stars in the metallicity range -0.80<[Fe/H]< +0.40. Few data of Li abundances in old turn-off stars (> 4.5 Gyr) within the present metallicity range are available. M67 (4.7 Gyr) and NGC 188 (6 Gyr) are the oldest studied metal-rich open clusters with late-type stars. Li abundances have also been studied for few samples of old metal-rich field stars. In the present work a high dispersion in Li abundances is found for bulgelike stars for all the metallicity range, comparable with values in M67. The role of metallicity and age on a Li depletion pattern is discussed. The possible connection between Li depletion and oxygen abundance due to atmospheric opacity effects is investigated.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Multiple RNAs from the mouse carboxypeptidase M locus: functional RNAs or transcription noise?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A major effort of the scientific community has been to obtain complete pictures of the genomes of many organisms. This has been accomplished mainly by annotation of structural and functional elements in the genome sequence, a process that has been centred in the gene concept and, as a consequence, biased toward protein coding sequences. Recently, the explosion of transcriptome data generated and the discovery of many functional non-protein coding RNAs have painted a more detailed and complex scenario for the genome. Here we analyzed the mouse carboxypeptidase M <it>locus </it>in this broader perspective in order to define the mouse CPM gene structure and evaluate the existence of other transcripts from the same genomic region.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Bioinformatic analysis of nucleotide sequences that map to the mouse CPM <it>locus </it>suggests that, in addition to the mouse CPM mRNA, it expresses at least 33 different transcripts, many of which seem to be non-coding RNAs. We randomly chose to evaluate experimentally four of these extra transcripts. They are expressed in a tissue specific manner, indicating that they are not artefacts or transcriptional noise. Furthermore, one of these four extra transcripts shows expression patterns that differed considerably from the other ones and from the mouse CPM gene, suggesting that there may be more than one transcriptional unit in this <it>locus</it>. In addition, we have confirmed the mouse CPM gene RefSeq sequence by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and directional cloning.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study supports the recent view that the majority of the genome is transcribed and that many of the resulting transcripts seem to be non-coding RNAs from introns of genes or from independent transcriptional units. Although some of the information on the transcriptome of many organisms may actually be artefacts or transcriptional noise, we argue that it can be experimentally evaluated and used to find and define biological functional elements on the genome. Furthermore, the transcription of other functional RNAs besides the protein coding RNA from a specific genomic <it>locus </it>imposes extra care when designing and interpreting experiments involving genetic manipulations or expression detection and quantification.</p

    Spectroscopic Study of IRAS 19285+0517(PDS 100): A Rapidly Rotating Li-Rich K Giant

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    We report on photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy for IRAS 19285+0517. The spectral energy distribution based on visible and near-IR photometry and far-IR fluxes shows that the star is surrounded by dust at a temperature of TdT_{\rm {d}} \sim 250 K. Spectral line analysis shows that the star is a K giant with a projected rotational velocity vsiniv sin i = 9 ±\pm 2 km s1^{-1}. We determined the atmospheric parameters: TeffT_{\rm {eff}} = 4500 K, log gg = 2.5, ξt\xi_{t} = 1.5 km s1^{-1}, and [Fe/H] = 0.14 dex. The LTE abundance analysis shows that the star is Li-rich (log ϵ\epsilon(Li) = 2.5±\pm0.15), but with essentially normal C, N, and O, and metal abundances. Spectral synthesis of molecular CN lines yields the carbon isotopic ratio 12^{12}C/13^{13}C = 9 ±\pm3, a signature of post-main sequence evolution and dredge-up on the RGB. Analysis of the Li resonance line at 6707 \AA for different ratios 6^{6}Li/7^{7}Li shows that the Li profile can be fitted best with a predicted profile for pure 7^{7}Li. Far-IR excess, large Li abundance, and rapid rotation suggest that a planet has been swallowed or, perhaps, that an instability in the RGB outer layers triggered a sudden enrichment of Li and caused mass-loss.Comment: To appear in AJ; 40 pages, 9 figure

    Identificação morfológica de isolados de Colletotrichum spp. Causadores de antracnose em solanáceas.

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    As solanáceas são um grupo de plantas de elevado interesse econômico. Fungos do gênero Colletotrichum encontram-se dentre os principais patógenos das solanáceas. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram identificar isolados de Colletotrichum, coletados em hospedeiras solanáceas, ao nível de espécie por meio de caracteres morfológicos bem como estabelecer a espécie predominante em solanáceas. Quarenta e cinco isolados foram obtidos de várias espécies foram observados em microscópio óptico para determinar o tamanho e forma de seus conídios. Com base em caracteres morfológicos, observou-se uma prevalência de C. gloeosporioides em relação a C. acutatum entre a população de isolados avaliada. Houve diferença entre medidas de conídios dos isolados, porém uma relação com o formato dos mesmos não pôde ser encontrada. A morfologia pode ser utilizada para distinção de espécies de forma preliminar. No entanto, para se ter mais confiança na identificação das mesmas, estudos complementares utilizando marcadores moleculares são necessários.bitstream/CNPH-2009/33350/1/bpd_29.pd

    Keck-Nirspec Infrared OH Lines: Oxygen Abundances in Metal-Poor Stars Down to [Fe/H] = -2.9

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    Infrared OH lines at 1.5 - 1.7 um in the H band were obtained with the NIRSPEC high-resolution spectrograph at the 10m Keck Telescope for a sample of seven metal-poor stars. Detailed analyses have been carried out, based on optical high-resolution data obtained with the FEROS spectrograph at ESO. Stellar parameters were derived by adopting infrared flux method effective temperatures, trigonometric and/or evolutionary gravities and metallicities from FeII lines. We obtain that the sample stars with metallicities [Fe/H] < -2.2 show a mean oxygen abundance [O/Fe] ~ 0.54, for a solar oxygen abundance of epsilon(O) = 8.87, or [O/Fe] ~ 0.64 if epsilon(O) = 8.77 is assumed.Comment: To be published in ApJ 575 (August 10

    Abundances in Stars from the Red Giant Branch Tip to Near the Main Sequence Turn Off in M71: III. Abundance Ratios

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    We present abundance ratios for 23 elements with respect to Fe in a sample of stars with a wide range in luminosity, from luminous giants to stars near the turnoff, in the globular cluster M71. The analyzed spectra, obtained with HIRES at the Keck Observatory, are of high dispersion (R=35,000). We find that the neutron capture, the iron peak and the alpha-element abundance ratios show no trend with Teff, and low scatter around the mean between the top of the RGB and near the main sequence turnoff. The alpha-elements Mg, Ca, Si and Ti are overabundant relative to Fe. The anti-correlation between O and Na abundances, observed in other metal poor globular clusters, is detected in our sample and extends to the main sequence. A statistically significant correlation between Al and Na abundances is observed among the M71 stars in our sample, extending to Mv = +1.8, fainter than the luminosity of the RGB bump in M5. Lithium is varying, as expected, and Zr may be varying from star to star as well. M71 appears to have abundance ratios very similar to M5 whose bright giants were studied by Ivans et al. (2001), but seems to have a smaller amplitude of star-to-star variations at a given luminosity, as might be expected from its higher metallicity. The results of our abundance analysis of 25 stars in M71 provide sufficient evidence of abundance variations at unexpectedly low luminosities to rule out the mixing scenario. Either alone or, even more powerfully, combined with other recent studies of C and N abundances in M71 stars, the existence of such abundance variations cannot be reproduced within the context of our current understanding of stellar evolution.Comment: AJ, in press (June 2002), 18 figure

    Atuação fisioterapêutica na correção da respiração bucal

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