284 research outputs found

    The World is Our Parish: Struggling with Catholicity in Our Western Context

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    For the annual Winifred E. Weter Faculty Award Lecture for Meritorious Scholarship on Monday, April 10, Professor of Dogmatic and Constructive Theology Daniel Castelo examines the question “What would be involved for western Christians to change course and truly believe, as they confess, that they are part of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church?

    Management as a Christian Liberal Art

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    C. William Pollard, the long-time serving past CEO of The ServiceMaster Company, was often inclined to remark that “management is a liberal art.” This is a phrase attributable to one of Pollard’s friends and consultants, Peter Drucker, the pioneer of the academic discipline of management. Several features of the phrase are worth noting. First of all, few managers or specialists in the field would be inclined to speak of management in this way; therefore, the phrase stands as a kind of anomaly, as an odd remark in the face of “conventional” thinking in which profit and the maximization of shareholder value typically reign prominently. Second, the phrase is remarkable to consider from an academic perspective in that “management” is usually housed within a school of business at a university whereas the “liberal arts” are locatable elsewhere on a university campus. As disciplinary rivalries go, business and the liberal arts do not always get along, and so the phrase is calling for a kind of interdisciplinary exchange that ideally can and should happen in academic settings but, unfortunately, oftentimes does not take place because of a host of factors, including academic and nonacademic ones. Third, it is remarkable that Pollard and Drucker were drawn to this phrase in that both of them were also people of faith. Whereas Drucker was not inclined to publicize his religious convictions, it was generally known that Drucker did find faith to be significantly important, not only personally at some level but professionally as well. Pollard, on the other hand, worked for a company whose ethos was explicitly religious. During Pollard’s tenure at the company, ServiceMaster was famous for having four objectives, the first of which was “To Honor God in All We Do.” Although this first objective raised a number of questions—and one could even say resistance— during Pollard’s leadership of ServiceMaster, he nevertheless persisted in highlighting and actually living it as part of his managerial style. Could it be that Drucker and Pollard found “management as a liberal art” compelling for their life and work in light of their religious convictions? Furthermore, could “management as a liberal art” be a way for Christians in particular to envision their role as managers in the workplace

    A Yoderian Appraisal of Latin American Liberation Theology

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    Perfecting One Another: Friendship and the Moral Implications of Wesley\u27s Small Groups

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    Author Meets Critics: Responding to Daniel Castelo’s Pentecostalism as a Christian Mystical Tradition

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    Except: Daniel Castelo’s Pentecostalism as a Christian Mystical Tradition is a theological monograph, but, like the movement he seeks to categorize, Castelo’s work transcends traditional disciplinary lines. As a historian, my comments aim to show what Castelo’s categorical work does for historians seeking to explore and understand the movement. My response analyzes the categories present within Castelo’s title and explicated throughout the book: Pentecostalism, Christian mysticism, and tradition

    El alcance de la cláusula paraguas en los Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión

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    Modern Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs), contain various investment protection standards, which it extend and significance haven’t been define with exactitude neither by doctrine nor by jurisprudence. One of these is the so-called umbrella clause that have generated a debate respect the position and interpretation to be taken at the analysis of these provisions. These clauses intend to position under the protection of a BIT, obligations that a State had undertake with an investor, in such way that a rupture of these obligations amount a violation of the treaty. Various arbitral tribunals that have treated the theme have reach to different conclusions in respect to the extension of this type of provisions. On one hand, an extended interpretation accepts the effect of protecting obligations under a BIT. Such position is sustained by the ordinary interpretation of the terms in accordance with the Vienna Convention, by the analysis of the origins and purpose of such clauses and by the principles of effectiveness and pacta sunt servanda.Los modernos Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión (TBIs) contienen varios estándares de protección de inversiones cuyo alcance y significado no han sido definidos con exactitud tanto por la doctrina como por la jurisprudencia. Uno de éstos consiste en la llamada cláusula paraguas; la cual ha provocado un intenso debate respecto a la posición e interpretación que se debe adoptar al analizar una disposición de este tipo. Estas cláusulas, buscan colocar bajo la protección de un TBI obligaciones que el Estado haya adquirido con el inversor, de tal manera que una ruptura de estas obligaciones constituya una violación del tratado. Varios tribunales arbitrales que han abordado el tema han llegado a conclusiones distintas respecto al alcance de este tipo de disposiciones. Por un lado, se encuentra una interpretación amplia que acepta el efecto de colocar bajo la protección de un TBI las obligaciones. Dicha posición se sustenta en la interpretación ordinaria de los términos conforme lo establece la Convención de Viena, en el análisis del origen y propósito de estas disposiciones y en los principios de efectividad y pacta sunt servanda

    Autobiografia da Angola colonial

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    Este artigo analisa a situação da mulher colona na Angola portuguesa no período do pós-II Guerra Mundial até à descolonização, através da história de vida da esposa dum chefe de posto administrativo. Pretende-se reflectir sobre o papel atribuído à mulher colona na disseminação das relações de poder no espaço doméstico e sobre a relevância política, social e cultural do seu contributo para a portugalização do império. A complexidade das relações entre os colonizadores e as populações indígenas suscita uma reflexão sobre a importância da postura pessoal e de certas estratégias de reciprocidade ou de contrapartidas simbólicas.Cet article analyse la situation de la femme de colon dans l’Angola portugais entre la Seconde Guerre mondiale et la décolonisation, à travers l’histoire de vie de l’épouse d’un chef de poste administratif. Il se propose de rendre compte du rôle attribué à la femme de colon dans la dissémination des relations de pouvoir dans l’espace domestique et de l’importance de sa contribution politique, sociale et culturelle à la portugalisation de l’empire. La complexité des relations entre colonisateurs et populations indigènes suscite une réflexion sur l’importance des attitudes personnelles et de certaines stratégies de réciprocité ou de contreparties symboliques.This article analyses the position of a colonist’s wife in Portuguese Angola from the end of the Second World War to decolonisation, through the life story of the wife of a civil administrator. It proposes an insight into the role assigned to colonists’ wives in spreading relations of power in the domestic space and the importance of their political, social and cultural contribution to the portugalisation of the empire.The complexity of relations between colonisers and indigenous populations raises questions on the importance of personal attitudes and of certain strategies of reciprocity or symbolic considerations

    Coproducción de un programa de tv: “viviendo saludable”

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    The present investigation contains a dynamic television show proposal, where contents such as healthy cooking, exercises, and health care prevention advices and tips are merged in one single show. Each episode focus in different aspects about leading of a healthy life, watching all episodes will improve the life style and health of our audience in different levels. This project also details the functions and building of a production manual for a television show of this genre, explaining the whole audiovisual process since the conception and development of the idea, all the way through to the final product and the possible business options in order to sell it to a local television channel or network

    Mechanical study in vitro of the resistance of axial forces of 3.5 mm cannulated and conventional screws in head and femoral neck fractures

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    Background: Proximal femoral fractures account for 25% of all femoral fractures in dogs and are more common in young animals. Osteosynthesis of femoral head and neck fractures is a complex procedure that can be performed using conventional screws or wires. However, proper fracture reduction and fi xation are diffi cult to achieve and, despite many advancements, such fractures remain challenging to solve. Cannulated screws have good compressive capacity and can be employed to simplify the surgical procedure while optimizing outcomes. This study was designed to compare the resistance of conventional and cannulated screws to axial loading following experimental femoral neck fracture in dogs. Materials, Methods & Results: Fourteen cadaveric canine femurs were used in this study. Femurs were collected from dogs over 20 pounds in body weight with no gross or radiographic signs of orthopedic disease. Cadaveric femurs were submitted to experimental femoral neck fracture using a Gigli saw and allocated to osteosynthesis using either conventional or cannulated screws (seven bones each). All screws were inserted below the greater trochanter of the femur from the lateral aspect of the bone and screw topography confi rmed radiographically. Test specimens were then potted in polymethylmethacrylate, coupled to a hinged device and submitted to axial loading. Data on maximum load, maximum displacement, load within the proportional limit, offset within the proportional limit and load required to produce a 3 mm displacement were collected. Mean values were calculated and compared using the Student’s t test (P < 0.05). Mean values varied greatly within groups. Maximum load and displacement correspond to the critical point from which biomechanical testing becomes destructive. Data were missing from one test specimen (conventional screw group) due to abrupt diaphyseal fracture at the start of the axial loading trial. Discussion: The canine femur was selected as an experimentalmodel in this project due to the high incidence of femoral neck fractures in dogs. Also, studies on proximal femoral fracture osteosynthesis using cannulated screws are scarce. The effectiveness of the compression osteosynthesis technique employed in this trial has been confi rmed in several canine proximal femoral fracture studies, with reported success rates between 2 and 21%. Success rate variability could be due to substantial individual differences, as suggested by the large intragroup variation in this trial. The biomechanical behaviour of conventional sliding hip screws (SHC) and cannulated screws following experimental femoral neck fracture osteosynthesis was compared. Increased stiffness was achieved with SHCs, possibly due to more effi cient transmission of compressive forces to cortical bone under the plate. Compression screws act by transmitting compressive forces to cancellous bone under the fracture line. Replication of this scenario in this trial supports the recommendation that the lowest screw be inserted as close as possible to the medial cortex of the femur, which is stiffer than the cancellous bone in the femoral head. Under the conditions studied, mean maximum load values were higher when bone screws were inserted closer to the medial cortex of the femoral shaft and the proximal aspect of the femoral head, regardless of screw type. The opposite scenario was also observed (i.e. the farther from the medial cortex of the femoral shaft, the lower the mean maximum load). In this trial, conventional and cannulated screws were equally resistant to axial loading. However, femoral neck fracture osteosynthesis using cannulated screws was easier to perfor