4,387 research outputs found

    Assessing the magnitude and direction of asymmetry in unilateral jump and change of direction speed tasks in youth female team-sport athletes

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    The direction of inter-limb asymmetries and the change of direction (COD) deficit are two aspects that have increased in recent years. The main objective of the present study was to assess the magnitude of neuromuscular asymmetries in an elite youth female team-sports sample and determine its directionality. Secondary objectives were to evaluate the relationship between COD deficit, linear speed and COD time performance. Elite female youth basketball and handball players (n = 33, age = 16 ± 1.17 y) performed the Single Leg Countermovement Jump in vertical (SLCJ-V), horizontal (SLCJ-H), and lateral (SLCJ-L) directions, the COD and the 10-m sprint. Results showed statistical differences between limbs in all the neuromuscular tests (p < 0.001). The Kappa coefficient showed poor to fair levels of agreement between tasks (K range = -0.087 to 0.233), indicating that asymmetries rarely favoured the same limb between skills. Additionally, small and non-significant correlations were found between the linear sprint capacity and the COD ability. The findings of the present study highlight the independent directionality of asymmetries across tests. The COD deficit does not appear to be much more advantageous than COD total time to measure asymmetry. Practitioners are encouraged to use a fitness testing battery to detect existing side differences and each ability should be specifically trained with functional tasks

    Activity coefficients of hydrocarbons at infinite dilution in di-n-octyltin dichloride: comparison with results obtained in other alkyltin solvents

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    The gas chromatographic method was employed to measure the infinite dilution activity coefficients of twenty-eight hydrocarbons of different types in di-n-octyltin dichloride between 323.15 and 353.15 K, and ofseven branched alkanes in tri-n-octyltin chloride between 313.15 and 333.15 K. A comparison is made between the results obtained for all the solutes in both solvents and in tetra-n-octyltin

    Inter-limb asymmetries are associated with decrements in physical performance in youth elite team sports athletes

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    Actually, there is scarce literature looking for the relationship between inter-limb asymmetries and performance in youth elite team sports. The main purpose of this cross-sectional study was to examine the relationships between inter-limb asymmetries and physical performance in youth elite team-sports players. A secondary objective was to evaluate the presence of between-sexes differences in inter-limb asymmetries in elite youth team sports players. Eighty-one young elite team-sports athletes (age: u-14 to u-18) performed the star excursion balance test in the anterior direction (SEBT ANT), a single leg vertical countermovement jump test (SLCMJ), the one leg hop test for distance (OLHT), a 30 m sprint test, and the V-cut test. Inter-limb asymmetries were calculated for SEBT ANT, SLCMJ and OLHT. Pearson r was used to analyse the relationships between inter-limb asymmetries and physical performance. Results showed significant (p ˂ 0.05) but small (r = 0.26) relationships between SLCMJ asymmetries and 30 m sprint time for the total group. Significant negative correlations with small to moderate magnitude of correlation were also found between SLCMJ asymmetries and SLCMJ performance on the lowest performing limb for the total group (p < 0.05; r = -0.26), males (p < 0.01; r = -0.48) and females (p < 0.05; r = -0.30). Moreover, significant negative correlations with moderate and large magnitude were also present between OLHT asymmetries and OLHT performance on the lowest performing limb for the total group (p < 0.01; r = -0.44), males (p < 0.01; r = -0.56) and females (p < 0.01; r = -0.64). No correlations were observed between asymmetries and either the V-cut test or SEBT ANT performance. No correlation were observed between SEBT ANT asymmetries and physical performance. In addition, when comparing asymmetry values between sexes there were no significant differences in vertical (p = 0.06) and horizontal (p = 0.61) jumping tests. However, there were significant differences in asymmetry between sexes in the ANT SEBT (p = 0.04). In conclusion, the current study indicated that jumping asymmetries were associated with decrements in sprint speed and jumping performance. Therefore, assessing inter-limb asymmetries would be recommended to improve training interventions for youth elite team-sports athletes

    Twitter: a useful tool for studying elections?

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    The 2015 General Election in the UK was the first to take place in the UK with Twitter as an important part of the social media landscape. This pilot project looked at 16 constituencies along England’s South Coast in order to investigate what impact, if any, Twitter had had on the campaign and the result and to investigate the efficacy, or otherwise, of using Twitter as a tool for studying election campaigns in terms of candidate and local party activism. On the basis of an analysis of almost half a million tweets the analysis concluded that there appeared to be a correlation between the rate at which parties and/or candidates responded to incoming tweets and their relative electoral performance but this was not demonstrable for all parties (it applied in particular to Labour and UKIP candidates). In addition, high rates of reply also appeared to have a positive impact on constituency turnout figures. The findings are not yet conclusive but suggest that Twitter could be a good indicator of general levels of local party activism. The research also sought to understand how candidates used Twitter differently and established a number of candidate ‘classifiers’. It also investigated the issues agenda that was dominating Twitter conversations during the campaign and found that Twitter’s agenda was closer to the public’s than was that of the national media. The research also monitored the regional and local media in the 16 constituencies and discovered that their issues agenda was closer still to the public’s. Overall it is difficult to conclude that Twitter had a major impact on the election campaign

    Foundation and empire : a critique of Hardt and Negri

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    In this article, Thompson complements recent critiques of Hardt and Negri's Empire (see Finn Bowring in Capital and Class, no. 83) using the tools of labour process theory to critique the political economy of Empire, and to note its unfortunate similarities to conventional theories of the knowledge economy

    Globalization, the ambivalence of European integration and the possibilities for a post-disciplinary EU studies

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    Using the work of Manuel Castells as a starting point, this article explores the ambivalent relationship between globalization and European integration and the variety of ways in which the mainstream political science of the EU has attempted to deal with this issue. The analysis here suggests that various 'mainstreaming' disciplinary norms induce types of work that fail to address fully the somewhat paradoxical and counter-intuitive range of possible relationships between globalization and European integration. The article explores critically four possible analytical ways out of this paradox—abandonment of the concept of globalization, the development of definition precision in globalization studies, the reorientation of work to focus on globalization as discourse, and inter- and post-disciplinarity. The argument suggests that orthodox discussions of the relationship require a notion of social geography that sits at odds with much of the literature on globalization and while greater dialogue between disciplines is to be welcomed, a series of profound epistemological questions need to be confronted if studies of the interplay between global and social process are to be liberated from their disciplinary chains

    From policy to pedagogy: widening the discourse and practice of the learning society in the European Union

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    This paper explores the policy turn of the learning society, and how the academic world is responding to new social and political demands. It highlights some of the criticisms levelled at the learning society, as well as the voices of support. The paper also showcases the European Language Portfolio and the Transferable Skills project as two examples of good practice. Cet article examine le tournant de la politique de la socie´te´ du savoir ainsi que la re´ponse du monde intellectuel face aux nouvelles exigences sociales et politiques. Il met en lumie`re certaines des critiques souleve´es par la socie´te´ du savoir ainsi que par les voix favorables. L’article s’appuie sur deux exemples pratiques, a` savoir le Portfolio Europe´en des Langues et le Project des Compe´tences Transmissibles

    Shifting new media: from content to consultancy, from heterarchy to hierarchy

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    This is a detailed case history of one of London’s iconic new media companies, AMX Studios. Some of the changes in this firm, we assume, are not untypical for other firms in this sector. Particularly we want to draw attention to two transformations. The first change in AMX and in London’s new media industry more generally refers to the field of industrial relations. What can be observed is a shift from a rather heterarchical towards a more hierarchical organized new media industry, a shift from short-term project networks to long-term client dependency. The second change refers to new media products and services. We want to argue for a shift from cool content production towards consultancy and interactive communications solutions

    Digital technology and governance in transition: The case of the British Library

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    Comment on the organizational consequences of the new information and communications technologies (ICTs) is pervaded by a powerful imagery of disaggregation and a tendency for ?virtual? forms of production to be seen as synonymous with the ?end? of bureaucracy. This paper questions the underlying assumptions of the ?virtual organization?, highlighting the historically enduring, diversified character of the bureaucratic form. The paper then presents case study findings on the web-based access to information resources now being provided by the British Library (BL). The case study evidence produces two main findings. First, radically decentralised virtual forms of service delivery are heavily dependent on new forms of capacity-building and information aggregation. Second, digital technology is embedded in an inherently contested and contradictory context of institutional change. Current developments in the management and control of digital rights are consistent with the commodification of the public sphere. However, the evidence also suggests that scholarly access to information resources is being significantly influenced by the ?information society? objectives of the BL and other institutional players within the network of UK research libraries

    Secondary user relations in emerging mobile computing environments

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    Mobile technologies are enabling access to information in diverse environ.ments, and are exposing a wider group of individuals to said technology. Therefore, this paper proposes that a wider view of user relations than is usually considered in information systems research is required. Specifically, we examine the potential effects of emerging mobile technologies on end-­‐user relations with a focus on the ‘secondary user’, those who are not intended to interact directly with the technology but are intended consumers of the technology’s output. For illustration, we draw on a study of a U.K. regional Fire and Rescue Service and deconstruct mobile technology use at Fire Service incidents. Our findings provide insights, which suggest that, because of the nature of mobile technologies and their context of use, secondary user relations in such emerging mobile environments are important and need further exploration