92 research outputs found

    Responsabilidad social de la dirección estratégica en la política de medio ambiente

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    Los serios y persistentes problemas de contaminación ambiental, junto a importantes intereses relacionados con el crecimiento económico manifiestan la importancia que tiene el Medio Ambiente para la empresa. Pero lo cierto es que la Dirección y Administración de [impresas, tiene mucho que decir y hacer en el campo de la política medioambiental. Sólo si los expertos en dirección de empresas y administración consideran el impacto social, económico y ambiental por parle de nuestra ciencia, ayudará a detener el deterioro actual de nuestro entorno natural. Nuestro deseo ha sido estudiar el grado de importancia que le concede la Alta Dirección a los lianas de Dirección. Ecología y Responsabilidad Social de la empresa; siendo la metodología empleada analítica inductiva, para contrastar empíricamente los puntos de vista reales de la alta dilección. Los resultados obtenidos a través de una encuesta postal nos ha permitido confirmar nuestra tesis de que el director general tiene plena conciencia de la necesidad de considerar en su tarea de dirección la esfera ecológica en el mareo de la responsabilidad social en la empresa.Serious and persistent problems with pollution of the environment, together with important interests related to economic growth, all go to show how important the environment is to the business world. But. the fact of the matter is that Business Management and Administration has much to say and do in the field of environmental policy. Only if experts in business management and administration consider the social, economic and environmental impact created by our science. will anything be achieved to help halt the damage at present being done to our natural surroundings. It has been our desire to examine the degree of importanee which Top Management attaches to matters concerned with Business Management. Ecology, and Social Responsibility. where an inductive analytical methodology is employed so as empirically to contrast the actual views held by Top Management. Findings obtained from a postal ballot have confimed our feelings that the general manager is fully aware of the need. when performing his management duties, to give fair consideraron to the ecology question within the framework of business social responsibility

    Dealing with paradox -historical tourism in a non- touristic city: the case of Santiponce vs. Italica (Spain)

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    In this ongoing research, we focus our attention in the origin and state of art in the analysis of local tourist sector potentialities4 in the municipality of Santiponce (Sevilla). This research is a consequence of the obtained results in this village in a previous investigation about the relationship between tourist development and community satisfaction in order to design methodological frameworks able to develop research which results will allow to plan patrimony tourist strategies. These strategies have to consider the relationships between resident’s perceptions of the tourist impact and their satisfaction These aspects directly influence in the tourist policies intended to design and execute. In general, Santiponce’s resident live apart from tourism. As it happens in Europe, is normal to find small cities and villages, more or less close to big cities that form standardised tourist circuits, with one or several tourist resources of great interest, but, paradoxically, never have developed a relevant tourist activity and where tourism is a marginal proportion of its common economic activity. Our research tries to analyse the paradox of this type of municipalities that, even having relevant patrimonial resources, do not develop an important tourist activity and, even, where tourism is not perceived as a development and welfare opportunity for the actual residents and, which is more important, for the future ones. This paradox exits in Santiponce, where we are developing an analysis model based on four sources of information: residents, experts’ opinions, businessmen and tourists

    Calidad percibida por el espectador de fútbol

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    Organizations strain to understand their clients' needs in order to satisfy them adequately and achieve competitiveness. As a result, a change is underway in the area of sports management that consists in creating specific measures for the quality of client satisfaction and services. This is the context of this study, the main goal of which is to determine the dimensions of the quality of the sports service offered by football clubs. To this end, a questionnaire was applied through the personal survey method. The data obtained was processed by an exploratory factorial analysis. The results allow for the identification of ten basic dimensions of the quality of the sport service analyzed

    The main reasons for the adoption of corporate social responsibility in hotels establishments

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    La sociedad actual demanda que las organizaciones y compañías reconozcan su capacidad de ocasionar serios impactos negativos sobre el medio, en sus dimensiones social, medioambiental y económica. El presente trabajo analiza el cambio de la cultura organizativa de los directores de los establecimientos hoteleros frente a las exigencias de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC). El análisis factorial desarrollado representa la metodología estadística adecuada para extraer los principales motivos y razones de la adopción de la RSC en los hoteles, así como para apoyar la toma de decisiones en dicho contexto. Del estudio se deriva la importancia de invertir en acciones de RSC para incrementar la probabilidad de que una experiencia de servicio del cliente se transforme en un resultado positivo.Today's society demands that organizations and companies recognize their ability to cause serious negative environmental impacts in their slopes social, natural and economic. This paper analyzes the organizational culture change of managers of hotel that establishments meet the requirements of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Factor Analysis provides the statistical methodology to adequately extract the main motives and reasons for the adoption of CSR in the hotels. The study derives the importance of investing in CR activities to increase the probability that a customer service experience becomes a positive resul

    Zinc tolerance and accumulation in the halophytic species Juncus acutus

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    The research on species with capacity to tolerate and accumulate zinc is of paramount importance for phytoremediation purposes. An experiment was designed to investigate the effect of Zn from 0 to 100mmoll-1 on the growth, photosynthetic apparatus and nutrient uptake of the halophytic species Juncus acutus. Gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthetic pigments concentration were measured. We also determined total zinc, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and sodium concentrations, as well as C/N ratio. J. acutus showed high tolerance to Zn-induced stress, since all plants survived and none of them showed any toxicity symptoms, such as chlorosis, necrosis or growth reduction at concentrations up to 100mmoll-1 Zn. The integrity and functionality of the photosynthetic apparatus were unaffected even at zinc concentrations greater than 500mgkg-1 on tillers. Likewise, nutrient absorption was relatively unaffected. Zn tolerance was associated with the capacity to accumulate Zn in roots (with values up to 2500mgkg-1) and largely avoid its transport to tillers. These characteristics, along with its ability to establish in a wide variety of ecosystems, render this species a useful phytostabilizer for revegetation of Zn-contaminated lands

    Basic approaches to company performance measurements

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    One of the most important management tools are the systems used to measure company efficiency. In the arena of global competition and constant environmental changes, the focus is permanently looking at the future - strategic company efficiency, that move away from the now out-dated systems, such as those based on DuPont´s philosophy. This contribution is focused on basic implementation of company efficiency management

    Complex tasks in decision making versus economic theory

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    Economics provides natural situations for complex tasks in decision making. A complex task starts with an empirical investigation, continues by creating an economic model using mathematical modelling and ends with a decision making applying economic theory. The paper presents an example from demand analysis showing that a close interplay is needed between constructing a model and making consequent decision analysis

    Impact of life cycle on strategic environmental management of the company

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    Consideration of the environmental protection requests a number of changes from each individual company which must concern not only specific corrective actions of usually technical and technological character, but particularly the whole corporate management system. The trends of waste and rejected product disposal are changed in the Czech Republic, which trends bring extension of preventive actions and minimization of waste generation. Incorporation of the environmental protection into the company practice requests implementation of the environmental approach to the whole company management system, incl. the strategic environmental management. Important point of applying active environmental strategy is to move from final actions to preventive actions. This application is necessary in the whole live cycle of the product. Incorporation of the environmental protection into the company practice requests implementation of the environmental approach to the whole company management system, incl. the strategic environmental management. Nowadays care of the environment and interest in the sustainable development are considered the characteristic features of the prudent management. There is no escape from serious problems of the future development in the environmental field; the problems will have to be resolved at all company levels. The strategic environmental management defines long-time objectives and spheres of business, where the company intends to be active, the competence to be obtained and the necessary resources for launching the market and for successful competing; in order to reach its environmental objective the company values up and utilizes its potential, thus being able to cope with the continuing changes in the conditions of the environment and also determines the methods how to reach these environmental objectives.The life cycle is an important factor affecting content of the strategic environmental management. The strategic environmental management should know contribution of the good environmental profile for the business and financial fields, influence of environmental aspects and impacts on the income of the company, on its financial situation, management and influence of the environmental costs on the economic situation of the company

    The internationalisation of SMEs in the environment of globalisation from the barriers point of view

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    A greater part of both international and national literature on internationalization SMEs and final theoretical models are derived from foreign activities of big companies. Scientists’ attention has been drawn to the problematic of integrating SMEs into international transformation especially in the last two decades. If the enterprise is to be successful (i.e. to be competitive, profitable and viable) under the current conditions and mainly under the conditions of the common European market, it is necessary to focus not only on domestic market but expand further beyond the country frontier. This trend is resulting from the instantly growing competitive pressure of globalised market. Internationalization seems to be one of the principal challenges for small and medium- size enterprises. The significant role of internationalizing activities of enterprises is the level of knowledge which the enterprise has available and what is the scope of utilization like. Globalisation is a big challenge for SMEs in transformation economies on the one side and big threat on the other side. Submitted paper deals with the question of identification of barriers of internationalization activities of SMEs. These barriers can come out from general as well as field and internal environment of the company. In the introduction are indicated theoretical starting points of research of this question. From the latest trends result that just scope and use of knowledge is becoming the motive force of successful business. Results were used from performed empiric research within the framework of the solution to the project GA/402/02/0106 "Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Czech Republic"

    CRM, calidad de la relación y lealtad del consumidor en agencias de viajes minoristas

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    Las agencias de viaje se enfrentan a un entorno en el que establecer y nutrir una relación permanente con los clientes puede convertirse en la clave para sobrevivir. Se analizan los efectos de la gestión de las relaciones con los clientes en la calidad de la relación que establecen con ellos y en su lealtad. Utilizando ecuaciones estructurales, los resultados apoyan que las agencias de viaje pueden esperar la lealtad de sus clientes cuando estos perciben una elevada calidad de la relación, mejorable mediante acciones de gestión de relaciones con el cliente que desarrollen dichas agencias de viajes.Travel agencies face an environment where to establish and nourish a permanent relationship can become the key that marks the key to survival. Customer relationship management effects in the relationship quality and loyalty are analyzed. Using structural equations, results support that travel agencies can expect customer loyalty when they perceive a high relationship quality, which can be improved by customer relationship management actions implemented by travel agencie