26 research outputs found

    Conocimiento léxico y exposición a la lengua extranjera: un estudio de estudiantes AICLE en Educación Primaria

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    L2 lexical knowledge has been an issue that has attracted much attention among SLA scholars, with studies examining the impact of different language teaching approaches on vocabulary knowledge. However, little research has been conducted to determine the amount of exposure needed for significant lexical improvement. This paper explores the impact of varying instructed amount of exposure on 112 CLIL primary-school learners’ receptive knowledge of high-frequency vocabulary. Participants were asked to respond to the 1K and 2K of the Updated Vocabulary Levels Tests (Webb et al.). Data were examined looking into differences related to the amount of L2 exposure. Findings suggest a possible effect of instructed amount of exposure on the recognition of high-frequency words, which is discussed concerning its possible implications for the CLIL instructional practice.El desarrollo léxico en L2 ha sido objeto de un intenso debate en el ámbito de la enseñanza de segundas lenguas en las últimas décadas, dando lugar a numerosos estudios que han explorado el impacto de distintos enfoques de enseñanza en el conocimiento del vocabulario. Sin embargo, se han realizado escasas investigaciones para determinar la cantidad de exposición necesaria para una mejora léxica significativa. Este artículo explora cómo la variación en la exposición a la lengua extranjera afecta al conocimiento receptivo del vocabulario de alta frecuencia de 112 alumnos AICLE de educación primaria. Los participantes respondieron a los niveles 1K y 2K del Updated Vocabulary Levels Tests (Webb et al.), y los resultados se analizaron teniendo en cuenta el nivel de exposición a la L2. Los resultados señalan un posible efecto de la cantidad de exposición en el reconocimiento de las palabras más frecuentes, que se discutirá en relación con su posible implicación en la práctica AICLE

    Vocabulary learning estrategies: their relation to learning success

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    [EN] In the fields of Second Language Acquisition, there is a recent trend towards the identification of vocabulary learning strategies. However, the majority of this work has focused on the identification of strategies itself, rather than relating it to vocabulary mastery. This article presents a study on the use of vocabulary learning strategies and their relation to receptive vocabulary size. To do so, seventy secondary-school learners took part in the study. They were asked to respond the 2K version of the Vocabulary Levels Test (Schmitt, Schmitt & Clapham, 2001) and a vocabulary learning strategies questionnaire, adapted from Schmitt’s taxonomy (1997). The data were examined looking into how the use of vocabulary learning strategies related to larger or smaller receptive vocabulary size. Results will have practical implications in language teaching, as, with the identification of those most useful strategies, teachers will be able to foster their use, turning learners’ efforts into a more successful experience.[ES] En el ámbito de la investigación en enseñanza de segundas lenguas, hay un movimiento reciente que busca identificar las estrategias de aprendizaje de vocabulario. Sin embargo, la mayoría de estos estudios se han centrado en la identificación de las estrategias en sí, más que en la relación de estas con otros aspectos del aprendizaje de vocabulario. Este estudio presenta un análisis del uso de estrategias de aprendizaje de vocabulario y su relación con el nivel de vocabulario receptivo. Para ello, setenta alumnos de cuarto curso de educación secundaria participaron en el estudio. Se les pidió que respondieran el primer nivel del Vocabulary Levels Tests (Schmitt, Schmitt & Clapham, 2001) y un cuestionario sobre el uso de estrategias de aprendizaje de vocabulario, adaptado de la taxonomía de Schmitt (1997). Los datos se examinaron buscando una posible relación entre el tamaño de vocabulario receptivo y un mayor o menor uso de determinadas estrategias de aprendizaje. Los resultados tienen una aplicación práctica en la enseñanza de lenguas, ya que, con la identificación de las estrategias más fructíferas, los docentes podrán facilitar su uso en el aula, convirtiendo así los esfuerzos de los alumnos en experiencias satisfactorias.Castellano-Risco, I. (2018). Las estrategias de aprendizaje de vocabulario: su relación con el éxito académico. Lenguaje y Textos. (48):11-20. doi:10.4995/lyt.2019.10029SWORD112048Bloom, B. S. (1984). Taxonomy of educational objectives. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.Boers, F., & Lindstromberg, S. (2008). How cognitive linguistics can foster effective vocabulary teaching. In F. Boers & S. Lindstromberg, Cognitive Linguistic Approach to Teaching Vocabulary and Phraseology (pp. 1-65). Berlin: Mouton, The Hague. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110199161.1.1Canga Alonso, A. (2013). Receptive vocabulary size of secondary Spanish EFL learners. Revista de Lingüísticas y Lenguas Aplicadas, 8, 66-75. https://doi.org/10.4995/rlyla.2013.1180García López, M. (2000). Estrategias de aprendizaje de vocabulario de inglés utilizadas por los estudiantes de secundaria. Lenguaje y Textos, 61-70.Gu, Y., & Johnson, R. K. (1996). Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Language Learning Outcome. Language Learning, 643-679. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-1770.1996.tb01355.xJiménez Catalán, R. M., & Terrazas Gallego, M. (2005). The receptive vocabulary of English Foreign Language young learners. Journal of English Studies, 5, 173-192. https://doi.org/10.18172/jes.127Lawson, M. J., & Hogben, D. (1996). The vocabulary-learning strategies of foreign-language students. Language Learning, 46(1), 101-135. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-1770.1996.tb00642.xMeara, P. (1996). The vocabulary knowledge framework. Vocabulary Acquisition Research Group Virtual Library.Milton, J. (2009). Measuring Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition. UK: Multilingual Matters. https://doi.org/10.21832/9781847692092Milton, J., & Fitzpatrick, T. (2014). Dimensions of vocabulary knowledge. UK: Palgrave Macmillan.Nation, P. (1990). Teaching and learning vocabulary. New York City: Newbury.Nation, P. (2001). Learning Vocabulary in Another Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139524759Oxford, R. (1989). Use of Language Learning Strategies: a synthesis of studies with implications for strategy training. System, 17 (2), 235-247. https://doi.org/10.1016/0346-251X(89)90036-5Sahbazian, S. (2004). Perceived vocabulary learning strategies of Turkish university students (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation). Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma, USA.Schmitt, N. (1997). Vocabulary learning strategies. In N. Schmitt & M. McCarthy, Vocabulary: Description, acquisition and pedagogy.Schmitt, N. (2008). Instructed second language vocabulary learning. Language Teaching Research, 12, 329-363. https://doi.org/10.1177/1362168808089921Schmitt, N. (2010). Researching vocabulary: A Vocabulary Research Manual. Palgrave Press. https://doi.org/10.1057/9780230293977Schmitt, N., Schmitt, D., & Claphman, C. (2001). Developing and exploring the behaviour of two new versions of the Vocabulary Levels Tests. Language Testing, 18(1), 55-88. https://doi.org/10.1177/026553220101800103Soler, P. (2017). España, el país con peor nivel de inglés de la Unión Europea. Periódico El Mundo. Retrieved from: http://www.elmundo.es/sociedad/2017/01/12/5877581fe2704e79538b4666.htmlStöffer, I. (1995). University foreign language students' choice of vocabulary learning strategies as related to individual difference variable (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation). University of Alabama, U.S.A.Tseng, W.-T., Dörnyei, Z., & Schmitt, N. (2006). A New Approach to Assessing Strategic Learning: The Case of Self-Regulation in Vocabulary Acquisition. Applied Linguistics, 27(1), 78-102. https://doi.org/10.1093/applin/ami046Xhaferi, B., & Xhaferi, G. (2008). Vocabulary learning strategies used by students at SEEU in terms of gender and teachers' attitudes toward teaching vocabulary. Tetovo: South East European University.Waldovgel, D.A. (2011). Vocabulary learning strategies among adult learners of Spanish as a foreign language. Unpublished Doctorial Dissertation. The University of Texas at Austin

    Profiling lexical coverage in EMI academic seminars: a corpus-based study

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    Since the implementation of the Bologna Process, Higher Education Institutions have increasingly offered English as the Medium of Instruction (EMI) programmes to promote “internationalisation at home” (Beelen & Jones, 2018). While these programmes allow students to take content courses in English, EMI settings may also be challenging for learners due to the linguistic demands they may impose. However, current efforts to identify these demands have primarily relied on self-reported data, with limited consideration given to the linguistic features that may cause difficulties for EMI learners. This paper aims to address this gap by exploring the lexical demands of EMI seminars. The study analyses the lexical coverage of BNC/COCA (Nation, 2012) and ASW (Dang et al., 2017) lists in MetCLIL, a corpus comprising nine EMI seminars and 110,496 tokens, and investigates the impact of contextual variables on lexical demands. The findings indicate that (1) EMI seminars show lower lexical demands on L2 learners than L1 lectures and seminars or EMI lectures but similar to L1 tutorials, (2) academic spoken vocabulary is less frequent than in other educational settings, and (3) certain contextual factors seem to play a critical role in lexical coverage

    The vocabulary learning strategies: a longitudinal study on their use by CLIL and mainstream EFL learners

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    Este estudio analiza cómo el uso de distintos enfoques de enseñanza puede tener una influencia en la selección y evolución de estrategias de aprendizaje de vocabulario. Este estudio viene propiciado por el interés en identificar las estrategias más beneficiosas para el aprendizaje de lenguas (Gu & Johnson, 1996; Schmitt, 1997, Siriwan, 2007) y la falta de análisis sobre qué enfoques educativos desembocan en un mayor uso de las mismas. Un cuestionario (adaptado de Schmitt, 1997) fue administrado a 44 alumnos extremeños —20 alumnos ILE y 24 alumnos AICLE— en dos periodos distintos a lo largo de un año académico. Los resultados, examinados en relación con su posible implicación en los contextos de enseñanza, muestran una diferencia en la evolución del uso de estrategias que puede ser, al menos en parte, atribuida al enfoque educativo utilizado.This study aims to analyse how the use of different language approaches may influence the selection and the evolution of vocabulary learning strategies. This study has been designed due to the growing importance the identification of those most benefitial vocabulary learning strategies (Gu & Johnson, 1996; Schmitt, 1997, Siriwan, 2007) and the lack of analysis about the impact of the teaching approach on the selection of vocabulary learning strategies. A questionnaire (based on Schmitt, 1997) was administered to forty-four Extremadura secondary-school learners —twenty-four CLIL learners and twenty EFL learners— in two different periods along a year. Results seem to show some difference in the evolution of the vocabulary learning strategies.peerReviewe

    An analysis of the use of vocabulary learning strategies by secondary-school CLIL learners

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    Tras décadas de hegemonía de la gramática en el aprendizaje de lenguas, en los últimos años, el léxico ha ido adquiriendo un papel fundamental en la enseñanza de segundas lenguas. Este estudio forma parte de otro más amplio que busca analizar el uso que grupos expuestos a distintos enfoques -AICLE (Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras) y un enfoque más restringido a la enseñanza de lenguas únicamente- hacen de las estrategias de aprendizaje de vocabulario. En este caso, nos centraremos en el análisis de las estrategias utilizadas por alumnos sometidos al enfoque AICLE. Para ello, se va a emplear un cuestionario diseñado con este fin basado en la taxonomía de estrategias de aprendizaje de vocabulario de Schmitt (1997). Los resultados parecen indicar que estos alumnos hacen un mayor uso de estrategias de descubrimiento de significados.After ages the consequences of extensive vocabulary in language proficiency over grammar supremacy has been recognized finally in the area of Second Language Acquisition (SLA). This study is part of a greater one in which the significance of various vocabulary learning strategies used by two groups –a CLIL group and a traditional EFL group- is explored through a questionnaire survey based on Schmitt’ taxonomy (1997). In this piece of research, the CLIL learners’ use of vocabulary learning strategies are going to be analyzed. Results emphasize a greater use of vocabulary learning strategies related to the discovery of unknown meanings.peerReviewe

    Lecturers’ Training Needs in EMI Programmes: Beyond Language Competence

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    This paper reports the results of an analysis of English as a Medium Instruction (EMI) lecturers’ training needs at a Spanish state university. In order to carry out this analysis, participants were asked to complete a quantitative questionnaire and participate in a survey with open questions adapted from Pérez-Cañado 2020). Both analysis tools explored the lecturers’ needs in relation to specific areas: linguistic competence, methodology, materials and resources, continuing professional development training and their overall rating of the EMI programme. The results show that, on the one hand, EMI teachers feel that their linguistic competence is sufficient to conduct classes in English. On the other hand, participants seem less confident as far as their methodological competence is concerned and call for more specific ongoing training. These findings are mostly in consonance with the results of other studies carried out in similar contexts (Dafouz 2018; Macaro et al. 2019; Pérez-Cañado 2020; Coelho in preparation) but they also provide some new insights which should be taken into consideration in the design of specific training programmes for lecturers involved in EMI in Higher Education.This research was supported by grants IB18055 (research project: Diseño de entornos virtuales de aprendizaje colaborativo para la enseñanza integrada de contenidos y lenguas extranjeras (AICLE) en la Educación Superior adaptados a la Universidad de Extremadura - ICLUEx) and GR18134 from the Government of Extremadura (European Regional Development Fund – ERDF)


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    Con el presente artículo, pretendemos examinar el perfil del profesorado y cómo desempeña su labor en el uso y puesta en práctica del enfoque AICLE en las aulas. Para ello, nos centraremos en cómo esto se lleva a cabo en la provincia de Badajoz. En primer lugar, se ha estudiado en qué consiste el enfoque AICLE (acrónimo de Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras), así como su origen y evolución a lo largo de la historia. En segundo lugar, nos hemos centrado en el planteamiento de este enfoque en España y, más concretamente, en la región de Extremadura, investigando cómo se ha ido implantando y su situación actual. Finalmente, se analizó la figura del maestro que utiliza este enfoque, centrándonos en su preparación y su percepción sobre AICLE.  Para ello, se ha pasado un cuestionario con veintiséis preguntas a maestros de Educación Primaria que imparten clase en secciones bilingües o centros bilingües para conocer su preparación y su percepción sobre AICLE.  El análisis de los resultados de la encuesta nos ha facilitado unas conclusiones claras y precisas sobre las necesidades de los docentes que usan este enfoque, entre otras, la importancia que los docentes le confieren a su formación en AICLE, considerándola bastante escasa para afrontar este enfoque.The aim of this research is to examine the profile of the teachers and how they fulfil their task in the use and practice of CLIL approach in the classrooms. For that, we will focus on how this is carried out in the province of Badajoz. Having this objective in mind, we will study firstly what the CLIL approach (acronym for Content and Language Integrated Learning) is, as well as its origin and evolution throughout history. Secondly, we will focus on the Spanish and Extremadura cases, investigating how it has been implemented, and its current status. Finally, the figure of the teacher using CLIL will be also analyzed, paying special attention to their preparation and perception about such an approach.  In order to do this, we have realized a questionnaire with twenty questions to Primary teachers teaching in bilingual programs or bilingual schools so that we will be able to know their preparation and perception of CLIL.  The analysis of the results have provided us with clear and precise information about the needs of teachers who use CLIL approach, among others, we could highlight the importance that teachers confer to their lack of training as regards CLIL

    Metaphors set in motion in the context of L2 academic spoken discourse

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    Theoretical and applied research in physical motion events (MEs) (Talmy, 2000; Ibarretxe-Antuñano, 2017) has shown that (1) speakers tend to organize MEs around a specific semantic component resulting in at least two different lexicalization patterns (satellite-framed and verb-framed languages), with different narrative styles (Slobin, 1996, 2004); (2) the use of specific patterns may also depend on genre and discourse (Caballero, 2017); and (3) the adoption of the narrative style of an L2 is challenging (Cadierno, 2008). These findings seem to also apply to metaphorical motion events (MMEs) (Özçalışkan, 2005; Ibarretxe-Antuñano & Caballero, 2014). This study analyses the linguistic realizations and discourse functions of MMEs in the specific context of oral EMI seminars to examine ME prevalence and the impact inter-typological differences may have on the production of MMEs. Data from three seminars from METCLIL corpus were selected to compare MME verb production by English L1 speakers (n=4) and L2 English speakers (satellite-framed: n=4; verb-framed: n=9). Results show that (i) individual variables (speakers’ L1 typology or lecturer’s input) do not seem to have a determining impact on MME employment, while (ii) contextual factors (to-be-performed activities) have been shown to have a more salient role in MME usage and performance of discursive functions

    Teachers' perceptions about the implementation of CLIL in the province of Badajoz

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    Con el presente artículo, pretendemos examinar el perfil del profesorado y cómo desempeña su labor en el uso y puesta en práctica del enfoque AICLE en las aulas. Para ello, nos centraremos en cómo esto se lleva a cabo en la provincia de Badajoz. En primer lugar, se ha estudiado en qué consiste el enfoque AICLE (acrónimo de Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras), así como su origen y evolución a lo largo de la historia. En segundo lugar, nos hemos centrado en el planteamiento de este enfoque en España y, más concretamente, en la región de Extremadura, investigando cómo se ha ido implantando y su situación actual. Finalmente, se analizó la figura del maestro que utiliza este enfoque, centrándonos en su preparación y su percepción sobre AICLE. Para ello, se ha pasado un cuestionario con veintiséis preguntas a maestros de Educación Primaria que imparten clase en secciones bilingües o centros bilingües para conocer su preparación y su percepción sobre AICLE. El análisis de los resultados de la encuesta nos ha facilitado unas conclusiones claras y precisas sobre las necesidades de los docentes que usan este enfoque, entre otras, la importancia que los docentes le confieren a su formación en AICLE, considerándola bastante escasa para afrontar este enfoque.The aim of this research is to examine the profile of the teachers and how they fulfil their task in the use and practice of CLIL approach in the classrooms. For that, we will focus on how this is carried out in the province of Badajoz. Having this objective in mind, we will study firstly what the CLIL approach (acronym for Content and Language Integrated Learning) is, as well as its origin and evolution throughout history. Secondly, we will focus on the Spanish and Extremadura cases, investigating how it has been implemented, and its current status. Finally, the figure of the teacher using CLIL will be also analyzed, paying special attention to their preparation and perception about such an approach. In order to do this, we have realized a questionnaire with twenty questions to Primary teachers teaching in bilingual programs or bilingual schools so that we will be able to know their preparation and perception of CLIL. The analysis of the results have provided us with clear and precise information about the needs of teachers who use CLIL approach, among others, we could highlight the importance that teachers confer to their lack of training as regards CLIL.peerReviewe

    How a CLIL approach may affect the size of receptive vocabulary and the use of vocabulary learning strategies: An empirical study focused on Extremaduran secondary learners

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    Actualmente, el conocimiento de vocabulario se ha erigido como un aspecto clave en la adquisición de una segunda lengua. A su vez, AICLE, como enfoque educativo en el que distintas materias no lingüísticas se enseñan utilizando una lengua extranjera, ha irrumpido en las aulas en los últimos años como una realidad, basándose para ello en los beneficios demostrados en lo referente a adquisición de vocabulario. Este Trabajo Final de Máster presenta un estudio sobre el uso de estrategias de aprendizaje de vocabulario y su relación con el nivel de vocabulario receptivo de los alumnos de Secundaria. Para llevar a cabo este análisis, se le ha pedido a dos grupos, uno AICLE y uno no AICLE, que respondieran dos cuestionarios: un test de estrategias de vocabulario y un test de vocabulario receptivo (Yes/No test). Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados teniendo en cuenta dos propósitos: analizar diferencias en el uso de estrategias de aprendizaje de vocabulario por alumnos AICLE y no AICLE, y buscar relaciones entre el uso de ciertas estrategias de vocabulario y el nivel de vocabulario receptivo de los estudiantes. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que existen diferencias entre ambos grupos no solo en el nivel de vocabulario receptivo, sino también en el uso de estrategias de aprendizaje de vocabulario.Vocabulary has risen up as a key issue in Second Language Learning. Moreover, CLIL, as an educational approach in which content subjects are taught through a foreign language, has irrupted as a reality in the recent years, relying on its reported benefits in relation to vocabulary learning in the foreign language used. The present MA dissertation presents a study about the use of vocabulary learning strategies and their relation to the receptive vocabulary size of secondary school learners. In order to explore this issue, two groups (a CLIL group and non-CLIL group) of Extremaduran students were asked to answer two different questionnaires: A Yes/No test and a vocabulary learning strategies test. The data obtained were analyzed following two specific purposes: Looking for any differences in the use of strategies by CLIL and non-CLIL learners and for any relation between the use of vocabulary learning strategies and their levels of receptive vocabulary. The results show that there seems to be differences between both groups not only in the receptive vocabulary size but also in the use of vocabulary learning strategies.Máster Universitario en Enseñanza Bilingüe para la Educación Primaria y Secundaria. Universidad de Extremadur