14 research outputs found

    RecomendaçÔes para oxigenoterapia domiciliar prolongada da Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia (2022)

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    Some chronic respiratory diseases can cause hypoxemia and, in such cases, long-term home oxygen therapy (LTOT) is indicated as a treatment option primarily to improve patient quality of life and life expectancy. Home oxygen has been used for more than 70 years, and support for LTOT is based on two studies from the 1980s that demonstrated that oxygen use improves survival in patients with COPD. There is evidence that LTOT has other beneficial effects such as improved cognitive function, improved exercise capacity, and reduced hospitalizations. LTOT is indicated in other respiratory diseases that cause hypoxemia, on the basis of the same criteria as those used for COPD. There has been an increase in the use of LTOT, probably because of increased life expectancy and a higher prevalence of chronic respiratory diseases, as well as greater availability of LTOT in the health care system. The first Brazilian Thoracic Association consensus statement on LTOT was published in 2000. Twenty-two years later, we present this updated version. This document is a nonsystematic review of the literature, conducted by pulmonologists who evaluated scientific evidence and international guidelines on LTOT in the various diseases that cause hypoxemia and in specific situations (i.e., exercise, sleep, and air travel). These recommendations, produced with a view to clinical practice, contain several charts with information on indications for LTOT, oxygen sources, accessories, strategies for improved efficiency and effectiveness, and recommendations for the safe use of LTOT, as well as a LTOT prescribing model.Algumas doenças respiratĂłrias crĂŽnicas podem evoluir com hipoxemia e, nessas situaçÔes, a oxigenoterapia domiciliar prolongada (ODP) estĂĄ indicada como opção terapĂȘutica com o objetivo principal de melhorar a qualidade e a expectativa de vida desses pacientes. O oxigĂȘnio domiciliar Ă© usado hĂĄ mais de 70 anos, e a ODP tem como base dois estudos da dĂ©cada de oitenta que demonstraram que o uso de oxigĂȘnio melhora a sobrevida de pacientes com DPOC. Existem evidĂȘncias de que a ODP tem outros efeitos benĂ©ficos como melhora da função cognitiva e da capacidade de exercĂ­cio e redução de hospitalizaçÔes. A ODP estĂĄ indicada para outras doenças respiratĂłrias que cursam com hipoxemia, segundo os mesmos critĂ©rios estabelecidos para a DPOC. Tem sido observado aumento no uso da ODP provavelmente pela maior expectativa de vida, maior prevalĂȘncia de doenças respiratĂłrias crĂŽnicas e maior disponibilidade de ODP no sistema de saĂșde. O primeiro consenso sobre ODP da Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia foi publicado em 2000; apĂłs 22 anos, apresentamos esta versĂŁo atualizada. Este documento Ă© uma revisĂŁo nĂŁo sistemĂĄtica da literatura, realizada por pneumologistas que avaliaram evidĂȘncias cientĂ­ficas e diretrizes internacionais sobre ODP nas diversas doenças que cursam com hipoxemia e em situaçÔes especĂ­ficas (exercĂ­cio, sono e viagens aĂ©reas). Estas recomendaçÔes, tendo em vista a prĂĄtica clĂ­nica, oferecem diversos quadros com informaçÔes sobre indicaçÔes, fontes de oxigĂȘnio, acessĂłrios e estratĂ©gias para melhor eficiĂȘncia, efetividade e uso seguro da ODP, assim como um modelo para sua prescrição

    Atualização na abordagem do tabagismo em pacientes com doenças respiratórias

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    O tabagismo Ă© o maior responsĂĄvel pelas doenças respiratĂłrias (DR). Os efeitos nocivos do tabaco sobre o aparelho respiratĂłrio se iniciam ainda intraĂștero e influenciam as respostas imunolĂłgicas ao longo da infĂąncia e vida adulta. Os tabagistas com DR possuem peculiaridades que podem dificultar a cessação tabĂĄgica, tais como maior grau de dependĂȘncia e de abstinĂȘncia de nicotina; nĂ­veis mais elevados de monĂłxido de carbono exalado; motivação e autoeficĂĄcia baixas; maior preocupação com ganho ponderal; e elevada prevalĂȘncia de ansiedade e depressĂŁo. AlĂ©m disso, requerem tratamento mais intensivo e prolongado. É necessĂĄrio esclarecer sempre o paciente sobre o fato de que parar de fumar serĂĄ a Ășnica medida que irĂĄ reduzir a progressĂŁo das DR e melhorar sua qualidade de vida, independentemente do tempo e da gravidade da doença. Os mĂ©dicos devem sempre oferecer o tratamento de cessação tabĂĄgica. O tratamento ambulatorial ou hospitalar deve ser multidisciplinar, baseado em intervençÔes comportamentais e farmacoterapia, sendo eficaz e custo-efetivo, dobrando as chances de sucesso.Smoking is the leading cause of respiratory disease (RD). The harmful effects of smoking on the respiratory system begin in utero and influence immune responses throughout childhood and adult life. In comparison with “healthy” smokers, smokers with RD have peculiarities that can impede smoking cessation, such as a higher level of nicotine dependence; nicotine withdrawal; higher levels of exhaled carbon monoxide; low motivation and low self-efficacy; greater concern about weight gain; and a high prevalence of anxiety and depression. In addition, they require more intensive, prolonged treatment. It is always necessary to educate such individuals about the fact that quitting smoking is the only measure that will reduce the progression of RD and improve their quality of life, regardless of the duration and severity of the disease. Physicians should always offer smoking cessation treatment. Outpatient or inpatient smoking cessation treatment should be multidisciplinary, based on behavioral interventions and pharmacotherapy. It will thus be more effective and cost-effective, doubling the chances of success

    Update on the approach to smoking in patients with respiratory diseases.

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    Smoking is the leading cause of respiratory disease (RD). The harmful effects of smoking on the respiratory system begin in utero and influence immune responses throughout childhood and adult life. In comparison with ?healthy? smokers, smokers with RD have peculiarities that can impede smoking cessation, such as a higher level of nicotine dependence; nicotine withdrawal; higher levels of exhaled carbon monoxide; low motivation and low self-efficacy; greater concern about weight gain; and a high prevalence of anxiety and depression. In addition, they require more intensive, prolonged treatment. It is always necessary to educate such individuals about the fact that quitting smoking is the only measure that will reduce the progression of RD and improve their quality of life, regardless of the duration and severity of the disease. Physicians should always offer smoking cessation treatment. Outpatient or inpatient smoking cessation treatment should be multidisciplinary, based on behavioral interventions and pharmacotherapy. It will thus be more effective and cost-effective, doubling the chances of success

    Smoking control: challenges and achievements

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    ABSTRACT Smoking is the most preventable and controllable health risk. Therefore, all health care professionals should give their utmost attention to and be more focused on the problem of smoking. Tobacco is a highly profitable product, because of its large-scale production and great number of consumers. Smoking control policies and treatment resources for smoking cessation have advanced in recent years, showing highly satisfactory results, particularly in Brazil. However, there is yet a long way to go before smoking can be considered a controlled disease from a public health standpoint. We can already perceive that the behavior of our society regarding smoking is changing, albeit slowly. Therefore, pulmonologists have a very promising area in which to work with their patients and the general population. We must act with greater impetus in support of health care policies and social living standards that directly contribute to improving health and quality of life. In this respect, pulmonologists can play a greater role as they get more involved in treating smokers, strengthening anti-smoking laws, and demanding health care policies related to lung diseases

    Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica

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    ABSTRACT Tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica is a rare benign disease, of unknown cause, characterized by numerous sessile, cartilaginous, or bony submucosal nodules distributed throughout the anterolateral walls, projecting into the laryngotracheobronchial lumen. In general, tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica is diagnosed incidentally during bronchoscopy or autopsy and is not associated with a specific disease. We report the case of a male patient who was diagnosed with tracheobronchopathia osteochondroplastica via bronchoscopy and biopsy

    Recommendations for the pharmacological treatment of COPD: questions and answers

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    ABSTRACT The treatment of COPD has become increasingly effective. Measures that range from behavioral changes, reduction in exposure to risk factors, education about the disease and its course, rehabilitation, oxygen therapy, management of comorbidities, and surgical and pharmacological treatments to end-of-life care allow health professionals to provide a personalized and effective therapy. The pharmacological treatment of COPD is one of the cornerstones of COPD management, and there have been many advances in this area in recent years. Given the greater availability of drugs and therapeutic combinations, it has become increasingly challenging to know the indications for, limitations of, and potential risks and benefits of each treatment modality. In order to critically evaluate recent evidence and systematize the major questions regarding the pharmacological treatment of COPD, 24 specialists from all over Brazil gathered to develop the present recommendations. A visual guide was developed for the classification and treatment of COPD, both of which were adapted to fit the situation in Brazil. Ten questions were selected on the basis of their relevance in clinical practice. They address the classification, definitions, treatment, and evidence available for each drug or drug combination. Each question was answered by two specialists, and then the answers were consolidated in two phases: review and consensus by all participants. The questions answered are practical questions and help select from among the many options the best treatment for each patient and his/her peculiarities

    Recommendations for the pharmacological treatment of COPD: questions and answers

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    ABSTRACT The treatment of COPD has become increasingly effective. Measures that range from behavioral changes, reduction in exposure to risk factors, education about the disease and its course, rehabilitation, oxygen therapy, management of comorbidities, and surgical and pharmacological treatments to end-of-life care allow health professionals to provide a personalized and effective therapy. The pharmacological treatment of COPD is one of the cornerstones of COPD management, and there have been many advances in this area in recent years. Given the greater availability of drugs and therapeutic combinations, it has become increasingly challenging to know the indications for, limitations of, and potential risks and benefits of each treatment modality. In order to critically evaluate recent evidence and systematize the major questions regarding the pharmacological treatment of COPD, 24 specialists from all over Brazil gathered to develop the present recommendations. A visual guide was developed for the classification and treatment of COPD, both of which were adapted to fit the situation in Brazil. Ten questions were selected on the basis of their relevance in clinical practice. They address the classification, definitions, treatment, and evidence available for each drug or drug combination. Each question was answered by two specialists, and then the answers were consolidated in two phases: review and consensus by all participants. The questions answered are practical questions and help select from among the many options the best treatment for each patient and his/her peculiarities