148 research outputs found


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    Spectrophotometric Measurement of Carbonate Ion in Seawater over a Decade: Dealing with Inconsistencies

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    The spectrophotometric methodology for carbonate ion determination in seawater was first published in 2008 and has been continuously evolving in terms of reagents and formulations. Although being fast, relatively simple, affordable, and potentially easy to implement in different platforms and facilities for discrete and autonomous observations, its use is not widespread in the ocean acidification community. This study uses a merged overdetermined CO2 system data set (carbonate ion, pH, and alkalinity) obtained from 2009 to 2020 to assess the differences among the five current approaches of the methodology through an internal consistency analysis and discussing the sources of uncertainty. Overall, the results show that none of the approaches meet the climate goal (± 1 % standard uncertainty) for ocean acidification studies for the whole carbonate ion content range in this study but usually fulfill the weather goal (± 10 % standard uncertainty). The inconsistencies observed among approaches compromise the consistency of data sets among regions and through time, highlighting the need for a validated standard operating procedure for spectrophotometric carbonate ion measurements as already available for the other measurable CO2 variables.4,84

    Air-sea CO2 fluxes in the Atlantic as measured during the FICARAM cruises

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    A total of fourteen hydrographic cruises spanning from 2000 to 2008 were conducted during the spring and autumn seasons between Spain and the Southern Ocean, under the framework of the Spanish research project FICARAM. The performed underway measurements are processed and analysed to describe the meridional air-sea CO2 fluxes (F CO2) along the Atlantic Ocean. The data was organised into different biogeochemical oceanographic provinces, according mainly to the thermohaline characteristics. The obtained spatial and temporal distributions of F CO2 follow the generally expected patterns and annual trends. The Subtropical regions in both hemispheres alternated the CO2 source and sink nature from autumn to spring, respectively. On the other hand, Tropical waters and the Patagonian Sea clearly behaved as sinks of atmospheric CO2 like the waters of the Drake Passage during autumn. The obtained results during the cruises also revealed significant long-term trends, such as the warming of equatorial waters (0.11±0.03 Cyr−1) and the decrease of surface salinity (−0.16±0.01 yr−1) in tropical waters caused by the influence of the Amazon River plume. This reduction in surface salinity appears to have a direct influence over the CO2 storage rates, fostering the uptake capacity of atmospheric CO2 (−0.09±0.03 molm−2 yr−1). An analysis of the biogeochemical forcing on the CO2 fugacity (fCO2) variability performed from an empirical algorithm highlighted the major role of the Amazon River input in the tropical North Atlantic fluxes. In addition, it has provided a quantitative measure of the importance of the thermodynamic control of F CO2 at temperate latitudes

    Antagonists of Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone Inhibit the Growth of Pituitary Adenoma Cells by Hampering Oncogenic Pathways and Promoting Apoptotic Signaling

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    Pituitary adenomas (PAs) are intracranial tumors, often associated with excessive hormonal secretion and severe comorbidities. Some patients are resistant to medical therapies; therefore, novel treatment options are needed. Antagonists of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) exert potent anticancer effects, and early GHRH antagonists were found to inhibit GHRH-induced secretion of pituitary GH in vitro and in vivo. However, the antitumor role of GHRH antagonists in PAs is largely unknown. Here, we show that the GHRH antagonists of MIAMI class, MIA-602 and MIA-690, inhibited cell viability and growth and promoted apoptosis in GH/prolactin-secreting GH3 PA cells transfected with human GHRH receptor (GH3-GHRHR), and in adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH-secreting AtT20 PA cells. GHRH antagonists also reduced the expression of proteins involved in tumorigenesis and cancer progression, upregulated proapoptotic molecules, and lowered GHRH receptor levels. The combination of MIA-690 with temozolomide synergistically blunted the viability of GH3-GHRHR and AtT20 cells. Moreover, MIA-690 reduced both basal and GHRH-induced secretion of GH and intracellular cAMP levels. Finally, GHRH antagonists inhibited cell viability in human primary GH- and ACTH-PA cell cultures. Overall, our results suggest that GHRH antagonists, either alone or in combination with pharmacological treatments, may be considered for further development as therapy for PAs

    Nanopigmented Acrylic Resin Cured Indistinctively by Water Bath or Microwave Energy for Dentures

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    The highlight of this study was the synthesis of nanopigmented poly(methyl methacrylate) nanoparticles that were further processed using a water bath and/or microwave energy for dentures. The experimental acrylic resins were physicochemically characterized, and the adherence of Candida albicans and biocompatibility were assessed. A nanopigmented acrylic resin cured by a water bath or by microwave energy was obtained. The acrylic specimens possess similar properties to commercial acrylic resins, but the transverse strength and porosity were slightly improved. The acrylic resins cured with microwave energy exhibited reduced C. albicans adherence. These results demonstrate an improved noncytotoxic material for the manufacturing of denture bases in dentistry

    Estudios sefardíes dedicados a la memoria de Iacob M. Hassán (ź"l)

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    Elena Romero y Aitor García Moreno son los editores de este volumen.[EN] This work aims to honour Iacob. M. Hassán, who set up, promoted, and for decades maintained, the CSIC's School of Sephardic studies (Escuela de Estudios Sefardíes) in Madrid. It comprises a collection of articles on the Jews in the medieval Spanish kingdoms, along with other articles on a wide variety of language issues, and the study and publication of literary works produced or handed down by the Sephardim of the Balkans and Morocco between the sixteenth and the twentieth centuries, such as biblical commentaries and lexicons, liturgical poetry, rabbinic literature, biographies, folk tales, popular folk songs, ballads, and modern songs ... These studies also include an article by Iacob. M. Hassán published here for the first time in the form of a facsimile of his original typed manuscript. The work is preceded by a foreword and an unpublished text of one of his lectures, which contains a wealth of autobiographical information, as well as his views on the vicissitudes of Sephardic Studies as an academic discipline.[ES] Con esta obra se quiere honrar al creador, impulsor y mantenedor durante decenios de la llamada Escuela de Estudios Sefardíes del CSIC (Madrid). Se recogen en ella artículos relativos a los judíos en los reinos hispanos medievales, y otros dedicados a muy variados temas de lengua, y al estudio y edición de obras literarias producidas o transmitidas por los sefardíes de los Balcanes y de Marruecos entre el siglo XVI y el XX: comentarios y léxicos bíblicos, poesía litúrgica, literatura rabínica, biografías, cuentos tradicionales, coplas, romances, cancionero moderno, etc., etc. Entre los estudios se incluye además, como primicia, un artículo mecanografiado de Iacob. M. Hassán que se publica por primera vez en edición facsímil. La obra va precedida de un Prólogo y del texto inédito de una de sus conferencias, en la que aporta numerosos datos autobiográficos, así como su visión sobre los avatares de los Estudios Sefardíes como disciplina académica

    Recommendations for ophthalmologic practice during the easing of COVID-19 control measures

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    In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, this paper provides recommendations for medical eye care during the easing of control measures after lockdown. The guidelines presented are based on a literature review and consensus among all Spanish Ophthalmology Societies regarding protection measures recommended for the ophthalmologic care of patients with or without confirmed COVID-19 in outpatient, inpatient, emergency and surgery settings. We recommend that all measures be adapted to the circumstances and availability of personal protective equipment at each centre and also highlight the need to periodically update recommendations as we may need to readopt more restrictive measures depending on the local epidemiology of the virus. These guidelines are designed to avoid the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 among both patients and healthcare staff as we gradually return to normal medical practice, to prevent postoperative complications and try to reduce possible deficiencies in the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of the ophthalmic diseases. With this update (5th) the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology is placed as one of the major ophthalmology societies providing periodic and systematized recommendations for ophthalmic care during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Cruise Summary Report - MEDWAVES survey. MEDiterranean out flow WAter and Vulnerable EcosystemS (MEDWAVES)

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    The MEDWAVES (MEDiterranean out flow WAter and Vulnerable EcosystemS) cruise targeted areas under the potential influence of the MOW within the Mediterranean and Atlantic realms. These include seamounts where Cold-water corals (CWCs) have been reported but that are still poorly known, and which may act as essential “stepping stones” connecting fauna of seamounts in the Mediterranean with those of the continental shelf of Portugal, the Azores and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. During MEDWAVES sampling has been conducted in two of the case studies of ATLAS: Case study 7 (Gulf of Cádiz-Strait of Gibraltar-Alboran Sea) and Case study 8 (Azores). The initially targeted areas in the Atlantic were: the Gazul Mud volcano, in the Gulf of Cádiz (GoC) area, included in the case study 7, and the Atlantic seamounts Ormonde (Portuguese shelf) and Formigas (by Azores), both part of the case study 8. In the Mediterranean the targeted areas were The Guadiaro submarine canyon and the Seco de los Olivos (also known as Chella Bank) seamount. Unfortunately it was not possible to sample in Guadiaro due to time constraints originated by adverse meteorological conditions which obligate us to reduce the time at sea focusing only in 4 of the 5 initially planned areas. MEDWAVES was structured in two legs; the first leg took place from the 21st September (departure from Cádiz harbour in Spain) to the 13th October 2016 (arrival in Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, Azores, Portugal took place the 8th of October due to the meteorological conditions that obligated to conclude the first leg earlier as planned). during the Leg 1 sampling was carried out in Gazul, Ormonde and Formigas. The second leg started the 14th October (departure from Ponta Delgada) and finished the 26th October (arrival in Málaga harbour, Spain). MEDWAVES had a total of 30 effective sampling days, being 6 days not operative due to the adverse meteorological conditions experienced during the first leg which forced us to stay in Ponta Delgada from the 08th to the 13th October. During MEDWAVES the daily routine followed a similar scheme, depending of course on the weather and sea conditions. The main activity during the day, starting early in the morning (around 08:00 AM, once the night activities were finished), was the ROV deployment. Generally a single ROV dive of around 8 hours was performed, however in several occasions two dives were carried out in the same day (see General station list, Appendix II). After the ROV (and sometimes between two dives) the Box Corer and/or Van Veen Grab and/or Multicore was deployed. After these activities, during the night CTD-Rosette deployments and MB was conducted. Accordingly to this schema the scientific personnel worked in the day or in the night watch. A total of 215 sampling stations have been covered in MEDWAVES, using the following sampling gears: Multibeam echosounder, CTD-Rosette, LADCP, Box Corer, Van Veen Grab, Multicorer and a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). Table 1 sumamrised the number of sampling stations conducted with each gear in each sampling zone. Additionally MB surveys have been conducted during the transits between area

    SARS-CoV-2-Mediated Lung Edema and Replication Are Diminished by Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Modulators

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    20 Pág.Coronaviruses (CoVs) of genera α, β, γ, and δ encode proteins that have a PDZ-binding motif (PBM) consisting of the last four residues of the envelope (E) protein (PBM core). PBMs may bind over 400 cellular proteins containing PDZ domains (an acronym formed by the combination of the first letter of the names of the three first proteins where this domain was identified), making them relevant for the control of cell function. Three highly pathogenic human CoVs have been identified to date: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), and SARS-CoV-2. The PBMs of the three CoVs were virulence factors. SARS-CoV mutants in which the E protein PBM core was replaced by the E protein PBM core from virulent or attenuated CoVs were constructed. These mutants showed a gradient of virulence, depending on whether the alternative PBM core introduced was derived from a virulent or an attenuated CoV. Gene expression patterns in the lungs of mice infected with SARS-CoVs encoding each of the different PBMs were analyzed by RNA sequencing of infected lung tissues. E protein PBM of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 dysregulated gene expression related to ion transport and cell homeostasis. Decreased expression of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) mRNA, essential for alveolar edema resolution, was shown. Reduced CFTR mRNA levels were associated with edema accumulation in the alveoli of mice infected with SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. Compounds that increased CFTR expression and activity, significantly reduced SARS-CoV-2 growth in cultured cells and protected against mouse infection, suggesting that E protein virulence is mediated by a decreased CFTR expression. IMPORTANCE Three highly pathogenic human CoVs have been identified: SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2. The E protein PBMs of these three CoVs were virulence factors. Gene expression patterns associated with the different PBM motifs in the lungs of infected mice were analyzed by deep sequencing. E protein PBM motif of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 dysregulated the expression of genes related to ion transport and cell homeostasis. A decrease in the mRNA expression of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), which is essential for edema resolution, was observed. The reduction of CFTR mRNA levels was associated with edema accumulation in the lungs of mice infected with SARS-CoV-2. Compounds that increased the expression and activity of CFTR drastically reduced the production of SARS-CoV-2 and protected against its infection in a mice model. These results allowed the identification of cellular targets for the selection of antivirals.This work was supported by grants from the Government of Spain (BIO2016-75549-R; PID2019-107001RB-I00 AEI/FEDER, UE; SEV 2017-0712 and PIE_INTRAMURAL_LINEA 1- 202020E079), CSIC (PIE_INTRAMURAL-202020E043), the European Zoonotic Anticipation and Preparedness Initiative (ZAPI) (IMI_JU_115760), the European Commission (H2020-SC1- 2019, ISOLDA Project No. 848166-2), and the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) (2P01AI060699). J.M.H. received a contract from Comunidad de Madrid (Y2020/BIO-6576, COVID-PREclinical-MODels-CM). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. In vivo experiments were performed at INIA-CISA (Madrid, Spain)Peer reviewe