3,366 research outputs found

    Modular Invariant of Quantum Tori II: The Golden Mean

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    In our first article in this series ("Modular Invariant of Quantum Tori I: Definitions Nonstandard and Standard" arXiv:0909.0143) a modular invariant of quantum tori was defined. In this paper, we consider the case of the quantum torus associated to the golden mean. We show that the modular invariant is approximately 9538.249655644 by producing an explicit formula for it involving weighted versions of the Rogers-Ramanujan functions

    Random matrix study for a three-terminal chaotic device

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    We perform a study based on a random-matrix theory simulation for a three-terminal device, consisting of chaotic cavities on each terminal. We analyze the voltage drop along one wire with two chaotic mesoscopic cavities, connected by a perfect conductor, or waveguide, with one open mode. This is done by means of a probe, which also consists of a chaotic cavity that measure the voltage in different configurations. Our results show significant differences with respect to the disordered case, previously considered in the literature.Comment: Proccedings of the V Leopoldo Garcia-Colin Mexican Meeting on Mathematical and Experimental Physic

    Innovaciones andragógicas graduales y reflexionadas

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    Este artículo recoge las innovaciones que he introducido en los últimos cursos en la metodología docente y evaluadora de la asignatura «Sistemas Operativos II», de tercer curso de Ingeniería Informática de la Universitat Jaume I (UJI): metodologías activas, estilos de aprendizaje, autoevaluación y retroalimentación bidireccional entre estudiantes y profesor. La incorporación gradual de estas innovaciones y la reflexión derivada de sus resultados han permitido mejorar progresivamente el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes y mi evaluación docente, así como el nivel de satisfacción personal y profesional.SUMMARY -- This paper presents the innovations that I have carried out during the last years in the teaching and evaluation methodology of the course «Operating Systems II», taught to third-year students of the bachelor in Computer Science at the Jaume I University. The innovations are focused on active methodologies, learning styles, self-assessment and bidirectional feedback between the students and the teacher. The gradual incorporation of these innovations and the meditation on the observed results have progressively improved the academic performance of the students and my teacher assessment, as well as the level of personal and professional satisfaction

    Propuestas de mejora a partir de las opiniones de los estudiantes

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    Con motivo de la celebración de las Jenui de 2013 en nuestra universidad, se recabó la opinión de los estudiantes del nuevo grado con el objetivo de celebrar una mesa redonda en el ámbito de dichas Jornadas en la que poder debatir con ellos sobre las novedades que introducen los nuevos planes de estudios. Las opiniones recogidas nos han servido para identificar diversas áreas de mejora que se presentan en este trabajo: las actividades entregables utilizadas para la evaluación continua, los criterios de superación en la evaluación final, el trabajo en grupo y el trabajo en base a los resultados de aprendizaje. En este artículo recopilamos propuestas para trabajar en estas áreas, la mayoría avaladas por bibliografía.SUMMARY -- In order to organize the round table of Jenui 2013, which was held at University Jaime I, we interviewed with our Computer Science students to collect their opinions about the changes in the new curriculum. These interviews allowed us to identify the following areas for potential improvement which are presented in this paper: the deliverable activities used for continuous evaluation, the criteria to succeed in the the final assessment, the work related to learning activities, and the group work. In this paper we present several proposals to progress in these areas, most of them supported by the existing literature

    Do foreign portfolio flows increase risk in emerging stock markets? Evidence from six Latin American countries

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    Foreign portfolio flows have been blamed for causing instability in emerging markets, especially during financial crises. This study measured the effect of foreign capital flows on volatility and exposure to world market risk in the six largest Latin American stock markets: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru, for around 10 years including the 2008 World financial crisis. This will test whether these flows cause instability for those markets and increase their exposure to international stock market returns. A proprietary database, from Emerging Portoflio.com and time series models, both univariate (ARCH-GARCH) and multivariate (VAR), are used to estimate the effect foreign portfolio flows on the risk variables and the causality of these effects. We found no strong evidence to support the hypothesis that foreign flows cause instability in the Latin American stock markets, in spite of some evidence of causing price pressure. Instead, the evidence points to a strong dependence of market returns on international stock and foreign exchange markets, both in means and in volatility, instrumental to transmit crisis to those markets