1,570 research outputs found

    La societat catalana al voltant de la guerra de successió: Arenys de Mar entre els segles XVII i XVIII

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    Treballs Finals de Grau en Història, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2016-2017 Tutor: Jaume Dantí i Riu[cat] Arenys de Mar cap a finals del segle XVII fins ben entrat al segle XVIII va experimentar canvis en l’entorn social, comercial i econòmic dins d'un marc creixent, essent testimoni de les greus conseqüències dels últims anys de la Guerra de Successió (1700-1715). Un aspecte rellevant del període és la fabricació del retaule major de la Parròquia de la vila que es va dur a terme entre els anys 1706 fins al 1712 coincidint amb el conflicte internacional. La realització del retaule ens serveix de clau per conèixer la societat arenyenca de l’època -vinculada amb la resta de la societat catalana-, quins procediments varen seguir i quines dificultats van experimentar per obtenir finalment la tan esperada i prestigiosa obra arquitectònica.[eng] Arenys de Mar at the end of the seventeenth century and until the eighteenth century experimented changes in the social, trade and economic environment within a growing frame, being witness to the serious consequences of the last years of the War of Succession (1700 - 1715). One relevant aspect of the period is the manufacture of the main altarpiece of the village parish which was carried out between 1706 to 1712 coinciding with the international conflict. The realization of the altarpiece serves us as a key to know the citizens of Arenys of the time -linked with the rest of Catalan society-, to know the procedures that were followed and the difficulties experienced to finally get the long-awaited and prestigious architectural work

    Human myiasis in Ecuador.

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    We review epidemiological and clinical data on human myiasis from Ecuador, based on data from the Ministry of Public Health (MPH) and a review of the available literature for clinical cases. The larvae of four flies, Dermatobia hominis, Cochliomyia hominivorax, Sarcophaga haemorrhoidalis, and Lucilia eximia, were identified as the causative agents in 39 reported clinical cases. The obligate D. hominis, causing furuncular lesions, caused 17 (43.5%) cases distributed along the tropical Pacific coast and the Amazon regions. The facultative C. hominivorax was identified in 15 (38%) clinical cases, infesting wound and cavitary lesions including orbital, nasal, aural and vaginal, and occurred in both subtropical and Andean regions. C. hominivorax was also identified in a nosocomial hospital-acquired wound. Single infestations were reported for S. haemorrhoidalis and L. eximia. Of the 39 clinical cases, 8 (21%) occurred in tourists. Ivermectin, when it became available, was used to treat furuncular, wound, and cavitary lesions successfully. MPH data for 2013–2015 registered 2,187 cases of which 54% were reported in men; 46% occurred in the tropical Pacific coast, 30% in the temperate Andes, 24% in the tropical Amazon, and 0.2% in the Galapagos Islands. The highest annual incidence was reported in the Amazon (23 cases/100,000 population), followed by Coast (5.1/100,000) and Andes (4.7/100,000). Human myiasis is a neglected and understudied ectoparasitic infestation, being endemic in both temperate and tropical regions of Ecuador. Improved education and awareness among populations living in, visitors to, and health personnel working in high-risk regions, is required for improved epidemiological surveillance, prevention, and correct diagnosis and treatment

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    Spitting seeds from the cud: a review of an endozoochory exclusive to ruminants

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    Given their strong masticatory system and the powerful microbial digestion inside their complex guts, mammalian ruminants have been frequently considered seed predators rather than seed dispersers. A number of studies, however, have observed that ruminants are able to transport many viable seeds long distances, either attached to the hair or hooves (i.e., epizoochory) or inside their body after ingesting them (i.e., endozoochory). However, very few studies have investigated a modality of endozoochory exclusive to ruminants: the spitting of usually large-sized seeds while chewing the cud. A systematic review of the published information about this type of endozoochory shows a marked scarcity of studies. Nonetheless, at least 48 plant species belonging to 21 families are dispersed by ruminants in this manner. Most of these plants are shrubs and trees, have fleshy or dry fruits with large-sized seeds, and are seldom dispersed via defecation. Many cases have been observed in tropical areas, where more frugivorous ruminant species occur, but other records are from temperate and dry areas, covering thus all continents except Antarctica. Twenty-one species of ruminants from 18 genera have been reported as endozoochore spitters. They involve domestic and wild species belonging to the families Tragulidae, Cervidae, and Bovidae. This suggests that almost any ruminant species could potentially eat fruits and regurgitate large hard seeds during rumination. Likely, this seed dispersal mechanism has been neglected due to the difficulty of observing rumination behavior and locating spat seeds. Further research on the potential of wild and domestic ruminant species as long-distance seed dispersers through spitting seeds from the cud appears particularly important given their increasing pervasiveness and abundance worldwideinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of internal pore pressure on closed-cell elastomeric foams

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    AbstractA micromechanics framework for porous elastomers with internal pore pressure (Idiart and Lopez-Pamies, 2012) is used together with an earlier homogenization estimate for elastomers containing vacuous pores (Lopez-Pamies and Ponte Castañeda, 2007a) to investigate the mechanical response and stability of closed-cell foams. Motivated by applications of technological interest, the focus is on isotropic foams made up of a random isotropic distribution of pores embedded in an isotropic matrix material, wherein the initial internal pore pressure is identical to the external pressure exerted by the environment (e.g. atmospheric pressure). It is found that the presence of internal pore pressure significantly stiffens and stabilizes the response of elastomeric foams, and hence that it must be taken into account when modeling this type of materials

    Non-adiabatic pumping in an oscillating-piston model

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    We consider the prototypical "piston pump" operating on a ring, where a circulating current is induced by means of an AC driving. This can be regarded as a generalized Fermi-Ulam model, incorporating a finite-height moving wall (piston) and non trivial topology (ring). The amount of particles transported per cycle is determined by a layered structure of phase-space. Each layer is characterized by a different drift velocity. We discuss the differences compared with the adiabatic and Boltzmann pictures, and highlight the significance of the "diabatic" contribution that might lead to a counter-stirring effect.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, improved versio

    What do we want to know about MOOCs? Results from a machine learning approach to a systematic literature mapping review

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    By the end of 2020, over 16,300 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) from 950 universities worldwide had enrolled over 180 million students. Interest in MOOCs has been matched by significant research on the topic, including a considerable number of reviews. This study uses Machine Learning techniques and human expert supervision to generate a comprehensive systematic literature mapping review that overcomes some limitations of the traditional ones and provides a broader overview of the content and main topics studied in the specialized literature devoted to MOOCs. The sample consisted of 6320 publications automatically classified within six research topics, denominated by human experts: institutional approach, pedagogical approach, evaluation, analytics, participation, and educational resources. The content analysis of the topics identified was conducted using visual network analysis, which supported the identification of different thematic sub-clusters and endorsed the classification. Results from the review show that the lowest production of MOOC papers is within the topics of the pedagogical approach and educational resources. In contrast, participation and evaluation are the most frequent ones. In addition, the most cited papers are on the topics of analytics and resources, being the pedagogical approach and the institutional approach the less cited. This highlights the need for more MOOC research from a pedagogical perspective and calls upon the presence of educators.Linda Castañeda acknowledges the support of the Erasmus + ,KA203-867FE04B. Victoria I. Marín acknowledges the support of the Grant RYC2019-028398-I funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and FSE “El FSE invierte en tu futuro