91 research outputs found

    Juramento o promesa de jueces y magistrados

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    Abstract:The oath or affirmation of office required from members of the judiciary is intensely regulated in the Spanish legal system. Second only to the royal oath contained in art. 61 of the Spanish Constitution, it is undoubtedly the highest-ranking oath, since it is set in an organic law (LOPJ, Organic Law for the Judiciary Power) and enjoys profuse detail in further statutes. This is due to a double-guarantee role assigned to the oath of office in the Judiciary. From the oath-taker’s perspective, the oath reinforces judicial independence. From theoath-receivers’ perspective, the oath reinforces active constitutional loyalty.This paper deals, first, with the specificities of the oath of professional judges, paying attention to aspects such as the formula, regulated formalities, its consideration as an independent act different from the inauguration act, the need to confirm the oath at each career promotion and not just upon entering service, the obligation of the oath-taking authority to communicate its successful or unsuccessful completion, or the harsh sanction of nullity, identified with resignation of post, in case of failure to take the oath.Second, with some nuances, the same applies to the remaining members of the judiciary who hold jurisdictional powers but do not pertain to the professional judges’ career. Justices of the peace exert such powers in a stable manner. Their oath is also an independent act for their inauguration, and failure to take it also results in nullity, but the oath is only required upon the first appointment.An oath is also required from substitute, replacement and intern judges. When such a role falls upon non-professional judges, they are required to take the same oath professional judges take. This requirement is all the more stressed by the fact that candidates to hold substitute or replacement roles must commit to taking the oath upon applying for the position. When exceptionally permittedto exert jurisdictional powers, intern judges are required to take the same oath professional judges take, regardless their obligation to take the same oath once they are admitted to the professional career.Finally, another type of oath or affirmation is that required from members of the judiciary in their role within governing bodies, namely the General Council for the Judiciary (Consejo General del Poder Judicial, CGPJ) or governing bodies of jurisdictional courts. Such an oath converges with the regular judicial oath.Resumen:El juramento o promesa exigidos a jueces y magistrados se regula con intensidad en el ordenamiento español. Tras el juramento regio (art. 61 CE), es el de mayor categoría, puesto que queda fijado en norma con rango de ley orgánica (LOPJ) y cuenta con un prolijo desarrollo normativo. Ello se debe a la función de doble garantía que se asigna al juramento en el ámbito del poder judicial. Desde la perspectiva de quienes están obligados a prestarlo, opera como refuerzo de su independencia. Desde la perspectiva de los ciudadanosdestinatarios del mismo, supone un refuerzo del plus de fidelidad activa a la Constitución.En este trabajo se analizan, primero, las particularidades del juramento que deben prestar los miembros de la carrera judicial, con especial atención a aspectos como su fórmula, los detalles de protocolo exigidos normativamente, su consideración como un acto independiente y previo al de toma de posesión, ante autoridad y plazo distintos, la exigencia de prestación no sólo al ingreso en la carrera judicial, sino también en cada ascenso de categoría, la obligación de comunicación de su prestación por parte de la autoridad ante quien se presta, o en su caso el transcurso del tiempo sin hacerlo, o la dureza de la sanción denulidad, entendida como renuncia al cargo y a la carrera judicial, en caso de incumplimiento.Con algunos matices, el mismo o similar juramento o promesa es exigido a los restantes miembros del poder judicial que desempeñan funciones jurisdiccionales aun sin pertenecer a la carrera judicial. Así, se exige de los jueces de paz, que desempeñan tales funciones con carácter estable. El juramento o promesa de los jueces de paz también se configura como requisito previo a la toma de posesión con entidad propia y la negativa a prestarlo se sanciona con la nulidad, si bien se presta una única vez.También se exige de quienes están llamados a desempeñar funciones jurisdiccionales de manera circunstancial o limitada en el tiempo, como es el caso de los magistrados suplentes, magistrados y jueces sustitutos y de apoyo y jueces en prácticas cuando ejercen como jueces sustitutos con funciones jurisdiccionales plenas. En estos casos, cuando las suplencias o sustituciones sean ejercidas por jueces y magistrados no pertenecientes a la carrera judicial, se exige el mismo juramento que prestan los jueces profesionales, llegándose incluso a asegurar de antemano que se prestará en el momento de la presentación de la solicitud del cargo, mucho antes del nombramiento. En el caso excepcional de los jueces en prácticas cuando ejercen como jueces sustitutos con funciones jurisdiccionales plenas, el juramento o promesa es independiente, aunque sea idéntico, del que posteriormente se verán obligados a prestar antes de su toma de posesión como jueces de carrera.Finalmente, un segundo tipo de juramento o promesa es el referido a los miembros del poder judicial que desempeñan funciones en los órganos de gobierno, el CGPJ y las Salas de gobierno de los órganos jurisdiccionales. Se trata de un juramento concurrente con el descrito. Abstract:The oath or affirmation of office required from members of the judiciary is intensely regulated in the Spanish legal system. Second only to the royal oath contained in art. 61 of the Spanish Constitution, it is undoubtedly the highest-ranking oath, since it is set in an organic law (LOPJ, Organic Law for the Judiciary Power) and enjoys profuse detail in further statutes. This is due to a double-guarantee role assigned to the oath of office in the Judiciary. From the oath-taker’s perspective, the oath reinforces judicial independence. From theoath-receivers’ perspective, the oath reinforces active constitutional loyalty.This paper deals, first, with the specificities of the oath of professional judges, paying attention to aspects such as the formula, regulated formalities, its consideration as an independent act different from the inauguration act, the need to confirm the oath at each career promotion and not just upon entering service, the obligation of the oath-taking authority to communicate its successful or unsuccessful completion, or the harsh sanction of nullity, identified with resignation of post, in case of failure to take the oath.Second, with some nuances, the same applies to the remaining members of the judiciary who hold jurisdictional powers but do not pertain to the professional judges’ career. Justices of the peace exert such powers in a stable manner. Their oath is also an independent act for their inauguration, and failure to take it also results in nullity, but the oath is only required upon the first appointment.An oath is also required from substitute, replacement and intern judges. When such a role falls upon non-professional judges, they are required to take the same oath professional judges take. This requirement is all the more stressed by the fact that candidates to hold substitute or replacement roles must commit to taking the oath upon applying for the position. When exceptionally permittedto exert jurisdictional powers, intern judges are required to take the same oath professional judges take, regardless their obligation to take the same oath once they are admitted to the professional career.Finally, another type of oath or affirmation is that required from members of the judiciary in their role within governing bodies, namely the General Council for the Judiciary (Consejo General del Poder Judicial, CGPJ) or governing bodies of jurisdictional courts. Such an oath converges with the regular judicial oath.Summary:1. PRELIMINARY NOTIONS ON THE OATH OR AFFIRMATION AT THE JUDICIARY. 2. OATH OR AFFIRMATION OF JUDGES AND MAGISTRATES. 2.1 The bench. 2.2 Justices of the peace. 2.3 Replacement and substitution. 2.3.1 Replacementand support magistrates and judges. 2.3.2 Replacement of Justices of the peace. 2.3.3 Intern judges as substitute judges with full jurisdictional powers. 3. GOVERNING BODIES. 3.1 General Council of the Judiciary. 3.2 Governing bodies of jurisdictional courts. 4. CONCLUSION

    Developing Creativity Through Portrait and Selfie in Elementary Schools

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    The aim of this work is to show a work proposal that allows the development of creativity through the main theme: Portrait and Selfie. This study has been carried out in the subject of Art Education with pupils aged 11 to 12. Working on creativity and self-representation in pre-adolescence can be an interesting topic for their future development. Currently, there are not many quantitative studies on this subject. To this end, research was carried out in four groups, divided into two control subgroups and two experimental subgroups, in which the project was applied to check whether the proposed activities enhanced and developed the creativity of the subjects studied. The students had to complete a pre-test (TTCT) and a posttest (CREA). Comparing the results, it was found that there were non-significant improvements in the teams and unevenness in motivation towards the tests. This could be due to the small sample size, the low heterogeneity of the groups, the intervention implemented and the type of assessment carried out

    Gestión tecnológica de agua en empresas curtidoras: sistema de monitoreo de variables ambientales.

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    La gestión del agua en México está inmersa en una profunda crisis multidimensional. La industria es uno de los usuarios del agua que más consume y el que más contamina; un sector industrial con un histórico impacto ambiental en México ha sido el curtidor, en la ciudad de León ha sido la responsable del severo deterioro ambiental del acuífero del Valle de León. Este trabajo se relaciona específicamente con el problema de la innovación tecnológica en las empresas curtidoras, los conflictos socioambientales en la zona, asociados con el alto consumo hídrico, marcan la pauta para identificar propuestas de innovación tecnológica que aporten al alivio de la problemática ambiental en León. A partir de esto, una investigación de tipo cualitativo, en una tenería mediana que integra a su proceso de tratamiento de agua un sistema de medición, monitoreo y recopilación de la información de variables ambientales, ha arrojado resultados positivos respecto a la reducción del consumo de agua y de insumos de proceso. La pregunta central fue ¿los sistemas de monitoreo de variables ambientales (SiMoVA) son una alternativa viable para lograr la sustentabilidad hídrica en la industria de la curtiduría?. Los resultados encontrados dan cuenta de la viabilidad técnica y financiera de dichos sistemas en el proceso de tenería

    Technology Management in SMEs: Suppliers as links for business collaboration

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    The main aim of this paper is to analyse the process of technology management in footwear manufacturing firms and the influence of its suppliers on this management process. It is argued that suppliers contribute to inter-business collaboration that should serve as a strategy to mitigate the problems of competitiveness and sustainability in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The methodological strategy is quantitative. A random sample of 33 footwear manufacturers settled in Guanajuato, Mexico was selected. The instrument was applied to upper-intermediate level and top-level managers in the participating organisations and validated with the Cronbach Alpha Test ( = 0.8891). This paper allows the understanding of the constituent elements in the process of technology management of these SMEs which is shown through the analysis of means' difference. The results allow the inference that suppliers play a key role in the diffusion and transfer of technology in the footwear cluster. However, SMEs perceive their influence in two directions: as a threat to their competitiveness by sharing information with other companies in the sector and as an opportunity to accelerate the design and development of innovative and competitive products.The main aim of this paper is to analyse the process of technology management in footwear manufacturing firms and the influence of its suppliers on this management process. It is argued that suppliers contribute to inter-business collaboration that should serve as a strategy to mitigate the problems of competitiveness and sustainability in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The methodological strategy is quantitative. A random sample of 33 footwear manufacturers settled in Guanajuato, Mexico was selected. The instrument was applied to upper-intermediate level and top-level managers in the participating organisations and validated with the Cronbach Alpha Test ( = 0.8891). This paper allows the understanding of the constituent elements in the process of technology management of these SMEs which is shown through the analysis of means' difference. The results allow the inference that suppliers play a key role in the diffusion and transfer of technology in the footwear cluster. However, SMEs perceive their influence in two directions: as a threat to their competitiveness by sharing information with other companies in the sector and as an opportunity to accelerate the design and development of innovative and competitive products

    Una valoración del modelo de colaboración "redes de innovación tecnológica" de Guanajuato, México.Una valoración del modelo de colaboración "redes de innovación tecnológica" de Guanajuato, México.

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    Referenciar la innovación en las organizaciones conlleva un principio colectivo, por tanto, es un retoacuciante gestionar la acción coordinada de los actores involucrados en el proceso innovador. Para ello, numerosos modelos organizacionales se han propuesto: triángulo de Sábato, triple hélice, sistemas nacionales de innovación, entre otros. El objetivo central de este artículo es realizar un análisis sistemático y valorar el modelo de coordinación denominado "redes de innovación tecnológica"puesto en práctica por las empresas manufactureras locales del Estado de Guanajuato, México. Se analizan diversas dimensiones que integran el modelo, mediante un análisis de correlación entre sus características e indicadores de impacto. A partir de dicho análisis y valoración se hace una primera aproximación de los determinantes de éxito en el modelo. Esto como parte de una investigación holística acerca de los sistemas regionales de innovación y su impacto socioeconómico en las MiPYMES de Guanajuato, México.The innovation in the organizations involves a collective principle, that presents several challenges, toward to manage coordinated action among several actors. To confront these, several organization models have been put in practice: Sabato ́s triangle, triple helix, innovation national system, and so on. The aim of this paper is to execute a systematic analysis and assessment of one of this model, denominated "innovation networks", which has been put in practice in the state of Guanajuato, México by local manufacturing companies in many productive sectors. Diverse dimensions that integrate this model are analyzed, using a correlation analysis between its features and impact indicators. From this analysis and assessment are presented an initial proposal of factors for success of technological innovation networks. As part of a holistic research on regional innovation systems and their socioeconomic impact on MSMEs in Guanajuato, Mexico

    Innovación abierta entre universidades y empresas locales: condiciones, complejidades y retos

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    The paper aimed to analyze the open innovation model from the Latin-American public university and the main factors that influence it. The interaction between the university with its ecosystem, its innovation and technology management, the profile of the academic community, and innovation policies were studied. The research methodology had a qualitative approach. And the process was integrated into three phases to         identify the categories of open innovation, categorized the interaction between the university with the innovation ecosystem in four Mexican public universities, and triangulate the Latin-American behavior through semi-structured interviews to six academics. The main findings showed that open innovation is a feasible platform to link the Latin-American University with local enterprises despite the peculiar heterogeneous and unequal context of the ecosystem; furthermore, four collaborative flows between the university and the ecosystem were identified –inside, outside, mixed and hybrid-. In conclusion, the interdisciplinary approach, the techno-institutional networks, and the institutional policy influence open innovation from the university to the ecosystem, where the academic community is a mediator variable. Finally, it is highlighted that new re-institutionalization of innovation policies based on digital transformation and environmental sustainability are required; thus, Latin-American Schools of Innovation Taught are needed to encourage them. Keywords: open innovation; university open innovation; knowledge transfer from university; university-enterprise linkage; collaborative strategies.El objetivo del artículo fue analizar el modelo de innovación abierta de la universidad pública Latinoamericana y los principales factores que influyen en éste. Se estudió la interacción entre la universidad con el ecosistema, políticas de innovación, la gestión de la innovación y tecnología, y el perfil de la comunidad académica. La metodología de investigación fue cualitativa, y el proceso se integró en tres fases para identificar categorías de innovación abierta, categorizar la interacción entre la universidad con el ecosistema de innovación en cuatro universidades públicas mexicanas y triangularlo con el comportamiento universitario latinoamericano a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas a seis académicos. Los principales hallazgos mostraron que la innovación abierta es una plataforma factible para vincular a la universidad con empresas locales a pesar de su contexto heterogéneo y desigual; se identificaron cuatro flujos colaborativos entre la universidad y el ecosistema –desde dentro, desde afuera, mixto e híbrido-. En conclusión, enfoques interdisciplinarios, redes tecno-institucionales y la política institucional inciden en la innovación abierta universitaria, y la comunidad académica es una variable mediadora. Finalmente, se destacó que es necesaria una nueva reinstitucionalización de políticas de innovación universitaria con base en transformaciones digitales y sostenibilidad ambiental para incidir significativamente en el ecosistema. Palabras clave: innovación abierta; innovación abierta universitaria; transferencia de conocimiento desde la universidad; vinculación universidad-empresa; estrategias de colaboración

    Prensa sensacionalista británica : la estructura narrativa en la historia de la familia real (1990 - 1997)

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    En la historia del periodismo europeo contemporáneo resulta de un enorme interés, por sus peculiares características, el estudio de la prensa sensacionalista británica. En efecto, los periódicos tabloides dominan el mercado británico por encima de los diarios de información general. El interés que estos títulos muestran por los asuntos escandalosos,en los que la familia real ocupa un lugar destacado, hacen que cuenten con un importante número de lectores. En el siguiente artículo se realiza un análisis de la estructura narrativa que sobre la monarquía británica han presentado dichos tabloides desde 1990 a 1997, añio en que fallece la princesa Diana de Gales. Este análisis se completa además con el estudio del origen y la repercusión que estos periódicos han tenido en la sociedad de aquel país.The study of the british yellow joumalism, due to its special characteristics, it is an attractive subject in the contemporary european press history. In fact, tabloids dominate the market in Britain with a larger circulation than broadsheets. In this way, tabloids have an important number of readers thanks to its interest in scandals and sensations, most of the time focus on the royal family. This article sets out to study the british yellow press and the history of the royal family in tabloids from 1990 until Lady-Di death in 1997, with an special attention to its structure aspects. This approach is taken here by studying the beginnings and the social influence of this kind of press in Britain