528 research outputs found

    El (Ter)annà d’un territori industrialitzat: dels molins a les grans colònies industrials

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    Al 1824 es té constància a Torelló del primer molí hidràulic per a moldre el blat que canvia la seva concessió de l’aigua per a utilitzar-la per cardar la llana i el cotó. Aquell mateix any ja es troben diferents concessions per utilitzar les aigües per a una fàbrica tèxtil a Roda de Ter i a Manlleu. És a partir d’aquest moment quan durant els pròxims 150 anys, el Ter passa a ser colonitzat en tot el seu recorregut per fàbriques que acabarien transformant el territori i el paisatge. La industrialització del Ter va comportar unes 29 colònies industrials i 37 fàbriques tèxtils (BAYON 2005), a més de noves vies de comunicació, el ferrocarril, nous habitatges, ponts i canals, que van transformar i canviar un territori eminentment rural. El resultat és un dels rius més densificats i amb una distribució en el territori de petites taques disperses. La conca fluvial del Ter, des de l’edat mitjana ja era una vall poblada i treballada per pagesos i camperols. Quan la indústria vol implantar-se a la vall, no es troba amb un territori erm. L’agricultura deixa unes preexistències que condicionaran la posició de les noves fàbriques. Per tant, un projecte territorial basat en l’ús de l’aigua i el rendiment econòmic que s’inicia amb la posició d’aquestes preexistències de l’agricultura en el territori del Ter. Un patrimoni que també s’ha de tenir present en la història de la indústria. Tot aquest patrimoni, ja no té una funció industrial; no és només un rastre de la història i de la identitat del lloc, sinó que és també una oportunitat per a seguir construint un futur per al territori. Aquest article forma part d’una investigació que pretén explicar com van succeir aquests canvis i perquè en el Ter tenen un tarannà diferent.In 1824 there is evidence in Torelló of the first hydraulic mill to grind wheat that changes water’s concession to use it for carding wool and cotton. That same year, different concessions to use the water for a textile plant are found in Roda de Ter and Manlleu. From that moment, and during 150 Ter River would be colonized in its entire itinerary by plants that would end up transforming the territory and the landscape. The industrialization of the Ter River implied around 29 industrial colonies and 37 textile plants (BAYON 2005),, as well as new communication routes, the railway, new housing, bridges and canals that transformed and changed the existent rural territory. The result is one of the most densified rivers with a territorial distribution of small disperse patches. Since middle age the Ter river basin was a populated area cultivated by farmers. Tracks left by agriculture will influence industry settlement, affecting the location of the new plants location. In fact, this regional project, based on the water as a energy and the economical benefits, starts on the watermills. This heritage has to be in the industrial history. All this heritage, which has not industrial function, is currently not just a track from the history and identity of the place, but also an opportunity to keep building a future for the territory. This paper is part of a research that expects to explain how these changes took place and why do they have a different character (tarannà) in the Ter river.Peer Reviewe

    Mecanismes per assolir un consum sostenible a través de l’ecoinnovació

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Química, Facultat de Química, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2017-2018, Tutor: Joan Mata ÁlvarezThis project is based on a research study of the different ways and mechanisms to achieve sustainable development by making a smarter use of resources, while reducing the negative effects of our economy on the environment, creating economic benefits and competitiveness. Before starting an eco-innovative project, the pros and cons should be balanced and defined. It is important to identify the barriers to a circular economy which are many and varied. From the opposite position, the drivers enable and help recognize the conditions that benefit environmental innovation. This work focuses on the most important barriers and drivers previously formulated and their classification On the other hand, it deepens in the different most outstanding theoretical models of today (The Circular Economy Model and the Green Solow Model), that allow to analyze the ecoefficiency, emissions and the environmental damages produced. Also, the work evaluates the eco-innovation performance across the European Union member states and the eco-innovation index and scoreboard developed by the Eco-Innovation Observatory. Worldwide clean technology has been studied, as well as the Global Cleantech Innovation Index classification of companies and countries. As far as the national and international sphere is concerned, the work has been based on a study of many companies that are already immersed in eco-innovation and how they have improved the situation in the market by achieving a positive impact on the economy and society, developing a commercializing successful innovative solution. Five companies have been selected (Fruits de Ponent, Gamesa, Nestlé, Coca-Cola and Levi’s) and their innovative projects and benefits obtained have been studied thoroughly

    Jutges eclesiàstics i processos en el bisbat de Vic, 1269-1399

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    Parasitism of single or combined pyralid populations by Venturia canescens and Habrobracon hebetor in laboratory and storeroom conditions

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    Venturia canescens and Habrobracon hebetor are cosmopolitan parasitoids found in large numbers in food processing facilities in northeastern Spain and in many other countries. These parasitoids attack larvae of pyralid moths, which are important pests of stored products and food industries worldwide. In this study, we evaluated the performance of these two parasitoids when offered single or combined populations of Plodia interpunctella and Ephestia kuehniella, since these can occur together in storehouses. We tested the parasitoid’s performance in small cages under laboratory conditions and small experimental storerooms (≈ 30 m3). In the laboratory, the two parasitoids were able to reduce pyralid populations by more than 37% over a 48-h period (40–44% for E. kuehniella, 37–41% of P. interpunctella and 53–55% of both hosts when offered together). Similar results were obtained in small storerooms after 10 days: a > 35% reduction in pyralid populations also was obtained when host species were offered either singly (E. kuehniella or P. interpunctella) or in combination (E. kuehniella + P. interpunctella) (35–57% for E. kuehniella, 40–54% of P. interpunctella and 41–46% of both hosts when offered together). Parasitism was consistently good from June through November (mean temperatures from 18 to 28 °C and 9.5 to 15 h of daylight). Therefore, both parasitoids, single or in combination, can be efficient biological control agents of these two pyralid moths when infesting stored food facilities.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio