76 research outputs found

    Uso de fotografias digitais no mapeamento florestal

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    With the advent of the new technologies in the area of the remote sensing, the survey of the natural resources started if to use of sophisticated techniques that aim at a more adequate mapping in terms of representative and necessary information of the phenomena and superficial objects, allowing to study the dynamics, to lead, to handling adequately and to monitor. The use of digital photographic pictures is very promising, beyond the easy acquisition supplies important information on changes in the use of the land. The digital cameras, possess potential and application in the monitoring of the natural features. They also present the advantage in the reduction of costs due not to need the process revelation and magnifying because it excuses to the use of the film and scanering of the photograph and, makes possible that the result is seen in the monitor of the computer, besides presenting resolution better. This work has as objective to present a quarrel on the acquired digital photograph use from digital cameras high resolution in the mapping of the forest features.Com o advento das novas tecnologias na área do Sensoriamento Remoto, o levantamento dos recursos naturais passou a se utilizar de sofisticadas técnicas que visem um mapeamento mais adequado em termos de informações precisas representativas dos fenômenos e objetos superficiais, permitindo estudar a dinâmica, conduzir, manejar e monitorar adequadamente. O uso de imagens fotográficas digitais é muito promissor, além da fácil aquisição fornecem importantes sobre mudanças no uso da terra. As câmaras fotográficas digitais, possuem potencial e aplicação no monitoramento dos recursos naturais. Apresentam também a vantagem na diminuição de custos devido não necessitar o processo de revelação e ampliação porque dispensa o uso do filme e escaneamento da fotografia e, possibilita que o resultado seja visto no monitor do computador, além de apresentarem melhor resolução espacial. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma discussão sobre o uso de fotografias digitais adquiridas a partir de câmaras fotográficas digitais de alta resolução espacial no mapeamento dos recursos florestais

    Physiological analysis of leaf senescence of two rice cultivars with different yield potential

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as mudanças fisiológicas que ocorrem em diferentes folhas durante o início e o final do estádio de enchimento de grãos em dois genótipos de arroz (Oryza sativa subsp. indica cultivar BRS Pelota e O. sativa subsp. japonica cultivar BRS Firmeza) que apresentam diferenças no potencial de produção de grãos. As plantas foram cultivadas em casa de vegetação. Os teores de pigmentos, a fluorescência da clorofila e a taxa de liberação de oxigênio foram determinados no estádio de enchimento de grão da primeira à quarta folha (do topo à base). O teor de pigmentos, a eficiência fotoquímica do fotossistema II e o transporte de elétrons decresceram significativamente de acordo com a posição das folhas na cultivar BRS Pelota. A cultivar BRS Firmeza apresentou maior teor de pigmentos e maior atividade do aparato fotossintético em comparação à 'BRS Pelota' durante o estádio de enchimento de grão.The objective of this work was to evaluate the physiological changes that occur in different leaves during the early and late grain-filling stages of two rice genotypes (Oryza sativa subsp. indica, BRS Pelota cultivar, and O. sativa subsp. japonica, BRS Firmeza cultivar), which present differences in grain yield potential. The plants were cultivated in greenhouse. Pigment content, chlorophyll fluorescence, electron transport and oxygen evolution rate were determined in the grain-filling stage, from the first to the forth leaf (top to bottom). Pigment content, photochemical efficiency of photosystem II and electron transport decreased significantly according to the position of leaves in 'BRS Pelota'. The BRS Firmeza cultivar shows higher pigment content and higher activity of the photosynthetic apparatus in comparison to 'BRS Pelota' during the grain-filling stage

    Ascorbate-glutathione cycle genes families in Euphorbiaceae : characterization and evolutionary analysis

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    Ascorbate peroxidase (APX), Monodehydroascorbate Reductase (MDAR), Dehydroascorbate Reductase (DHAR) and Glutathione Reductase (GR) enzymes participate in the ascorbateglutathione cycle, which exerts a central role in the antioxidant metabolism in plants. Despite the importance of this antioxidant system in different signal transduction networks related to development and response to environmental stresses, the pathway has not yet been comprehensively characterized in many crop plants. Among different eudicotyledons, the Euphorbiaceae family is particularly diverse with some species highly tolerant to drought. Here the APX, MDAR, DHAR, and GR genes in Ricinus communis, Jatropha curcas, Manihot esculenta, and Hevea brasiliensis were identified and characterized. The comprehensive phylogenetic and genomic analyses allowed the classification of the genes into different classes, equivalent to cytosolic, peroxisomal, chloroplastic, and mitochondrial enzymes, and revealed the duplication events that contribute to the expansion of these families within plant genomes. Due to the high drought stress tolerance of Ricinus communis, the expression patterns of ascorbate-glutathione cycle genes in response to drought were also analyzed in leaves and roots, indicating a differential expression during the stress. Altogether, these data contributed to the characterization of the expression pattern and evolutionary analysis of these genes, filling the gap in the proposed functions of core components of the antioxidant mechanism during stress response in an economically relevant group of plants


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    The aims of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of hepatoprotective treatments with a compoundprepared by the association of N-Acetyl DL-Methionine (5%) + Choline chloride (2%) + Caffeine (1%) +Thiamine hydrochloride (1%) + Nicotinamida (0,5%)+ Pyridoxine hydrochloride (0.04%), administeredthrough intramuscular (IM) route, at doses of 0.2, 0.6 and 1.0 mL/kg of BW, through the study of leukocytesresponses in rats submitted to acute intoxication with CCl4. 147 females were randomized into 21 groups, performing five different treatments, which were evaluated seven animals in four periods: two, four, six andeight days after CCl4-induced intoxication. In this study, it was observed absolute eosinophilia and monocytosis in animals untreated and treated with the lowest dose of 0.2 mL. These responses weresignificantly better in animals treated with 0.6 and 1.0 mL/ kg BW. The untreated animals showedthrombocytopenia, when compared to treated animals. Absolute neutropenia and lymphocytosis wasobserved in all rats intoxicated with CCl4, there is no difference among treatments. The analysis of whiteblood cells demonstrated that the hepatoprotective treatments favored the leukocyte response, by actbeneficially on the population of these cells, supporting the hypothesis that these events may reduce thedeleterious effects in liver tissue after intoxication by CCl4.A presente investigação teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito hepatoprotetor de tratamentos com o composto deN- Acetil DL- Metionina (5%) + Cloreto de Colina (2%) + Cafeína (1%) + Tiamina Cloridrato (1%) +Nicotinamida (0,5%) + Piridoxina Cloridrato (0,04%), administrado via Intramuscular (IM) nas doses de 0,2;0,6 e 1,0 L/Kg de peso vivo (PV) , através do estudo leucocitário em ratos Wistar, submetidos à intoxicaçãoaguda com CCl4. Fêmeas (N=147) foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em 21 grupos, constituindo seis diferentes tratamentos, sendo avaliados sete animais por grupo em quatro períodos: dois, quatro, seis e oitodias pós-intoxicação induzida pelo CCl4. Verificou-se neste estudo quadros de eosinofilia e monocitose absoluta em animais não tratados e tratados com a dose mínima de 0,2 mL, sendo estes efeitossignificativamente amenizados em animais tratados com 0,6 e 1,0 mLdo composto hepatoprotetor/kg de PV. Os animais intoxicados e não tratados apresentaram um quadro detrombocitopenia, quando comparado a animais intoxicados e tratados. Houve neutropenia e linfocitoseabsoluta em todos os ratos intoxicados com CCl4, não existindo diferença entre os tratamentos. A análise do leucograma demonstrou que o tratamento com o composto hepatoprotetor favoreceu a respostaleucocitária, por atuar beneficamente sobre a população destas células, corroborando a hipótese de que taiseventos amenizem os efeitos deletérios da intoxicação por CCl4 no tecido hepático