155 research outputs found

    Archivo Eduardo Torroja. La sede del itcc (1949-1953). Inéditos anteproyectos previos a su construcción

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    El contenido de este artículo representa el eslabón que falta en la historia publicada por la revista Informes de la Construcción sobre el proyecto y construcción de la nueva sede del Instituto, que fue el hábitat de investigación más innovador jamás construido por la Modernidad. Su difusión completa y cierra esta historia, a la vez que potencia el mensaje que Eduardo Torroja quiso transmitir agrupando los artículos que relatan esta historia, bajo un mismo título común; “El Instituto es Así”, seguramente porque durante mucho tiempo (1949-1953), defendió que no podía ser de otra manera

    Role of taxanes in advanced prostate cancer

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    [Abstract] Advanced prostate cancer is an androgen-dependent disease for which the initial treatment is an androgen deprivation maneuver. However, some primary resistances to hormonal treatment occur with increasing incidence throughout the evolution of the disease. The taxanes, docetaxel and cabazitaxel, exert their action at multiple levels at the tumor cell: besides inhibiting the mitosis and inducing the cell death, they induce the nuclear accumulation of FOXO1, a potent nuclear factor that acts against the activation of androgen receptor inhibiting the transcription of AR-V7 variant associated with the development of resistances to abiraterone and enzalutamide. Docetaxel, as first-line therapy, and cabazitaxel, as second-line therapy, have demonstrated to increase the survival in castration-resistant prostate cancer. The results from last studies either on high-risk localized disease or on androgen-sensitive tumors demonstrate the increasing role of taxanes at earlier states of prostate cancer

    Influencia del espesor de la junta de mortero en la deformabilidad de las fábricas pétreas medievales

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    An analysis of the stone walls in Gothic cathedrals revealed that Medieval master builders varied mortar joint thicknesses from one structural member to another. This fact, which has gone largely unnoticed to date, has a considerable impact on the structural behavior of cathedrals,due to its direct effect on two fundamental parameters,deformability and strength. In the absence offield data, an experimental test program was conducted at the INTEMAC Central Laboratory to determine the possible variations in deformability of Medieval masonry with changes in joint mortar thickness in the range found in the structural members of Spanish Gothic cathedrals. The results obtained show —further to an observation by Eduardo Torroja— that mortar joints are a determinant in the structural behavior of masonry. The modulus of deformation varied from 169.7 to 5,632.7 N/mm2at joint thicknesses ranging from 17.00 to 5.50 mm. Structural models should be adapted to accommodate this behavior pattern via parametric sensitivity analysis to obtain a clearer understanding of structural behaviour in Gothic cathedrals.El análisis desarrollado sobre las fábricas pétreas de las catedrales góticas revela que los maestros medievales utilizaron diferentes espesores de juntas de mortero en cada uno de sus elementos estructurales. Este hecho —no tenido en cuenta hasta la fecha— tiene una gran repercusión en el comportamiento estructural de la catedral,ya que influye directamente en sus parámetros fundamentales: deformabilidad y resistencia. Dada la inexistencia de datos, realizamos un programa experimental de ensayos en el laboratorio central de INTEMAC, para establecerlos posibles rangos de variabilidad de la deformabilidad de las fábricas medievales en función de la variabilidad del espesor del mortero de juntas que detectamos en los diferentes elementos estructurales de las catedrales góticas españolas. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran—tal y como señaló Eduardo Torroja— que la junta de mortero es un factor determinante en el comportamiento estructural de la fábrica. El rango de variabilidad del módulo de deformación alcanzó valores de 169,7 a5.632,7 N/mm2 con juntas de 17,00 a 5,50 mm. Este patrón de comportamiento estructural debe ser incluido en los modelos estructurales mediante un análisis de sensibilidad paramétrica para conocer el comportamiento estructural de las catedrales góticas con mayor rigor. a

    Response to sequential treatment schedules in childhood epilepsy Risk for development of refractory epilepsy

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    AbstractPurposeTo investigate response to sequential treatment schedules and risk of development of refractory epilepsy in childhood.MethodsAll children younger than 14 years with two or more unprovoked seizures seen at our hospital between 1994 and 2004 were included and prospectively followed. “Seizure control” was defined as a 2-year seizure-free interval without further recurrences except those related to attempts of medication withdrawal and “refractory epilepsy” as failure of >2 drugs plus >1 seizure/month for ≥18 months.Results343 Patients were included, 191 males and 152 females. Mean age at diagnosis was 4y 10 mo (SD 3 year 10 month). Mean follow-up period was 76.2 mo (SD 35.2). The probability of achieving “seizure control” was 70% and 86% at 5 and 10 years. 59% of patients were “controlled” with the first drug used. Among patients failing the first, second and third therapeutic regimen due to lack of efficacy, 39%, 23% and 12% respectively were finally “controlled” with subsequent treatment schedules Risk of development of refractory epilepsy was 8% and 12% at 6 and 10 years.ConclusionAfter failing a first drug, a significant proportion of children can still be controlled with subsequent therapeutic schedules. Only a small proportion develops refractory epilepsy

    Orthogeriatric management: Improvements in outcomes during hospital admission due to hip fracture

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    Hip fractures are an important socio-economic problem in western countries. Over the past 60 years orthogeriatric care has improved the management of older patients admitted to hospital after suffering hip fractures. Quality of care in orthogeriatric co-management units has increased, reducing adverse events during acute admission, length of stay, both in-hospital and mid-term mortality, as well as healthcare and social costs. Nevertheless, a large number of areas of controversy regarding the clinical management of older adults admitted due to hip fracture remain to be clarified. This narrative review, centered in the last 5 years, combined the search terms “hip fracture”, “geriatric assessment”, “second hip fracture”, “surgery”, “perioperative management” and “orthogeriatric care”, in order to summarise the state of the art of some questions such as the optimum analgesic protocol, the best approach for treating anemia, the surgical options recommendable for each type of fracture and the efficiency of orthogeriatric co-management and functional recovery

    Vicuña (Vicugna v. mensalis) herds modify their behaviour after being captured and sheared: implications on conservation and management

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    Póster presentado al Joint meeting of the 33rd International Ethological Conference (IEC) & the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB), celebrado en Newcastle-Gateshead (UK) del 4 al 8 de agosto de 2013.We present here evidence of a modification in foraging and guarding rates in vicuña herds subject to a traditional shearing management in Central Andes, Perú. The study was conducted from March to December 2011. We recorded behaviour of a vicuña population made up of ca. 300 individuals, living in semi-captive conditions and captured once a year for shearing. We registered foraging and guarding rates of adult males and females as well as calves, and distinguished three periods: before being captured, after being captured for marking and after being captured for shearing. Guarding behaviour is predominantly made by males, it is negatively related to group size, and varies according to the habitat and management period, decreasing significantly after shearing. Foraging behaviour rate is higher in females than in males and lambs, and significantly increases for all individuals after capture and shearing, it is positively related to group size. We hypothesize that after shearing vicuñas are prone to increase their daily foraging rate due to energy demands; this affecting their guarding rate and in turn their vulnerability to predators.Thanks to funding obtained in the Fifth Call for Research in Ecology and Conservation Biology from BBVA Foundation (BIOCON08-059).Peer Reviewe

    Félix Candela. En memoria (1910-1997). Del cascarón de hormigón a las estructuras ligeras del s. XXI

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    January 27th of this year, 2010, was the centenary of the birth of a famous architect of Spanish origin, Félix Candela, one of the most prominent players in modern architecture’s thin shell adventure. His international fame was based on precisely that, the construction of over 800 thin concrete shells characterized not only by their rationality and optimal strength, but also by their striking sculptural beauty. Architects such as Frei Otto, Ove Arup and David Billington justifiably called his work“structural art”. In addition analyzing Félix Candela’s contribution to modern architecture, the present article explores new lightweight structures as the ongoing pursuit of the optimization of structural form with different materials and technologies. That pursuit, both past and present, constitutes the focus of attention of the International Association for Structural Shells, IASS, founded by Eduardo Torroja in 1959 and fully operational today.El 27 de enero de 2010 se cumplió el centenario del nacimiento de célebre arquitecto de origen español Félix Candela, uno de los más destacados protagonistas de la Aventura Laminar de la Arquitectura Moderna. Su fama internacional la adquirió a través de la construcción de más de 800 cascarones de hormigón armado dotados, no sólo de una racional y óptima forma resistente, sino también de una impactante y escultural belleza. No en vano, Frei Otto, Ove Arup y David Billington han descrito su obra como un “Arte Estructural”. Al hilo del análisis de las aportaciones realizadas por Félix Candela, el presente artículo analiza también nuevas estructuras ligeras, como continuidad histórica de esa racional búsqueda de la optimización de la forma resistente con diferentes materiales y tecnologías. Evolución y destino contemplado por la Internacional Association for Structural Shells IASS, fundada por Eduardo Torroja en 1959 y que hoy continúa en plena actividad

    Prostate carcinoma and stem cells

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    [Abstract] Stem cells, as classically defined, are cells with a capacity to self-renew and to generate daughter cells that can differentiate down several cell lineages to form all of the cell types that are found in the mature tissue. Stem cells and tumour cells have many similar features, including infinite lifespan, self-renewal, multidrug resistance, telomerase expression and, in the instance of the prostate, androgen independence. Evidence supports a role for stem cells in the etiology of many types of cancer. The evolution of androgen-independent prostate carcinoma may reflect the emergence of stemlike prostate tumour cells. Because cancer may be a disease of stem cell lineages and Shh-Gli signalling controls the behaviour of precursors and of cells with stem cell properties in the mammalian tissues, prostate cancer might derive from inappropriate expansion of prostatic epithelial stem cell lineages caused by abnormal Shh-Gli function. This review attempts to integrate these recent results