107 research outputs found

    Il Rapporto del 1981

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    Il Rapporto del 1982-84

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    Il Rapporto del 1978

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    The Role of Job Satisfaction of Nurses on Provision of Hospital Services to Patients in Rwanda

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    The study aimed to assess the role of job satisfaction of nurses on provision of hospital services to patients in Rwanda. A cross-sectional design was developed and conducted from October 2015 to August 2016 in five (5) hospitals. Data were collected by means of 308 questionnaires administered to nurses and the interview held with 360 patients. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient was computed to correlate two or more continuous variables and be informed on their significant relationship. Three (3) variables were found to be strongly correlated to job dissatisfaction of nurses. Seven (7) variables considered as moderate correlation to job dissatisfaction of nurses were salary, promotion opportunities, organizational policy and administration, allowances, supervision from superiors, psycho-social working conditions for nurses and nurses’ welfare at work place. Four (4) variables strongly correlated to patients’ dissatisfaction were regular rounds and availability of nurses each time needed by patients, availability of health services delivered to patients, patient waiting time for health services and patient loyalty and willingness to recommend the same hospital to another patient. A strong correlation between the overall level of patient care satisfaction and the overall level of nurses’ job satisfaction has shown a strong correlation. In conclusion, majority of nurses (58.8 %) in five (5) selected hospitals were dissatisfied with their job while majority of patients (48.4%) were also dissatisfied with the services they received from nurses. Managers of hospitals should implement all mechanisms that lead to nurses’ job satisfaction which can consequently lead to patients care satisfaction. Key words: Nurses Job satisfaction, Provision of Hospital Services and Patients’ satisfactio

    ALEJANDRO NAVARRO SORTIÑO [Material gráfico]

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    ÁLBUM FAMILIAR CASA DE COLÓN.. CASSIEN AND THOBERT FOTÓGRAFOS DE MARSELLACopia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201

    Prevalence and Genetic Characterization of Rotavirus Infections Among Children Under Five Years in Mutaho Health District, Gitega Province and Bujumbura Municipality, Burundi

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    Rotavirus is the leading cause of severe diarrhea in children under five years worldwide. It is ranked as a priority for vaccine. In Burundi, vaccine against rotavirus was implemented in 2013. The impact of recent rotavirus vaccination on morbidities in Burundi is not well established. Moreover, no study has been carried out to document the genetic diversity of rotavirus strains circulating in Burundi. This cross-sectional health facility-based study aimed at determining the prevalence and molecular characteristics of rotavirus infections among children under five years of age in Mutaho Health District and the Municipality of Bujumbura, in Burundi. Stool specimens were collected from children presenting with acute diarrhea. These specimens were tested for rotavirus antigen using DiagnostarŸ rapid test kit.  Positive stool samples were confirmed at the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) by ELISA. Positive confirmed samples underwent RT-PCR, G and P genotyping by multiplex semi-nested PCR using a cocktail of type specific primers or by sequencing. A total of 646 participants were enrolled in this study. The overall prevalence of rotavirus was 6.2% (40/646) with 4.0% (16/400) in Mutaho health district and 9.7% (24/246) in the Municipality of Bujumbura. Rotavirus detection rate tended to increase as the level of precipitation went down, showing a significant negative association between the two variables. (OR = 15.2; P = 0.0001). In addition, rotavirus detection rate was higher in Bujumbura Municipality than in Mutaho health district (OR = 2.6; P = 0.005). Two G genotypes were identified, G1 the predominating G genotype accounted for 53.8% (14/26) followed by G12 (46.2%, 12/26). The prevalence of the genotype G1 of Group A rotavirus was significantly higher in Bujumbura Municipality than in Mutaho health district while G12 predominated in Mutaho health district (OR = 7.33; P = 0.026). Rotavirus strains from pigs might have contributed to the high prevalence of human G12 rotavirus in that area. Three different P types were identified P[8] the most common, followed by P[6] and P[4]. The most common G/P combination genotype was G1P[8] which accounted for 45.5% of all rotavirus genotypes identified, followed by G12 P [8] (41.0%), G1P [6] (4.5%), G12 P [6] (4.5%) and G12 P [4] (4.5%). The emergence of G12 rotavirus strains which share neither G nor P genotypes with currently used rotavirus vaccines raises public health concerns as they have the potential to challenge their efficacy. Therefore, we recommend to initiate and maintain a continuous rotavirus strain surveillance in Burundi so as to monitor trends in the occurrence of these prevailing and potentially emerging new strains. Keywords: Rotavirus, diarrhea, genetic diversity, prevalence, Mutaho, Bujumbura, children DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/9-10-04 Publication date:May 31st 201

    TolĂ©rance de la population de la rĂ©gion d’Irkoutsk : l’attitude envers les immigrants et les touristes Ă©trangers

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    Cet article est dĂ©diĂ© Ă  l’analyse de la perception des immigrants et des touristes Ă©trangers par la population de la rĂ©gion d’Irkoutsk (oblast d’Irkoutsk) et Ă  l’estimation du degrĂ© de tolĂ©rance envers les diffĂ©rents groupes d’immigrants et de touristes. En se basant sur les rĂ©sultats d’une enquĂȘte sociologique de 2018, il donne une estimation du niveau de tolĂ©rance ethnique. Le calcul de l’indice de tolĂ©rance ethnique de la population locale montre des attitudes contrastĂ©es envers l’origine gĂ©ographique des diffĂ©rents flux de migrants. On identifie des groupes d’immigrants qui suscitent une attitude majoritairement nĂ©gative comme les migrants des pays d’Asie Centrale, du Caucase, de la Transcaucasie et de Chine. Les contacts personnels avec les immigrants influencent non seulement l’attitude Ă  leur Ă©gard ; mais aussi les rendent plus tolĂ©rants. On observe que les touristes Ă©trangers suscitent moins de craintes et de rĂ©ticences que les immigrants. Les flux touristiques « anciens » en provenance d’Europe, des États-Unis et du Canada, du Japon et de la CorĂ©e du Sud, suscitent, en rĂšgle gĂ©nĂ©rale, une attitude amicale et neutre de la part de la population locale tandis que les touristes originaires de Chine suscitent un plus grand rejet.This article aims to study how foreign migrants and tourists are perceived by the population living in the district of Irkutsk (Irkutsk oblast) and to analyse degrees of tolerance to different groups of migrants and tourists. The degree of ethnic tolerance was evaluated and assessed on the basis of 2018 sociological study. The calculation of the ethnic tolerance index of the local population shows contrasting attitudes towards the geographical origin of the different flows of migrants. Groups of foreign migrants which are perceived more negatively are identified as migrants from Central Asian countries, Caucasia and Transcaucasia, as well as China. Personal contacts with foreign migrants differentiate and mitigate this negative attitude. The results also show that foreign tourists are perceived with less apprehension and suspicion relatively to foreign migrants. The “old” tourist flows from Europe, USA, Canada, Japan, and South Korea are positively perceived with a friendly-to-neutral attitude. Tourists from China are poorly regarded

    Chitosan as an antioxidant alternative to sulphites in oenology: EPR investigation of inhibitory mechanisms

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    The efficacy against oxidative degradation in model and sulphite-free white wines of two commercial, insoluble chitosans (one being approved for winemaking) were investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). Both compounds at various doses significantly inhibited the formation of \u3b1-(4-pyridyl-1-oxide)-N-t-butylnitrone (4-POBN)-1-hydroxyethyl adducts under normal wine storage conditions. Pre-incubation with 2 g/L chitosan followed by filtration had a better effect than adding 50 mg/L sulphur dioxide to the experimental Chardonnay wine on the release of 4-POBN adducts after 6 days of incubation with 100 \u3bcM iron(II). In a relevant photooxidative system acetaldehyde formation was significantly reduced after 6 days of incubation. Parallel EPR tests were performed to assess the importance of metal chelation (iron and copper) versus direct scavenging of hydroxyl radicals on the effect of chitosan. The present data support the potentiality of using biocompatible chitosan as a healthier complement and/or alternative to sulphur dioxide against white wine oxidative spoilage
