376 research outputs found

    On the Wilson-Bappu relationship in the Mg II k line

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    An investigation is carried out on the Wilson-Bappu effect in the Mg II k line at 2796.34 A. The work is based on a selection of 230 stars observed by both the IUE and HIPPARCOS satellites, covering a wide range of spectral type and absolute visual magnitudes. The Wilson-Bappu relationship here provided is considered to represent an improvement over previous recent results for the considerably larger data sample used as well as for a proper consideration of the measurement errors. No evidence has been found for a possible dependence of the WB effect on stellar metallicity and effective temperature.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures Accepted for publication on A&

    A study of the Mg II 2796.34 A emission line in late--type normal, and RS CVn stars

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    We carry out an analysis of the Mg II 2796.34 A emission line in RS CVn stars and make a comparison with the normal stars studied in a previous paper (Paper I). The sample of RS CVn stars consists of 34 objects with known HIPPARCOS parallaxes and observed at high resolution with IUE. We confirm that RS CVn stars tend to possess wider Mg II lines than normal stars having the same absolute visual magnitude. However, we could not find any correlation between the logarithmic line width log Wo and the absolute visual magnitude Mv (the Wilson--Bappu relationship) for these active stars, contrary to the case of normal stars addressed in Paper I. On the contrary, we find that a strong correlation exists in the (Mv, log L) plane (L is the absolute flux in the line). In this plane, normal and RS CVn stars are distributed along two nearly parallel straight lines with RS CVn stars being systematically brighter by about 1 dex. Such a diagram provides an interesting tool to discriminate active from normal stars. We finally analyse the distribution of RS CVn and of normal stars in the (log L, log Wo) plane, and find a strong linear correlation for normal stars, which can be used for distance determinations.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, latex, to be published in A&

    Tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes bear the 75 kDa tumour necrosis factor receptor.

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    Tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) is a cytokine with a variety of immunological properties. The identification of two receptors for this molecule, i.e. the 75 kDa and the 55 kDa TNF receptors (TNF-R), recently clarified the mechanisms through which this cytokine provides its wide range of immunomodulatory activities. In this study we have investigated the expression and the functional properties of these receptors on tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) recovered from 17 patients with solid cancers (melanoma, colorectal carcinoma and lung cancer). To this end, TIL lines and freshly isolated TILs were evaluated for (a) the expression and the functional role of TNF receptors following culture in the presence of interleukin 2 (IL-2) and (b) the production of TNF-alpha following culture with IL-2 and the role of this cytokine in IL-2-driven TIL proliferation. Flow cytometry analysis demonstrated that TILs bear the 75 kDa TNF-R. Moreover, TIL lines express detectable messages for TNF-alpha and release this cytokine. Functional in vitro studies have shown that anti-TNF-alpha, as well as anti-75 kDa TNF-R antibodies, are able to inhibit the IL-2-induced TIL proliferation. These data demonstrate that TILs are equipped with a fully functional TNF-R system and suggest a putative role for this receptor and its ligand in the activation and expression of TILs following immunotherapy with IL-2

    Mg II h + k emission lines as stellar activity indicators of main sequence F-K stars

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    The main purpose of this study is to use the IUE spectra in the analysis of magnetic activity of main sequence F-K stars. Combining IUE observations of MgII and optical spectroscopy of Ca II, the registry of ctivity of stars can be extended in time. We retrieved all the high-resolution spectra of F, G, and K main sequence stars observed by IUE (i.e. 1623 spectra of 259 F to K dwarf stars). We obtained the continuum surface flux near the Mg II h+k lines near 2800 \AA and the MgII line-core surface flux from the IUE spectra. We obtained a relation between the mean continuum flux near the MgII lines with the colour BVB-V of the star. For a set of 117 nearly simultaneous observations of Mg II and Ca II fluxes of 21 F5 to K3 main sequence stars, we obtained a colour dependent relation between the Mount Wilson CaII S-index and the MgII emission line-core flux. As an application of this calibration, we computed the Mount Wilson index for all the dF to dK stars which have high resolution IUE spectra. For some of the most frequently observed main sequence stars, we analysed the Mount Wilson index S from the IUE spectra, together with the ones derived from visible spectra. We confirm the cyclic chromospheric activity of epsilon Eri (HD 22049) and beta Hydri (HD 2151), and we find a magnetic cycle in alpha Cen B (HD 128621). Complete abstract in the paper.Comment: 10 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Modeling of the Super-Eddington Phase for Classical Novae: Five IUE Novae

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    We present a light curve model for the super-Eddington luminosity phase of five classical novae observed with IUE. Optical and UV light curves are calculated based on the optically thick wind theory with a reduced effective opacity for a porous atmosphere. Fitting a model light curve with the UV 1455 \AA light curve, we determine the white dwarf mass and distance to be (1.3 M_sun, 4.4 kpc) for V693 CrA, (1.05 M_sun, 1.8 kpc) for V1974 Cyg, (0.95 M_sun, 4.1 kpc) for V1668 Cyg, (1.0 M_sun, 2.1 kpc) for V351 Pup, and (1.0 M_sun, 4.3 kpc) for OS And.Comment: 9 pages including 8 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Novae Ejecta as Colliding Shells

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    Following on our initial absorption-line analysis of fifteen novae spectra we present additional evidence for the existence of two distinct components of novae ejecta having different origins. As argued in Paper I one component is the rapidly expanding gas ejected from the outer layers of the white dwarf by the outburst. The second component is pre-existing outer, more slowly expanding circumbinary gas that represents ejecta from the secondary star or accretion disk. We present measurements of the emission-line widths that show them to be significantly narrower than the broad P Cygni profiles that immediately precede them. The emission profiles of novae in the nebular phase are distinctly rectangular, i.e., strongly suggestive of emission from a relatively thin, roughly spherical shell. We thus interpret novae spectral evolution in terms of the collision between the two components of ejecta, which converts the early absorption spectrum to an emission-line spectrum within weeks of the outburst. The narrow emission widths require the outer circumbinary gas to be much more massive than the white dwarf ejecta, thereby slowing the latter's expansion upon collision. The presence of a large reservoir of circumbinary gas at the time of outburst is suggestive that novae outbursts may sometime be triggered by collapse of gas onto the white dwarf, as occurs for dwarf novae, rather than steady mass transfer through the inner Lagrangian point.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures; Revised manuscript; Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    The AKARI/IRC Mid-Infrared All-Sky Survey

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    Context : AKARI is the first Japanese astronomical satellite dedicated to infrar ed astronomy. One of the main purposes of AKARI is the all-sky survey performed with six infrared bands between 9 and 200um during the period from 2006 May 6 to 2007 August 28. In this paper, we present the mid-infrared part (9um and 18um b ands) of the survey carried out with one of the on-board instruments, the Infrar ed Camera (IRC). Aims : We present unprecedented observational results of the 9 and 18um AKARI al l-sky survey and detail the operation and data processing leading to the point s ource detection and measurements. Methods : The raw data are processed to produce small images for every scan and point sources candidates, above the 5-sigma noise level per single scan, are der ived. The celestial coordinates and fluxes of the events are determined statisti cally and the reliability of their detections is secured through multiple detect ions of the same source within milli-seconds, hours, and months from each other. Results : The sky coverage is more than 90% for both bands. A total of 877,091 s ources (851,189 for 9um, 195,893 for 18um) are confirmed and included in the cur rent release of the point source catalogue. The detection limit for point source s is 50mJy and 90mJy for the 9um and 18um bands, respectively. The position accu racy is estimated to be better than 2". Uncertainties in the in-flight absolute flux calibration are estimated to be 3% for the 9um band and 4% for the 18um ban d. The coordinates and fluxes of detected sources in this survey are also compar ed with those of the IRAS survey and found to be statistically consistent.Comment: Accepted for publication in AandA AKARI special issu