108 research outputs found

    El soneto italiano y su introducción en la España del siglo XV: Desarrollo métrico y conceptual

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    Esta tesis indaga en la temprana historia del soneto en España, matizando el lugar comĂșn segĂșn el cual en el principio fue el MarquĂ©s de Santillana y despuĂ©s la cĂ©lebre plĂĄtica entre Juan BoscĂĄn y el embajador veneciano Andrea Navagero en los jardines del Generalife. En realidad, en los 80 años que transcurren entre los primeros experimentos de Santillana y aquellos de BoscĂĄn y Garcilaso, hubo hasta nueve poetas españoles que experimentaron con la forma del soneto. Las noticias y los estudios de cada uno de estos poetas han sido esporĂĄdicos y esparcidos, y esta tesis ha sido una oportunidad para agrupar sus sonetos y examinarlos diacrĂłnicamente para determinar sus fallos y sus logros. Tras unas disquisiciones acerca de la esencia del soneto italiano primigenio como forma circular y proporcional (cap. 1), el repaso del estado de la cuestiĂłn (cap. 2) y un resumen de la recepciĂłn de la poesĂ­a italiana en la España del siglo XV (cap. 3), esta tesis estudia dos traducciones castellanas de sendos sonetos de Petrarca, realizadas por Enrique de Villena y Hernando DĂ­az (cap. 4). Siguen un anĂĄlisis mĂ©trico de los 317 sonetos del Canzoniere, efectuado a base de la teorĂ­a paramĂ©trica de Hanson y Kiparsky (cap. 5), y una tipologĂ­a temĂĄtica y otra sintĂĄctica de los mismos sonetos segĂșn una adaptaciĂłn de la metodologĂ­a desarrollada por Antonio GarcĂ­a Berrio desde la perspectiva de la lingĂŒĂ­stica del texto (cap. 6). El segundo volumen de la tesis presenta y estudia un corpus de 107 sonetos compuestos por diez poetas españoles, en tres idiomas: 73 en castellano, 33 en italiano, y uno en catalĂĄn (cap. 7). El recorrido del corpus puede dividirse en tres fases: - 1a fase, mediados del s. XV: El MarquĂ©s de Santillana, Pere Torroella, Juan de Villalpando. ExperimentaciĂłn mĂ©trica entre el endecasĂ­labo, el decasĂŹl·lab y el arte mayor. - 2a fase, finales del s. XV–principios del s. XVI: NarcĂ­s Vinyoles, Bartolomeo Gentile, BartolomĂ© de Torres Naharro. ComposiciĂłn de sonetos italiano en contexto ibĂ©rico. - 3a fase, segundo cuarto del s. XVI: Alexandre, Antonio de Soria, VelĂĄzquez de Ávila y un autor anĂłnimo. Arte mayor, endecasĂ­labos y versos caĂłticos. Los resultados de los estudios mĂ©tricos, temĂĄticos y sintĂĄcticos de los 107 sonetos se comparan con aquellos de los anĂĄlisis y tipologĂ­as de los 317 de Petrarca, para sacar conclusiones fidedignas sobre la prĂĄctica de cada uno de los ‘sonetistas’, y para averiguar cuĂĄnto se acercaron o se alejaron de las caracterĂ­sticas del supuesto arquetipo. Finalmente, el capĂ­tulo 8 recorre el iter Hispanicum del soneto en la España del s. XV y principios del XVI, entrelazando las conclusiones de los estudios con acontecimientos paralelos del contexto histĂłrico-literario. En definitiva, de modo general, los primeros poetas españoles en experimentar con el soneto encontraron mayores dificultades a nivel de verso (el endecasĂ­labo y los ritmos yĂĄmbicos) que a nivel de poema, ya que no tardaron en aprender a disponer la lĂłgica del razonamiento de forma proporcional a lo largo del rectĂĄngulo del soneto, o incluso forjar tensiones sintĂĄcticas para crear ciertos efectos poĂ©ticos

    Novel Human Herpesvirus 8 Subtype D Strains in Vanuatu, Melanesia

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    We show human herpesvirus 8 with diverse molecular subtype D variants to be highly endemic among the Ni-Vanuatu population. Most K1 genes were nearly identical to Polynesian strains, although a few clustered with Australian or Taiwanese strains. These results suggest diverse origins of the Ni-Vanuatu population and raise questions about the ancient human population movements in Melanesia

    The imprint of the Slave Trade in an African American population: mitochondrial DNA, Y chromosome and HTLV-1 analysis in the Noir Marron of French Guiana

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Retracing the genetic histories of the descendant populations of the Slave Trade (16<sup>th</sup>-19<sup>th </sup>centuries) is particularly challenging due to the diversity of African ethnic groups involved and the different hybridisation processes with Europeans and Amerindians, which have blurred their original genetic inheritances. The Noir Marron in French Guiana are the direct descendants of maroons who escaped from Dutch plantations in the current day Surinam. They represent an original ethnic group with a highly blended culture. Uniparental markers (mtDNA and NRY) coupled with HTLV-1 sequences (<it>env </it>and LTR) were studied to establish the genetic relationships linking them to African American and African populations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All genetic systems presented a high conservation of the African gene pool (African ancestry: mtDNA = 99.3%; NRY = 97.6%; HTLV-1 e<it>nv </it>= 20/23; HTLV-1 LTR = 6/8). Neither founder effect nor genetic drift was detected and the genetic diversity is within a range commonly observed in Africa. Higher genetic similarities were observed with the populations inhabiting the Bight of Benin (from Ivory Coast to Benin). Other ancestries were identified but they presented an interesting sex-bias. Whilst male origins spread throughout the north of the bight (from Benin to Senegal), female origins were spread throughout the south (from the Ivory Coast to Angola).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The Noir Marron are unique in having conserved their African genetic ancestry, despite major cultural exchanges with Amerindians and Europeans through inhabiting the same region for four centuries. Their maroon identity and the important number of slaves deported in this region have maintained the original African diversity. All these characteristics permit to identify a major origin located in the former region of the Gold Coast and the Bight of Benin; regions highly impacted by slavery, from which goes a sex-biased longitudinal gradient of ancestry.</p

    Human T-cell Leukemia Virus Type 1 Molecular Variants, Vanuatu, Melanesia

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    Four of 391 Ni-Vanuatu women were infected with variants of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) Melanesian subtype C. These strains had env nucleotide sequences ≈99% similar to each other and diverging from the main molecular subtypes of HTLV-1 by 6% to 9%. These strains were likely introduced during ancient human population movements in Melanesia

    Priority knowledge needs for implementing nature-based solutions in the Mediterranean islands

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    Mediterranean islands face significant environmental challenges due to their high population density, reliance on imports, and water scarcity, exacerbated by increasing risks from climate change. Nature-based solutions (NbS) could address these challenges sustainably and with multiple benefits, but their uptake in policy and planning is limited, and stakeholder perspectives are conspicuously lacking from current research. Here, we report the results of a collaborative, multi-stakeholder exercise to identify priority knowledge needs (KNs) that could enhance the uptake of NbS in Mediterranean islands. We used a well-established iterative prioritisation method based on a modified Delphi process. This was conducted by the authors, environmental policy and practice stakeholders from across the Mediterranean islands, representing business, government, NGOs and research. We developed a long list of potential KNs through individual submissions, and prioritised them through voting, discussion and scoring. Excepting workshop discussion, all individual contributions were anonymous. We present the 47 resulting KNs in rank order, classified by whether they can be addressed by knowledge synthesis and further research, or demand action in policy and practice. The top priority KNs are i) a more precise definition of NbS, ii) which NbS are adapted to dry Mediterranean conditions? iii) how to increase the adoption and use of NbS in urban plans?, iv) how can buildings and built-up areas be modified to accommodate green infrastructure and v) cost-benefit analysis of urban green spaces. In collaboration with these stakeholders, our findings will determine future research strategies on NbS implementation in the Mediterranean islands

    Sunetti ta’ William Shakespeare

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    Ä abra ta’ poeĆŒiji u proĆŒa li tinkludi: Grand Prix ta’ Carmel Azzopardi – Pizza marinara ta’ Carmel Azzopardi – ÄŠajku ta’ Kit Azzopardi – Ix-xemgħa qiegħda ta’ Charles Bezzina – U taħti ramel, ramel ta’ Charles Bezzina – VaĆŒett ta’ Ä orÄĄ Borg – Bniedem li mhux ta’ Ä orÄĄ Borg – Il-ħajbu ta’ Antoine Cassar – Il-mistoħbija ta’ Manwel Cassar – Għasel ta’ Carmel G. Cauchi – Dgħajsa ta’ Carmel G. Cauchi – ÄŠitan ta’ Alfred Degabriele – Skeletru silwett...f’realtĂ  moħbija ta’ Stefano Farrugia – Minjatura tal-enimmi ta’ Stefano Farrugia – Mnejn jgħaddi Kristu ta’ Joe Friggieri – Rebbiegħa ta’ Reno Fenech – Blogger ta’ Charles Flores – VeÄĄeterjana ta’ Charles Flores – Mejju ta’ Joe P. Galea – Kien hemm lejla u tmien nisa ta’ Claudia Gauci – ÄŠobbni ta’ Sergio Grech – Mitlufin ta’ Maria Grech Ganado – Moħħi ta’ Maria Grech Ganado – ViĆŒjoni ta’ Maria Grech Ganado – Inkontinenza ta’ Adrian Grima – Andrew jħebb in-nar ta’ Adrian Grima – It-Tlieta, 20 ta’ Lulju 2004 ta’ Alfred Massa – Fuq l-għolja tal- Verdala ta’ Jane Micallef – Imm’issa ta’ Jane Micallef – Baby blues ta’ Immanuel Mifsud – Ä o dar sawra ta’ Immanuel Mifsud – Lil Dun Karm ta’ Maurice Mifsud Bonnici – Il-fuklar ta’ Achille Mizzi – Ut videam ta’ Achille Mizzi – Karnival solitarju ta’ Patrick Sammut – Mill-baħħ etern ta’ Joe Zammit Tabona – ...fil-ħmieÄĄ ta’ ftit blatiet... ta’ Paul P. Borg – Bħall-qasab ta’ Steve Borg – L-aħħar ĆŒjara ta’ Victor Fenech – ÄŠelwa.morra 18 ta’ Ann Marie Schembri – Jack & Jill ta’ Trevor Ć»ahra – Għadbilura ta’ Russell Davis, traduzzjoni ta’ Toni Aquilina – Sunetti ta’ William Shakespeare, traduzzjoni ta’ Oliver Friggieri.peer-reviewe

    The national helpline during the COVID-19 pandemic : a pillar of support for the public

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    Soon after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in Malta in March 2020, the number of calls from the public escalated so much that a helpline service, Helpline 111, was set at a private call centre. Calls from the public were answered by a team of trained agents, supported onsite by officials from the Public Health Response Team. The reasons for the calls varied and guidelines for answering the calls were continuously updated in line with the current standards and mitigation measures.peer-reviewe
