837 research outputs found

    Biodiversity of the Collembola Fauna of Wetland Kerkini (N. Greece), with description of the sexual dimorphism of Entomobrya atrocincta Schött 1896 (Collembola: Entomobryomorpha)

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    A report on the results of a research into some aspects of the collembolan fauna of the Greek Nature Reserve associated with Lake Kerkini, known as Wetland Kerkini, is presented. The nature reserve is large and includes a wide variety of habitats, many of which were not included in this preliminary survey. From the areas sampled we recorded 44 species, of which 39 were previously described, two (Folsomia potapovi Jordana & Baquero n. sp., Entomobrya naziridisi Jordana & Baquero n. sp.), are new to science, while three are identifi ed to generic level; a further 21 are new records for Greece, and an additional 11 species are new records to the Greek Mainland. Sampling with Berlese- Tullgren funnels and Malaise traps allowed us to capture species typical of soil and species present over vegetation. This summary is based on the records held in the online database of the Fauna Europaea Project

    Uneven distribution of nanoparticles in immiscible fluids: Morphology development in polymer blends

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    AbstractThe present review aims at summarizing the current knowledge on how solid nanoparticles organize in polymer blends. First, the behavior of low viscosity fluid emulsions containing solid colloidal particles is briefly presented. By contrast with polymer blends, they have been the subject of intensive studies for a long time, with both applicative and comprehensive objectives. High viscosity fluid emulsions like polymer blends loaded with nanofillers have received less attention until the recent enthusiasm about nanotechnology and more specifically polymer nanocomposites. Some similarities and differences between both types of emulsions are highlighted. The solid particles are well known to distribute unevenly in those types of complex fluids and the factors that determine their distribution in polymer blends are discussed. A particular emphasis is given on the competition between thermodynamic wetting of the solid by the polymeric phases and kinetic control of the filler localization directly linked to the rate of the mixing process. This aspect is believed to be a specificity of filled polymer blends and is known to have a drastic and sometimes predominant effect on particle localization. It explains that finely tuned morphologies can be obtained where the particles do not occupy their equilibrium position

    Les clivages sociaux en Europe autour de la construction politique europĂ©enne en 2005-2010: l’Europe des Ă©lites contre l’État-Nation des classes populaires?

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    The rejection of the European Constitution by French and Dutch voters in 2005 has brought about an unprecedented crisis for European integration, with strong risks of regression into nationalism and xenophobia. However, in a paradoxical way, that crisis has not prevented the building of a political Europe - even a federal Europe - because it has hampered intergovernmental negotiations more than the functioning of European institutions. Moreover, social polarisation means that Europhiles in the Ă©lites have been able to press for institutional solutions culminating in the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, a landmark in the consolidation of the European Union

    Les pĂ©riphĂ©ries espagnoles aprĂšs 1978: Catalyseurs de l’intĂ©gration europĂ©enne?

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    Since 1978 and the return to democracy, Spain’s three main peripheral spaces from a linguistic, cultural point of view (Catalonia, the Basque Country and Galicia) have been constantly trying to get more and more autonomy from the central Spanish state. As regiones históricas (“historical regions”), they claim more competences than those enjoyed by other comunidades autónomas. That is particularly spectacular in the case of the Basque Country and Catalonia. From that perspective, belonging to the European Union was long perceived as an essential element in order to act without the Spanish state’s permission in the field of public policies. Therefore it was seen as a clearly beneficial political commitment. At a time when identities often clash in new ways, it is necessary to wonder whether those Spanish peripheral spaces go on playing such a role of catalysts of European integration

    Portrait. VĂ©ronique Joumard

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    Depuis les annĂ©es 1980, VĂ©ronique Joumard dĂ©veloppe un travail qui identifie le faire-Ɠuvre Ă  sa dĂ©matĂ©rialisation, mettant en tension les polaritĂ©s de l’invisible et du visible, Ă  travers la matĂ©rialisation des flux, de l’énergie, de la lumiĂšre. L’artiste explore des mĂ©diums et des supports diversifiĂ©s (photographie, vidĂ©o, installations, volume), faisant de la condition paradoxale du mĂ©dium instable la forme mĂȘme de son appareillage : de perception, de rĂ©flexion, de conduction, de lecture, ..

    Les univers intérieurs de Gertrud Kolmar : à propos de Welten (1937)

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    En 1937, six ans avant sa mort Ă  Auschwitz, Gertrud Kolmar Ă©crivit Ă  Berlin un cycle de 17 poĂšmes intitulĂ© Mondes (Welten). Ces univers imaginaires dans lesquels on ne trouve pas de rĂ©fĂ©rences explicites Ă  la persĂ©cution nazie sont situĂ©s pour la plupart dans un ‘ailleurs’ Ă  la fois spatial et temporel, occidental et ‘oriental’, intĂ©rieur et extĂ©rieur. Peut-on dire pour autant que Kolmar ‘se rĂ©fugie’ dans un univers irrĂ©el de crĂ©ation littĂ©raire ? Si le sujet aime se prĂ©senter comme entrant dans l’espace mĂȘme qu’il a construit, cet espace est toutefois marquĂ© par la mĂ©lancolie ou l’angoisse, de sorte que s’ouvre souvent un deuxiĂšme espace, un ‘ailleurs de l’ailleurs’ qui n’est pas moins ambigu. On est en quelque sorte en prĂ©sence d’un « Autre » de l’utopie qui vient jeter son ombre sur le lieu premiĂšrement construit. Les mondes imaginĂ©s, Ă  la beautĂ© de pierre mais dĂ©sertĂ©s par les humains, peuvent certes faire signe vers l’Être pur mais sont Ă©galement associĂ©s Ă  la mort ou Ă  la disparition du sujet. L’écriture apparaĂźt non pas comme une simple conduite de fuite devant les Ă©vĂ©nements contemporains, mais comme l’exploration d’un espace littĂ©raire qui est aussi un ‘ailleurs’ intĂ©rieur ou extĂ©rieur dans lequel le sujet affronte sa propre mort.1937, sechs Jahre vor ihrem Tod in Auschwitz, schrieb Gertrud Kolmar einen aus 17 Gedichten bestehenden, Welten betitelten Zyklus. Die Mehrzahl dieser imaginĂ€ren Landschaften, in denen nicht explizit auf die NS-Verfolgungen verwiesen wird, befindet sich in einem zugleich rĂ€umlichen und zeitlichen, westlichen und östlichen, inneren und Ă€ußeren ‘Anderswo’. Kann man aber sagen, Kolmar wĂŒrde in unwirkliche erdichtete Welten flĂŒchten ? Zwar wird das lyrische Ich gern als ein schaffendes dargestellt, das dann in den von ihm geschaffenen Raum eintritt ; dieser Raum ist jedoch durch Melancholie bzw. Angst geprĂ€gt, so dass sich oft ein zweiter Raum eröffnet, der aber wiederum nicht weniger zweideutig ist. Man steht sozusagen vor dem ‘Anderen der Utopie’, das seinen Schatten auf die primĂ€r erfundene Landschaft wirft. Die imaginĂ€ren, ineinander verschachtelten RĂ€ume mit ihrer erstarrten und menschenleeren Schönheit können zwar auf das reine Sein hindeuten, sie werden aber auch mit dem Tod oder dem Verschwinden des Subjekts verbunden. Schreiben erweist sich demnach nicht als bloße Flucht vor dem Zeitgeschehen, sondern als Erkundung eines inneren bzw. Ă€ußeren ‘Anderswo’, in dem das Subjekt sich seinem Tod stellt.In 1937, six years before her death in Auschwitz, Gertrud Kolmar wrote in Berlin a cycle of 17 poems, untitled Worlds (Welten). These imaginary universes in which no explicit reference to Nazi persecution can be found, are located for most of them in a “distance” meanwhile spatial and temporal, western and “eastern”, inner and outer. It is necessarily possible to say that Kolmar 'shelters' in an unreal universe of literary creation? If the subject likes presenting itself as entering in the very space he has built, this space is yet marked par melancholia or anxiety; so that a second space, “an elsewhere of an elsewhere”, not less ambiguous, often open. We are in a way, in presence of an “Other” of utopia that comes or cast a shadow on the place firstly built. The imagined worlds, with stone beauty but deserted by human beings, can indeed make a sign to the pure Being but are also associated with death and loss of the subject. The writing appears not as a simple conduct of escape before the contemporary events but as the exploration of a literary space that is also an inner or outer “elsewhere” where the subject faces his own death

    O Direito Autoral Apreendido Pela Citação / Uma Outra História Do Século XX

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    Em seu saboroso artigo intitulado PlĂĄgio por antecipação (2009), Pierre Bayard faz do anacronismo um mĂ©todo de anĂĄlise da literatura ou da arte (Fra Angelico plagiou a tĂ©cnica desenvolvida alguns sĂ©culos depois por Jackson Pollock, SĂłfocles copiou Freud, Voltaire copiou Conan Doyle e Kafka copiou Beckett) para estabelecer ressonĂąncias entre os textos a partir da figura do plĂĄgio. Delito que repousa sobre um emprĂ©stimo de uma ideia ou de um texto sem o conhecimento de seu autor, o plĂĄgio sinaliza tanto uma semelhança entre duas entidades quanto uma sutil diferença que indica que o texto de emprĂ©stimo nĂŁo pertence ao contexto no qual aparece. Pierre Bayard opta por evidenciar essa dissonĂąncia ao tratar do plĂĄgio por antecipação, indicando uma problemĂĄtica estĂ©tica fundamental: o emprĂ©stimo, a citação, o jogo de referĂȘncias comprovadas. Haveria, de certa forma, autores que se inspirariam em obras posteriores. Palavras-chave: Direito autoral, plĂĄgio, citaçã

    Le discours identitaire d’extrĂȘme droite: rĂ©vĂ©lateur d’une idĂ©ologie aux marges du paysage politique?

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    In his book Histoire de l’extrĂȘme droite en France (A history of the extreme right in France), the French historian Michel Winock shows how difficult it is to give a simple, accurate definition of the extreme right, which he presents as ‘a hard political tendency but a soft concept’. However, one of the characteristics which are common to most extreme right-wing parties is that they tend to inscribe their discourse on identity (not only from a political point of view but also from a cultural or even biological point of view) inside a marginal space and even a space of marginality, a domain for marginal personalities.We shall see that those organisations choose to place themselves deliberately into the margins of the political landscape and that they do it in both senses of the term: first because their discourses sound scandalous to democratic parties and secondly because those speeches often reflect their will to exclude themselves from the political game. Indeed, extreme right-wing theorists and politicians frequently refuse to exercise power because they consider that such an activity is almost inevitably tainted with compromise and corruption. So they prefer resorting to verbal – or even physical – violence in order to attract voters eager to protest against the supposed unfairness of the establishment. That is why extreme right-wing factions have to face a difficult situation in which they need to be marginal and scandalous to exist, but in which democratic, governmental parties can easily use their marginal character to turn them into political scarecrows and ensure their own dominance in an even surer way
