204 research outputs found

    Nonlinear properties of AlGaAs waveguides in continuous wave operation regime

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    Aluminum Gallium Arsenide (AlGaAs) is an attractive platform for the development of integrated optical circuits for all-optical signal processing thanks to its large nonlinear coefficients in the 1.55-μm telecommunication spectral region. In this paper we discuss the results of the nonlinear continuous-wave optical characterization of AlGaAs waveguides at a wavelength of 1.55 μm. We also report the highest value ever reported in the literature for the real part of the nonlinear coefficient in this material (Re(γ) ≈521 W<sup>−1</sup>m<sup>−1</sup>)

    Contribution of red blood cells to the compensation for hypocapnic alkalosis through plasmatic strong ion difference variations

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    Introduction Chloride shift is the movement of chloride between red blood cells (RBC) and plasma (and vice versa) caused by variations in pCO2. The aim of our study was to investigate changes in plasmatic strong ion diff erence (SID) during acute variations in pCO2 and their possible role in the compensation for hypocapnic alkalosis.Methods Patients admitted in this year to our ICU requiring extracorporeal CO2 removal were enrolled. Couples of measurements of gases and electrolytes on blood entering (v) and leaving (a) the respiratory membrane were analyzed. SID was calculated as [Na+] + [K+] + 2[Ca2+] \u2013 [Cl\u2013] \u2013 [Lac\u2013]. Percentage variations in SID (SID%) were calculated as (SIDv \u2013 SIDa) x 100 / SIDv. The same calculation was performed for pCO2 (pCO2%). Comparison between v and a values was performed by paired t test or the signed-rank test, as appropriate. Results Analysis was conducted on 205 sample-couples of six enrolled patients. A signifi cant diff erence (P <0.001) between mean values of v\u2013a samples was observed for pH (7.41 \ub1 0.05 vs. 7.51 \ub1 0.06), pCO2 (48 \ub1 6 vs. 35 \ub1 7 mmHg), [Na+] (136.3 \ub1 4.0 vs. 135.2 \ub1 4.0 mEq/l), [Cl\u2013] (101.5 \ub1 5.3 vs. 102.8 \ub1 5.2 mEq/l) and therefore SID (39.5 \ub1 4.0 vs. 36.9 \ub1 4.1 mEq/l). pCO2% and SID% signifi cantly correlated (r2 = 0.28, P <0.001). Graphical representation by quartiles of pCO2% is shown in Figure 1. Conclusions As a reduction in SID decreases pH, the observed movement of anions and cations probably limited the alkalinization caused by hypocapnia. In this model, the only source of electrolytes are blood cells (that is, no interstitium and no infl uence of the kidney is present); it is therefore conceivable to consider the observed phenomenon as the contribution of RBC for the compensation of acute hypocapnic alkalosi

    Integrated Generation of High-dimensional Entangled Photon States and Their Coherent Control

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    We demonstrate the generation of high-dimensional entangled photon pairs with a Hilbert-space dimensionality larger than 100 from an on-chip nonlinear microcavity, and introduce a coherent control scheme using standard telecommunications components

    Scalable and effective multi-level entangled photon states: A promising tool to boost quantum technologies

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    Multi-level (qudit) entangled photon states are a key resource for both fundamental physics and advanced applied science, as they can significantly boost the capabilities of novel technologies such as quantum communications, cryptography, sensing, metrology, and computing. The benefits of using photons for advanced applications draw on their unique properties: photons can propagate over long distances while preserving state coherence, and they possess multiple degrees of freedom (such as time and frequency) that allow scalable access to higher dimensional state encoding, all while maintaining low platform footprint and complexity. In the context of out of-lab use, photon generation and processing through integrated devices and off-the-shelf components are in high demand. Similarly, multi-level entanglement detection must be experimentally practical, i.e., ideally requiring feasible single-qudit projections and high noise tolerance. Here, we focus on multi-level optical Bell and cluster states as a critical resource for quantum technologies, as well as on universal witness operators for their feasible detection and entanglement characterization. Time-and frequency-entangled states are the main platform considered in this context. We review a promising approach for the scalable, cost-effective generation and processing of these states by using integrated quantum frequency combs and fiber-based devices, respectively. We finally report an experimentally practical entanglement identification and characterization technique based on witness operators that is valid for any complex photon state and provides a good compromise between experimental feasibility and noise robustness. The results reported here can pave the way toward boosting the implementation of quantum technologies in integrated and widely accessible photonic platforms

    The bolometers as nuclear recoil detectors

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    Our group is involved in experiments using bolometric detectors since ten years for rare event searches like double beta decay or Dark Matter interactions. During last year, to check the quenching factor of TeO 2 bolometers, we have measured the nuclear recoils at energy as low as 15 keV in our experimental apparatus at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. Two 72g TeO 2 detectors were exposed under vacuum to a 228Ra a source that implanted on them 224Ra nuclei. The nuclei emitted by the implanted source were detected in one bolometer in coincidence with the corresponding a particles in the other. The energy spectrum of the 103.4 keV 224Ra nuclei has been obtained with an energy resolution of about 12 keV. Furthermore an a measurement of Roman lead has exploited also the sensitivity of this technique to check for ultralow activity in matter, taking advantage of the source,detector approach. A limit on the 210Pb contamination in roman lead as low as 4 mBq/Kg has been obtained. ( 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Preliminary results on the performance of a TeO2 thermal detector in a search for direct interactions of WIMPS

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    Abstract During a Double Beta Decay experiment performed at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, a 1548 hours background spectrum was collected with a 340 g TeO2 thermal detector. An analysis of this spectrum has been carried out to search for possible WIMP signals. The values for parameters which are essential in the search for WIMPs, like energy resolution (2 keV), energy threshold (13 keV) and nuclear recoil quenching factor (≥ 0.93) have been experimentally determined and are discussed in detail. The spectrum of recoils induced by α decays has been directly observed for the first time in coincidence with the α particle pulse. Preliminary limits on the spin-independent cross sections of WIMPs on Te and O nuclei have been obtained

    Induced Photon Correlations Through the Overlap of Two Four-Wave Mixing Processes in Integrated Cavities

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    Induced photon correlations are directly demonstrated by exploring two coupled nonlinear processes in an integrated device. Using orthogonally polarized modes within an integrated microring cavity, phase matching of two different nonlinear four-wave mixing processes is achieved simultaneously, wherein both processes share one target frequency mode, while their other frequency modes differ. The overlap of these modes leads to the coupling of both nonlinear processes, producing photon correlations. The nature of this process is confirmed by means of time- and power-dependent photon correlation measurements. These findings are relevant to the fundamental understanding of spontaneous parametric effects as well as single-photon-induced processes, and their effect on optical quantum state generation and control

    Enhanced nonlinear refractive index in ε-near-zero materials

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    New propagation regimes for light arise from the ability to tune the dielectric permittivity to extremely low values. Here, we demonstrate a universal approach based on the low linear permittivity values attained in the ε-near-zero (ENZ) regime for enhancing the nonlinear refractive index, which enables remarkable light-induced changes of the material properties. Experiments performed on Al-doped ZnO (AZO) thin films show a sixfold increase of the Kerr nonlinear refractive index (n2) at the ENZ wavelength, located in the 1300 nm region. This in turn leads to ultrafast light-induced refractive index changes of the order of unity, thus representing a new paradigm for nonlinear optics.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    How different experimental models of secondary hyperalgesia change the nociceptive flexion reflex

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    In this neurophysiological study in healthy humans, we assessed how central sensitization induced by either high-frequency stimulation (HFS) or topical capsaicin application modulates features of the RIII reflex response. The ability of these stimuli to engage the endogenous pain modulatory system was also tested. In 26 healthy participants we elicited an RIII reflex using suprathreshold stimulation of the sural nerve. Subsequently HFS or capsaicin were applied to the foot and the RIII reflex repeated after 15 minutes. Contact heating of the volar forearm served as the heterotopic test stimulus to probe activation of the endogenous pain modulatory system. HFS significantly reduced the pain threshold by 29% and the RIII reflex threshold by 20%. Capsaicin significantly reduced the pain threshold by 17% and the RIII reflex threshold by 18%. Both HFS and capsaicin left RIII reflex size unaffected. Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) pain scores elicited by the heterotopic noxious heat stimulus were unaffected by capsaicin and slightly increased by HFS. HFS and capsaicin similarly modulated the pain threshold and RIII reflex threshold, without a concomitant inhibitory effect of the endogenous pain modulatory system. Our neurophysiological study supports the use of the RIII reflex in investigating central sensitization in humans