68 research outputs found

    O viajante não está só : a cultura científica em memórias sobre o Brasil e as ligações entre os naturalistas luso-brasileiros do século XVIII e os viajantes cientistas do século XIX

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Clóvis Mendes GrunerTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em História. Defesa: Curitiba, 30/08/2017Inclui referências : f. 231-241Resumo:Esta tese analisa possíveis ligações entre dois grupos de viajantes naturalistas que estiveram no Brasil nos séculos XVIII e XIX. Escolheu-se para tal objetivo, buscar e investigar, na literatura de viagem oitocentista, impressões e fragmentos de leituras sobre as obras de lusobrasileiros setecentistas. A hipótese é a de que determinadas investigações dos luso-brasileiros foram apropriadas e ressignificadas para a composição de famosos relatos de viagem do século XIX, feitos em sua maioria por naturalistas franceses e alemães. Além disso, identificaram-se outros contatos entre esses grupos. Eles se deram pela participação em uma rede de sociabilidade científica que permitiu o acesso dos autores do século XIX às memórias científicas dos luso-brasileiros e, em determinados momentos, o contato direto com esses sujeitos. Para investigar essa "República das Ciências", escolheram-se aspectos próprios da história da leitura, como a circulação e apropriação dos escritos e a formação de uma comunidade de leitores que elegeu autores, construiu práticas do ler e significados singulares. Esses aspectos são abordados através das três etapas das expedições científicas: o preparo, a viagem e a escrita. Na primeira etapa, esclareceu-se o aprendizado e organização das expedições ocorridos em instituições - academias, universidades, gabinetes e jardins. Nesses lugares, além da educação formal de história natural, os sujeitos contactaram seus pares e se iniciaram na sociabilidade científica. Na segunda etapa, compreendeu-se como era a viagem filosófica ou científica nos trópicos brasileiros. Nesse momento, praticava-se o que se havia aprendido nos livros e nas aulas, além de reconhecer e conhecer outros naturalistas, seja através da leitura ou mesmo de encontros em suas residências brasileiras. Por fim, a escrita. O tempo da retomada de anotações e da leitura de muitos outros relatos de viagem. Nessa etapa, se imprimiu no papel as impressões particulares do trânsito, os significados obtidos pelas leituras de outros textos e a representação de encontros com outros sujeitos viajantes materializados no próprio relato. Palavras-chave Leitura; ciência moderna; viagem; sociabilidade; literatura.Abstract: This thesis analyzes possible connections between two groups of naturalist travelers who had been in Brazil in the 18th and 19th Centuries. In order to do so, the travel literature of the 19th Century was sought and investigated for the fragments of readings of the 18th century travelers, particularly those Portuguese subjects of Brazilian origin. The working hypothesis was that some of the research done by the Portuguese-Brazilian naturalists was appropriated and re-signified for the composition of well known voyage narratives of the 19th Century, written by naturalists of other European origin (mostly French and German). Also, other forms of contact have been identified, through the participation of scientific sociability networks, which allowed the access of the 19th Century writers to the 18th Century scientific reports and travel accounts, or even the direct contact at specific moments. In order to investigate this "Republic of Sciences", aspects related to the history of reading were chosen, such as circulation and appropriation of writings and the idea of a community of readers which selected authors, build reading practices and singular meanings for them. Such aspects are approached through the three stages of scientific expeditions: the preparation, the voyage and the writing. On the first stage, the focus was on the apprenticeship and the organization of expeditions in such places as Academies, Universities, Botanical Gardens. In these places, besides the forma education on natural history, the subjects contacted their peers and were initiated in scientific sociability. The second stage encompasses the philosophical or scientific voyage in the Brazilian tropics. This was the time to put into use the knowledge amassed in classes and from books, and to recognize, and eventually meet, other naturalists, either through reading or personal meetings in their Brazilian homes. Last, but not least, the writing. The time for reviewing field notes, and reading other voyage narratives. In this stage, the private impressions en route were made into printing, materializing the meanings gained from reading other texts, meeting other travelers and the experience of the voyage itself. Key words Reading; modern science; voyage; sociability; literature

    A obra em pé de página: as notas de rodapé nos livros indigenistas de José de Alencar

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    Este artigo procura compreender a nota de rodapé como elemento constituinte da obra de José de Alencar, no sentido de que as construções discursivas contidas nas notas de rodapé fornecem indícios sobre as leituras realizadas pelo autor, ao mesmo tempo que procuram legitimar, na historiografia que antecede o romance, as ideias sobre natureza, indígenas e nacionalidade que este autor constrói em sua obra literária – especialmente as do chamado “ciclo indigenista”. As notas de rodapé, vistas em conjunção com outros elementos não ficcionais – os paratextos – da obra alencariana, permitem acessar a construção das ideias pertinentes à sua literatura. Ao mesmo tempo, permitem um acesso particular ao mundo da leitura no passado ao identificar práticas de leitura e as apropriações que Alencar fez de textos e ideias

    Ler é preciso: um estudo sobre uma comunidade de viajantes-leitores no século XIX: Mawe, Eschwege, Wied-Neuvied, Spix e Martius e Saint-Hilaire

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    This article seeks to investigate the reading scientific sociabilities of European naturalists who traveled around Brazil in the early 19th century, the interactions of these travelers with each other and with Portuguese-Brazilian naturalists who preceded them in the description of Brazilian nature in the 18th century. To this end, the sources were the travel reports by John Mawe, Wilhelm Ludwig von Eschwege, Maximilian de Wied-Neuwied, Auguste François César de Saint-Hilaire, Johann Baptiste von Spix and Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius, who were in Brazil from 1807 onwards and published their accounts in their countries of origin during the following decades. We sought to verify, in these reports, the allusions, references and bibliographic notes used, seeking common readings, particularly those of the Portuguese-Brazilian naturalists who described parts of Brazil in the service of the Portuguese crown between 1770 and 1800. This study allowed us to understand how a community of scientific readers emerged, who shared readings, references and even libraries, but who also cited each other or openly copied the descriptions of each other – and their Portuguese-Brazilian predecessors of the late 18th century – according to their own publishing interests or authorial needs, building a whole canonical set of descriptions of Brazil that permeates the historiography about the period.Este artigo busca investigar as sociabilidades científicas da leitura dos naturalistas europeus que viajaram pelo Brasil no começo do século XIX e as interações desses viajantes entre si e com naturalistas luso-brasileiros que os antecederam na descrição da natureza brasileira no século XVIII. Para tanto, foram utilizados os relatos de viagem de John Mawe, Wilhelm Ludwig von Eschwege, Maximilian de Wied-Neuwied, Auguste François César de Saint-Hilaire, Johann Baptiste von Spix e Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius, que estiveram no Brasil a partir de 1807 e publicaram seus relatos nos países de origem durante as décadas seguintes. Buscou-se verificar nesses relatos as alusões, referências e notas bibliográficas visando possíveis leituras comuns, particularmente aquelas dos naturalistas luso-brasileiros que descreveram partes do Brasil a serviço da Coroa portuguesa entre 1770 e 1800. Este estudo permitiu perceber como se gestou uma comunidade de leitores científicos que compartilhavam leituras, referências e mesmo bibliotecas, faziam citações mútuas e copiavam abertamente as descrições uns dos outros – e de seus antecessores luso brasileiros do final do século XVIII –, de acordo com seus próprios interesses editoriais ou necessidades autorais, construindo todo um conjunto canônico de descrições do Brasil que ainda permeia a historiografia sobre o período

    Comparison of the effects of methadone and butorphanol combined with acepromazine for canine gastroduodenoscopy

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    Objective To evaluate the feasibility of gastroduodenoscopy in dogs premedicated with acepromazine in combination with butorphanol or methadone. Study design Prospective, randomized, double-blinded clinical trial. Animals A group of 40 client-owned dogs. Methods Dogs were randomly allocated to one of two groups and give intramuscular acepromazine 0.02 mg kg(-1) combined with either butorphanol 0.3 mg kg(-1) (group ACEBUT) or methadone 0.2 mg kg(-1) (group ACEMET). General anaesthesia was induced with propofol and ketamine and maintained with sevoflurane (2.3%) in oxygen. Cardiopulmonary variables were recorded at 5 minute intervals during anaesthesia. Feasibility of the entire gastroduodenoscopy was evaluated with a visual analogue scale (VAS) from 0 (best) to 100 (worst) (primary outcome of the study). Lower oesophageal sphincter dilatation and duodenal intubation were scored. Pylorus diameter was measured with standard endoscopic inflatable balloons. Overall cardiovascular stability was assessed during anaesthesia, using a VAS (0-100), as was the presence of fluid in the oesophagus, regurgitation, need for mechanical ventilation, and intraoperative and postoperative rescue analgesia (secondary outcomes of the study). Differences between treatments were analysed with Mann-Whitney U, Student t test, Fisher exact test or mixed model analysis of variance as appropriate. Subsequently, feasibility VAS of the gastroduodenoscopy was assessed for noninferiority between groups. The noninferiority margin was set as -10. Results All gastroduodenoscopies were successfully completed in both groups using an endoscope tip diameter of 12.8 mm in all but one dog. Feasibility of gastroduodenoscopy was evaluated as 2.9 +/- 5.6 in group ACEBUT and 5.1 +/- 5.8 in group ACEMET. No significant differences between groups were detected in any measured or assessed variables, and noninferiority was confirmed. Conclusion and clinical relevance In our study population, the effects of methadone and butorphanol when combined with acepromazine were comparable.Peer reviewe

    Romance Histórico Moderno e a História Cultural: Pontos de articulação na obra “Memorial do Convento”, de José Saramago

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    Este artigo tem o propósito de explicitar, a partir da análise do livro “Memorial do Convento”, de José Saramago, as relações existentes entre a Literatura e a História. Nesse sentido, buscou-se perceber de que maneira as mudanças ocorridas na pesquisa historiográfica, principalmente as suscitadas pelo movimento da História Cultural, atingiram a produção e a análise literária. Assim, o presente trabalho procura elencar as características do romance histórico moderno, gênero que apresenta elementos da criação literária e da pesquisa histórica, e demonstrar como a obra aqui analisada se encaixa nesse conceito. Além disso, a partir do estudo da linguagem da obra em questão (o uso do humor, da ironia, da metalinguagem e o papel do narrador), este artigo procurou evidenciar o intuito do autor em fazer uma reflexão crítica sobre acontecimentos da história portuguesa. Esta pesquisa buscou fundamentos em autores como Roger Chartier (1945-), Paul Veyne (1930-), Hayden White (1928-), Georg Lukács (1885-1971), entre outros

    Usefulness and Reliability of the Bispectral Index during Balanced Anesthesia for Neurovascular Surgery in New Zealand White Rabbits

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    Few data about the electroencephalogram and its calculated indices, such as the bispectral index (BIS), have been reported in rabbits. We aimed to evaluate whether a clinically stable anesthesia was mirrored by consistent and stable BIS values and to investigate the effects of modified cerebral blood supply, due to bilateral carotid clamping and re-opening, on BIS values. We also investigated the effects of fentanyl, as an antinociceptive drug, on the BIS. Sixty-eight rabbits undergoing general anesthesia for surgical creation of carotid bifurcation aneurysms were enrolled. The BIS values were recorded at nine selected time points (TPs) during each procedure and before and after fentanyl administration. The BIS values over time were compared with two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance followed by Tukey test, while the Wilcoxon signed rank test was performed to compare values at clamping and re-opening of the carotids as well as before and after fentanyl administration. The BIS values were significantly lower during anesthesia than at the end of anesthesia and at tracheal extubation; no significant differences were found among other TPs. Adequate depth of anesthesia was mirrored by consistent BIS values among rabbits, and alteration of cerebral blood supply did not modify BIS values, except once. Following fentanyl, BIS values did not change in a clinically relevant way

    Accuracy and Precision of Noninvasive Blood Pressure in Normo-, Hyper-, and Hypotensive Standing and Anesthetized Adult Horses

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    BACKGROUND: Blood pressure is relevant to the diagnosis and management of many medical, cardiovascular and critical diseases. The accuracy of many commonly used noninvasive blood pressure (NIBP) monitors and the accuracy of NIBP measurements in hypo‐ and hypertensive standing horses has not been determined. HYPOTHESIS/OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to investigate the accuracy of an oscillometric BP monitor in standing horses before and during pharmacologically induced hyper‐ and hypotension and to compare results in standing and anesthetized horses. ANIMALS: Eight standing mares from a research herd (SG) and eight anesthetized horses from a hospital population (AG). METHODS: Prospective experimental and observational studies. Invasive blood pressure (IBP) and NIBP, corrected to heart level, were measured simultaneously. In the SG hyper‐ and hypotension were induced by administration of phenylephrine (3 μg/kg/min IV for 15 minutes) and acepromazine (0.05 mg/kg IV), respectively. In the AG NIBP and IBP were recorded during regular hospital procedures. RESULTS: There was a significant correlation between mean NIBP and IBP in standing (R = 0.88, P < .001) and anesthetized horses (R = 0.81, P < .001). The mean bias (lower, upper limit of agreement) was 16.4(−16.1, 48.9) mmHg for mean BP in the SG and 0.5(−22.3, 23.2) mmHg in the AG. The NIBP device was capable of identifying the increase and decrease in BP in all horses, but in the SG significant correlation between NIBP and IBP was only detected for the normotensive phase. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: While the evaluated oscillometric BP device allowed estimation of BP and adequately differentiated marked trends, the accuracy and precision were low in standing horses

    Efficacy of lumbosacral and sacrococcygeal epidural ropivacaine in dogs undergoing surgery for perineal hernia

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    Epidural anesthesia is commonly administered as part of balanced anesthesia for perioperative analgesia. The main goal of this randomized clinical trial was to compare the efficacy of two epidural approaches in dogs undergoing surgery for a perineal hernia. A secondary aim was to compare motor blockade. Intact ASA 1 and 2 male dogs, weighing ≤25 kg with no previous surgery for perineal hernia were enrolled. After premedication with IM acepromazine 0.02 mg/kg and butorphanol 0.3 mg/kg, general anesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained with sevoflurane in oxygen. Dogs were randomly allocated to receive either a lumbosacral (LS, n = 30) or a sacrococcygeal (SC, n = 26) epidural injection with ropivacaine 1% (0.2 mL/kg) under computed tomography guidance. Successful analgesia was defined as no need of intraoperative rescue analgesia (fentanyl 3 μg/kg IV). Clinical failure was defined as the need of more than two boluses of fentanyl/h each dog received meloxicam 0.2 mg/kg IV at the end of the surgery. The Glasgow Composite Pain Scale short form (GCPS-SF), tactile sensitivity, pressure pain thresholds and motor blockade were assessed at 4, 6, 8, and 24 h after the epidural injection. Methadone (0.2 mg/kg, IV) was administered if the GCPS-SF was ≥6/24 points. Differences between groups were analyzed with the Mann–Whitney U test, Student’s t-test or Fisher’s Exact test, as appropriate. Success rate was assessed for non-inferiority between groups. The non-inferiority margin was set at −10%. Epidural analgesia was successful in 24 dogs in group LS and 17 dogs in group SC (p = 0.243), resulting in success rates of 80 and 65% in LS and SC groups, respectively. The non-inferiority of group SC versus group LS was confirmed. Clinical failure was recorded in two dogs in group LS and one dog in group SC. No significant differences between groups were detected in the GCPS-SF score, tactile sensitivity, pressure pain thresholds, need of post-operative methadone, or motor blockade. Both epidural techniques are valuable analgesic options for perineal hernia repair in dogs