1,172 research outputs found

    Apparatus including a plurality of spaced transformers for locating short circuits in cables

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    A cable fault locator is described for sensing faults such as short circuits in power cables. The apparatus includes a plurality of current transformers strategically located along a cable. Trigger circuits are connected to each of the current transformers for placing a resistor in series with a resistive element responsive to an abnormally high current flowing through that portion of the cable. By measuring the voltage drop across the resistive element, the location of the fault can be determined

    Nesting Behavior, Growth Rates, and Size Distribution of Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta Caretta) on Blackbeard Island National Wildlife Refuge: An Evaluation of Recruitment In Georgia

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    An eight year study of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) was conducted on Blackbeard Island National Wildlife Refuge (BLB NWR). A 3 month in-water survey also was conducted in 2008 along the coast of Georgia and Northern Florida. The nesting trends on BLB NWR were evaluated to provide updated information for existing management plans as well as to determine if recruitment was occurring. The in-water study also shed insight on the status of recovery for the population as a whole. The remigration interval, a key nesting trend, averaged 2.93 years, higher than previous studies in Georgia. Females nesting on BLB NWR grew an average of 0.48 cm/yr. The population was composed of mostly medium-sized individuals, although the newly PIT tagged individuals were classified in the small to medium size classes (based on curved carapace length). In-water captures were composed mostly of medium-sized juveniles with very low numbers of adults (\u3e85cm), although surveys were conducted during the nesting season. Only 0.47 % of the in-water observations were recaptures. Due to the increase in small, newly tagged individuals on BLB NWR and the low number of recaptures from the in-water study, the result of this study suggests that recruitment is taking place in the C. caretta population of Georgia, and the population is on its way to recovery

    Nutrition Mission--A Multimedia Educational Tool for Youth Grades 4 - 6

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    Nutrition Mission is a multimedia educational CD-ROM with an accompanying Web site designed to teach 4th - 6th grade students about making healthy food and activity choices. The CD-ROM incorporates a rich learning environment using graphics, audio, video, and interactive animations to excite students and make learning about nutrition fun. The CD includes lessons about the food guide pyramid, food labels, nutrient density, fast foods, snacking, physical activity, and food science experiments. Preliminary data indicates that the majority of youth acquire knowledge and skills related to foods, nutrition, and physical activity

    Dietary Changes by Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) Graduates Are Independent of Program Delivery Method

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    Dietary changes of Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) graduates who participated in either individual or group education sessions were assessed. Paraprofessionals administered the Homemaker\u27s 24-Hour Food Recall to EFNEP graduates. EFNEP graduates significantly improved the number of servings consumed from the grains, vegetables, dairy, and meat and meat alternates food groups. Graduates also significantly increased total calories consumed, dietary fiber intake, as well as iron, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 intake. These results were independent of method of nutrition education. Further research should determine the reasons why group instruction is as effective as individual instruction

    Social distancing measures for COVID-19 are changing winter season

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    Health authorities worldwide have adopted measures of social distancing and movement restrictions, in addition to other public health measures to reduce exposure and to suppress interhuman SARS-CoV- 2 transmission. In Italy, a national lockdown with school closure was introduced from March to May 2020. From November 2020, Italy has been divided into zones according to regional epidemiological data, with primary schools reopened, associated with the mandatory use of face masks and different levels of social distance measures. For children with symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, the surveillance mechanism for the control of SARS-CoV- 2 infection is based on the performance of a real-time PCR on a nasopharyngeal swab. A diagnostic test has been introduced at the tertiary-level university hospital, Institute for Maternal and Child Health, IRCCS \u201cBurlo Garofolo\u201d of Trieste, consisting of a multiple nucleic acid amplification assay for 13 common viral respiratory pathogens on nasopharyngeal swab (Respiratory Flow Chip assay (Vitro, Sevilla, Spain), including SARS-CoV- 2, influenza A and B, adenovirus, other coronaviruses, parainfluenza virus 1\u20134, enteroviruses, bocavirus, metapneumovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), rhinoviruses, Bordetella pertussis, Bordetella parapertussis and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Before routine utilisation, international standard quality control samples for each pathogen were used for test validation, and no cross-detection was found between the different pathogens. Criteria for testing referral did not change during the study period. Weekly variability of the number of total tests performed was due to the normal variations of acute illness. During the last winter season, from September 2020 (week 39) to February 2021 (week 7), 1138 nasopharyngeal swabs were tested for patients younger than 17 years old (figure 1). No influenza A or B nor RSV was detected during this period. The most common pathogen was rhinovirus (n=505), followed by adenoviruses (n=131), other coronaviruses (n=101) and SARS-CoV- 2 (n=57). Our data show that common winter pathogens circulation changed, and influenza virus and RSV did not produce a seasonal epidemic in the 2020\u20132021 winter season. These data suggest that social distancing measures and mask wearing profoundly changed the seasonality of winter paediatric respiratory infections that are mainly spread by respiratory droplets. The reasons why rhinovirus remains the main pathogen despite social distancing and face mask use are still a matter of debate. Similar data showing a decrease of common viral respiratory infections during the winter season have recently been reported in the southern hemisphere.1\u20134 Our data refer to a single institute, covering paediatric population of the Trieste Province (about 230 000 inhabitants), limiting the generalisation of our findings. However, our results highlight the need for continuing surveillance for the delayed spread of such viruses during spring and summer

    Potential for Carbon Storage and Technology Transfer in the Southeastern United States

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    As the concern over global warming grows, interest in sequestering carbon in terrestrial ecosystems is expected to intensify. Nonindustrial private forest (NIPF) landowners in the southeastern United States can play a major role in sequestering atmospheric carbon. Sequestering carbon through reforestation/afforestation incentive programs requires participation by university Extension personnel to effectively communicate knowledge to landowners. This article discusses above and belowground carbon sequestration, carbon sequestration programs available to nonindustrial private forest landowners, and activities university Extension personnel may engage in to facilitate the implementation of such programs

    Potential for Carbon Storage and Technology Transfer in the Southeastern United States

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    As the concern over global warming grows, interest in sequestering carbon in terrestrial ecosystems is expected to intensify. Nonindustrial private forest (NIPF) landowners in the southeastern United States can play a major role in sequestering atmospheric carbon. Sequestering carbon through reforestation/afforestation incentive programs requires participation by university Extension personnel to effectively communicate knowledge to landowners. This article discusses above and belowground carbon sequestration, carbon sequestration programs available to nonindustrial private forest landowners, and activities university Extension personnel may engage in to facilitate the implementation of such programs

    Evaluation of the Impact of Texas Lignite Development on Texas Water Resources

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    Fuel shortages and resultant rising fuel costs as well as federal policies prompting energy independence have served to encourage power companies to exploit available lignite deposits of the western states as a viable fuel source. Large reserves of lignite found in a northeasterly trending belt through Texas have been only partially tapped. To develop this natural resource, large volumes of water will be required for mining, handling, processing, cooling, power generation, and land reclamation. Throughout the Texas lignite belt, physical characteristics vary widely depending mainly upon the amount of water present in any form. Research into the potential impact of the development of the Texas lignite resources on both the surface and groundwater resources of Texas has produced three separate areas within the lignite belt which have varying capabilities of supporting lignite development. The northeastern section of the lignite belt has sufficient surface water resources and backup groundwater resources to allow extensive development of lignite. The central section will support mining and development, but care must be taken to conserve and regulate water use. The southwestern section of the lignite belt does not possess sufficient ground or surface water resources for much, if any, lignite development. The most water thrifty methods of production would have to be employed for even limited development

    Low-Level Detection of Poly(amidoamine) PAMAM Dendrimers Using Immunoimaging Scanning Probe Microscopy

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    Immunoimaging scanning probe microscopy was utilized for the low-level detection and quantification of biotinylated G4 poly(amidoamine) PAMAM dendrimers. Results were compared to those of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and found to provide a vastly improved analytical method for the low-level detection of dendrimers, improving the limit of detection by a factor of 1000 (LOD = 2.5 × 10−13 moles). The biorecognition method is reproducible and shows high specificity and good accuracy. In addition, the capture assay platform shows a promising approach to patterning dendrimers for nanotechnology applications

    The Association Between State-Level Health Information Exchange Laws and Hospital Participation in Community Health Information Organizations

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    Evidence suggests that health information exchange (HIE) is an effective strategy to improve efficiency and quality of care, as well as reduce costs. A complex patchwork of federal and state legislation has developed over time to encourage HIE activity. Hospitals and health systems have adopted various HIE models to meet the requirements of these statutes and regulations. Given the complexity of HIE laws, it is important to understand how these legal levers influence HIE engagement. We combined data from two unique data sources to examine the association between state-level HIE laws and hospital engagement in community HIEs. Our results identified three legal provisions of state laws (HIE authorization, financial & non-financial incentives, opt-out consent) that increased the likelihood of community HIE engagement. Other provisions decreased the likelihood of engagement. This analysis provides foundational evidence about the utility of HIE laws. More research is needed to determine causal relationships