95 research outputs found

    Modified extended backward differentiation formulae for the numerical solution of stiff initial value problems in ODEs and DAEs

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    AbstractFor many years the methods of choice for the numerical solution of stiff initial value problems and certain classes of differential algebraic equations have been the well-known backward differentiation formulae (BDF). More recently, however, new classes of formulae which can offer some important advantages over BDF have emerged. In particular, some recent large-scale independent comparisons have indicated that modified extended backward differentiation formulae (MEBDF) are particularly efficient for general stiff initial value problems and for linearly implicit DAEs with index â©˝3. In the present paper we survey some of the more important theory associated with these formulae, discuss some of the practical applications where they are particularly effective, e.g., in the solution of damped highly oscillatory problems, and describe some significant recent extensions to the applicability of MEBDF codes

    Modified Extended BDF Time-Integration Methods, Applied to Circuit Equations

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    Almost Block Diagonal Linear Systems: Sequential and Parallel Solution Techniques, and Applications

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    Almost block diagonal (ABD) linear systems arise in a variety of contexts, specifically in numerical methods for two-point boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations and in related partial differential equation problems. The stable, efficient sequential solution of ABDs has received much attention over the last fifteen years and the parallel solution more recently. We survey the fields of application with emphasis on how ABDs and bordered ABDs (BABDs) arise. We outline most known direct solution techniques, both sequential and parallel, and discuss the comparative efficiency of the parallel methods. Finally, we examine parallel iterative methods for solving BABD systems. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    ADIPLS -- the Aarhus adiabatic oscillation package

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    Development of the Aarhus adiabatic pulsation code started around 1978. Although the main features have been stable for more than a decade, development of the code is continuing, concerning numerical properties and output. The code has been provided as a generally available package and has seen substantial use at a number of installations. Further development of the package, including bringing the documentation closer to being up to date, is planned as part of the HELAS Coordination Action.Comment: Astrophys. Space Sci., in the pres

    GTI-space : the space of generalized topological indices

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    A new extension of the generalized topological indices (GTI) approach is carried out torepresent 'simple' and 'composite' topological indices (TIs) in an unified way. Thisapproach defines a GTI-space from which both simple and composite TIs represent particular subspaces. Accordingly, simple TIs such as Wiener, Balaban, Zagreb, Harary and Randićconnectivity indices are expressed by means of the same GTI representation introduced for composite TIs such as hyper-Wiener, molecular topological index (MTI), Gutman index andreverse MTI. Using GTI-space approach we easily identify mathematical relations between some composite and simple indices, such as the relationship between hyper-Wiener and Wiener index and the relation between MTI and first Zagreb index. The relation of the GTI space with the sub-structural cluster expansion of property/activity is also analysed and some routes for the applications of this approach to QSPR/QSAR are also given

    Electron-multiplying CCDs for future soft X-ray spectrometers

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    CCDs have been used in several high resolution soft X-ray spectrometers for both space and terrestrial applications such as the Reflection Grating Spectrometer on XMM-Newton and the Super Advanced X-ray Emission Spectrometer at the Paul Scherrer Institut in Switzerland. However, with their ability to use multiplication gain to amplify signal and suppress readout noise, EM-CCDs are being considered instead of CCDs for future soft X-ray spectrometers. When detecting low energy X-rays, EM-CCDs are able to increase the Signal-to-Noise ratio of the device, making the X-rays much easier to detect. If the signal is also significantly split between neighbouring pixels, the increase in the size of the signal will make complete charge collection and techniques such as centroiding easier to accomplish. However, multiplication gain from an EM-CCD does cause a degradation of the energy resolution of the device and there are questions about how the high field region in an EM-CCD will behave over time in high radiation environments. This paper analyses the possible advantages and disadvantages of using EM-CCDs for high resolution soft X-ray spectroscopy and suggests in which situations using them would not only be possible, but also beneficial to the instrument

    Effects of a single aerobic exercise session on body image

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    Background and Objectives Most research on the effects of exercise on body image has concentrated on the benefits of regular exercise. However, some research has indicated that exercise has an immediate impact on body image. The aims of this study were to investigate the immediate effects of aerobic exercise in a fitness class and the at-home environment on body image, and to examine the impact of nutritional status (i.e., normal weight vs. overweight/obesity) and exercise addiction on these changes. Method 322 Hungarian women participated in the study with two different environmental conditions, fitness class condition (N = 155) and at-home video condition (N = 167). They completed the Body Appreciation Scale and Exercise Addiction Inventory before and after a one-hour aerobic exercise session. Self-report data on weight, height and exercise frequency were also collected. Results There were no significant differences between the fitness class and video groups in terms of age, educational level, BMI, body appreciation, exercise frequency and exercise addiction. We found that 7.5% (N = 24) of the participants were at risk for exercise addiction. Aerobic exercise had a significant positive effect on body appreciation (t(321) = 7.564, p < .001) independently from environment and nutritional status. Exercise addiction moderated the relationship between exercise and body image, the at risk for exercise addiction group showed the greatest improvement (F(1) = 3.252, p = .040). Conclusion The results indicate that even a one-hour aerobic exercise session has a positive effect on body image; this has important practical implications for intervention strategies and weight-loss treatments. | Elméleti háttér és célkitűzés Bár a legtöbb kutatás a rendszeres testedzés testképre gyakorolt pozitív hatására fókuszál, néhány vizsgálat eredménye a testedzés testképre tett azonnali hatására hívja fel a figyelmet. Jelen tanulmány célja az aerobik edzés testképre gyakorolt azonnali hatásának vizsgálata fitnesztermi és otthoni edzési körülmények között, továbbá a tápláltsági állapot (normális testsúly vs. túlsúly/elhízás) és a testedzésfüggőség potenciális moderátor szerepének vizsgálata az edzés és a testkép alakulása közötti kapcsolatban. Módszer A vizsgálatba aerobikedzést folytató nőket vontunk be (n = 322). A résztvevők egyik része edzőteremben folytatta a testgyakorlást (n = 155), másik része otthon végzett aerobik testedzést, video vagy DVD segítségével (n = 167). Mérőeszközök önbeszámolóval nyert testtömeg és testmagasság, a testedzés gyakoriságára vonatkozó kérdés, Testértékelési Skála, Testedzés Addikció Kérdőív. Az adatfelvétel az egyórás testgyakorlást megelőzően és azt követően történt. Eredmények Nem találtunk szignifikáns különbséget az edzőteremben és az otthonukban aerobik edzést folytató nők között az életkor, az iskolai végzettség, a BMI, a testértékelés, a testedzés gyakorisága és a testedzésfüggőség tekintetében. A válaszadók 7,5%-a (n = 24) esetében jelenik meg a testedzésfüggőség kockázata. Az egyórás testedzés szignifikáns, kedvező hatást gyakorolt a testképre (t(321) = 7,564; p < 0,001), amely hatás a testgyakorlás helyszínétől (edzőterem vs. otthon) és a tápláltsági állapottól függetlennek bizonyult. A testedzésfüggőség azonban moderálta a testgyakorlás és a testkép változásának kapcsolatát: a testedzést követően a testedzésfüggőség szempontjából veszélyeztetett csoportban mutatkozott meg a legnagyobb mértékű, pozitív irányú változás a testkép tekintetében (F(1) = 3,252; p = 0,040). Következtetés Eredményeink arra utalnak, hogy akár egy egyórás testgyakorlásnak is pozitív hatása lehet a testképre, amelynek jelentős gyakorlati implikációi vannak a testsúlycsökkentő kezelések szempontjából

    Active Galactic Nuclei at the Crossroads of Astrophysics

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    Over the last five decades, AGN studies have produced a number of spectacular examples of synergies and multifaceted approaches in astrophysics. The field of AGN research now spans the entire spectral range and covers more than twelve orders of magnitude in the spatial and temporal domains. The next generation of astrophysical facilities will open up new possibilities for AGN studies, especially in the areas of high-resolution and high-fidelity imaging and spectroscopy of nuclear regions in the X-ray, optical, and radio bands. These studies will address in detail a number of critical issues in AGN research such as processes in the immediate vicinity of supermassive black holes, physical conditions of broad-line and narrow-line regions, formation and evolution of accretion disks and relativistic outflows, and the connection between nuclear activity and galaxy evolution.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures; review contribution; "Exploring the Cosmic Frontier: Astrophysical Instruments for the 21st Century", ESO Astrophysical Symposia Serie
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