63 research outputs found

    Os Ameríndios e o Direito Internacional:: uma perspectiva brasileira

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    The paper strives to bring a historic perspective about the International Law treatment on Amerindians, from the «discovery», going through the renowned authors of the American colonial period, such as Francisco de Vitoria and Bartolomé de las Casas, to the present condition of the Amerindians in Brazil, within the Constitution (1988) and with the multilateral international efforts to regulate the subject, via the UN´s General Assembly or via the European Parliament.O artigo busca trazer uma perspectiva histórica do tratamento do ameríndio pelo direito internacional, desde o «descobrimento», passando pelos principais autores do período colonial americano, como Francisco de Vitoria e Bartolomé de las Casas, chegando à condição do indígena no Brasil, com a atual Constituição (1988) e com os esforços multilaterais internacionais em regular a matéria, seja via Assembleia Geral da ONU, seja via Parlamento Europeu

    The Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR): Models and Qualitative Mutations for Consolidating an Integrated Economic Area

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    Contemporary analysts tend to characterize economic integration and the consolidation of economic blocs as either as a solution or a threat, depending on their geographical position and intellectual perspective. Whether a commentator is located within or outside of a particular bloc, there is a common tendency to identify the negative or positive consequences of integration in that geographic region, both for the countries immediately involved, as well as for world trade as a whole. My overarching perspective is that the MERCOSUR integration process does not suffer from conceptual vices. However, it contains gaps and faces obstacles that stem from implementation flaws. The MERCOSUR integration process is and remains valid. It does not suffer from a priori conceptual vices, but suffers instead from the gaps and obstacles that result from flawed implementation. The result is not only ineffective, but also counterproductive, insofar as it substitutes this project for others, even less clearly configured. Taking a long-term view, integration is closely related to the adoption of models that are stable and viable in the long run, but also ensure that national interests are adequately promoted and protected

    The Common Market of the South (MERCOSUR): Models and Qualitative Mutations for Consolidating an Integrated Economic Area

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    Contemporary analysts tend to characterize economic integration and the consolidation of economic blocs as either as a solution or a threat, depending on their geographical position and intellectual perspective. Whether a commentator is located within or outside of a particular bloc, there is a common tendency to identify the negative or positive consequences of integration in that geographic region, both for the countries immediately involved, as well as for world trade as a whole. My overarching perspective is that the MERCOSUR integration process does not suffer from conceptual vices. However, it contains gaps and faces obstacles that stem from implementation flaws. The MERCOSUR integration process is and remains valid. It does not suffer from a priori conceptual vices, but suffers instead from the gaps and obstacles that result from flawed implementation. The result is not only ineffective, but also counterproductive, insofar as it substitutes this project for others, even less clearly configured. Taking a long-term view, integration is closely related to the adoption of models that are stable and viable in the long run, but also ensure that national interests are adequately promoted and protected

    Cem anos do Direito Internacional Público (1913) de José Mendes (1861-1918) – olhar reflexivo sobre o Direito Internacional nas Arcadas (1911-1918)

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    Ensino do Direito Internacional nas Arcadas – José Mendes foi professor ordinário da disciplina (1911-1918) – sua obra Direito internacional público – preleções (1913) completa cem anos de publicação.Teaching International Law at the “Arcadas”, the Law School of the University of São Paulo – José Mendes was full professor for this chair (1911-1918) – his book on Lectures of Public International Law, Direito internacional público - preleções (1913) now completes one hundred years of publication

    Tratado de direito internacional: direito internacional dos espaços

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.Localização na estante: 341.1/.8 C337d


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    O artigo destaca a importância da contribuição de Francisco SUAREZ (1548-\ud 1617) para a evolução do direito internacional, com ênfase nas questões práticas\ud que este teve de enfrentar para formular soluções legais – o dado central da obra\ud é a afirmação da unidade intrínseca da humanidade, em comunidade internacional\ud formando um todo, apesar de dividida em povos e reinos. Observa o caráter de\ud continuidade histórica entre o legado medieval e o Direito Internacional moderno,\ud do qual o tratado Das leis e Deus legislador (1612) foi marco relevante.The paper stresses the importance of the contribution of Francisco SUAREZ (1548-\ud 1617) for the evolution of international law, with emphasis in practical issues that\ud he had to cope with, in order to provide legal solutions – the central feature of the\ud work is the statement of the intrinsic unity of mankind, forming a whole, albeit\ud divided in peoples and reigns. Observes the historical continuity from the medieval\ud legacy towards modern international law, of which the treaty De Legibus ac Deo\ud legislatore(1612) was a relevant landmark

    Vicente Marotta Rangel – life and work. International law in the “Arcadas”

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    O exame da evolução do ensino do Direito Internacional nas Arcadas tem marco relevante com a contribuição de Vicente Marotta Rangel, que se estende por décadas, e abrange o crucial período em que, por influência do regime militar, o ensino da disciplina se tornou optativo em muitos cursos de Direito, em todo o país, mas graças a ele, nunca se interrompeu em nossa Faculdade. O artigo examina a longa e profícua trajetória e as principais obras do mestre, que completou 90 anos em março de 2014, e foi homenageado em dezembro do mesmo ano, com Seminário Internacional sobre Direito do Mar.The review of the evolution of teaching of international law at the “Arcadas”, as the Law School of the University of São Paulo is well-known, has a relevant boundary due to the contribution of Vicente Marotta Rangel for decades, which comprehends a crucial period which, due to the influence of the armed forces rule, the teaching of international law became an optional subject in many law courses in the entire country. However, thanks to him, it was never interrupted in this Law School. The paper examines his long, fruitful life and the main publications of this master, who reached 90 years-old in March 2014, and received in December of the same year an International Colloquium on the Law of the Sea as a tribute

    Existe Espaço para a Sobrevivência do Mercosul?

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    International Law at the Arcades: Aula Magna of 16th February 2009

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    Negotiation and conflict in International Law: five thousand years registered in history

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    ‘Negociação’ e ‘conflito’ seriam termos essenciais para resumir, em poucas palavras, o sentido da evolução do Direito Internacional. Na sua longa, diversificada e complexa trajetória na história da humanidade, o Direito Internacional se estende por mais de cinco mil anos, desde quando se conservam registros históricos por escrito. Não por acaso, o Direito Internacional se faz presente e necessário, tanto no encaminhamento de posições divergentes, tendendo a alcançar composição, se não amigável, ao menos pacífica – em todas as esferas e manifestações possíveis da ‘negociação’, desde sempre e em toda parte, como também o Direito Internacional se inscreve e tem papel relevante a desempenhar, quando estes mecanismos ‘pacíficos’, quer de cunho jurídico ou diplomático, não conseguem dar conta das questões presentes (“jus ad bellum”), e pode ocorrer a necessidade de se ter de passar quer a meios coercitivos para enfrentamento de divergências, ou mesmo chegar ao extremo do conflito armado (“jus in bello”) – coarctado pelo Direito Internacional vigente às hipóteses de “legítima defesa”, como regulado no art. 51 da Carta da ONU. Como em outros ramos do conhecimento e da atividade humana, os conceitos têm de ser precisados, também no Direito Internacional: seus conteúdos precisam ser claramente delimitados, para que sejam efetivamente entendidos e aplicados. Já advertia Tucídides (c. 465 – c. 395 a.C.), na História da guerra do Peloponeso, “o sentido normal das palavras, em relação aos atos, muda segundo as veleidades dos homens”.‘Negotiation’ and ‘conflict’ are essential terms to summarize, in few words, the sense of the evolution of International Law. Along the complex, long and diversified way of the History of Humankind, International Law extends its scope along more than five thousand years, since the first historical records exist. Not by chance, International Law was present and necessary, as much to conduct diverging positions, aiming to reach settlement, if not friendly, at least peaceful – in all possible areas of ‘negotiation’. Since time immemorial and everywhere, International Law is present and has an important role to play, when such ‘peaceful’ devices, be they legal or diplomatic, do not manage to handle outstanding issues (“jus ad bellum”), and may lead to the necessity of going beyond same, towards dives for coping with the confrontation of divergences, which may reach the extreme situation of war (“jus in bello”) – limited by International Law in force to cases of “legitimate defense”, as regulated by art. 51 of the UNO Charter. As in other fields of knowledge and of human activity, concepts have to be precisely stated also in International Law: clearly defined concepts are needed to be effectively understood and applied. As already warned by Thucydides (c. 465 – c. 395 b.C.), in his History of the do Peloponnesian war, “the normal sense of the words, in connection with acts, changes according to the whimsicalities of men”