18 research outputs found

    Las nuevas tecnologías y la educación en la lengua extranjera

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    La aparición de las nuevas tecnologías ha marcado un antes y un después en el ámbito de la educación, así como en su utilización para la enseñanza de otras lenguas como por ejemplo, el inglés. Estas herramientas tecnológicas, se presentan como un avance tecnológico innovador en el mundo de la educación y por supuesto la escuela no podía quedarse al margen de esta revolución. Analizando las ventajas y desventajas de estas nuevas tecnologías y su funcionamiento, hacen que los maestros generen nuevas ideas, y nuevas metodologías para la enseñanza-aprendizaje, lo que nos acerca hacia una enseñanza de mayor calidad. En torno a esta idea se centra el siguiente trabajo de fin de grado: “Las nuevas tecnologías y la educación en la lengua extranjera”.Grado en Educación Primari

    Evaluación del estado actual de la estenosis del canal lumbar y su tratamiento.

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    La estenosis del canal lumbar es una patología de origen multifactorial, definida por la disminución del espacio que contiene las raíces y la médula espinal debido a un alteración de las estructuras blandas y óseas que componen el canal lumbar y que pueden alterar la estabilidad de la columna. Puede afectar al canal central o lateral, estando presente bien desde el nacimiento o como consecuencia de procesos degenerativos, metabólicos o yatrógenos, entre otros. Los pacientes pueden presentar dolor lumbar, claudicación intermitente y entumecimiento de miembros inferiores, principalmente. Su diagnóstico requiere de la existencia de correlación entre la clínica y las imágenes obtenidas mediante rayos X y resonancia magnética, pudiéndose completar el estudio mediante imágenes con carga axial y pruebas de estimulación nerviosa. Su tratamiento se debe iniciar, en la mayoría de los casos, con medidas conservadoras, fundamentalmente analgesia, fisioterapia e inyecciones epidurales. En caso de no mejoría tras un mínimo de 6 meses, presencia de déficits neurológicos o empeoramiento de la sintomatología, está indicado el tratamiento quirúrgico, fundamentado en la descompresión asociada o no a fijación vertebral. No existen actualmente unas indicaciones definidas que guíen el tratamiento quirúrgico, de forma que éste se encuentra sujeto a diversos condicionantes. En Aragón, su prevalencia va en aumento debido en gran parte al envejecimiento poblacional. En los últimos 5 años se han operado 598 pacientes de estenosis de canal lumbar, bajo un ritmo anual creciente de intervenciones. La opción quirúrgica de elección es la descompresión asociada a artrodesis debido a sus buenos resultados a pesar de sus potenciales complicaciones. Se presenta una evaluación del estado actual de la estenosis del canal lumbar con énfasis en el tratamiento, y su manejo en la Unidad de Columna del Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet de Zaragoza

    Phoenix dactylifera L. seeds: a by-product as a source of bioactive compounds with antioxidant and enzyme inhibitory properties

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    Date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) seeds are a valuable and abundant by-product with various potential food applications and a source of functional and bioactive ingredients. In this study, date seeds from eight cultivars (Ourous “OUR”, Tazizaout “TAZ”, Tazarzeit “TAR”, Tazoughart “TAG”, Ouaouchet “OUC”, Oukasaba “OUK”, Delat “DEL” and Tamezwertn'telet “TWT”) cultivated in the M'zab oasis (south of Algeria) were analyzed for their chemical and phytochemical compositions, antioxidant capacities and in vitro inhibition of some enzymes. Variations in chemical compositions were observed in the studied date seeds. The greatest contents of total phenolic compounds (476 mg GAE per g dw), total flavonoids (6.52 mg QE per g dw), anthocyanins (1.26 mg Q3GE per g dw), flavonols (3.36 mg Q3GE per g dw), proanthocyanidins (85.13 mg CE per g dw), and ascorbic acid were detected in the seeds of the TAG cultivar. All extracts manifested good antioxidant activities tested by ORAC and FRAP assays. The OUC and OUR extracts displayed the most potent antioxidant capacity against DPPH˙ free radicals (IC50 = 37.30 μg ml−1) and ABTS˙+ cation radicals (IC50 = 13.89 μg ml−1), respectively. The antioxidant activity evaluated through a xanthine/xanthine oxidase system demonstrated that the TAZ extract was more efficient as a superoxide radical scavenger (IC50 = 9.08 μg ml−1). Date seed extracts (DSE) exhibited inhibitory activities on enzymes, showing substantial potential as skin-whitening, neuroprotective, anti-hyperglycemic or anti-hyperlipidemic agents; the inhibitory potential was tested using tyrosinase (TYR), acetylcholinesterase (AChE), α-glucosidase (α-GLU) and lipase. All date seed cultivars were able to inhibit tyrosinase and α-glucosidase in a dose-dependent manner reaching the maximum inhibition

    Development of sandwich ELISA and lateral flow immunoassay to detect almond in processed food

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    Almond (Prunus dulcis) represents a potential allergenic hazard that should be included in Allergen Control Plans. In this study, sandwich ELISA and lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), using amandin (Pru du 6) as the target protein, were developed to detect almond in processed food and validated according to international guides. ELISA could detect 2 ng/mL and LFIA 30 ng/mL of pure amandin. No cross-reactivity was found on a panel of 50 food commodities with the exception of Pecan nut, Brazil nut and chestnut for which the cross-reactivity was lower than 0.02%. Furthermore, ELISA and LFIA were able to detect 0.12 and 0.70 ppm of almond protein in foods spiked with almond extract whereas 0.20 and 2.0 ppm could be detected in baked cookies incurred with almond, respectively. Both techniques could be applied for food manufacturers and control agencies for monitoring the presence of almond traces in food and working surfaces. © 2021 The Author(s

    Physical activity and perceived stress at work in university workers: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Previous research has suggested high levels of physical activity (PA), either in occupational or leisure-time, to be associated with low levels of perceived stress at work (PSW). However, because studies have been set in particular conditions, there is no possibility to generalise results on other populations of workers. This study investigated the association between PA and PSW in university workers. METHODS: University employees (N=757) aged from 26 to 65 years (47% female) at a large public Spanish university. Data were collected between January 2017 and December 2017. Physical Activity Vital Sign (PAVS) questionnaire and a single-item scale were used to assess PA levels and PSW. Associations were examined through an adjusted logistic regression. RESULTS: Results showed the strongest association between high PSW and low PA levels after adjusting for age, gender and profession (Odds Ratio [OR]=2.60, 95%CI 1.44-3.68). Around half of the employees (51.9%) performed at least 150 minutes of PA per week, which is higher than in most other Spanish and European worker populations. CONCLUSIONS: Adequately high levels of PA may be beneficial for stress management in university workers as previously seen in other types of workers. Promoting PA strategies at the workplace could improve the working environment and the health of the workers

    La conservation-restauration en spectacle : les dessous des chefs-d’œuvre révélés dans les expositions

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    The article deals with exhibitions about conservation-restoration. Between show and mediation, these events have a documentary and an educative purpose and they try to hightlight museum’s scientific and curatorial missions. These exhibitions allow to interest and explain to visitors the curators-restorators’ part in laboratories, when they are restoring and studying the cultural works. After describing the interest and different stakes of these exhibitions, the article describes the scenographic and educational tools. However, do these events show a real and an understanding image of conservation-restoration and its experts

    Fear of Contact in Handball Perceived by Players of a Under 11 Team

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    Este artículo examina el miedo al contacto percibido por los jugadores de un equipo de alevín de balonmano. Se realizó un análisis de contenido de los diarios de los entrenamientos y de los partidos de 14 niños/as de nueve y diez años, jugadores de balonmano de un equipo alevín de Zaragoza (España). El tratamiento de la información se realizó con el software Nvivo 10. Los resultados indican que los tres tipos de contactos analizados en este estudio, interpersonal (agarres y empujones), pelota-cuerpo (portería y blocajes) y cuerpo-suelo (caídas y derribos) generan miedo a los jugadores analizados. Más concretamente, el contacto interpersonal es citado con temor en las situaciones de ataque. El miedo al contacto con pelota aparece cuando se ocupa el rol de portero y en los blocajes. Y el miedo al contacto con el suelo es citado en situaciones de ataque. Esta presencia del miedo al contacto debe de ser contemplada en los procesos de aprendizaje, y de ahí, que se recomienda la elaboración de programas de intervención que gradúen el nivel de impacto de las tareas en la iniciación al balonmano.This article examines the fear of contact as perceived by participants in an under-elevens handball team. The work is based on a content analysis of the training sessions and official matches of 14 children (aged 9-10) playing for an under-elevens handball team in Zaragoza, Spain. Data was analysed with NVIVO 10 software. Results showed that the three types of contacts that were considered in the study - interpersonal (gripping and pushing), ball-body (shots at goal and blocking) and body-floor (falling and being knocked over) - generate similar levels of fear. Personal contact is feared when teams face attacks and fear of contact with ball arises when the children play in goal or have to make defensive blocks. Fear of contact with the ground was also referenced in attacking situations. The presence of fear should be taken into account in the contemplation of teaching-learning processes and the development of an intervention programme that gradually increases the degree of impact and contact in handball instruction is recommended.Sin financiaciónNo data JCR 2018No data SJR 20180.470 IDR (2018) C2, 20/43 Deport

    Uncontrolled eating in healthy women has limited influence on food cue reactivity and food-related inhibitory control

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    Uncontrolled eating-in the general population-is characterized by overeating, hedonic hunger and being drawn towards palatable foods. Theoretically, it is the result of a strong food reward signal in relation to a poor ability to exert inhibitory control. How food consumption influences inhibitory control and food cue sensitivity, and how this relates to the continued urge to eat, remains unclear. We used fMRI in order to investigate the neural mechanism underlying food cue reactivity and food-specific response inhibition (go-nogo task), by comparing women reporting high (n = 21) versus low/average (n = 19) uncontrolled eating across two sessions: during an inter-meal state and after consumption of a high-caloric snack. We found no effects of individual differences in uncontrolled eating, food consumption, nor their interaction on food cue reactivity. Differences in uncontrolled eating and food consumption did interact in modulating activity in an occipital-parietal network, extending from left lateral superior occipital cortex to visual cortex, cuneal cortex, and precuneus during response inhibition of non-food stimuli, areas previously associated with successful nogo-vs. go-trials. Yet, behavioural performance on the go-nogo task was not modulated by uncontrolled eating nor food consumption. Women with a low/average tendency for uncontrolled eating may need more cognitive resources to support successful response inhibition of non-food stimuli during food 'go' blocks in an inter-meal state, whereas women with a high tendency for uncontrolled eating showed this after food consumption. However, considering current and previous findings, it seems that individual differences in uncontrolled eating in healthy women have only limited influence on food cue reactivity and food-related inhibitory control

    Phoenix dactylifera L. seeds: A by-product as a source of bioactive compounds with antioxidant and enzyme inhibitory properties

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    Date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) seeds are a valuable and abundant by-product with various potential food applications and a source of functional and bioactive ingredients. In this study, date seeds from eight cultivars (Ourous "OUR", Tazizaout "TAZ", Tazarzeit "TAR", Tazoughart "TAG", Ouaouchet "OUC", Oukasaba "OUK", Delat "DEL" and Tamezwertn'telet "TWT") cultivated in the M'zab oasis (south of Algeria) were analyzed for their chemical and phytochemical compositions, antioxidant capacities and in vitro inhibition of some enzymes. Variations in chemical compositions were observed in the studied date seeds. The greatest contents of total phenolic compounds (476 mg GAE per g dw), total flavonoids (6.52 mg QE per g dw), anthocyanins (1.26 mg Q3GE per g dw), flavonols (3.36 mg Q3GE per g dw), proanthocyanidins (85.13 mg CE per g dw), and ascorbic acid were detected in the seeds of the TAG cultivar. All extracts manifested good antioxidant activities tested by ORAC and FRAP assays. The OUC and OUR extracts displayed the most potent antioxidant capacity against DPPH free radicals (IC50 = 37.30 μg ml-1) and ABTS+ cation radicals (IC50 = 13.89 μg ml-1), respectively. The antioxidant activity evaluated through a xanthine/xanthine oxidase system demonstrated that the TAZ extract was more efficient as a superoxide radical scavenger (IC50 = 9.08 μg ml-1). Date seed extracts (DSE) exhibited inhibitory activities on enzymes, showing substantial potential as skin-whitening, neuroprotective, anti-hyperglycemic or anti-hyperlipidemic agents; the inhibitory potential was tested using tyrosinase (TYR), acetylcholinesterase (AChE), α-glucosidase (α-GLU) and lipase. All date seed cultivars were able to inhibit tyrosinase and α-glucosidase in a dose-dependent manner reaching the maximum inhibition

    Nuestra Señora del Carmen y San José : un lugar para todos

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    Participante en la convocatoria: Premios de buenas prácticas en materia de convivencia, Gobierno de Aragón 2009-10Proyecto promovido por el colegio Nuestra Señora del Carmen y San José para la mejora de la convivencia en todo el centro educativo. Sus objetivos son: fomentar la participación de los alumnos en los centros de tiempo libre del barrio; motivar e informar a los padres para que se integren en centros culturales del barrio; dar a conocer las actividades y la realidad del colegio; trabajar conjuntamente con el servicio de menores de la DGA; seguir regularmente la evolución de los casos presentados en la comisión de absentismo de la zona; participar activamente en las actividades que se proponen desde el ayuntamiento y de otras entidades; dar a conocer a los periódicos las actividades que se desarrollan en el colegio; prevenir el consumo de drogas; y potenciar la actividad física. Para ello se crean cuatro planes de acción: la comisión de convivencia, los responsables de absentismo, la normativa establecida en el reglamento de régimen interno y la comisión de pastoral, que enseñan y potencian una serie de normas y valores para una mejor convivencia.Gobierno de Aragón. Departamento de Educación, Cultura y DeporteAragónDirección General de Política Educativa; Avda. Gómez Laguna, 25, planta 2; 50009 Zaragoza; Tel. +34976715416; Fax +34976715496ES