45,092 research outputs found

    Case Presentation and the Legal Aid Clinic

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    The importance of a smooth user experience in applications is increasing. To achieve more performance when interacting with resource intensive data it is important to implement an efficient caching method. The goal of this thesis is to investigate how to implement an efficient cache in an Android application. The use case is to download metadata and images of movies from a WebAPI provided by June AB. In order to investigate which caching method is the most efficient, a pre-study was done on some of the most common caching methods today. Based on the results of the pre-study, two different caching algorithms were tested and evaluated: First-In First-Out (FIFO) and Least Recently Used (LRU). These two algorithms were then implemented in an Android application. The resulting prototype has a responsive user interface capable of caching large amounts of data without noticeable performance loss compared to a non-cached version. The results from the prototype showed that LRU is the better strategy in our use case, however what we discovered was that the buffer size of the cache has the biggest impact on performance, not the cache eviction strategy.Vikten av en snabb anvÀndarupplevelse ökar i nya applikationer. För att fÄ ut mer prestanda nÀr anvÀndare interagerar med resurstung data Àr det viktigt att implementera en effektiv cachingsmetod. MÄlet med arbetet Àr att undersöka hur man implementerar en effektiv cache i en Android-applikation. AnvÀndarfallet Àr att ladda ner metadata och bilder pÄ filmer frÄn ett WebAPI som tillhandahölls av June AB. För att undersöka vilken cachingsmetod som Àr effektivast gjordes en förstudie pÄ nÄgra av de mest vanliga cachingsmetoderna idag. Baserat pÄ förstudiens resultat valdes tvÄ cachingsalgoritmer för testning och utvÀrdering: First-In First-Out (FIFO) och Least Recently Used (LRU). Dessa tvÄ algoritmer implementerades i en Android-applikation Prototypen som gjordes har ett responsivt anvÀndargrÀnsnitt som kan cacha stora mÀngder data utan mÀrkbar prestandaförlust jÀmfört med en icke-cachad version. Prototypen visade att LRU Àr den bÀttre strategin för vÄrt anvÀndarfall, men upptÀckte att bufferstorleken pÄ cachen har den största pÄverkan av prestandan, inte cachestrategin

    Necrotizing fasciitis of the neck: case presentation

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    Necrotizing fasciitis represents a severe and rare infectious disease, which is accompanied by extended necrosis of subcutaneous tissues and fascia layers, having as a result gangrene of the teguments. To reduce mortality associated with this disease, a rapid diagnosis is necessary as well as aggressive surgical treatment, accompanied by adequate, aggressive antibiotic therapy. As a rule, etiology is teeth related, with the condition more common in immunology-depressed patients. This article presents the experience of the authors regarding a case presentation of necrotizing fasciitis with typical clinical expression and management of the disease in an immunological-depressed patient. Further data on diagnosis, microbiology, clinical manifestations, therapy principles, and prognosis are yet needed for atypical cases

    Case Presentation

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    Case Presentation

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    To Fib or Not to Fib: Misdiagnosis of Atrial Fibrillation on Telemetry Case Presentation and Root Cause Analysis

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    Case presentation, current practices of telemetry management, root cause analysis, goals for improvement, proposed intervention and next steps

    Pathological Skin Picking: Case Presentation and Review of the Literature

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    Pathological skin picking is a condition in which patients induce skin lesions through repetitive, compulsive excoriations of normal skin or skin with minor surface irregularities and they admit their role in the production of the lesions, but are unable to stop their behavior. Psychiatric comorbidities most often associated with skin picking include obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), anxiety disorders, mood disorders, body dysmorphic disorders, trichotillomania and compulsive-buying disorder. We report the case of a 17 year old female patient who addressed the dermatology department of our hospital with an eruption consisting of erythematous papules and plaques. The local examination revealed several clues of paramount importance in drawing the final conclusion and the psychiatric examination helped establish the diagnosis of pathological skin picking in a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder

    Oral Rehabilitation Case Presentation

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    Case Overview: 23 year old Female (1175464) Medical History non-contributory; Smokes and Drinks alcohol regularly Chief Concern: “I went out to party and woke up in the hospital. I have not been to a dentist in many years and I want to get the work that I need done.” Overall Risk Assessment (Medical, Perio, and Caries): Etiology: Poor oral hygiene Lack of dental knowledge High Caries Risk Malocclusion Smoker Prognosis: Good depending on patient compliance and improved O

    Case Presentation for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

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    CASE HISTORY: The patient is a 21-year-old African American male basketball player. The patient has been involved with sports and athletics since his elementary years without suffering any cardiovascular issues. The patient had no significant issues in his medical history including any heart-related problems in his past. PHYSICAL EXAM: The patient initially presented no significant findings regarding his physical health until pre-participation exams identified cardiac abnormalities. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; myocarditis, coronary artery disease; mitral valve prolapse; aortic stenosis. TESTS & RESULTS: The patient had an EKG and echocardiogram done, which detected hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. FINAL DIAGNOSIS: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. DISCUSSION: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM) is a condition of the heart characterized by the thickening of the interventricular septum. Sudden cardiac death due to HCM-related causes is most prevalent in young African-American male athletes. Most patients with risk factors in these categories are strongly recommended to abstain from participating in sports with high physical demands. This case presents a 21-year-old African-American male athlete playing Division 1 basketball diagnosed with HCM, that did not report any symptoms related to a cardiac illness. OUTCOME OF THE CASE: Considering the athlete’s medical history, and understanding the probabilities of a HCM-related episode occurring, the decision was made to implant an ICD prior to returning to athletic participation. An ICD is an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator, which is a device embedded underneath the skin to record and track the heartbeat. If the ICD detects an irregular heart rhythm, it will send an electrical shock to restore the heart’s normal activity. The patient had the ICD implanted and returned to full participation by the start of the basketball season. RETURN TO ACTIVITY AND FURTHER FOLLOW-UP: He visited the cardiologist for a follow-up 6 months after the ICD implantation. Other treatments included periodic BP and pulse rate monitoring during physical activity and gradual physical conditioning before the preseason started
