34,037 research outputs found

    Oito Casas – Multifamily housing. Braga. Portugal

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    [EN] The article presents the project for a multifamily housing - Oito Casas – that presents a concrete bearing structure and also a set of pre-fabricated concrete brise soleil in the upper level of the main facade. The specificity of the project led us first to the modification of the allotment plan. A procedure that was then followed by the development of a spatial configuration allowed by a concrete structure and, finally, the introduction of the exposed concrete in the form of concrete brise soleils that provide a particular and changeable identity to the architectural set throughout the day, in a distinctive game of shadows.Teixeira Caldas, J. (2020). Oito Casas – Multifamily housing. Braga. Portugal. En IX Congreso Internacional Arquitectura Blanca. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIAB9.2020.10659OC

    Acoustical Behavior Of Churches: Mudejar-Gothic Churches

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    Christian churches have traditionally been considered to have very good acoustical behavior. This unfounded belief has led to important en-on in church rehabilitation works, especially when the church is to be used subsequently as an auditorium or theater; this is the case of many churches in Spain. Our research group has worked in acoustical analysis for more than ten years. We have participated in many cases of church rehabilitation and have had the opp&unity to achieve surprisingly good acwstical behavior in several. We deal with a very common type in southern Spain: Gothic-Mudejar churches, which have a small volume, a triple-nave layout, and wooden ceilings

    The bryophte flora of Samsun mountain (Aydın)

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    Bu araştırmada Samsun Dağı (Aydın) Biryofit Florası çalışılmıştır. Bölgeden toplanan 800 biryofit örneğinin teşhisi sonunda, 21 familya, 69 cins'e ait 177 takson karayosunu ve 20 familya, 24 cins'e ait 42 ciğerotu ve tek familya, tek cinse ait tek boynuz otu taksonu belirlenmiştir. 3 karayosunu ?Gynostomum mosis (Lorentz) Jur. & Milde., Orthotrichum philiberti Venturi, Zygodon bistratus Calabrese & J. Munoz? ve 1 ciğerotu ?Riccia beyrichiana Hampe ex Lehm.? Türkiye florasına yeni kayıt olarak eklenmiştir. Ayrıca Tortella bambergeri (Schimp.) Broth. ve Acaulon fontiquerianum Casas et Sérgio ülkemizden ikinci toplanma lokalitesi olarak verilmiştir. In the present study The Bryophte Flora of Samsun Mountain (Aydın) was carried out. At the result of identifications of 800 specimen, collected from the area, 177 moss species belonging to 21 families and 69 genera, onlyone hornworth species belonging to one families and one genera and 42 species of liverworts belonging to 20 families and 24 genera have been found. 3 taxa of mosses and 1 taxon of liverwort are new for Turkish bryofit flora which are ?Gynostomum mosis (Lorentz) Jur. & Milde., Orthotrichum philiberti Venturi, Zygodon bistratus Calabrese & J. Munoz? and ?Riccia beyrichiana Hampe ex Lehm.? Also in this study Tortella bambergeri (Schimp.) Broth. and Acaulon fontiquerianum Casas et Sérgio given as second collection locality from our country

    Lessons from the Andean Community Integration. Jean Monnet/Robert Schuman Paper Series. Vol. 6, No. 12 June 2006

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    [From the Introduction]. Ever since it was born in the sixties, the Andean Regional Integration Process has attempted to become a strategy to promote a harmonious and balanced development among the Andean Countries. This paper has tree mains goals: (a) To explain and analyse the theoretical concept of the Andean New Regionalism in the framework of Latin American region in a comparative perspective with the European Model of Regional Integration; (b) To show the coexistence of two different regional integration models. Where the dominating one during the sixties was known as old regionalism, and the other that is currently being used is known as new regionalism, and (c) To analyse the way in which this coexistence appears to be an obstacle for the Andean countries to define their regional integration model and to advance toward their main goal: the balanced and harmonious development of each and every country member

    Un probable complexe militaire romain d'époque républicaine en Béturie turdule : notes préliminaires sur le campement de "Pedrosillo" (Casas de Reina, Badajoz, Espagne)

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    International audienceLas últimas campañas de prospección llevadas a cabo en el territorio de la pequeña ciudad de Regina (Casas de Reina, Badajoz), situada en la llanura septentrional de Sierra Morena, han dado lugar al descubrimiento fortuito de un lugar inédito que interpretamos como un complejo militar romano de época republicana. El examen minucioso del conjunto de estos restos nos ha llevado a considerar la hipótesis de que nos encontrábamos ante la presencia de un campamento romano de primera época; más concretamente ante un complejo militar republicano que en principio podría situarse en la época de la conquista y/o de las guerras lusitanas (en torno al 140 a.C.). Pero, además, también al siglo II d.C. pertenecen los únicos paralelos conocidos para este campamento en la península Ibérica: nos referimos a Numancia [Renieblas I, II y III] y Águilar de Anguita (cerca de Sigüenza).Des prospections récentes menées sur le territoire de la petite ville antique de Regina (Casas de Reina, Badajoz), sur le piémont septentrional de la Sierra Morena, ont donné lieu à la découverte d'un site inédit que nous interprétons – en attendant les indispensables travaux de sondages ¬comme un possible complexe militaire romain de campagne. L'examen de l'ensemble des vestiges et des photographies aériennes conduit à envisager l'hypothèse d'un campement de haute époque datant vraisemblablement de la conquête et/ou des guerres lusitaniennes (circa 140 av. J.¬C.). C'est aussi au IIe s. av. J.¬C. qu'appartiennent les seuls parallèles connus pour la péninsule Ibérique (camps de Numance [Renieblas I, II et III] et d'Águilar de Anguita, près de Sigüenza)

    Els Casas, un llinatge reusenc d'orgueners setcentistes

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    Book review of Eric Patterson and Edmund J. Rybarczyk, ed., The Future of Pentecostalism in the United States

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    Patterson and Rybarczyk build this text on two prodding questions: Is there a future to American Pentecostalism? What will it look like? The editors employ a wide-ranging group of scholars in pursuit of these two questions

    Examining the Impact of Parental Involvement in a Dual Language Program: Implications for Children and Schools - OLLAS Report No. 2

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    This study focuses on a dual language (Spanish-English) program in the Omaha Public Schools. Dual language programs are programs in which children develop proficiency in two languages simultaneously. These programs are currently seen as the gold standard second language education because of the large amount of empirical support they have received with respect to children’s academic gains. All of the dual language classrooms are comprised of half native English speakers and half Spanish speakers. Parental involvement has received much empirical attention with respect to traditional school programs; however, little is known about the role of parental involvement in dual language programs (Lindholm-Leary, 2001). Systematically studying dual language programs is an especially important area of investigation because of the latest census trends and because barriers to parental involvement for language minority children are likely to differ from those of language majority children. For a list of additional publications produced from this project, please visit the Faculty Publications page on the OLLAS website