76 research outputs found

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    Anàlisi històric-jurídic de la institució dels camins ramaders a l'Estat espanyol : evolució normativa de les vies pecuàries

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    El següent treball tracta d'explicar el desenvolupament normatiu dels camins ramaders al llarg dels segles, des de l'Alta Edat Mitjana fins a l'actualitat. Per fer-ho analitza tant l'origen castellà com el català, a partir de l'organització de la Mesta. A mesura que passen els segles té en compte els principals esdeveniments històrics que originen els canvis de règim i les concepcions polítiques de l'època que impliquen als camins ramaders. Constitucionalisme, Sexenni Democràtic, "Regeneracionismo", Dictadura Primo de Rivera, Segona República, Franquisme, Transició i actualitat son analitzats des de la perspectiva dels camins ramaders. A més, el treball inclou en els annexos un glossari de definicions (paraules en cursiva) i un extens fons documental de les disposicions normatives tractades.The following work tries to explain the development of regulations for centuries of cattle trails, since Middle Ages to present. To do it, analyses the Spanish and Catalan origin from Mesta's Organization. As the centuries pass, consider the most important historical events that rise change regimes and the political positions that imply cattle trails. Constitutionalism, "Sexenni Democràtic", "Regeneracionismo", Primo de Rivera's dictatorship, Second Republic, "Franquisme", "Transición" and present are analysed from a cattle trails perspective. In addition the work includes in the annexes a glossary with definitions (words in Italics), interviews and extensive documentary of discussed regulation

    Dietary Debaryomyces hansenii promotes skin and skin mucus defensive capacities in a marine fish model

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    The present study explores the effects of two supplementation levels of Debaryomyces hansenii (1.1% and 2.2%) as a probiotic in a reference low fish meal-based diet on the skin mucosal tissue in Sparus aurata. This study includes the evaluation of fish performance coupled with a holistic study of the skin mucosa: i) a transcriptomic study of the skin tissue, and ii) the evaluation of its secreted mucus both in terms of skin mucosal-associated biomarkers and its defensive capacity by means of co-culture analysis with two pathogenic bacteria. Results showed that after 70 days of diet administration, fish fed the diet supplemented with D. hansenii at 1.1% presented increased somatic growth and a better feed conversion ratio, compared to fish fed the control diet. In contrast, fish fed the diet including 2.2% of the probiotic presented intermediate values. Regarding gene regulation, the probiotic administration at 1.1% resulted in 712 differentially expressed genes (DEGs), among which 53.4% and 46.6% were up- and down-regulated, respectively. In particular, D. hansenii modulated some skin biological processes related to immunity and metabolism. Specifically, D. hansenii administration induced a strong modulation of some immune biological-related processes (61 DEGs), mainly involved in B- and T-cell regulatory pathways. Furthermore, dietary D. hansenii promoted the skin barrier function by the upregulation of anchoring junction genes (23 DEGs), which reinforces the physical defense against potential skin damage. In contrast, the skin showed modulated genes related to extracellular exosome and membrane organization (50 DEGs). This modulated functioning is of great interest, particularly in relation to the increased skin mucus defensive capacity observed in the bacterial co-culture in vitro trials, which could be related to the increased modulation and exudation of the innate immune components from the skin cells into the mucus. In summary, the modulation of innate immune parameters coupled with increased skin barrier function and cell trafficking potentiates the skin's physical barrier and mucus defensive capacity, while maintaining the skin mucosa's homeostatic immune and metabolic status. These findings confirmed the advantages of D. hansenii supplementation in low fish meal-based diets, demonstrating the probiotic benefits on cultured marine species

    Origin of the coloured karst fills in the neogene extensional system of ne iberia (Spain)

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    Karst fills from the onshore Penedès Basin and offshore València Trough display red, pink, orange and ochre colours. Their Mössbauer spectra indicate that Fe3+ contained in goethite is the dominant species in reddish-pink fills, whereas Fe2+ contained in dolomite and clays is more dominant in the orange and ochre ones. The lower δ 13C values and higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the karst fills with respect to their host carbonates can reflect the input of soil-derived CO2 and an external radiogenic source into the karst system. This geochemical composition, together with the non-carbonate fraction of the fills, consists of authigenic and transported illite, illite-smectite interlayers, as well as kaolinite, chlorite, pyrite, quartz, ilmenite, magnetite, apatite and feldspar, account for a mixed residual-detrital origin of fills. This polygenic origin agrees with that of the terra rossa sediments described worldwide. The different colours of karst fills are attributed to fluctuations in the water table, which control the Eh/pH conditions in the karst system. Thus, reddish colours reflect low water table levels and oxidising episodes, and orange and ochre ones reflect high water table levels and more reducing episodes. The greenish colours of fills could be related to fluctuations in the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio

    Mediterranean Diet and Atherothrombosis Biomarkers: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Scope To assess whether following a Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) improves atherothrombosis biomarkers in high cardiovascular risk individuals. Methods and results In 358 random volunteers from the PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea trial, the 1‐year effects on atherothrombosis markers of an intervention with MedDiet, enriched with virgin olive oil (MedDiet‐VOO; n = 120) or nuts (MedDiet‐Nuts; n = 119) versus a low‐fat control diet (n = 119), and whether large increments in MedDiet adherence (≥3 score points, versus compliance decreases) and intake changes in key food items are associated with 1‐year differences in biomarkers. Differences are observed between 1‐year changes in the MedDiet‐VOO intervention and control diet on the activity of platelet activating factor acetylhydrolase in high‐density lipoproteins (HDLs) (+7.5% [95% confidence interval: 0.17; 14.8]) and HDL‐bound α1‐antitrypsin levels (−6.1% [−11.8; −0.29]), and between the MedDiet‐Nuts intervention and the control arm on non‐esterified fatty acid concentrations (−9.3% [−18.1; −0.53]). Large MedDiet adherence increments are associated with less fibrinogen (−9.5% [−18.3; −0.60]) and non‐esterified fatty acid concentrations (−16.7% [−31.7; −1.74]). Increases in nut, fruit, vegetable, and fatty fish consumption, and decreases in processed meat intake are linked to enhancements in biomarkers. Conclusion MedDiet improves atherothrombosis biomarkers in high cardiovascular risk individuals.This work was supported by grants of Instituto de Salud Carlos III [OBN17PI02, PIE14/00045_INFLAMES, CB06/03/0019, CB06/03/0028, and CD17/00122 (A.H.)], and Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (2017 SGR 222)

    Evaluación de competencias transversales en asignaturas relacionadas con Ingeniería Mecánica y de Materiales: Análisis y Resolución de Problemas, Aplicación y Pensamiento Práctico

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    [EN] Although the competence based curricula approach has been used in the development of the new programmes for Master and Bachelor degrees within the European Higher Education Area in recent years, the assessment of generic competences is still a pending task. This work presents a methodological proposal for the assessment of the competences of capacity for problem-solving and capacity for applying knowledge in practice, in subjects related to mechanical and materials engineering. In particular, this paper proposes a scale in order to quantify the level of achievement of each competence, and shows some assessment tools developed for this purpose. These tools are based on Checklists to evaluate the learning outcomes of each competence, that can be observed as evidences obtained from the assessment activities proposed during the course. These assessment activities are refered to the resolution of problems, individually and in groups. The learning outcomes, levels of achievement and the Checklist of each competence are presented. Some preliminary results from a first attempt to use this methodology in two subjects of Bachelor and Master degrees, are also described here. Finally, conclusions about preliminary results and the difficulties found in the development of these tools and its aplication are also presented.[ES] A pesar de que las competencias que se trabajan en los nuevos títulos de Grado y Máster figuran explícitamente en sus planes de estudios a partir de los cambios introducidos por el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, su evaluación sigue siendo una tarea pendiente a día de hoy. Este trabajo presenta una propuesta metodológica para la evaluación de las competencias de Análisis y Resolución de Problemas y de Aplicación y Pensamiento Práctico, en asignaturas relacionadas con la Ingeniería Mecánica y de Materiales. En particular, este trabajo propone una escala de valoración para cuantificar el nivel de logro de cada competencia, y muestra herramientas de evaluación desarrolladas para este propósito. Dichas herramientas están basadas en Listas de Control que evalúan resultados de aprendizaje de cada competencia, observados mediante las evidencias derivadas de la actividad de evaluación propuesta durante el curso, consistente en la resolución de problemas de forma autónoma y en grupo. Se detallan las escalas de desarrollo de cada competencia, sus resultados de aprendizaje y los ítems de cada Lista de Control. Se analizan algunos resultados preliminares derivados de un primer intento de uso de la metodología propuesta, en dos asignaturas de Grado y Máster. Finalmente se presentan conclusiones sobre los resultados preliminares, junto con las dificultades encontradas tanto en la elaboración de las herramientas de evaluación como en su implementación.Los autores quieren agradecer la ayuda económica y el apoyo institucional recibidos de la Universitat Politècnica de València a través del proyecto PIME/2014/A/012/B.Martínez Casas, J.; Sahuquillo Navarro, O.; Sonseca Olalla, A.; Carballeira, J.; Denia Guzmán, FD.; Suñer Martinez, JL.; Vila Tortosa, MP. (2015). Evaluación de competencias transversales en asignaturas relacionadas con Ingeniería Mecánica y de Materiales: Análisis y Resolución de Problemas, Aplicación y Pensamiento Práctico. En In-Red 2015 - CONGRESO NACIONAL DE INNOVACIÓN EDUCATIVA Y DE DOCENCIA EN RED. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2015.2015.1630OC

    Mediterranean Diet and atherothrombosis biomarkers: a randomized controlled trial

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    Scope. To assess whether following a Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) improved atherothrombosis biomarkers in high cardiovascular risk individuals. Methods and results. In 358 random volunteers from the PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea trial, we assessed the 1-year effects on atherothrombosis markers of an intervention with MedDiet, enriched with virgin olive oil (MedDiet-VOO; n=120) or nuts (MedDiet-Nuts; n=119) versus a low-fat control diet (n=119). We also studied whether large increments in MedDiet adherence (≥3 score points, relative to compliance decreases) and intake changes in key food items were associated with 1-year differences in biomarkers. We observed differences between 1-year changes in the MedDiet-VOO intervention and control diet on the activity of platelet activating factor acetylhydrolase in HDLs (+7.5% [95% confidence interval: 0.17; 14.8]) and HDL-bound α1-antitrypsin levels (- 6.1% [-11.8; -0.29]), and between the MedDiet-Nuts intervention and the control arm on non-esterified fatty acid concentrations (-9.3% [-18.1; -0.53]). Large MedDiet adherence increments were associated with less fibrinogen (-9.5% [-18.3; -0.60]) and non-esterified fatty acid concentrations (-16.7% [-31.7; -1.74]). Increases in nut, fruit, vegetable, and fatty fish consumption, and decreases in processed meat intake were linked to beneficial changes in atherothrombosis biomarkers. Conclusion. Following a MedDiet improved atherothrombosis biomarkers in high cardiovascular risk individual

    Mesures excepcionals d’optimització i alternatives als EPI en situació d’emergència de COVID-19

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    Equips de protecció individual; EPI; Mesures d'optimització; Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoVEquipos de protección individual; EPI; Medidas de optimización; Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoVPersonal protective equipment; EPI; Optimization measures; Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; 2019-nCoVEl propòsit del present document és facilitar les recomanacions més segures possibles relacionades amb l’optimització dels equips de protecció individual (EPI) en el present context de pandèmia per COVID-19 i per actuar davant de possibles desabastiments d’aquests equipaments

    Desarrollo de estrategias de evaluación de competencias transversales en asignaturas de ingeniería mecánica y de materiales

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    [EN] The international accreditation for the Master and Bachelor degrees offered at our university, together with the demands of the employers, have made it clear that students’ curricula should specify not only what they have studied, but also what they are actually able to do. This work presents the results obtained within the frame of an innovative project (UPV – PIME program) on the evaluation of three generic competences that have been traditionally worked in subjects of mechanical and materials engineering: capacity for problem solving; capacity for applying knowledge in practice; and communication skills (both oral and written). Different tools for the assessment of these competences have developed with two main objectives: first, to quantify the level of achievement of the students in order to give a numerical evaluation; and second, to be used by the students as a learning material so that they can improve their capacities. These tools are based on the observation of some learning outcomes associated to these competences. Some evaluation activities have been proposed within the different subjects that allow to assess not only the specific scientific-technical competences, but also some of the generic ones.[ES] La acreditación internacional de los títulos de Grado y Máster en nuestra universidad, junto con las demandas de los empleadores, han puesto en evidencia que los planes de estudio deben especificar no sólo lo que se ha estudiado, sino también lo que se es capaz de hacer realmente. Este trabajo presenta los resultados obtenidos en el marco de un proyecto de innovación docente (programa PIME) sobre la evaluación de tres competencias transversales que se han trabajado tradicionalmente en asignaturas de ingeniería mecánica y materiales: la capacidad para la resolución de problemas; la capacidad para aplicar los conocimientos a la práctica; y habilidades de comunicación (oral y escrita). Se han desarrollado diferentes herramientas para la evaluación de estas competencias con dos objetivos principales: en primer lugar, para cuantificar el nivel de logro de los estudiantes con el fin de dar una evaluación numérica; y en segundo, como material de aprendizaje para que los estudiantes puedan mejorar sus capacidades. Estas herramientas se basan en la observación de algunos resultados de aprendizaje asociados a estas competencias. Se han propuesto algunas actividades de evaluación en las diferentes asignaturas que permiten evaluar no sólo las competencias científico-técnicas específicas, sino también algunas de las transversales.Por último, los autores quieren agradecer la ayuda económica y el apoyo institucional recibidos de la Universitat Politècnica de València a través del proyecto PIME/2014/A/012/B.Carballeira, J.; Martínez Casas, J.; Sahuquillo Navarro, O.; Sonseca Olalla, A.; Denia Guzmán, FD.; Suñer Martinez, JL.; Vila Tortosa, MP.... (2015). Desarrollo de estrategias de evaluación de competencias transversales en asignaturas de ingeniería mecánica y de materiales. En In-Red 2015 - CONGRESO NACIONAL DE INNOVACIÓN EDUCATIVA Y DE DOCENCIA EN RED. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2015.2015.1542OC