254 research outputs found

    La enseñanza de la programación en la infancia: estudio de casos de la situación en Cataluña

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    En esta tesis se estudia el proceso que siguen los centros educativos para introducir el aprendizaje de la programación como actividad docente. Para ello, se utiliza el estudio de casos múltiples y se analizan seis centros, seleccionados según el nivel socioeconómico de la zona en la que se ubican y el nivel de formalidad de la educación que proporcionan. Se utilizan tres herramientas —la entrevista semiestructurada, el grupo de discusión y la observación—, aplicadas a cinco colectivos: dirección del centro, coordinación, formadores y formadoras, familias y niños y niñas. El análisis de los casos se ha realizado a partir del modelo de apropiación de la tecnología, adaptado para este trabajo. En cada caso se realiza un análisis por separado de los tres niveles que define el modelo: incorporación, adaptación y uso. Los resultados obtenidos muestran, entre otras cosas, que, para los equipos directivos, la enseñanza de la programación es tanto una vía para facilitar la inclusión social como una herramienta educativa. Para las familias, en cambio, es una ventaja que facilitará la incorporación de sus hijos e hijas al mundo laboral. En cuanto a las diferencias influenciadas por el género, los centros de formación extraescolar no logran atraer ni mantener a las niñas. Dado que actualmente parte de la formación en programación se realiza en este tipo de centros, en general las niñas reciben menos formación en este ámbito.En aquesta tesi s'estudia el procés que segueixen els centres educatius per introduir l'aprenentatge de la programació com a activitat docent. Per fer-ho, s'utilitza l'estudi de casos múltiples i s'analitzen sis centres, seleccionats segons el nivell socioeconòmic de la zona on s'ubiquen i el nivell de formalitat de l'educació que proporcionen. S'utilitzen tres eines —l'entrevista semiestructurada, el grup de discussió i l'observació—, aplicades a cinc col·lectius: direcció del centre, coordinació, formadors i formadores, famílies i nens i nenes. L'anàlisi dels casos s'ha fet a partir del model d'apropiació de la tecnologia, adaptat per a aquest treball. En cada cas es fa una anàlisi per separat dels tres nivells que defineix el model: incorporació, adaptació i ús. Els resultats obtinguts mostren, entre altres coses, que, per als equips directius, l'ensenyament de la programació és tant una via per facilitar la inclusió social com una eina educativa. Per a les famílies, en canvi, és un avantatge que facilitarà la incorporació dels fills i filles al món laboral. Pel que fa a les diferències influenciades pel gènere, els centres de formació extraescolar no aconsegueixen atraure ni mantenir les nenes. Atès que actualment part de la formació en programació es fa en aquesta mena de centres, en general les nenes reben menys formació en aquest àmbit.This thesis studies the process followed by schools to introduce programming as a learning activity. For this purpose, a multiple case study was used, analysing six schools, selected according to the socioeconomic level of the area in which they are located and the level of formality of the education they provide. Three tools (the semi-structured interview, the focus group, and observation) were used on five groups: management, school coordination, teachers, families and children. The analysis of the cases was carried out using the Technology Appropriation Model, adapted for this work. In each case, a separate analysis was made of the three levels defined by the model: incorporation, adaptation and use. The results obtained show, among other things, that for management teams, teaching programming is both a way to facilitate social inclusion and an educational tool. As for families, it is an advantage that will facilitate their children's progress into the professional world. In terms of gender differences, out-of-school training centres fail to attract and retain girls. Some programming training now takes place outside of schools, and girls generally receive less training of this type.E-learnin

    How do Primary Education Students Perceive the Computer Profession? Influence of Gender and Percetion of Capacity

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    Este artículo analiza la opinión que tiene sobre la profesión de informática el alumnado del último ciclo de educación primaria. Se encuestaron 300 alumnos de 12 escuelas y se observó que la opinión de las niñas era sensiblemente peor que la de los niños además de que ellas se consideran menos capaces de realizar un programa informático. A partir del análisis de los datos se sugiere que se inicie a los alumnos de primaria en la programación y especialmente a las niñas para que mejoren su percepción de sus capacidades en este ámbito.In this paper the perspective on the computer's profession of students at the end of primary school is analyzed. 300 students from 12 schools were surveyed and we observed that the girls' opinion were significantly worse than boys, as well as, the girls considered themselves less capable of creating a computer program. From the analysis of the data it's suggest that students in primary school should be taught in programming, especially girls, to improve their perception of their capabilities in this area

    GlSch: Observation Scheduler for the GLORIA Telescope Network

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    This paper proposes the design and development of a scheduler for the GLORIA telescope network. This network, which main objective is to make astronomy closer to citizens in general, is formed by 18 telescopes spread over four continents and both hemispheres. Part of the management of this network is made by the network scheduler. It receives the observation requests made by the GLORIA users and then sends it to the most suitable telescope. A key module of the network scheduler is the telescope decision algorithm that makes possible to choose the best telescope, and thus avoiding offering an observation to a telescope that cannot execute it. This paper shows two different telescope decision algorithms: the first one is only based on weather forecast, meanwhile the second one uses fuzzy logic and information from each network telescope. Both algorithms were deployed in the GLORIA network. The achieved results coupled with a comparative of their performance is shown. Moreover, the network scheduler architecture, based on a hybrid distributed-centralized schema, is detailed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Coping and depressive symptoms in family carers of dependent adults aged 18 and over: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Being a family carer is associated with increased risk of experiencing depressive symptoms. Despite many decades of research investigating the association between coping strategies and depressive symptoms in carers results across studies remain contradictory. The objective of this study was to systematically review evidence on the association between depressive symptoms and coping strategies in carers of dependent people aged 18 and over and investigate potential sources of heterogeneity of findings. The study design was a systematic review and meta-analysis. We searched Pubmed, CINAHL, PsycINFO and LILACS up to April 2021. We performed meta-analyses following the PRISMA statement and several subgroup analyses to investigate whether cause of caring dependency, study design, and controlling for several biases influenced results. Fifty-nine studies met our inclusion criteria. We found a robust and statistically significant association between greater use of dysfunctional coping and higher depressive symptoms. Greater use of emotion-focused coping was associated with fewer depressive symptoms only in studies controlling for confounding bias. Use of problem-focused coping was related to fewer depressive symptoms in carers of frail older people. The combined use of both problem-focused and emotion-focused coping was associated with lower symptoms of depression. Our review concludes that the broad domain of dysfunctional coping is consistently associated with higher levels of depressive symptoms in carers. After controlling for confounders, emotion-focused coping and several of its individual strategies were consistently associated with fewer depressive symptoms. Whilst problem-focused coping and some of its individual strategies are also associated with lower depressive symptoms, these strategies may not be as helpful in all caregiving groups.Clinical Impact Statement: fcBoth broad dimensions of coping and individual coping strategies are important correlates of depressive symptoms in family carers, and should be utilized in informing and improving the effectiveness of future caregiving interventions

    A Postprocessing methodology for direct normal irradiance forecasting using cloud information and aerosol load forecasts

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    A method for direct normal irradiance (DNI) forecasting for specific sites is proposed. It is based on the combination of a numerical weather prediction (NWP) model, which provides cloud information, with radiative transfer simulations fed with external aerosol forecasts. The NWP model used is the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System, and the radiative transfer information has been obtained from the Library of Radiative Transfer (libRadtran). Two types of aerosol forecasts have been tested: the global Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate (MACC) model, which predicts five major components of aerosols, and the Dust Regional Atmospheric Model (BSC-DREAM8b) added to a fixed background calculated as the 20th percentile of the monthly mean of AERONET 2.0 observations from a different year. The methodology employed is valid for all meteorological situations, providing a stable and continuous DNI curve. The performance of the combined method has been evaluated against DNI observations and compared with the pure ECMWF forecasts at eight locations in the southern half of mainland Spain and the Canary Islands, which received high loadings of African dust for 2013 and 2014. Results for 1-day forecasts are presented. Although clouds play a major role, aerosols have a significant effect, but at shorter time scales. The combination of ECMWF and MACC forecasts gives the best global results, improving the DNI forecasts in events with high aerosol content. The regional BSC-DREAM8b yields good results for some extremely high dust conditions, although more reliable predictions, valid for any aerosol conditions, are provided by the MACC model

    Las pensiones de alimentos y las pensiones compensatorias en tiempos de pandemia

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    El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado versa sobre el efecto que ha tenido la pandemia actual en la que nos encontramos derivada del COVID-19 en las pensiones de alimentos y en las pensiones compensatorias en nuestro país.<br /

    A postprocessing methodology for direct normal irradiance forecasting using cloud information and aerosol load forecasts

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    A method for direct normal irradiance (DNI) forecasting for specific sites is proposed. It is based on the combination of a numerical weather prediction (NWP) model, which provides cloud information, with radiative transfer simulations fed with external aerosol forecasts. The NWP model used is the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System, and the radiative transfer information has been obtained from the Library of Radiative Transfer (libRadtran). Two types of aerosol forecasts have been tested: the global Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate (MACC) model, which predicts five major components of aerosols, and the Dust Regional Atmospheric Model (BSC-DREAM8b) added to a fixed background calculated as the 20th percentile of the monthly mean of AERONET 2.0 observations from a different year. The methodology employed is valid for all meteorological situations, providing a stable and continuous DNI curve. The performance of the combined method has been evaluated against DNI observations and compared with the pure ECMWF forecasts at eight locations in the southern half of mainland Spain and the Canary Islands, which received high loadings of African dust for 2013 and 2014. Results for 1-day forecasts are presented. Although clouds play a major role, aerosols have a significant effect, but at shorter time scales. The combination of ECMWF and MACC forecasts gives the best global results, improving the DNI forecasts in events with high aerosol content. The regional BSC-DREAM8b yields good results for some extremely high dust conditions, although more reliable predictions, valid for any aerosol conditions, are provided by the MACC model.The authors acknowledge the libRadtran developers for their radiative transfer tools used in this work and ECMWF for their forecasts. We thank the MACC project, funded by the European Commission under the EU-Horizon 2020 Programme and coordinated by the ECMWF, for their AOD data, freely available on its website (http://www.gmes-atmosphere.eu/)

    Análisis resistente de viales de jabre estabilizados con los cementos: CEM II B-L 32,5N y CEM II A-V 42.5N

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    El objeto de este trabajo continuar estudios anteriores de este mismo tipo de estabilización y determinar las propiedades resistentes de un suelo de jabre estabilizado con cemento CEM II A-V 42,5N, analizando la influencia de la dosificación del cemento (de 0 a 10%) y el tiempo de curado (2, 7 y 21 días) sobre la resistencia del suelo a compresión, y estableciendo unas recomendaciones técnicas de su utilización que cumplan las indicaciones del Pliego de Prescripciones Técnicas Generales para Obras de Carreteras y Puentes (PG-3), así como comparar resultados con los estudios previos realizados con otro tipo de cemento. El jabre es un material granular con unas buenas propiedades de granulometría, plasticidad y compactación. Mezclado con cemento CEM II A-V 42,5N, se ha comprobado la influencia significativa del % de cemento en la mezcla y del tiempo de curado. De acuerdo con el mínimo requerido de resistencia en los suelos estabilizados in situ, según el PG-3, se concluye que aplicando una compactación PN del 100%, se alcanza una resistencia mínima de 1,5 MPa con una concentración de cemento del 3,5% a los 7 y 21 días mientras que empleando cementos de menor resistencia como es el CEM II B-L 32,5N sólo conseguimos esa mínima resistencia a los 21 días

    Disminución de la necesidad de cobertura con injertos y baja tasa de cicatrización hipertrófica en quemaduras tras desbridamiento enzimático

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    Background and Objective. Early burn scar removal is the standard of care for burn patients; excisional debridement, however, often leads to excision of dermal remnants, making autografting unavoidable. Enzymatic debridement with proteolytic enzymes enriched in Bromelain (Nexobrid®) leaves these dermal remnants to allow spontaneous healing of partial thickness burns. This study evaluates if Nexobrid® (MediWound Ltd., Israel) reduces the need for surgery and autografting in intermediate and deepdermal burns, the reduction in the excised and grafted area, and the development of hypertrophic scarring. Patients and Methods.We conduct a prospective study between January 2015 and February 2016 evaluating 36 patients (11 females, 25 males) whose mean age was 42.89, with burns covering a mean of 7.47% of their total body surface area (6.42% deep burns). All patients would need excision and autografting as their previous standard of care. Results. After enzymatic debridement, only 13 patients (36.1%) needed surgery (p &lt; 0.001). The area of burns excised and grafted was reduced (2.67% vs. 4.98% p &lt; 0.001). Since wound closure was delayed until 25.69 days, only 11.1% of the patients developed hypertrophic scars. Conclusions. Nexobrid® allows scar removal in deep-dermal and intermediate burns, reducing the need of surgery and the grafted body surface area, while achieving good scars.Introducción y Objetivo. El tratamiento clásico de las quemaduras se basa en la eliminación precoz de la escara; sin embargo, el desbridamiento tangencial de las quemaduras mixtas y profundas retira tejidos dérmicos viables, obligando a la cobertura con autoinjertos. El desbridamiento enzimático con enzimas proteolíticos enriquecidos con Bromelaína (Nexobrid®) mantiene restos dérmicos que pueden permitir la reepitelización por sí misma de la quemadura. Evaluamos el uso en nuestra unidad de Nexobrid® (MediWound Ltd., Israel) en quemaduras mixtas y dérmicas profundas, valorando la capacidad de reepitelización tras su uso, la tasa de injerto en los pacientes tratados, y la aparición de cicatrización hipertrófica. Pacientes y Método. Evaluamos retrospectivamente 36 pacientes tratados con Nexobrid® entre enero de 2015 y febrero de 2016, 11 mujeres y 25 varones con una media de edad de 42.89 años. La superficie corporal quemada media fue del 7.47% y la diagnosticada como profunda del 6.42%.Todos los pacientes presentaron quemaduras profundas con necesidad de cirugía para su desbridamiento y cobertura con injertos. Resultados. Tras el desbridamiento enzimático solo el 36.1% de los pacientes (13 de 36) requirió cobertura con injertos (p<0.001).La superficie injertada fue tan solo del 2.67% frente al 4.98% que fue desbridada enzimáticamente (p<0.001). A pesar de que el tiempo hasta la epitelización total de las quemaduras se alargó hasta los 25.69 días, tan solo un 11.1% de los pacientes desarrolló cicatriz hipertrófica. Conclusiones. Nexobrid® permite el desbridamiento completo de las quemaduras mixtas y dérmicas profundas disminuyendo el porcentaje de pacientes que requieren autoinjertos y la superficie injertada, con bajas tasas de cicatrización hipertrófic

    Application of digital image correlation at the microscale in fiber-reinforced composites

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    Digital image correlation (DIC) is applied to analyzing the deformation mechanisms under transverse compression in a fiber-reinforced composite. To this end, compression tests in a direction perpendicular to the fibers were carried out inside a scanning electron microscope and secondary electron images obtained at different magnifications during the test. Optimum DIC parameters to resolve the displacement and strain field were computed from numerical simulations of a model composite and they were applied to micrographs obtained at different magnifications (250_, 2000_, and 6000_). It is shown that DIC of low-magnification micrographs was able to capture the long range fluctuations in strain due to the presence of matrix-rich and fiber-rich zones, responsible for the onset of damage. At higher magnification, the strain fields obtained with DIC qualitatively reproduce the non-homogeneous deformation pattern due to the presence of stiff fibers dispersed in a compliant matrix and provide accurate results of the average composite strain. However, comparison with finite element simulations revealed that DIC was not able to accurately capture the average strain in each phase