1,810 research outputs found

    Geochemistry of groundwater from Graciosa Island (Azores): A contribution to the hydrothermal system conceptual model

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    Graciosa island is located in the Azores Archipelago, along the so-called Terceira Rift, a major tectonic structure that makes the NE boundary of the Azores Plateau. In general terms, it includes a basaltic plataform on the NW and a silicic poligenetic volcano with caldera on the SE, the Graciosa Caldera Volcano. This volcano has produced significant tephra falls, pyroclastic flows, lahars, and lava flows, both of basaltic s.l. and trachitic s.l. composition. The hydrothermal system shows fumarolic emissions inside the volcano caldera and thermal springs located along the shoreline. This system is exploitated in a thermal building through shallow and deep (110 m) boreholes, near the coast. In Graciosa two types of Na-Cl groundwater systems can be identified: 1) a cold one emerging at springs and exploited by wells for public water supply, and 2) a hydrothermal system with temperatures around 40-44 °C. The cold groundwaters have pH higher than 7 and different degree of mineralization, according to the proximity to the sea. The thermal waters show mixing with seawater, pH varying between 6.20 and 6.94, 166 mg/L of SiO2, and significant concentration of metals, such as Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu and Zn. The thermal water mineralization varies strongly, showing EC from 8.87 mS/cm (shallow water) to 47.4 mS/cm (deeper water). The higher mineralized water is rich in CO2(g), with 2130 mg/L of total dissolved CO2. Geothermometers application reveals aquifer temperature around 167 °C and immature/mixed waters, not reaching complete equilibrium with reservoir rock. The geochemistry of the thermal waters indicates the occurrence of seawater/host rock interaction processes at high temperature and slightly acid conditions, favored by CO2(g) input, and a different degrees of mixing with cold and shallow groundwaters

    Simple Sonochemical Method to Optimize the Heating Efficiency of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia

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    We developed a fast, single-step sonochemical strategy for the green manufacturing of magnetite (Fe3O4) magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs), using iron sulfate (FeSO4) as the sole source of iron and sodium hydroxide (Na(OH)) as the reducing agent in an aqueous medium. The designed methodology reduces the environmental impact of toxic chemical compounds and minimizes the infrastructure requirements and reaction times down to minutes. The Na(OH) concentration has been varied to optimize the final size and magnetic properties of the MNPs and to minimize the amount of corrosive byproducts of the reaction. The change in the starting FeSO4concentration (from 5.4 to 43.1 mM) changed the particle sizes from (20 ± 3) to (58 ± 8) nm. These magnetite MNPs are promising for biomedical applications due to their negative surface charge, good heating properties (˜324 ± 2 W/g), and low cytotoxic effects. These results indicate the potential of this controlled, easy, and rapid ultrasonic irradiation method to prepare nanomaterials with enhanced properties and good potential for use as magnetic hyperthermia agents

    Helium isotopes distribution in NW Iberian peninsula: evidences of a local neotectonic activity

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    In this work we report new data on He abundances and isotope ratios (3He/4He) from gas associated to some thermal and CO2-rich mineral waters in N-Portugal. Collected gas samples are mainly CO2-dominant except two sites where gas is N2-rich. All the sampling sites are characterized by exceptionally high helium contents with 3He/4He ratios, corrected for air contamination, varying considerably from 0.09 to 2.68 Ra. In all sites, the 3He/4He ratios are higher than that typical for stable continental areas thus indicating a variable but not-negligible (up to 30%) contribution of mantle-derived primordial He. In all the CO2-rich waters, CO2/3He ratios and 13CCO2 are comparable with mantle values, thus suggesting a magmatic origin also for CO2. On the contrary, in the N2-rich waters He is mainly radiogenic, and CO2 is organic in origin. Since no recent volcanic activity is observed in NW Iberia, high 3He/4He values could be due, at least, to three processes: a) releasing of gas from the local upper mantle through deep extensional fault systems; b) releasing of magmatic volatiles from crustal reservoir(s) formed during past volcanic activity; c) degassing of a subsurface emplaced magma body. Mantle He flux in N-Portugal has been estimated to be up to 3 orders of magnitude higher than that typical for stable continental areas, thus suggesting, in this area, the presence of a tensional tectonic regime. This implies that mantle gases could migrate upward probably through inherited tectonic structures reactivated by neotectonic activity. The third possible scenario seems to be less plausible since seismic surveys carried out in NW Iberian did not find any significant evidence of mantle intrusion in the crust. The observed spatial variability in mantle-derived contribution could reflect the geometry of the granitic plutons in this area, thus supporting the hypotheses of an upper mantle degassing. Alternatively, it could be the result of a lateral migration of magmatic volatiles stored in a crustal reservoir

    Implementation Strategy for Land Administration in Mozambique

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    Land administration inMozambique needs to become less bureaucratic, simpler, cheaper and more transparent. Design and implementation of traditional approaches is so time consuming that land laws are to be adapted to provide for simpler procedures. Delivery of results (maps, DUATs, spatial plans) requires unconventional approaches, both conceptual and technological. This paper proposes an implementation mechanism for the Land Sector Strategic Plan in Mozambique. A clear priority is identified in this proposal: DUAT production for 5 million parcels before 2025 combined with an land administration organisation where maintenance can be performed. This allows for the future development and introduction of a more comprehensive land governance in the related areas. Land administration is considered as a business that operates within legal frameworks. Topographic mapping and land use planning should be included in this business approach. It is considered that the implementation of the Land Sector Strategic Plan of Mozambique can be achieved by one unique, single organisation for land administration and topographic mapping operating at different levels of administration

    Visual Impairment, Rehabilitation And International Classification Of Functioning, Disability And Health

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    Objective: To describe the characteristics of people with visual impairment who participated in the Visual Rehabilitation Groups, according to the ICD-10 and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Methods: Quantitative, cross-sectional survey, developed in a university rehabilitation research center between october and december 2012. The users from the Visual Rehabilitation Groups were invited; 13 of them agreed to participate. We performed an occupational therapy evaluation - with anamnesis, performance evaluation and functional vision assessment - an analysis of medical charts and patient description with the use of the ICF. Results: The major causes of visual impairment were diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, optical neuritis and keratoconus. Some functions and structures of the body, performance and capabilities in activities and participation, environmental factors facilitators or limiters were highlighted in this study, allowing the description of the characteristics of each participant through the functionality and the improvement of the therapeutic planning. Assistive technologies, optical and nonoptical aids used and their everyday benefits were presented. Conclusion: Visual loss, at any level, led to functional impairments, limiting and restricting the participation and performance in everyday activities, interfering with the individuals' independence, autonomy and quality of life. However, the use of optical aids, non-optical aids and environmental adaptations proved to be beneficial for increasing the functionality, showing the influence of external factors on the performance. Knowing and recognizing the existence of diversities within the visual impairment universe allows us to understand who the treated individual is, avoiding the generalization by the visual condition. The ICF showed to have a fundamental role in this context.735291301Vision 2020 - The Right to Sight: Global initiative for the elimination of avoidable blindness - Action plan 2006-2011 [Internet] (2007), http://www.who.int/blindness/Vision2020_report.pdf, [cited 2012 Oct 13]Action Plan for the Prevention of Avoidable Blindness and Visual Impairment - 2009-2013 [Internet] (2010), http://www.who.int/blindness/ACTION_PLAN_WHA62-1-English.pdf, [cited 2012 Oct 10]Resnikoff, S., Pascolini, D., Mariotti, S.P., Pokharel, G.P., Global magnitude of visual impairment caused by uncorrected refractive errors in 2004 (2008) Bull World Health Org., 86 (1), pp. 63-70Salomão, S.R., Mitsuhiro, M.R., Belfort Jr, R., Visual impairment and blindness: an overview of prevalence and causes in Brazil (2009) An Acad Bras Ciênc., 81 (3), pp. 539-549Visual impairment and blindness [Internet] http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs282/en/, Updated October 2013. 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(2002) Arch Ophthalmol, 120 (6), pp. 774-780Marback, R., Temporini, E., Kara-Júnior, N., Emotional factors prior to cataract surgery (2007) Clinics., 62 (4), pp. 433-438Lamoureux, E.L., Pallant, J.F., Pesudovs, K., Rees, G., Hassell, J.B., Keeffe, J.E., The effectiveness of low-vision rehabilitation on participation in daily living and quality of life (2007) Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci., 48 (4), pp. 1476-1482Aciem, T.M., Mazzotta, M.J., Autonomia pessoal e social de pessoas com deficiência visual após reabilitação (2013) Rev Bras Oftalmol., 72 (4), pp. 261-267Steiner, W.A., Ryser, L., Huber, E., Uebelhart, D., Aeschlimann, A., Stucki, G., Use of the ICF model as a clinical problem-solving tool in physical therapy and rehabilitation medicine (2002) Phys Ther., 82 (11), pp. 1098-1107Sampaio, M.W., Haddad, M.A., Avaliação oftalmológica da pessoa com baixa visão (2010) Baixa visão e cegueira: os caminhos para a reabilitação, a educação e a inclusão, pp. 45-50. , In: Sampaio MW, Haddad MA, Costa Filho HA, Siaulys MO, Rio de Janeiro: Cultura MédicaGuanabara KooganBittencourt, Z.Z., Montilha, R.C., Gasparetto, M.E., Temporini, E.R., Carvalho, K.M., Diabetic retinopathy and visual disabilities among patients in a rehabilitation program (2011) Rev Bras Oftalmol., 70 (6), pp. 342-348CIF: Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde (2003), Tradução: Centro Colaborador da Organização Mundial da Saúde para a Família de Classificações Internacionais. São Paulo: EDUSPClassificação Estatística Internacional de Doenças e Problemas Relacionados à Saúde: CID-10 Tenth review (1996) Translation: Centro Colaborador da Organização Mundial da Saúde para a Classificação de Doenças em Português, , 3a ed. São Paulo: EDUSPResnikoff, S., Pascolini, D., Etya'Ale, D., Kocur, I., Pararajasegaram, R., Pokharel, G.P., Mariotti, S.P., Global data on visual impairment in the year 2002 (2004) Bull World Health Organ., 82 (11), pp. 844-851Schellini, S.A., Durkin, S.R., Hoyama, E., Hirai, F., Cordeiro, R., Casson, R.J., Prevalence and causes of visual impairment in a Brazilian population: The Botucatu Eye Study (2009) BMC Ophthalmology., 9, p. 8Resnikoff, S., Keys, T.U., Future trends in global blindness (2012) Indian J Ophthalmol., 60 (5), pp. 387-395Dandona, L., Dandona, R., What is the global burden of visual impairment? (2006) BMC Medicine, 4, p. 6Carvalho, K.M., Monteiro, G.B.M., Isaac, C.R., Shiroma, L.O., Amaral, M.S., Causes of low vision and use of optical aids in the elderly (2002) Rev Hosp Clín Fac Med São Paulo., 59 (4), pp. 157-160Rosenberg, E.A., Sperazza, L.C., The visually impaired patient (2008) Am Fam Physician., 77 (10), pp. 1431-1436Weih, L.M., VanNewkirk, M.R., McCarty, C.A., Taylor, H.R., Age-specific causes of bilateral visual impairment (2000) Arch Ophthalmol., 118 (2), pp. 264-269Yau, J.W., Rogers, S.L., Kawasaki, R., Lamoureux, E.L., Kowalski, J.W., Chen, S.J., Dekker, J.M., Wong, T.Y., Global prevalence and major risk factors of diabetic retinopathy (2012) Diabetes Care., 35 (3), pp. 556-564Sawyer, D.O., Leite, I.C., Alexandrino, R., Perfis de utilização de serviços de saúde no Brasil (2002) Ciênc Saúde Coletiva., 7 (4), pp. 757-776Temporini, E.R., Kara-Júnior, N., Kara-José, N., Holzchuh, N., Popular beliefs regarding the treatment of senile cataract (2002) Revista de Saúde Pública., 36 (3), pp. 343-349Douglas, G., Pavey, S., Corcoran, C., Clements, B., Evaluating the use of the ICF as a framework for the interviewing people with a visual impairment about their mobility and travel (2012) Br J Visual Impairment., 30 (1), pp. 6-21Lucas, M.B., Leal, D.B., Tavares, S.S., Barros, E.A., Aranha, S.T., Condutas reabilitacionais em pacientes com baixa visão (2003) Arq Bras Oftalmol., 66 (1), pp. 77-82Montilha, R.C., Temporini, E.R., Nobre, M.I., Gasparetto, M.E., Kara-Jose, N., Utilização de recursos ópticos e equipamentos por escolares com deficiência visual (2006) Arq Bras Oftalmol., 69 (2), pp. 207-211Haddad, M.A., Sampaio, M.W., Haddad, M., Auxílios para baixa visão (2010) Baixa visão e cegueira: os caminhos para a reabilitação, a educação e a inclusão, pp. 113-139. , In: Sampaio MW, Haddad MA, Costa Filho HA, Siaulys MO, Rio de Janeiro: Cultura MédicaGuanabara KooganOwsley, C., McGwin Jr, G., Lee, P.P., Wasserman, N., Searcey, K., Characteristics of low-vision rehabilitation services in the United States (2009) Arch Ophthalmol., 127 (5), pp. 681-68

    Fermentation characteristics and chemical composition of elephant grass silage with ground maize and fermented juice of epiphytic lactic acid bacteria

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    This study aimed to evaluate the microbial populations, fermentation profile, dry matter recovery and chemical composition of elephant grass silage with ground maize (GM) and the fermented juice of epiphytic lactic acid bacteria (FJLB). A factorial design was used with four levels of GM (0 g/kg, 50 g/kg, 100 g/kg and 200 g/kg), untreated or treated with FJLB, in a completely randomized design with five replicates. A pre-experiment was undertaken to determine the optimum level of sucrose to be added to fermented juice for the development of epiphytic microflora. In this pre-experiment, a completely randomized design with three replications was used. The treatments were represented by the levels of sucrose (0 g/kg, 5 g/kg, 10 g/kg, 20 g/kg, 40 g/kg, 60 g/kg and 80 g/kg, fresh matter basis). The microbial populations, dry matter recovery, and effluent losses were affected by the interaction between GM and FJLB. Dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) contents increased linearly with the inclusion of GM. The addition of GM enhanced the fermentation process via a reduction in losses, and improvements were identified in the nutritional value of elephant grass silages. The use of fermented juice increased dry matter recovery, and its effect was more pronounced when ground maize was added.Keywords: dry matter recovery, lactic acid, microbiology, Pennisetum purpureu

    Estudo das argamassas do Cais das Colunas (Séc. XVIII), Lisboa, Portugal

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    O Cais das Colunas é o único cais monumental construído, em Lisboa, no âmbito do projeto de reconstrução da cidade depois do terramoto de 1755. O cais foi parcialmente desmontado em 1997 e reconstruído em 2008. Durante os trabalhos de reposição foram recolhidas amostras de argamassas originais, datáveis das décadas de 1770 a 1790, do núcleo do embarcadouro, tendo em vista o seu estudo e caracterização. A metodologia analítica envolveu a realização de ensaios químicos, mineralógicos e físicos, nomeadamente de espetrometria de fluorescência de raios X (FRX), difração de raios X (DRX) e absorção capilar por contacto (ACC). Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com os de argamassas de período cronológico e localização congéneres, confirmando-se a sua consonância, nomeadamente do uso, para a formulação das argamassas, de areias locais e da cal aérea como ligante.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Conceptual model of the Quenturas hydromineral resource (Furnas volcano, S. Miguel Island): a contribution

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    RESUMO: O Vulcão das Furnas, na ilha de São Miguel, comporta no seu interior uma grande variabilidade de nascentes, que se podem classificar em 5 tipos distintos, nomeadamente frias lisas, frias gasocarbónicas, termais ácidas, termais básicas e condensado de fumarola, de características marcadas e variadas, originando a designada “Hidrópole” das Furnas. A Concessão Hidromineral das Furnas comporta parte importante destas nascentes, entre elas o Recurso Hidromineral das Quenturas, ou Água Férrea das Quenturas, referida como “3”. Trata-se de uma água termal ácida, com 59 °C de temperatura, pH ácido e mineralização elevada, cuja origem se considera corresponder ao aquecimento de aquíferos mais superficiais por vapor hidrotermal que ascende do aquífero hidrotermal profundo, conferindo a estas águas temperatura e uma importante componente gasocarbónica. Dados isotópicos apontam uma altitude de recarga de cerca de 800 m para esta nascente e uma idade compreendida entre os 23 e os 30 anos.ABSTRACT: Furnas Volcano, located on S. Miguel Island, is home to a large variety of springs, that can be classified in 5 different groups, namely cold waters, cold CO2-rich waters, thermal waters with low pH, thermal waters with high pH and fumaroles, each with distinctive characteristics, originating the “Furnas Hydropolis”. The Furnas Hidromineral Permit includes some of these springs, including the Quenturas spring, also known as Água Férrea das Quenturas, which is referred in the permit by the number “3”. Quenturas is a thermal water with low pH, with a temperature of 59 °C and high mineralization. It has its origin in the shallower aquifers that are heated by the hydrothermal steam provided by the deep-seated hydrothermal aquifers, providing them with temperature and an important gaseous component. Isotopic data estimates a recharge altitude of approximately 800 m for this spring, and 23 to 30 years of age.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Agronomic management of AMF functional diversity to overcome biotic and abiotic stresses - The role of plant sequence and intact extraradical mycelium

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    Intentional use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in cropping systems has been marginal, owing to the high cost and limited biodiversity of commercial inocula, together with the timeliness of colonization to achieve benefits. Additionally, mycorrhiza are considered incompatible with high input cropping systems. Combining results from 4 different experiments resulted in a strategy for the earlier and faster colonization by AMF, through an extensive extraradical mycelium (ERM) acting as a preferential source of inoculum if kept intact by the adoption of appropriate tillage techniques. Selection of host plants on which the ERM develops, provides the tool to manage AMF functional diversity. This strategy resulted in protection of sensitive crop species against biotic and abiotic stresses and can be implemented in low- and high-input cropping systems. Under Mn toxicity arbuscular colonisation increased 2.6- and shoot dry weight 2.3-fold. In presence of Fusarium, arbuscular colonisation increased 2.1- and shoot dry weight 1.5-fold