2,458 research outputs found

    Insights on the changing dynamics of cemetery use in the neolithic and chalcolithic of southern Portugal. Radiocarbon dating of Lugar do Canto Cave (Santarém)

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    Lugar do Canto Cave is one of the most relevant Neolithic burial caves in Portugal given not only its extraordinary preservation conditions at the time of discovery but also the quality of the field record obtained during excavation. Its material culture immediately pointed to a Middle Neolithic cemetery but recent radiocarbon determinations also allowed the recognition of an apparent two step phasing of its use within the period (ca. 4000-3400 cal BC): an older one characterized by a single burial and a later reoccupation as a collective necropolis. Comparisons with other well-dated cave cemeteries in Southern Portugal permitted the recognition of changing funerary practices and strategies of cemetery use during the later stages of the Neolithic and the Chalcolithic: 1) ca. 3800 cal BC as the possible turning point from the practice of individual to collective burials; 2) alternating periods of intensive use and deliberate abandonment of cemeteries (evidenced by their intentional closure). Research avenues to investigate the social organization and ideological context underlying these aspects of the Neolithic communities in greater depth are tentatively pointed out in this paper.FEDER funds through the Programa Operacional Factores de Competividade (COMPETE

    Extremal Dependence in International Output Growth: Tales from the Tails

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    The statistical modelling of extreme values has recently received substantial attention in a broad spectrum of sciences. Given that in a wide variety of scenarios, one is mostly concerned with explaining tail events (say, an economic recession) than central ones, the need to rely on statistical methods well qualified for modelling extremes arises. Unfortunately, several classical tools regularly applied in the analysis of central events, are simply innapropriate for the analysis of extreme values. In particular, Pearson correlation is not a proper measure for assessing the level of agreement of two variables when one is concerned with tail events. This paper explores the comovement of the economic activity of several OECD countries during periods of large positive and negative growth (right and left tails, respectively). Extremal measures are here applied as means to assess the degree of cross-country tail dependence of output growth rates. Our main empirical findings are: (i) the comovement is much stronger in left tails than in right tails; (ii) asymptotic independence is claimed by the data; (iii) the dependence in the tails is considerably stronger than the one arising from a Gaussian dependence model. In addition, our results suggest that, among the typical determinants for explaining international output growth synchronization, only economic specialization similarity seems to play a role at extreme events.

    A Actividade Logística em Missões de Manutenção de Paz

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    As missões de manutenção de paz tiveram origem durante a guerra- fria e surgiram com o intuito de mediar os conflitos entre os Estados, com a presença de militares sob o comando da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU). Estas missões visam ajudar os países atingidos pela guerra a recuperar a estabilidade política e social de modo a garantir aos seus habitantes as condições mínimas de vida em paz e segurança. A primeira missão de manutenção de paz, foi autorizada em 1948 (que ainda se encontra em execução) e teve como objectivo a mediação de um cessar-fogo Árabe Israelita, no âmbito da ONU. Em Abril de 1949, Portugal fez parte de um grupo de 12 países que assinou um documento que dá origem à Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte (OTAN), de cariz vincadamente militar e que teve como objectivo inicial criar uma força oponente ao bloco soviético, que mais tarde se designou por Pacto de Varsóvia. Este acordo previa também que os Estados signatários prestariam auxílio mútuo em caso de ataque a qualquer um dos países membros, bem como uma cooperação estratégica em tempo de paz. A Força Aérea Portuguesa (FAP) tem vindo a participar nestas acções de Manutenção de Paz, há cerca de doze anos, através do envio de Forças Nacionais Destacadas (FND), lideradas por diversas Organizações Internacionais (OI), em vários Teatros de Operações (TO) no globo terrestre. Este trabalho individual é resultado da motivação do autor em efectuar uma investigação sobre a doutrina e os procedimentos vigentes na articulação do apoio logístico, na FAP, às missões de manutenção de paz, no sentido de apontar as soluções que aumentem as capacidades logísticas, identificando as limitações e potencialidades associadas à prontidão das forças destacadas e ao sucesso da missão. Abstract: Peacekeeping missions originated during the cold war with the purpose of mediating the conflicts between states, with the presence of military forces under the command of the United Nations. These missions aim to help those countries affected by war in order for them to recover the political and social stability and rebuild themselves so as to guarantee minimum conditions of life, peace and economic growth to their citizens. The first Peacekeeping Mission was authorized in 1948 (still going on) and aimed to negotiate a cease- fire between Arabs and Israelis, under the United Nations. In April 1949 Portugal took part in a group of twelve countries that signed a document which created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), an organization of a military nature whose initial objective was to create a force to oppose the soviet bloc, later designated Warsaw Pact. This agreement also established that the member states would guarantee mutual support in case of attack to any of the member countries, as well as strategic cooperation in peace time. The Portuguese Air Force (PRTAF) has been participating in these Peacekeeping actions for twelve years, through deployed national forces in peace support operations, led by several international organizations in different theatres of operation. This work represents the result of the author’s motivation to conduct a research on the doctrine and procedures in force in the articulation of the PRTAF logistic support to the peacekeeping missions, in order to point out the solutions which can increase the logistic capabilities, identifying the limitations and potentialities associated with the readiness of deployed forces and the success of the mission

    Tackling Metastasis with Gold Nanoparticles: Inhibition of Intercellular Communication Mediated by Cancer Cells-Derived Exosomes

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    Metastases are accountable for at least 66.7% of cancer deaths, implying a terminal illness for the great majority of patients diagnosed with metastatic cancer. The last and rate-limiting step in invasion-metastasis cascade is colonization. Colonization is the process by which disseminated tumour cells penetrate distant tissues and adapt to the foreign “soil” in order to prosper. To hasten colonization, cancer cells often secrete soluble factors and extracellular vesicles such as exosomes through systemic circulation, which ultimately lead to creation of tumour permissive microenvironments at secondary organs, pre-metastatic niches. Exosomal integrins α6β1 and α6β4 secreted by MDA-MB-231 cells, a human breast cancer cell line, were found to specifically fuse with lung-resident fibroblasts and epithelial cells. The cargo release within recipient cells activates Src and upregulates pro-inflammatory S100 genes, which generates lung pre-metastatic niches and promotes lung tropic metastasis. In this case, cell-cell communication via exosomes between primary tumour cells and microenvironment of distant organs is a key mediator of metastasis progression. Taken into account the recent bet on antisense oligonucleotides therapeutics and the advent of nanotechnology, a gold-nanoconjugate with gene silencing activity was produced. This was achieved by functionalizing gold nanoparticles with an antisense oligonucleotide designed to silence ITGA6, the gene that encodes the α6 subunit, present in integrins α6β1 and α6β4. The silencing efficacy was evaluated using MDA-MB-231 cells at the RNA and protein levels, and the existence of phenotypical changes between untreated and treated cells was assessed. The nanoconjugate showed silencing activity. Reduced cellular levels of integrins α6β1 and α6β4 may lead to diminished packaging of these receptors into exosomes and impairment of integrin-mediated lung tropic metastasis. This nanoscale approach has potential to be employed to prevent lung metastasis, but further studies are required.Pelo menos 66.7% das mortes por cancro são atribuídas à presença de metástases, implicando uma doença terminal para a grande maioria dos pacientes diagnosticados com cancro metastático. O passo limitante da cascata de invasão-metastização é o último passo, a colonização. A colonização é o processo pelo qual células tumorais disseminadas penetram tecidos distantes e se adaptam a “solo” desconhecido de modo a prosperar. Para acelerar o processo de colonização, as células cancerígenas libertam frequentemente fatores solúveis e vesículas extracelulares como os exossomas através da circulação sistémica, o que conduz à criação de microambientes permissivos ao desenvolvimento tumoral noutros órgãos, os nichos pré-metastáticos. Descobriu-se que as integrinas exossomais α6β1 e α6β4, libertadas por células do cancro da mama, se ligam especificamente a fibroblastos e células epiteliais residentes nos pulmões. A libertação do conteúdo exossomal nas células recetoras ativa a proteína Src e aumenta a expressão dos genes pro-inflamatórios S100. Esta interação leva à formação de nichos pré-metastáticos no pulmão e promove a metastização com tropismo para o pulmão. Neste caso, a comunicação célula-célula via exossomas entre o tumor primário e microambientes de órgãos distantes é o mediador chave da progressão metastática. Tendo em conta a recente aposta nas terapêuticas de oligonucleótidos antisense e o advento da nanotecnologia, foi produzido um nanoconjugado de ouro com atividade de silenciamento génico. Isto foi alcançado através da funcionalização de nanopartículas de ouro com um oligonucleótido antisense desenhado para silenciar ITGA6, o gene que codifica para a subunidade α6 das integrinas α6β1 e α6β4. A eficácia do silenciamento foi avaliada ao nível do RNA e da proteína usando células MDA-MB-231, e foi verificada também a existência de alterações fenotípicas entre células tratadas e não tratadas. O nanoconjugado demonstrou atividade de silenciamento génico. A redução dos níveis de integrinas α6β1 e α6β4 pode levar à diminuição do empacotamento destes recetores nos exossomas e travar a metastização com tropismo para o pulmão mediada por integrinas. Esta estratégia à nanoescala tem potencial para ser utilizada para prevenir a metastização nos pulmões, mas são necessários mais estudos

    Novos dados sobre dois temas da Pré-História do Sul de Portugal: o Mirense e o processo de neolitização

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    O presente texto resulta da conferência apresentada pelo signatário na sessão inaugural do III Encontro de Arqueologia do Sudoeste Peninsular, que teve lugar em Aljustrel entre 26 e 28 de Outubro de 2006. A conferência, intitulada “O Mesolítico e o Neolítico do Sul de Portugal”, centrou-se em dois grandes temas da arqueologia pré-histórica do Alentejo e Algarve: o Languedocense e o processo de neolitização. Uma vez que as actas do referido Encontro se publicam em CD-ROM, optou-se por publicar aquela conferência também na presente revista, retomando-se para isso o texto original (Carvalho, 2007a), sobre o qual se introduziram no entanto alterações pontuais e se incorporaram dados isotópicos inéditos, entretanto obtidos através de informações pessoais de outros investigadores, respeitantes ao segundo daqueles temas (ver adiante). Deste modo, este texto, tal como o original, estrutura-se em função daqueles dois grandes temas e foca aspectos dos mesmos para os quais contribuem dados obtidos em escavações recentemente levadas a cabo em dois sítios arqueológicos do Barlavento Algarvio: o concheiro da Idade do Bronze de Catalão e o sítio Mesolítico e Neolítico antigo de Vale Boi, ambos em Vila do Bispo

    Algar do Bom Santo: a research project on the Neolithic populations of Portuguese Estremadura (6th-4th millennia BC)

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    O presente artigo tem como propósito a apresentação do conteúdo, âmbito e objectivos do projecto de investigação consignado ao estudo da gruta-necrópole neolítica do Algar do Bom Santo (freguesia da Abrigada, concelho de Alenquer). Quando pertinentes, incluem-se também breves descrições preliminares dos resultados dos trabalhos de campo realizados neste sítio pela Dra. Cidália Duarte entre 1994 e 2001. No seu essencial, o texto que se segue corresponde à componente técnico-científica do projecto submetido a financiamento à Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, razão pela qual, aliás, se encontra redigido em língua inglesa. As principais alterações tiveram em vista a introdução de um maior desenvolvimento das diversas partes que compunham o conjunto da candidatura, assim como o seu encadeamento numa sequenciação lógica. Acrescentou-se ainda uma bibliografia mais completa e algumas fotografias obtidas aquando dos referidos trabalhos de campo

    Clinical supervision in nursing – strategy for knowledge and quality of care

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    The demands placed on health professionals, mainly on nurses, are varied and highly complex. We live with changes in lifestyles, an increase in chronic diseases and an increasingly advanced age, raising the need to monetize resources and guarantee excellence of care. These factors, among many others, impel health professionals to think about their practice and develop strategies that ensure their personal and professional development. The increasing complexity of health problems has highlighted the interest in understanding the implications of the concepts of multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in care, thereby resulting in the need to ensure strategies for developing the knowledge and the discipline of nursing.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Learning Activities with Semantic. Hypermedia in Higher Education

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    The increasing use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in diverse professional and personal contexts calls for new knowledge, and a set of abilities, competences and attitudes, for an active and participative citizenship. In this context it is acknowledged that universities have an important role innovating in the educational use of digital media to promote an inclusive digital literacy. The educational potential of digital technologies and resources has been recognized by both researchers and practitioners. Multiple pedagogical models and research approaches have already contributed to put in evidence the importance of adapting instructional and learning practices and processes to concrete contexts and educational goals. Still, academic and scientific communities believe further investments in ICT research is needed in higher education. This study focuses on educational models that may contribute to support digital technology uses, where these can have cognitive and educational relevance when compared to analogical technologies. A teaching and learning model, centered in the active role of the students in the exploration, production, presentation and discussion of interactive multimedia materials, was developed and applied using the internet and exploring emergent semantic hypermedia formats. The research approach focused on the definition of design principles for developing class activities that were applied in three different iterations in undergraduate courses from two institutions, namely the University of Texas at Austin, USA and the University of Lisbon, Portugal. The analysis of this study made possible to evaluate the potential and efficacy of the model proposed and the authoring tool chosen in the support of metacognitive skills and attitudes related to information structuring and management, storytelling and communication, using computers and the internet