2,319 research outputs found

    Transcritical Carbon Dioxide Charge-Discharge Energy Storage with Integration of Solar Energy

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    New and improved energy storage technologies are required to overcome non-dispatchability, which is the main challenge for the successful integration of large shares of renewable energy within energy supply systems. Energy storage is proposed to tackle daily variations on the demand side, i.e., storing low-price energy during off-peak or valley periods for utilization during peak periods. Regarding electrical energy storage, several technologies are available with different potentials for scalability, density, and cost. A recent approach for grid-scale applications is based on transcritical carbon dioxide charge and discharge cycles in combination with thermal energy storage systems. This alternative to pumped-hydro and compressed air energy storage has been discussed in scientific literature, where different configurations have been proposed and their efficiency and costs calculated. The potential of the concept has been demonstrated to be an economical alternative, including hybrid concepts with solar thermal storage. Even at low temperatures, the addition of solar energy has proved to be cost effective. This paper explores the effect of introducing solar-based high temperature heat on the performance of different configurations of “Transcritical carbon dioxide ‒ thermal energy storage system” cycles. A base-cycle with 8-hour discharge time is compared with different layouts. Discussions include details on the models, parametric analyses -including solar technology alternatives-, and simulation results. Round trip efficiency of the base case, without solar support and at pressure ratio of 9.4, is 52%. When solar input is considered, the efficiency is above 60%, increasing the turbine inlet temperature to 950 K. Estimated levelized cost of electricity values are in the range of pumped hydro and compressed air energy storage, 90-140 USD/MWh in agreement with other works on this thermal storage technology. The global analysis shows clear advantages for advancing in the study and definition of this technology for exploitation of synergies at different power ranges, integrated with mid/high temperature solar power plants and with smaller-scale renewable installations.Unión Europea. Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional SOE1 / P3 / P0429E

    Life cycle assessment of power generation systems in Spain: Exploring a broader view from a consequential perspective

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    Developing new clean power generation systems is a research priority for the energy sector, and selection should be based on environmental performance over the entire lifetime. Consequential Life Cycle Assessment evaluates the consequences of this selection and provides environmental data to support decision-making. This research uses a consequential approach to assess the environmental impacts of two medium power generation systems. The selected environmental impact assessment methods are IPCC 2013 GWP 100y and ReCiPe 2016. Moreover, the work describes a methodology for finding the marginal mix technologies for electricity and cooling energy production depending on the time horizon. The positive environmental consequences associated with short-term marginal energy mixes (electricity and cooling) progressively disappear when the marginal energy mix varies throughout time. The environmental results strongly depend on the marginal mix of technologies and evidence the necessity to develop methodologies and standards to improve the robustness of environmental assessments. A new line of discussion is opened concerning the temporal variation of environmental impacts of an energy production system, which could also be considered in Attributional Life Cycle Assessments

    Racionalidade política no jornalismo de saúde: o papel das fontes na construção da relação entre a obesidade e a pobreza no jornal brasileiro Folha de São Paulo

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    Nas últimas décadas a obesidade tornou-se uma das maiores preocupações na saúde pública. A OMS prevê que em 2015 haverá setecentos milhões de adultos obesos em todo o mundo. Este cenário se reflete na produção das notícias, em particular no modo como os média continuamente ressaltam o problema da obesidade. No Brasil, há cerca de duas décadas, a obesidade tem registado um aumento significativo na população; e parte desse aumento se dá entre os mais pobres. Logo, a pobreza, outrora vinculada à fome e ao baixo peso, é agora uma das faces da obesidade no país. Este trabalho foi feito a partir da análise de todas as notícias produzidas entre 1996 e 2005 que relacionavam a obesidade à pobreza no jornal brasileiro Folha de São Paulo. O estudo das 65 peças revelou um tema fortemente atravessado por disputas de ordem política, em especial entre 2003 e 2005, quando foram encontradas 48 peças sobre esta temática. Neste artigo, pretende-se observar como as fontes promoveram a construção da relação entre a obesidade e a pobreza nos média, de modo a legitimar certa racionalidade política

    Optimization and sensitivity analyses of a combined cooling, heat and power system for a residential building

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    In the quest for a better use of energy resources, energy integration and cogeneration strategies have been employed in the industrial and commercial sectors with considerable benefits realized. However, the residential sector remains underexplored. An optimization procedure should be carried out whenever there is a need to ensure or verify the economic viability of an energy system. This study uses Mixed Integer Linear Programming to optimize the energy supply to a residential building, with 20 floors and 40 apartments, located in the city of João Pessoa (Northeast Brazil). The equipment available includes gas engines, electric and natural gas boilers, heat exchangers, cooling towers, and absorption and mechanical chillers. The optimization establishes the optimal system configuration and operational strategy (operation throughout the year). Economic, technical, and legal aspects were considered in the minimization of the total annual costs associated with the building's energy supply. The energy demands were calculated on an hourly basis, throughout one year, by the EnergyPlus software and corresponded to hot water (83 MWh/year), electricity (171 MWh/year) and cooling (242 MWh/year) demands. The optimal system was entirely reliant on the electric grid to meet the electricity demand directly and to satisfy heating and cooling demands by means of an electric hot water boiler and a mechanical chiller. The optimal solution is tested by varying, within reasonable limits, selected parameters: natural gas and electricity tariffs, the behavior of residents, amortization factor and relationship between the tariffs of electricity and natural gas

    La mediación como sistema complementario de administración de justicia en Brasil: la experiencia de Bahia

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Derecho. Departamento de Derecho Público y Filosofía Jurídic


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    O presente artigo tem por objetivo, compreender os desafios e perspectivas do processo de desenvolvimento de uma unidade de educação infantil, a partir da homologação da Resolução CNE/CEB nº 01/2011(BRASIL, 2011). Este artigo é fruto de uma pesquisa realizada junto ao Serviço de Educação Infantil do Hospital Universitário, da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (GONÇALVES, 2014). A referida Resolução (BRASIL, 2011) na medida em que normatiza, interfere, substancialmente, no contexto de desenvolvimento social e organizacional da unidade de educação infantil, uma vez que apresenta essencialmente uma contradição no que tange ao papel social da universidade, ou seja, ao mesmo tempo em que a universidade como instituição social no geral, deve atender a toda a comunidade onde está inserida, no singular, ela poderá negar este atendimento desconhecendo a peculiaridade de existência desta unidade educativa. A Resolução (BRASIL, 2011), desconsidera que as unidades de educação infantil ligadas às universidades federais construíram, ao longo de suas trajetórias, as mais diversas formas de organização administrativa e pedagógica, de acordo com as demandas apresentadas em cada contexto


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    As organizações vivenciam, a todo o momento, a necessidade de tomar decisões frente a problemas que, algumas vezes, apresentam várias alternativas de solução. A dimensão da decisão é diferente quando se comparam os ambientes público e privado. Inúmeras variáveis devem ser consideradas para que o nível de decisão ótimo possa ser válido em cada ambiente. Neste estudo, buscou-se avaliar a dimensão da decisão em uma Instituição Pública de Ensino e em uma organização privada na área de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação. Por meio da pesquisa multicasos, mediante questionário tipo survey foi possível traçar algumas perspectivas dos gestores que decidem e as características e diferenças existentes na prática da decisão nos segmentos analisados

    Ampliando o acesso livre a informação: a digitalização do acervo do Núcleo Temático da Seca

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    FREIRE, Isa Maria, et al. Ampliando o acesso livre a informaçao: a digitalizaçao do acervo do Nucleo Tematico da Seca. Pesquisa Brasileira em Ciência da Informação e Biblioteconomia, v.3, n.2, p. 137-142, 2008.Disponivel em: . Acesso em: 04 nov. 2010.As Bibliotecas Digitais constituem, na chamada Sociedade da Informação, ferramentas que permitem uma socialização da informação sem precedentes. Diante disso, esse trabalho relata as experiências em torno da implementação dos projetos constituintes da Rede de Projetos pertencentes ao Núcleo Temático da Seca (Nut-Seca), centro de documentação especializado sobre Seca e Semi-Árido vinculado ao Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Dentre os projetos, destaca-se a digitalização de uma das coleções do acervo, denominada Coleção Vale do Assú, bem como a experiência de construção de um e-book com a memória intelectual da Professora Terezinha de Queiroz Aranha, mentora e atual coordenadora do referido núcleo. ABSTRACT: Digital libraries are understood as tools in the current society, the so called Information Society. These tools enable wider socialization of information like never before. Thus, this work aims to detail experiences that took place in the digitalization project at Núcleo Temático da Seca (Nut-Seca), a documentation center specialized in the drought phenomenon at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). In order to address these issues, some elements were pointed out such as the ones of the Project Network, the Oficina da Memória, and a satellite project that deals with recollection of the memory of the documentation center, as well as experiences done for the construction of an e-book on the intellectual memory of Professor Terezinha de Queiroz Aranh

    Optimization of a wind powered desalination and pumped hydro storage system

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    The penetration of intermittent renewable energy sources, for instances wind power, in the power system of isolated islands is limited, even when there is large potential. The wind power that cannot be directly injected in the power grid is usually curtailed. In addition, some islands need to desalinate seawater to produce fresh water, increasing the pressure on the power system, because desalination needs electricity. Nevertheless, the water scarcity problem of an island can be part of the solution of the problem of its integration of intermittent renewable energy sources. To tackle this issue, a system was proposed to use the excess wind power in desalination units and in a pumped hydro storage, resulting in an integrated power and water supply system that would minimize the wind power curtailed. This paper proposes a methodology to optimize the size and operational strategy of this wind powered desalination and pumped hydro storage system. The objective is to minimize the total annualized production costs, maximize the percentage of renewable energy sources in the total power production and minimize the wind power curtailed. To solve this optimization problem, a derivative free multiobjective optimization method (Direct MultiSearch) is used. This methodology is applied to the integrated power and water supply system proposed for the island of S. Vicente, in Cape Verde. The results show that the penetration of renewable energy sources can reach 84% with a 27% decrease of power and water production costs and 67% decrease of CO2 emissions, in relation to the values foreseen for 2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio