286 research outputs found

    Co-design and mass customization in the Portuguese footwear cluster: an exploratory study

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    In the present, consumers tend to be more knowledgeable and interventive, requiring an active role in the way how they relate to brands and products. To meet this need, several sectors of the fashion industry saw this as a market opportunity and adopted approaches of Collaborative Design and Mass Customization. The footwear sector was not indifferent to this new paradigm of creation, production, distribution, and consumption, and several worldwide brands adopted innovative strategies. In Portugal, despite footwear being a mature industry with a strong tradition and worldwide recognition, it is necessary to continuously invest in innovation-based competitiveness, exploring the opportunities of Industry 4.0. Thus, the study seeks to analyse this important sector of the Portuguese economy, in order to perceive the acceptance, vision, and expectations regarding the approaches of Co-design and Mass Customization. In this way, seven companies with national relevance were studied based on a questionnaire survey. Findings show the industry's interest in Co-design and customization, despite the concern about the effort and risk associated to the transition and implementation of the productive approach. Relevant data for the development of collaborative models of footwear customization are gathered in this study.This work is supported by Project UID/CTM/00264/2019 of 2C2T – Centre for Textile Science and Technology, funded by National Founds through FCT/MCTES and by FAMEST Project (projeto de IDT em co-promoção mobilizador n. 24529, 2017-2020)

    Portuguese version of the PTSD Checklist-Military Version (PCL-M) - II: diagnostic utility.

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    Objective: War veterans are at high risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and the development of brief self-report instruments that enable screening for PTSD in this population is crucial. The PTSD Checklist-Military Version (PCL-M) is widely used for this purpose. This study sought to explore the diagnostic utility of the Portuguese version of the PCL-M. Methods: The participants were 86 Portuguese Colonial War veterans (42 with a PTSD diagnosis and 44 without PTSD). Participants completed a self-report instrument designed to collect sociodemographic data, the PCL-M, and the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS). Results: The area under the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve showed excellent discriminant ability between subjects with and without PTSD (AUC = 0.94). To achieve a positive PTSD diagnosis, an optimal cutoff point of 49 for the PCL-M total score and cutoff points for each of its 17 items are recommended. Conclusions: This work is a relevant contribution for research and clinical practice in the vast population of Portuguese Colonial War veterans. Use of the PCL-M as a screening tool for PTSD symptoms will allow easier, resource-aware targeting of subjects with a potential PTSD diagnosis, adding to the improvement of public health in Portugal

    Planeamento de markerting : caso Dominó - Indústrias Cerâmicas, S. A.

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    Relatório de estágio do mestrado em Gestão, apresentado à Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, sob a orientação de Filipe Almeida

    Smartsuit Design

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    A sociedade contemporânea vive rodeada de artefactos e serviços cada vez mais diversificados. Nesta corrente, o design mergulha na era dos têxteis inteligentes e na incorporação desta tecnologia no desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Se, por um lado, este novo tipo de têxteis pode satisfazer uma necessidade prática, por outro, poderá tornar-se uma expressão de identidade cultural. Esta mudança no têxtil é alcançada através de novos materiais, tecnologias e abordagens multidisciplinares. A introdução de tecnologias de computação em estruturas têxteis oferece uma oportunidade para o desenvolvimento de produtos têxteis com novos comportamentos e funcionalidades. Através do projeto aqui apresentado, pretende-se inovar e desenvolver produtos têxteis inteligentes. Após pesquisa sistemática foi selecionada uma área de intervenção tecnológica – a medida da atividade cardíaca, conjugada com uma atividade desportiva, o ciclismo. Este documento descreve o processo de design e desenvolvimento de um skinsuit para ciclismo, com elétrodos embebidos para a monitorização da frequência cardíaca e desempenho físico – de forma prática e discreta. Os elétrodos foram produzidos e testados, utilizando diferentes materiais e técnicas têxteis. A medição do sinal é feita através do dispositivo BBB - Bluetooth 4.0 (Y8YBH20) e os testes de desempenho foram realizados pelo aplicativo móvel BBB - Bikeboard. Como resultado, foi obtido um skinsuit com design contemporâneo.Contemporary society lives surrounded by increasingly diverse artefacts and services. In this chain, design plunges into the era of smart textiles and the incorporation of this technology in the development of new products. Whilst on one hand, this new type of textiles can satisfy a practical need; on the other hand, it can become an expression of cultural identity. This change in the textile is achieved through new materials, technologies and multidisciplinary approaches. The introduction of computing technologies into textile structures offers an opportunity for the development of textile products with new behaviours and functionalities. Through the project presented here, we intend to innovate and develop smart textile products. After systematic research, an area of technological intervention was selected - the measurement of cardiac activity, coupled with a sporting activity, cycling. This document describes the design and development process of a skinsuit for cycling, with embedded electrodes for monitoring heart rate and physical performance - practically and discreetly. The electrodes were produced and tested using different materials and textile techniques. Through the BBB - Bluetooth 4.0 device (Y8YBH20) signal measurement is done, and the BBB - Bikeboard mobile application was used for performance tests. As a result, a skinsuit with a contemporary design was obtained.Suportado pelo Programa Operacional Regional do Norte, nos termos do Aviso de Abertura de Candidatura n.o NORTE-45-2015-02 – Sistema de Apoio à Investigação Científica e Tecnológica – “Projetos Estruturados de I&D&I”, enquadrado na Unidade de Investigação IPC/i3N. Este livro foi desenvolvido no âmbito do projeto – TSSiPRO - Technologies for Sustainable and Smart Innovative Products, código da operação NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000015

    Savoring : uma forma de promover o bem-estar? : a relação entre as crenças, as estratégias de savoring e o bem-estar pessoal nos adolescentes : um estudo exploratório

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Stress e Bem-Estar - Intervenção na Família, na Escola, e no Trabalho), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, 2009A investigação sobre os processos de adaptação indica que numa situação de stress também se pode experienciar eustress (Nelson, D. L. & Simmons, B. L., 2003), mas poucos estudos foram feitos sobre como é que se desfrutam as experiências emocionais positivas. Bryant e Veroff (2007) salientam que a forma de verdadeiramente desfrutar a nossa vida passa por, apreciar, aumentar e atender a experiências positivas e apresentam-nos um modelo para estudar este processo designado savoring. Para estes autores este processo constitui um mediador da relação entre as condições objectivas da nossa vida e a frequência da experiência de emoções positivas, ou seja o savoring é um meio para promover o bem-estar. Este estudo centra-se no modelo de savoring e tem como objectivos: traduzir e adaptar para português as escalas Savoring Beliefs Inventory (SBI) e Ways of Savoring Checklist (WOSC) e explorar as relações existentes entre as crenças e as estratégias de savoring e o nível de Bem-Estar nos adolescentes, medido através da Escala de Bem-Estar Psicológico para Adolescentes - EBEPA (Bizarro, 1999). O estudo das características psicométricas dos instrumentos na amostra revelou resultados encorajadores para a investigação, em adolescentes, das estratégias de savoring e das crenças sobre a capacidade para desfrutar um acontecimento positivo. Entre os resultados encontrados destaca-se o efeito indirecto, positivo e significativo, da crença relativa à capacidade para desfrutar um acontecimento positivo no Bem-Estar através da estratégia de partilha com os outros.Studies have shown that during a stressful event people may also experience eustress (Nelson, D. L. & Simmons, B. L., 2003), but little research has been done on how people savor these positive emotional experiences. Bryant e Veroff (2007) proposed a model to explain how we attend to, appreciate and enhance positive experiences entitled the savoring process. Also, the authors consider this process as a key moderator of the relationship between one‟s life conditions and the frequency of positive emotions. We can say that, savoring is a way to promote well-being. In this study we translated and adapted to Portuguese the Savoring Beliefs Inventory (SBI) and Ways of Savoring Checklist (WOSC), and made used of the savoring model to understand the relationship between savoring strategies and beliefs, and adolescent well-being (AWB), evaluated with Adolescent‟s Psychological Well-Being Scale EBEPA (Bizarro, 1999) A preliminary analysis of the psychometrics aspects of the instruments has revealed promising results that support further research on the evaluation of savoring beliefs and strategies among adolescents. Specifically, our results show the indirect, positive and significant effect of the belief in being able to savor positive experience on well-being, through sharing with others

    WETWALL - an innovative design concept for the treatment of wastewater at an urban scale

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    Rising temperatures, increasing food demand and scarcity of water and land resources highlight the importance of promoting the sustainable expansion of agriculture to our urban environment, while preserving water resources. Treating urban wastewaters, such as greywater and hydroponic wastewater, may represent a strategic point for the implementation of urban farming, ensuring food security, reducing pressures on water resources and promoting climate change mitigation. The WETWALL design concept proposes a unique ecotechnology for secondary wastewater treatment at an urban scale, which brings the novelty of a modular living wall hybrid flow. This concept is based on the integration of two established nature-based solutions/ecomimetic designs: constructed wetlands and a modular living walls. First presented is an overview about the state of the art in the scope of living walls treating wastewater, in order to identify the main design aspects related to the performance of such systems, which mainly concerns the removal of nitrates and phosphates. Second, the WETWALL design concept is presented. A scheme regarding the selection of the main components, such as plants and substrate, is proposed, and potential structure developments and operation strategies are discussed. In addition, considering the scope of integrating the circular economy with the design process, potential interactions between this technology and the urban environment are discussed. The main goal of this article is to substantiate the potential of the WETWALL design concept as an innovative wastewater treatment at an urban scale.Biggest thanks to the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – Brazil (CNPQ), for their financial support (doctoral fellowship). The authors also would like to thank the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain), the Aarhus University (Denmark) and the research groups GREA (2014 SGR 123), DIOPMA (2014 SGR 1543) and GICITED (2014 SGR 1298)

    Portuguese version of the PTSD Checklist-Military Version (PCL-M) --II: diagnostic utility

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    Objective: War veterans are at high risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and the development of brief self-report instruments that enable screening for PTSD in this population is crucial. The PTSD Checklist-Military Version (PCL-M) is widely used for this purpose. This study sought to explore the diagnostic utility of the Portuguese version of the PCL-M. Methods: The participants were 86 Portuguese Colonial War veterans (42 with a PTSD diagnosis and 44 without PTSD). Participants completed a self-report instrument designed to collect sociodemographic data, the PCL-M, and the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS). Results: The area under the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve showed excellent discriminant ability between subjects with and without PTSD (AUC = 0.94). To achieve a positive PTSD diagnosis, an optimal cutoff point of 49 for the PCL-M total score and cutoff points for each of its 17 items are recommended. Conclusions: This work is a relevant contribution for research and clinical practice in the vast population of Portuguese Colonial War veterans. Use of the PCL-M as a screening tool for PTSD symptoms will allow easier, resource-aware targeting of subjects with a potential PTSD diagnosis, adding to the improvement of public health in Portugal

    Mapping the scientific knowledge of antimicrobial resistance in food-producing animals

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) can be highlighted as one of the most significant health concerns among the last decades, for which antimicrobial drug use in food-producing animals has contributed as one of the major drivers. Food-producing animals are one of the most important and rapidly expanding commercial agricultural sectors worldwide but there is currently limited knowledge on the temporal and geographical distribution of scientific research on antimicrobial resistance in food-producing animals. We provide a global overview of the spatial and temporal trends of scientific knowledge on AMR in food-producing animals. Peer-reviewed papers of AMR on food-producing animals were retrieved from the Web of Science, systemized and dissected. The final validated dataset contained 1341 occurrences observations covering the 1957–2018 period. There has been a shift of research efforts, both geographically and temporally, emphasizing regional differences in food animal production and changing practices in the food production industry. It becomes evident that many regions have been poorly surveyed, wherein intensified sampling and testing efforts should be most valuable. This systematization of knowledge will be crucial in helping to determine how to optimally allocate limited resources available for AMR monitor and control, aiding in the prediction where the threat of new resistant infections will be greatest. AMR research in food-producing animals in developing countries is markedly growing, reflecting changes in food animals production systems but also posing a particularly significant threat, not only due to intensive animal production, but also exacerbated by poor sanitation. We highlight that the use of antibiotics in food producing animals is pervasive, calling for urgent action. These findings raise the possibility to finetuning key priorities on AMR global issues.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Exploring tomato phenotypic variability under combined nitrogen and water deficit

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    Background: Despite drought and nitrogen (N) deficit being two of the most important crops’ growth limiting factors, only few studies have explored tomato phenotypic variability in response to both abiotic stresses. Aims: In this study, we aimed to perform a phenotypic evaluation and an analysis of the growth traits of 40 tomato genotypes (mostly focusing on old cultivars, but also including modern hybrids and wild tomato relatives’ accessions as anchors) grown in pots that were subjected to combined N and water deficit. Methods: Each genotype was divided into two groups: control (100% N, 100% field capacity) and combined deficit (20% N, 50% field capacity). A total of 14 morpho-physiological traits were evaluated and further analyzed using multivariate statistical methods. Results: The Principal Component Analyses revealed considerable phenotypical diversity among tomato genotypes, with four principal components explaining 82% of the variability. Data integration on a cluster analysis separated the studied genotypes into three distinct clusters based on their ability to handle the combined deficit. Tolerance was associated with traits such as lower specific leaf area, lower leaf area ratio and higher water use efficiency, comparing to the sensitive genotypes. Conclusions: This study shows that tomato tolerance to combined N and water deficit largely varies between genotypes and that old cultivars represent a valuable gene pool towards more sustainable food production systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio