4,592 research outputs found

    Periodismo alternativo en Brasil: ¿qué voces se escuchan?

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    This work presents partial findings of research that began in 2015 which aims to understand how alternative journalism is evolving in the digital sphere in Brazil. We discuss the concept of alternative journalism based on the context as well as the main characteristics of this kind of journalism, and focused our data gathering on the type of sources consulted by the websites. We considered four kinds of sources: Official, Unofficial, Expert, and Witness. We then used documental and content analysis of over 190 articles. This preliminary result shows that this kind of website cites, still, a majority of Official and Experts sources.Este trabajo presenta los resultados parciales de la investigación que comenzó en 2015 y tiene como objetivo comprender cómo se está desarrollando el periodismo alternativo en la esfera digital en Brasil. Discutimos aquí el concepto de periodismo alternativo en función del contexto, y las principales características posibles manejadas por este tipo de periodismo. Centramos nuestra búsqueda de datos en el tipo de fuentes consultadas por los sitios web seleccionados. Consideramos cuatro tipos de fuentes: Oficiales, no Oficiales, Expertos y Testigos. Como metodología, utilizamos el análisis documental y de contenido de más de 190 artículos. Este resultado muestra que este tipo de sitio web todavía cita una mayoría de fuentes Oficiales y de Expertos

    A Esquerda AceitAvel: A Transicao Do Pt Para O Reformismo No Contexto Das Eleicoes De 1994, 1998 E 2002

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    This article has the challenge to discuss the ambivalent relationship between arrival in the power through concessions to conservative sectors of society foreshadowed in the letter to the Brazilian people and the discourse of the struggle for power based on the argument of search for relevant social gains in which part of the Brazilian left is immersed since the victory of Workers Party in 2002 in the presidential election in Brazil Here are the actors and the main events that give basis for the proposed discussion To give theoretical basis we analyze the case in light of Marxian theory seeking to enable reflections on the question some sectors of the Brazilian left do not perform structural failure in the power system in the country made the social reformism and economic conservative as a search of power articulating the cooling of tensions between the classes We conclude that the proposed reformism is a mechanism not completely abandoned the search for social justice proposals however it is the exclusion of any possibility of structural changes whether the values in the order or in the structure of dominatio

    A Esquerda AceitAvel: A Transicao Do Pt Para O Reformismo No Contexto Das Eleicoes De 1994, 1998 E 2002

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    This article has the challenge to discuss the ambivalent relationship between arrival in the power through concessions to conservative sectors of society foreshadowed in the letter to the Brazilian people and the discourse of the struggle for power based on the argument of search for relevant social gains in which part of the Brazilian left is immersed since the victory of Workers Party in 2002 in the presidential election in Brazil Here are the actors and the main events that give basis for the proposed discussion To give theoretical basis we analyze the case in light of Marxian theory seeking to enable reflections on the question some sectors of the Brazilian left do not perform structural failure in the power system in the country made the social reformism and economic conservative as a search of power articulating the cooling of tensions between the classes We conclude that the proposed reformism is a mechanism not completely abandoned the search for social justice proposals however it is the exclusion of any possibility of structural changes whether the values in the order or in the structure of dominatio

    Anderson localization on the Falicov-Kimball model with Coulomb disorder

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    The role of Coulomb disorder is analysed in the Anderson-Falicov-Kimball model. Phase diagrams of correlated and disordered electron systems are calculated within dynamical mean-field theory applied to the Bethe lattice, in which metal-insulator transitions led by structural and Coulomb disorders and correlation can be identified. Metallic, Mott insulator, and Anderson insulator phases, as well as the crossover between them are studied in this perspective. We show that Coulomb disorder has a relevant role in the phase-transition behavior as the system is led towards the insulator regime

    Using films to teach Public Health to portuguese medical students

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    Few published articles addressed the use of films to teach public health. This article describes our experience using films to teach public health to medical students from 2014 to 2017. Students were randomly allocated to groups and specific movies. Each group had three weeks to show and discuss the film in the classroom. Six films were used. After the exam, students were asked to complete a questionnaire. A Likert scale (1 to 5) was used in each question. The course unit was part of the 5th year of the Masters in Medicine curriculum taught at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar. This study reports the answers given by 494 students (94.8%). More than 76% of the students graded the usefulness of the course unit with the highest values of the scale (4-5). That percentage was above 86% and 89% respectively for the items contents and methods. In general, students mentioned that they had learnt a lot on the subject, especially in the films And the Band Played On, Sicko and Super Size Me. Using films to teach public health to medical students appears to be an effective way of imparting the relevant public health knowledgePocos artículos abordan el uso de películas para enseñar salud pública. Este artículo describe nuestra experiencia utilizando películas para enseñar salud pública a los estudiantes de medicina desde 2014 a 2017. Los estudiantes fueron asignados al azar en grupos y películas específicas. Cada grupo tuvo tres semanas para mostrar y discutir la película en la clase. Se utilizaron seis películas. Después del examen, se pidió a los estudiantes que completaran un cuestionario. Se utilizó una escala Likert (1-5) en cada pregunta. La asignatura formaba parte del 5º año del plan de estudios de la Maestría en Medicina que fue impartida en el Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas Abel Salazar. Este estudio reporta las respuestas de 494 estudiantes (94,8%). Más del 76% de los estudiantes calificaron la utilidad de la asignatura con los valores más altos de la escala (4-5). Ese porcentaje fue superior al 86% y 89% respectivamente para los ítems contenidos y métodos. En general, los estudiantes mencionaron que habían aprendido mucho, especialmente en las películas En el filo de la duda, Sicko y Súper engórdame. El uso de películas para enseñar salud pública a estudiantes de medicina parece ser una forma efectiva de impartir los conocimientos pertinentes de salud públic

    An overall view of physical exercise prescription and training monitoring for heart failure patients

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    Physical training for chronic heart failure (CHF) patients is well known in the scientific realm, although there are many different methods of physical exercise prescribed and different ways of monitoring such training. The object of this review is to discuss prescription and monitoring methods of physical exercise for CHF patients. (Cardiol J 2010; 17, 6: 644-649