3,447 research outputs found

    Carandiru e os espaços fraturados da memória

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    Entre os anos de 2002 e 2005, o Complexo Penitenciário do Carandiru passou por um processo de desativação que terminou com a maioria de seus pavilhões implodidos. No mesmo terreno, a partir de 2003, iniciou-se a construção do Parque da Juventude, quando o espaço passou a ser reconfigurado e a sofrer mudanças radicais em sua paisagem. É a partir desse processo de reconfiguração, de substituição de uma composição espacial por outra completamente avessa, que este artigo pretende discutir a relação que hoje se estabelece entre o espaço e as pessoas que por ele transitam, se amparando na etnografia como metodologia e na criação de fotomontagens como um movimento epistemológico para se pensar essas múltiplas temporalidades. O que o artigo se propõe a analisar é, sob uma perspectiva antropológica, os arranjos e rearranjos da memória no contexto de apagamento do Carandiru.Between years 2002 and 2005, the Carandiru's Penitentiary Complex passed through a deactivation process which led to an explosion of most of its pavilions. On the same ground, the construction of the Parque da Juventude ("Youth's Park") began in 2003. This space has been since then reconfigured, experiencing radical landscape changes. It is about this reconfiguration process, the substitution of one spatial composition to a completely opposite one, that this article intends to discuss the relations nowadays established between the territory and its frequenters, relying on ethnography as a methodology and on the creation of photomontages as an epistemological movement to think about these multiple temporalities. Being so, this study has as an objective to analyze, under anthropological bias, the arrangements and rearrangements of memory in the context of Carandiru's erasure

    Gradient-like nonlinear semigroups with infinitely many equilibria and applications to cascade systems

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    We consider an autonomous dynamical system coming from a coupled system in cascade where the uncoupled part of the system satisfies that the solutions comes from −∞ and goes to ∞ to equilibrium points, and where the coupled part generates asymptotically a gradient-like nonlinear semigroup. Then, the complete model is proved to be also gradient-like. The interest of this extension comes, for instance, in models where a continuum of equilibrium points holds, and for example a Lojasiewicz-Simon condition is satisfied. Indeed, we illustrate the usefulness of the theory with several examples.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São PauloConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoCoordenação de aperfeiçoamento de pessoal de nivel superiorMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciónJunta de AndalucíaMinisterio de Educació

    Novo trem, velhos trilhos: pelos caminhos da Noroeste

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Curso de Jornalismo

    Importância da mutação JAK2 V617F nas doenças mieloproliferativas clássicas

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    Mestrado em Biologia Molecular e CelularOs Síndromes Mieloproliferativos (SMP) são um grupo de doenças heterogéneas nas quais se verifica uma produção excessiva de células sanguíneas pelos precursores hematopoieticos. A Policitémia Vera (PV), a Trobocittémia Essencial (TE), a Mielofibrose Idiopática (MF) e a Leucemia Mielóide Crónica (LMC) são conseideradas SMP clássicas que apresentam características clínicas e biológicas comuns. Ao contrário da LMC, cuja etiologia está relacionada com a proteína constitutivamente activa BCR-ABL, o mecanismo molecular da PV, TE e MF permaneceu por muito tempo desconhecido. O grande número de estudos respeitantes ás SMP resultou em 2005 na descrição de uma mutação pontual no exão 14 do gene Janus Kinase 2 (JAK2), denominada JAK2 V617F, recorrente em pacientes com SMP clássicas BCR-ABL negativos. Esta mutação leva à activação constitutiva da proteína JAK2. Estudos recentes revelam que a mutação JAK2 V617F está presente em 83-95% de doentes com PV, 50 a 70% de doentes com TE e em cerca de 50% de doentes com MF. Os objectivos deste estudo consistem em determinar a frequência da mutação JAK2 V617F numa população de doentes dos HUC-EPE com diagnóstico de PV, TE e MF, comparar a frequência obtida com a literatura, avaliando deste modo a eficácia da metodologia usada e demonstrar que esta mutação é estatísticamente significativa nos SMP clássicos Ph-. O estudo incidiu sobre um grupo de 475 doentes aos quais foi solicitada a análise da mutação JAK2 V617F no periodo decorrente de Junho de 2006 e Maio de 2010. A metodologia usada consistiu na extracção de ADN genómico, seguida de uma reacção de PCR utilizando primers que permitiram a amplificação dos alelos normal e mutado, e sua subsequente identificação através de uma electroforese com posterior coloração utilizando nitrato de prata. Posterior análise dos resultados determinou uma frequência da mutação JAK2 V617F de 74%, 66% e 42% em pacientes com PV, TE e MF respectivamente. Utilizando o teste Qui-Quadrado de Pearson foi possivel demonstrar que: existe uma associação entre a mutação e o sexo feminino nos doentes com PV; relacionando a mutação com a doença verificou-se que a heterozigotia tem uma forte associação com a TE enquanto que a homozigotia tem associação com a PV. Por fim estabeleceu-se uma forte associação desta mutação com as SMP Ph-, ou seja, para α= 0,05 foi obtido P<0,001. Para provar estatísticamente a eficácia da metodologia usada efectuou-se o teste Qui-Quadrado de Aderência no qual X2(observado)= 4,69, inferior ao X2 (crítco)= 5,99. Este resultado é extremamente relevante pois determina que não existe necessidade de implementar outra técnica, que seria bastante mais dispendiosa, e no presente não seria vantajosa. Futuramente quando a terapía passar pelo uso de proteínas inibidoras de JAK2, será necessário efectuar um estudo semelhante para averiguar se a metologia qualitativa usada é suficiente para fazer a monitorização terapêutica.The Myeloproliferative Syndromes are a heterogeneous group of diseases in which there was an overproduction of blood cells by hematopoietic precursors. Polycythemia Vera (PV), the Essential Trobocittémia (TE), Idiopathic Myelofibrosis (MF) and Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) are classic SMP that have in common clinical and biological characteristics. Unlike the LMC, whose etiology is associated with the protein constitutively active BCR-ABL, the molecular mechanism of PV, ET and IM long still remain unknown. The large number of studies relating to SMP led in 2005, to the description of a point mutation in exon 14 of gene Janus Kinase 2 (JAK2), known as JAK2 V617F, in patients with recurrent classic SMP Ph-. This mutation leads to constitutive activation of JAK2 protein. Recent studies shown that JAK2 V617F is present in 83-95% of patients with PV, 50 to 70% of ET patients and in 50% of patients with IM. The objectives of this study were to determine the frequency of JAK2 V617F in a patient population of HUC-EPE diagnosed with PV, ET and MF, comparing the frequency obtained with the literature, thereby assessing the effectiveness of the methodology used. The study focused on a group of 475 patients who were asked to JAK2 V617F mutation analysis in the period from June 2006 to May 2010. The methodology used consisted in a extraction of genomic DNA, followed by a PCR reaction using primers that allowed the amplification of normal and mutated alleles, and their subsequent identification by an electrophoresis and staining using silver nitrate. Further analysis of the results determined a frequency of JAK2 V617F in 74%, 66% and 42% in patients with PV, ET and IM respectively. Using the Pearson chi-square test was possible to demonstrate that: the mutation has an association with female gender in PV patients, observing the relationship between the disease and the mutation was found that heterozygosity has a strong association with TE whereas homozygosity is associated with the PV. Finally we established a strong association of this mutation with Ph-SMP, to α= 0.05 was obtained a P<0,001. To statistically prove the effectiveness of the methodology was carried out a Chi-square test where X2 (observed) = 4.69 was lower than the X2 (insidious) = 5.99. This result is extremely important because it determines that there was no need to implement a quantitative technique, it would be far more expensive, and this would not be advantageous. In the future when therapy over the use of protein inhibitors of JAK2, we must perform a similar study to see whether the qualitative methodology used is enough to make the therapeutic monitorization

    Industry 4.0 Technologies: What Is Your Potential for Environmental Management?

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    The Industry 4.0 is a new industrial model characterized by excellent productive, procedural, and environmental performance. This new industry is perceived as a truly sustainable manufacturing model. And one of the aspects that most contributes to this insight is the extensive set of largely innovative technologies in the industry 4.0. Largely because such technologies are not necessarily unheard of, what changes is the integration between them in the context of industry 4.0. From this explanatory context, the purpose of this chapter is to present the full potential of industry’s 4.0 leading technologies for their highly effective Environmental Management. Thus, it is possible to understand how integrated technologies cooperate together for an environmentally sound and sustainable positioning of industry 4.0 in all its areas. The industry 4.0 has a more conscious use of natural resources, less waste, processes are leaner and the life cycles of its machines and equipment are longer. All these factors together with the technologies, contribute for the Environmental Management 4.0 to be disruptive in relation to the still industries 3.0. The chapter also presents the main challenges for the industry’s 4.0 environmentally sound and sustainable performance through its technologies

    Capacidade funcional de pessoas idosas no 1.o mês e após 3 meses de institucionalização

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    Objective: To study the functional ability, cognitive status, frailty, depression and psycho- motor performance of older adults when they are admitted to a nursing home and after residing in the nursing home for 3 months. Methodology: Longitudinal, descriptive and comparative study. 37 people (86.5 ± 5.7 years old) living in nursing homes for less than one month were recruited in the Alentejo re- gion. Data were collected during the first month of institutionalization and after three months of the initial evaluation. Results: When the participants entered in the institutions, ~83% were classified as frail, ~75% had probable depression, ~62% had some level of dependence on the activities of daily living, and ~25% had cognitive deficits. During the first three months of institutio- nalization, the level of functionality decreased, but the values of frailty and depression improved. There were no significant changes in cognitive status and psychomotor perfor- mance during this time. Conclusions: When older adults become institutionalized, they tend to show several dif- ficulties in various domains related to their health and quality of life. Despite the diffe- rent changes found in the variables investigated, in general, the first three months of ins- titutionalization did not have a negative impact on the participants. Probably, this outco- me is related to the characteristics of nursing homes. Descriptors: Institutionalization; aging; frailness; psychomotor performance; depression; cognitive dysfunction

    Industry 4.0 - What Is It?

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    The industry 4.0 is a new industrial model that characterizes the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This advanced manufacturing model is represented by intelligent, virtual, and digital performance in large-scale industries and emerges as a disruption to the three industrial revolutions that occurred before it. The new industrial model itself includes a factory-wide integrated structure and potential technologies in various areas of industry activity, and these technologies are intrinsic to industry 4.0 design principles, which are also responsible for ensuring the innovative performance of this new industry. With this explanatory context, the objective of this paper is to present what is really industry 4.0, its origin, as well as its main characteristics. In this way, knowing what the Fourth Industrial Revolution is, the readers will be able to better understand the content presented in the next chapters about the diverse potentials of the new industry

    Lithium depletion in solar analogs: age and mass effects

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    The main goal of this work is to evaluate the correlation between Li abundance, age, and mass. Using high-quality ESO/HARPS data (R \simeq 115 000; 270 \leq SNR \leq 1000), we measured Li abundances via spectral synthesis of the 6707.8 \r{A} 7^7Li line in 74 solar twins and analogs. Our joint analysis of 151 Sun-like stars (72 from our sample plus 79 solar twins from a previous study) confirms the strong Li abundance-age correlation reported by other works. Mass and convective envelope size also seem to be connected with Li abundance but with lower significance. We have found a link between the presence of planets and low Li abundances in a sample of 192 stars with a high significance. Our results agree qualitatively with non-standard models, and indicate that several extra transport mechanisms must be taken into account to explain the behaviour of Li abundance for stars with different masses and ages.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figures, to appear in MNRA


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    The present paper describes an integrative design experiment in which different types of models were used in order to achieve a design that compromises aesthetics, lightness, fabrication, assembly and structural performance. It shows how an integrative aproach, through the use of both virtual and physical models, can provide valuable feedback in different phases of the design and fabrication process. It was possible to conclude that the design method used allowed solving many problems and had a significant impact in the resulting object