3,068 research outputs found


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    No contexto do Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior (SINAES), as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) brasileiras estão vivendo um paradoxo que envolve a pesquisa e a produção acadêmica docente. Nas avaliações institucionais recai apenas sobre as Universidades a exigência da pesquisa, porém, nas avaliações de curso é exigida a produção dos docentes independentemente do tipo de IES a qual o curso está vinculado. O presente artigo é baseado em uma pesquisa mais ampla que compôs a tese de doutoramento do autor e tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir o arcabouço legal que envolve a pesquisa e a produção acadêmica nas IES brasileiras, assim como, suscitar a discussão de possíveis melhorias para o aprimoramento do SINAES. Foram estudados os principais marcos legais regulatórios da Educação Superior brasileira e os aspectos que envolvem a pesquisa acadêmica. Foi possível evidenciar que a legislação atual promove uma incongruência entre a distinção de organização das IES e os indicadores previstos nos instrumentos de avaliação do SINAES. Assim como, ficou patente que a configuração atual do sistema desestimula a produção acadêmica docente na graduação e favorece para que haja uma dissociação de ensino e pesquisa, fazendo-se necessária a discussão de ajustes que possam ao menos minimizar esses impactos. Dessa forma, busca-se contribuir para as discussões sobre o aprimoramento do SINAES e para a valorização da atividade de pesquisa na graduação em todos os tipos de IES

    A produção acadêmica docente no âmbito do sistema nacional de avaliação da educação superior (SINAES) / The academic production of professors in the scope of the national system of evaluation of higher education (SINAES)

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    No contexto do Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior (SINAES), as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) brasileiras estão vivendo um paradoxo que envolve a pesquisa e a produção acadêmica docente. Nas avaliações institucionais recai apenas sobre as Universidades a exigência da pesquisa, porém, nas avaliações de curso é exigida a produção dos docentes independentemente do tipo de IES a qual o curso está vinculado. O presente artigo é baseado em uma pesquisa mais ampla que compôs a tese de doutoramento do autor e tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir o arcabouço legal que envolve a pesquisa e a produção acadêmica nas IES brasileiras, assim como, suscitar a discussão de possíveis melhorias para o aprimoramento do SINAES. Foram estudados os principais marcos legais regulatórios da Educação Superior brasileira e os aspectos que envolvem a pesquisa acadêmica. Foi possível evidenciar que a legislação atual promove uma incongruência entre a distinção de organização das IES e os indicadores previstos nos instrumentos de avaliação do SINAES. Assim como, ficou patente que a configuração atual do sistema desestimula a produção acadêmica docente na graduação e favorece para que haja uma dissociação de ensino e pesquisa, fazendo-se necessária a discussão de ajustes que possam ao menos minimizar esses impactos. Dessa forma, busca-se contribuir para as discussões sobre o aprimoramento do SINAES e para a valorização da atividade de pesquisa na graduação em todos os tipos de IES

    Exame dos cenários nacionais e regional de avaliação e acreditação da educação superior no Mercosul / Examination of national and regional scenarios for the evaluation and accreditation of higher education in Mercosur

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    Este artigo examina as principais características dos sistemas de avaliação e acreditação da educação superior presentes nos Estados Partes do Mercosul: Argentina, Brasil, Paraguai, Uruguai e Venezuela, além da Bolívia em fase de incorporação. O estudo se compõe de uma pesquisa documental, tendo como referências os arquivos, legislações e informações públicas oficiais, disponibilizadas pelas agências e organismos responsáveis pela avaliação e acreditação de cada país. São verificados os instrumentos de avaliação institucional e de cursos de graduação, ou carreiras, na modalidade presencial, além da incidência do sistema regional, em cada país. Os resultados indicam uma discrepância em termos de garantia da qualidade da educação superior na região, a necessidade de reduzir a assimetria entre as agências nacionais e consolidar a expansão do sistema ARCU-SUL.


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    En el contexto del Sistema Nacional de Evaluaci\uf3n de la Educaci\uf3n Superior (SINAES), las Instituciones de Educaci\uf3n Superior (IES) brasile\uf1as viven una paradoja que implica la investigaci\uf3n y la producci\uf3n acad\ue9mica de los profesores. La exigencia por la investigaci\uf3n, en las evaluaciones institucionales recae s\uf3lo en las universidades. Sin embargo, en las evaluaciones de programa educativo, se exige la producci\uf3n de los profesores, independiente del tipo de la IES a la cual el programa est\ue9 vinculado. Este art\uedculo est\ue1 basado en una investigaci\uf3n m\ue1s amplia que hace parte de la tesis doctoral del autor y tiene como objetivo presentar y discutir la fundamentaci\uf3n legal a la que trata de la investigaci\uf3n y la producci\uf3n acad\ue9mica en IES brasile\uf1as, as\ued como elevar la discusi\uf3n de posibles mejoras para el perfeccionamiento del SINAES. Se estudi\uf3 las principales leyes que regulan la Educaci\uf3n Superior Brasile\uf1a y los aspectos relacionados a la investigaci\uf3n acad\ue9mica. Fue posible demostrar que la legislaci\uf3n actual promueve una incongruidad entre la distinci\uf3n de organizaci\uf3n de las IES y los indicadores establecidos en los instrumentos de evaluaci\uf3n del SINAES. As\ued como, se hizo evidente que la configuraci\uf3n actual del sistema desalienta la producci\uf3n acad\ue9mica de los profesores en la graduaci\uf3n y favorece para que haya una separaci\uf3n de la ense\uf1anza y la investigaci\uf3n, haci\ue9ndose necesaria la discusi\uf3n de ayustes que puedan por lo menos minimizar esos impactos. De esta manera, se busca contribuir a los debates acerca del perfeccionamiento del SINAES y para la valoraci\uf3n de la actividad de investigaci\uf3n en la graduaci\uf3n en todos los tipos de IES. Palabras clave: producci\uf3n acad\ue9mica, investigaci\uf3n, educaci\uf3n superior, acreditaci\uf3n, evaluaci\uf3n. ABSTRACT In the context of the National Higher Education Assessment System (SINAES), Brazilian Higher Education Institutions (IES) live a paradox that involves the research and academic production of teachers. The demand for research in institutional evaluations falls only on the universities. However, in the evaluations of the educational program, the production of teachers is required, regardless of the type of HEI to which the program is linked. This article is based on a broader research that is part of the author's doctoral thesis and aims to present and discuss the legal basis to which it deals with research and academic production in Brazilian HEI, as well as raise the discussion of possible improvements for the improvement of the SINAES. The main laws that regulate Brazilian Higher Education and the aspects related to academic research were studied. It was possible to demonstrate that the current legislation promotes an inconsistency between the organizational distinction of the HEIs and the indicators established in the evaluation instruments of the SINAES. As well as, it became evident that the current configuration of the system discourages the academic production of professors in graduation and favors so that there is a separation of teaching and research, making it necessary the discussion of prompts that can at least minimize these impacts . In this way, it seeks to contribute to the debates about the improvement of the SINAES and for the evaluation of the research activity in the graduation in all types of HEIs. Keywords: academic production, research, higher education, accreditation, evaluation. <br

    Producción académica de profesores en el contexto del sistema nacional de evaluación de la educación superior brasileña

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    In the context of the National Higher Education Assessment System (SINAES), Brazilian Higher Education Institutions (IES) live a paradox that involves the research and academic production of teachers. The demand for research in institutional evaluations falls only on the universities. However, in the evaluations of the educational program, the production of teachers is required, regardless of the type of HEI to which the program is linked. This article is based on a broader research that is part of the author's doctoral thesis and aims to present and discuss the legal basis to which it deals with research and academic production in Brazilian HEI, as well as raise the discussion of possible improvements for the improvement of the SINAES. The main laws that regulate Brazilian Higher Education and the aspects related to academic research were studied. It was possible to demonstrate that the current legislation promotes an inconsistency between the organizational distinction of the HEIs and the indicators established in the evaluation instruments of the SINAES. As well as, it became evident that the current configuration of the system discourages the academic production of professors in graduation and favors so that there is a separation of teaching and research, making it necessary the discussion of prompts that can at least minimize these impacts . In this way, it seeks to contribute to the debates about the improvement of the SINAES and for the evaluation of the research activity in the graduation in all types of HEIs.En el contexto del Sistema Nacional de Evaluación de la Educación Superior (SINAES), las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) brasileñas viven una paradoja que implica la investigación y la producción académica de los profesores. La exigencia por la investigación, en las evaluaciones institucionales recae sólo en las universidades. Sin embargo, en las evaluaciones de programa educativo, se exige la producción de los profesores, independiente del tipo de la IES a la cual el programa esté vinculado. Este artículo está basado en una investigación más amplia que hace parte de la tesis doctoral del autor y tiene como objetivo presentar y discutir la fundamentación legal a la que trata de la investigación y la producción académica en IES brasileñas, así como elevar la discusión de posibles mejoras para el perfeccionamiento del SINAES. Se estudió las principales leyes que regulan la Educación Superior Brasileña y los aspectos relacionados a la investigación académica. Fue posible demostrar que la legislación actual promueve una incongruidad entre la distinción de organización de las IES y los indicadores establecidos en los instrumentos de evaluación del SINAES. Así como, se hizo evidente que la configuración actual del sistema desalienta la producción académica de los profesores en la graduación y favorece para que haya una separación de la enseñanza y la investigación, haciéndose necesaria la discusión de ayustes que puedan por lo menos minimizar esos impactos. De esta manera, se busca contribuir a los debates acerca del perfeccionamiento del SINAES y para la valoración de la actividad de investigación en la graduación en todos los tipos de IES

    Temporal declines in Wadden Sea phytoplankton cell volumes observed within and across species

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    Cell size is a master trait in the functional ecology of phytoplankton correlating with numerous morphological, physiological, and life-cycle characteristics of species that constrain their nutrient use, growth, and edibility. In contrast to well-known spatial patterns in cell size at macroecological scales or temporal changes in experimental contexts, few data sets allow testing temporal changes in cell sizes within ecosystems. To analyze the temporal changes of intraspecific and community-wide cell size, we use the phytoplankton data derived from the Lower Saxony Wadden Sea monitoring program, which comprises sample- and species-specific measurements of cell volume from 1710 samples collected over 14 yr. We find significant reductions in both the cell volume of most species and the weighted mean cell size of communities. Mainly diatoms showed this decline, whereas the size of dinoflagellates seemed to be less responsive. The magnitude of the trend indicates that cell volumes are about 30% smaller now than a decade ago. This interannual trend is overlayed by seasonal cycles with smaller cells typically observed in summer. In the subset of samples including environmental conditions, small community cell size was strongly related to high temperatures and low total phosphorus concentration. We conclude that cell size captures ongoing changes in phytoplankton communities beyond the changes in species composition. In addition, based on the changes in species biovolumes revealed by our analysis, we warn that using standard cell size values in phytoplankton assessment will not only miss temporal changes in size, but also lead to systematic errors in biomass estimates over time

    Modeling drivers of biodiversity change emphasizes the need for multivariate assessments and rescaled targeting for management

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    The current policy and goals aimed to conserve biodiversity and manage biodiversity change are often formulated at the global scale. At smaller scales however, biodiversity change is more nuanced leading to a plethora of trends in different metrics of alpha diversity and temporal turnover. Therefore, large-scale policy targets do not translate easily into local to regional management decisions for biodiversity. Using long-term monitoring data from the Wadden Sea (Southern North Sea), joining structural equation models and general dissimilarity models enabled a better overview of the drivers of biodiversity change. Few commonalities emerged as birds, fish, macroinvertebrates, and phytoplankton differed in their response to certain drivers of change. These differences were additionally dependent upon the biodiversity aspect in question and which environmental data were recorded in each monitoring program. No single biodiversity metric or model sufficed to capture all ongoing change, which requires an explicitly multivariate approaches to biodiversity assessment in local ecosystem management

    Tissue optical clearing as a diagnostic tool for tissue pathology differentiation

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    With the objective of developing a diagnostic tool

    Localization of coated iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles on tomato seeds and their effects on growth

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    IFood demand due to the growing population globally has been stretching the agriculture sector to the limit. This demands the cultivation of plants in shrinking land areas which makes the search for highly effective systems for plant nutrition and pest control important. In this context, the application of nanoparticles (NPs) in agriculture can have a transformative effect on food production techniques as it can enable the delivery of bioactive agents (including growth factors, pesticides and fungicides) directly to plants. Herein we report the application of unfunctionalized as well as amine-functionalized and polycaprolactone-coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles (NP) to seed treatment and plant growth. The study reveals that the treatment has no side effects on plant germination and development. Furthermore, the penetration of NPs in tomato seeds (Solanum Lycopersicum) and their translocation in tomato seedlings post-treatment depends on the level of the NPs functionalization. The research also demonstrates that a fraction of NP is preferentially translocated to tomato seedling roots and shoots, however, uptake is lower for functionalized NPs (both amine and PCL). Thus, the results suggest that the functionalization of NPs can act as a versatile platform for delivering of active compounds, such as fungicides and growth factor agents

    Cohesive strength of nanocrystalline ZnO:Ga thin films deposited at room temperature

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    In this study, transparent conducting nanocrystalline ZnO:Ga (GZO) films were deposited by dc magnetron sputtering at room temperature on polymers (and glass for comparison). Electrical resistivities of 8.8 × 10-4 and 2.2 × 10-3 Ω cm were obtained for films deposited on glass and polymers, respectively. The crack onset strain (COS) and the cohesive strength of the coatings were investigated by means of tensile testing. The COS is similar for different GZO coatings and occurs for nominal strains approx. 1%. The cohesive strength of coatings, which was evaluated from the initial part of the crack density evolution, was found to be between 1.3 and 1.4 GPa. For these calculations, a Young's modulus of 112 GPa was used, evaluated by nanoindentation