758 research outputs found

    Inequality Matters

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    This is one of a series of five papers outlining the particular domains and dimensions of inequality where new research may yield a better understanding of responses to this growing issue.The aim of this paper is to describe, in very broad brushstrokes, the state of academic scholarship regarding social inequality, with an eye toward identifying important gaps. The focus is on four key interacting social domains: 1) socioeconomic (financial and human capital)2) health (including physical and psychological) 3) political (access to power and political representation)4) sociocultural (identity, cultural freedoms, and human rights

    Development and Implementation of a Fault Mitigating Control System for a Biodiesel Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle for the EcoCar: The NeXt Challenge Competition

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    The automotive industry is continuously developing, and with it hybrid vehicle technology is a growing field of interest. The design of the electric vehicle is a pressing matter and grows in complexity with new powertrain components such as power inverters and transmission systems that use electric motors. As a control system develops, the architecture always comes back to systems engineering documentation to find safety protocols, solutions to problems through fault testing, and validating and verifying the control architecture throughout the whole process. Testing and evaluation plans are required more than ever and are constantly being updated and implemented in today\u27s automotive production standards. The paper discusses the development and implementation of the control system through the use of systems engineering of a hybrid vehicle as part of a competition called EcoCar: The NeXt Challenge


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    The urgent decision-making needs of invasive species managers can be better met by the integration of biodiversity big data with large-domain models and environmental data products in the form of new workflows and tools that facilitate data utilization across platforms. Timely risk assessments allow for the spatial prioritization of monitoring that could streamline invasive species management paradigms and invasive species’ ability to prevent irreversible damage, such that decision makers can focus surveillance and intervention efforts where they are likely to be most effective under budgetary and resource constraints. I present a workflow that generates rapid spatial risk assessments on aquatic invasive species by combining occurrence data, spatially explicit environmental data, and an ensemble approach to species distribution modeling using five machine learning algorithms. For proof of concept and validation, I tested this workflow using extensive spatial and temporal occurrence data from Rainbow Trout (RBT; Oncorhynchus mykiss) invasion in the upper Flathead River system in northwestern Montana, USA. Due to this workflow’s high performance against cross-validated datasets (87% accuracy) and congruence with known drivers of RBT invasion, I developed a tool that generates agile risk assessments based on the above workflow and suggest that it can be generalized to broader spatial and taxonomic scales in order to provide data-driven management information for early detection of potential invaders. I then use this tool as technical input for a management framework that provides guidance for users to incorporate and synthesize the component features of the workflow and toolkit to derive actionable insight in an efficient manner

    Cubismo Social: Seis Fuerzas Sociales Sobre Politicas En Irlanda Del Norte Y Quebec

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    Los estudios de poliftica ethnoterritorial tipicamente examinan estructuras polfticas y econ6micas para acentuar los intereses que compiten de grupos, o usar una aproximaci6n psicoanalftica de acentuar fuerzas psicol6gicas y culturales

    Social Cubism: Six Social Forces Of Ethnopolitical Conflict In Northern Ireland And Quebec

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    Studies of ethnoterritorial politics typically either examine political and economic structures to emphasize the competing interests of groups…

    Are you going to the party: depends, who else is coming? [Learning hidden group dynamics via conditional latent tree models]

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    Scalable probabilistic modeling and prediction in high dimensional multivariate time-series is a challenging problem, particularly for systems with hidden sources of dependence and/or homogeneity. Examples of such problems include dynamic social networks with co-evolving nodes and edges and dynamic student learning in online courses. Here, we address these problems through the discovery of hierarchical latent groups. We introduce a family of Conditional Latent Tree Models (CLTM), in which tree-structured latent variables incorporate the unknown groups. The latent tree itself is conditioned on observed covariates such as seasonality, historical activity, and node attributes. We propose a statistically efficient framework for learning both the hierarchical tree structure and the parameters of the CLTM. We demonstrate competitive performance in multiple real world datasets from different domains. These include a dataset on students' attempts at answering questions in a psychology MOOC, Twitter users participating in an emergency management discussion and interacting with one another, and windsurfers interacting on a beach in Southern California. In addition, our modeling framework provides valuable and interpretable information about the hidden group structures and their effect on the evolution of the time series

    Cubismo Social Y Conflicto Social: Analisis Y Resolucion

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    Con el colapso del comunismo y del orden geopolftico de la Guerra Frfa, surgieron tres tendencias ligadas a la perdida del poder de las ideologfas basadas en la racionalidad moderna;\u27 la formaci6n de un nuevo orden transnacional con un sistema financiero integral, patrones de producci6n y de consumo; la deca- dencia relativa de estados centralizados y una soberanfa territorial moderna

    Social Cubism And Social Conflict: Analysis And Resolution

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    With the collapse of Communism and the Cold War geopolitical order, three interrelated tendencies surfaced; the growing disempowerment of ideologies based on modem rationality,\u27 the formation of a new transnational order with an integrated financial system, standards of production and consumption; and, the relative decline of the centralized nation state, and modem territorial sovereignt
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