3,398 research outputs found

    Fine-grained human evaluation of neural versus phrase-based machine translation

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    We compare three approaches to statistical machine translation (pure phrase-based, factored phrase-based and neural) by performing a fine-grained manual evaluation via error annotation of the systems' outputs. The error types in our annotation are compliant with the multidimensional quality metrics (MQM), and the annotation is performed by two annotators. Inter-annotator agreement is high for such a task, and results show that the best performing system (neural) reduces the errors produced by the worst system (phrase-based) by 54%.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistic

    Was the need to produce pesticides higher than need to protect civilians?

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    Your blood turns cold. Your eyes become blind. Panic hits and all of a sudden air won't enter your lungs quite as easily. In the dead of the night of December 3rd, a noise resembling the pain of thousands of people was heard throughout Bhopal. People awoke to find themselves trapped in what seemed to be a gas chamber. Outside, people ran desperately trying to find relief to their pain. But, distressed occupants of Bhopal passed their wakeful nights under the most dreadful terrors imaginable. A release of deadly MIC, from a pesticide plant nearby, ruined the health of many people, and death ensued

    La inestabilidad del paradigma verbal de futuro, hispanoamericanismoh, ispanismo, romanismo o universal lingüístico?

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    La gran mayoría de las gramáticas españolas sólo incluye dentro de los  paradigmas temporales de futuro en el modo indicativo las formas ilexivasdel llamado futuro, futuro simple o futuro imperfecto (cantaré, comeré, vi-~lir-4) y las correspondientes de la perífrasis con el verbo auxiliar haber(I.labré ca~ltadoh, abre' cotriido, Izabré vivido) agrupadas bajo la denominaciónde "futuro compuesto" o de "futuro perfecto", lo que se basa en la diacronía y continúa la tradición gramatical latina. Desde el punto de vista  semiíntico se sabe que toda forma de futuro no se refiere a hechos sino a posibilidades, como lo indica Molho (1975:300 y sig.): "el futuro no es corno el pasado un tiempo que ya ha accedido a la existencia, sino por el contrario, un tiempo que se imagina ... de ahí que por definición implica una carga de hipótesis inherente ..." o como apunta Coseriu (1973: 172), el futuro es el tiempo de "aquello que aún no es " y la existencia humana es permanente "anticipación del futuro ... un traer el futuro al presente como intencibn, obligación o posibilidad". No es, pues, de extrañar que la gramática  española incorpore en su descripción de las formas de futuro tanto el valor teinporal como el modal. El primero se considera normalmente como el básico, en tanto que las diversas posibilidades contextuales del segundo se enumeran atomísticamente en calidad de significados secundarios, futuro de probabilidad (u esta Iior-u estará e11 su casa), futuro concesivo (sera muy listo, pero no lo denluestra), futuro de sorpresa (¿Sera posible lo que nze clletitas?), de cortesía (¿Ser6 Ud. turl anzable de...?), futuro exhortativo o imperativo (;Lo I.iuras co~rios ea o no te sal~idon ias!), futuro anunciativo o  promisivo (de alzora en udelurzte nie portare' bien), etc. C. Hernández ( 197 1 : 259-26 1 ) ha reducido con muy buen criterio los valores concesivo

    Dependence of the drag over super hydrophobic and liquid infused surfaces on the textured surface and Weber number

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    Direct Numerical Simulations of a turbulent channel flow have been performed. The lower wall of the channel is made of staggered cubes with a second fluid locked in the cavities. Two viscosity ratios have been considered, m=μ1/μ2=0.02 and 0.4 (the subscript 1 indicates the fluid in the cavities and 2 the overlying fluid) mimicking the viscosity ratio in super–hydrophobic surfaces (SHS) and liquid infused surfaces (LIS) respectively. A first set of simulations with a slippery interface has been performed and results agree well with those in literature for perfect slip conditions and Stokes approximations. To assess how the dynamics of the interface affects the drag, a second set of DNS has been carried out at We=40 and 400 corresponding to We+≃10−3 and 10−2. The deformation of the interface is fully coupled to the Navier-Stokes equation and tracked in time using a Level Set Method. Two gas fractions, GF=0.5 and 0.875, have been considered to assess how the spacing between the cubes affects the deformation of the interface and therefore the drag. For the dimensions of the substrate here considered, under the ideal assumption of flat interface, staggered cubes with GF=0.875 provide about 20% drag reduction for We=0. However, a rapid degradation of the performances is observed when the dynamics of the interface is considered, and the same geometry increases the drag of about 40% with respect to a smooth wall. On the other hand, the detrimental effect of the dynamics of the interface is much weaker for GF=0.5 because of the reduced pitch between the cubes

    Improving Nurses’ Inter-rater Reliability and Confidence Using the Finnegan Neonatal Abstinence Scoring Tool to Score Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome: A Quality Improvement Project

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    The purpose of this quality improvement project is to implement an educational program and bedside guide about the Finnegan Neonatal Abstinence Scoring Tool (FNAST) to increase accuracy, inter-rater reliability, and confidence when assessing infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome. The project is based on a Plan-To-Do-Study-Act framework involving a pre-assessment and post-assessment. It took place in a 70-bed neonatal intensive care unit in a hospital in South Florida that frequently cares for infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome but lacks an established training program within the organization. A convenience sample of 24 registered nurses from the neonatal intensive care unit participated in the project with varying degrees of experience. The participants watched a video of a newborn with neonatal abstinence syndrome while scoring the infant using the FNAST and rating their confidence level while scoring each item within the scoring tool. Then, they participated in an educational session and were provided a bedside reference guide before completing a post-assessment where they watched the same video from the pre-assessment, scored the infant using the FNAST, and rated their confidence level after receiving the education. Participants improved their inter-rater reliability from 46% in pre-training to 71% in post-training. Average confidence levels while using the FNAST also increased from the pre-training session to the post-training session. Advanced training in neonatal abstinence syndrome scoring can result in improved health outcomes by decreasing length of hospital stay and time on pharmacological therapy

    EXCÁLIBUR: A seed in the knowledge society

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    El artículo detalla la sistematización y análisis de la experiencia de implementación del Foro Virtual como espacio de trabajo para el desarrollo de la agenda semestral de actividades de Excálibur, Semillero de Investigación adscrito a la línea de ingeniería de software de la Facultad de Ingeniería de Sistemas de la Universidad Católica de Colombia. El diseño de la plataforma tecnológica del Foro Virtual Excálibur se basó en Moodle y la implementación fue posible gracias a la alianza con la Fundación Celia Duque Jaramillo y el Grupo Kingtech. Se evidencia que el Foro da sentido a las temáticas tratadas en él, las convierte en pretexto para que se establezca la reflexión sobre el impacto de las tecnologías emergentes, sobre los caminos que abre la Web 2.0 y sobre las implicaciones de la ingeniería del software en la formación del ingeniero de sistemas colombianoThe article details to the systematization and analysis of the experience of implementation of the Virtual Forum like space of work for the development of the semester agenda of activities of Excálibur, Research Workshop assigned to the line of software engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of Systems of the Universidad Católica de Colombia. The design of the technological platform of the Virtual Forum Excálibur was based on Moodle and the implementation was possible thanks to the alliance with the Fundación Celia Duque Jaramillo and Kingtech Group. Evidence that the Forum gives sense the thematic ones treated in him, turns them pretext so that the reflection settles down on the impact of the emergent technologies, on the ways that Web 2.0 lays and on the implications of the engineering of software the formation of the Colombian systems enginee

    El triásico y jurásico del departamento de Curepto en la Provincia de Talca

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