85 research outputs found

    Ownership and Agency of an Independent Supernumerary Hand Induced by an Imitation Brain-Computer Interface

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    To study body ownership and control, illusions that elicit these feelings in non-body objects are widely used. Classically introduced with the Rubber Hand Illusion, these illusions have been replicated more recently in virtual reality and by using brain-computer interfaces. Traditionally these illusions investigate the replacement of a body part by an artificial counterpart, however as brain-computer interface research develops it offers us the possibility to explore the case where non-body objects are controlled in addition to movements of our own limbs. Therefore we propose a new illusion designed to test the feeling of ownership and control of an independent supernumerary hand. Subjects are under the impression they control a virtual reality hand via a brain-computer interface, but in reality there is no causal connection between brain activity and virtual hand movement but correct movements are observed with 80% probability. These imitation brain-computer interface trials are interspersed with movements in both the subjects' real hands, which are in view throughout the experiment. We show that subjects develop strong feelings of ownership and control over the third hand, despite only receiving visual feedback with no causal link to the actual brain signals. Our illusion is crucially different from previously reported studies as we demonstrate independent ownership and control of the third hand without loss of ownership in the real hands

    Motor skill learning leads to the increase of planning horizon

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    We investigated motor skill learning using a path tracking task, where human subjects had to track various curved paths at a constant speed while maintaining the cursor within the path width. Subjects' accuracy increased with practice, even when tracking novel untrained paths. Using a "searchlight" paradigm, where only a short segment of the path ahead of the cursor was shown, we found that subjects with a higher tracking skill took a longer section of the future path into account when performing the task. An optimal control model with a fixed horizon (receding horizon control) that increases with tracking skill quantitatively captured the subjects' movement behaviour. These findings demonstrate that human subjects increase their planning horizon when acquiring a motor skill

    Motor skill learning decreases movement variability and increases planning horizon

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    We investigated motor skill learning using a path tracking task, where human subjects had to track various curved paths at a constant speed while maintaining the cursor within the path width. Subjects\u27 accuracy increased with practice, even when tracking novel untrained paths. Using a searchlight paradigm, where only a short segment of the path ahead of the cursor was shown, we found that subjects with a higher tracking skill differed from the novice subjects in two respects. First, they had lower movement variability, in agreement with previous findings. Second, they took a longer section of the future path into account when performing the task, i.e., had a longer planning horizon. We estimate that between one-third and one-half of the performance increase in the expert group was due to the longer planning horizon. An optimal control model with a fixed horizon (receding horizon control) that increases with tracking skill quantitatively captured the subjects\u27 movement behavior. These findings demonstrate that human subjects not only increase their motor acuity but also their planning horizon when acquiring a motor skill

    Distinct neurocomputational mechanisms support informational and socially normative conformity

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    A change of mind in response to social influence could be driven by informational conformity to increase accuracy, or by normative conformity to comply with social norms such as reciprocity. Disentangling the behavioural, cognitive, and neurobiological underpinnings of informational and normative conformity have proven elusive. Here, participants underwent fMRI while performing a perceptual task that involved both advice-taking and advice-giving to human and computer partners. The concurrent inclusion of 2 different social roles and 2 different social partners revealed distinct behavioural and neural markers for informational and normative conformity. Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) BOLD response tracked informational conformity towards both human and computer but tracked normative conformity only when interacting with humans. A network of brain areas (dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC) and temporoparietal junction (TPJ)) that tracked normative conformity increased their functional coupling with the dACC when interacting with humans. These findings enable differentiating the neural mechanisms by which different types of conformity shape social changes of mind

    Motor skill learning leads to the increase of planning horizon

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    We investigated motor skill learning using a path tracking task, where human subjects had to track various curved paths at a constant speed while maintaining the cursor within the path width. Subjects' accuracy increased with practice, even when tracking novel untrained paths. Using a "searchlight" paradigm, where only a short segment of the path ahead of the cursor was shown, we found that subjects with a higher tracking skill took a longer section of the future path into account when performing the task. An optimal control model with a fixed horizon (receding horizon control) that increases with tracking skill quantitatively captured the subjects' movement behaviour. These findings demonstrate that human subjects increase their planning horizon when acquiring a motor skill

    Attitudes towards returning wolves (Canis lupus) in Germany: Exposure, information sources and trust matter

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    Understanding how exposure and information affect public attitudes towards returning large carnivores in Europe is critical for human-carnivore coexistence, especially for developing efficient and de-escalating communication strategies. The ongoing recolonization of wolves (Canis lupus) in Germany provides a unique opportunity to test the role of different information sources and trust on people's attitudes towards wolves. We conducted a phone survey (n = 1250) and compared country-wide attitudes towards wolves with attitudes in a specific region where wolves initially recolonized and have been present since 2000. In particular, we investigate the relationship between information sources, trust and people's attitudes while accounting for factors like knowledge, exposure and socio-cultural determinants of respondents. We found significant differences in attitudes and knowledge about wolves as well as in the use and frequency of information sources between the two population samples. Higher knowledge, information from books and films, science-based information, and higher trust in information sources related positively with positive attitudes towards wolves. Comparatively, information from press or TV news was associated with more negative attitudes. Providing science-based information to the public and building trust in information is likely to be one measure, among others, to dampen extreme attitudes and improve people's appreciation of costs and benefits of human-carnivore coexistence. Management of conflictual situations emerging from large carnivore recolonization in Europe and beyond should consider incorporating assessments of people's use of and trust in information in addition to existing tools to pave new ways for constructive human-carnivore coexistence

    Review of the BCI Competition IV

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    The BCI competition IV stands in the tradition of prior BCI competitions that aim to provide high quality neuroscientific data for open access to the scientific community. As experienced already in prior competitions not only scientists from the narrow field of BCI compete, but scholars with a broad variety of backgrounds and nationalities. They include high specialists as well as students. The goals of all BCI competitions have always been to challenge with respect to novel paradigms and complex data. We report on the following challenges: (1) asynchronous data, (2) synthetic, (3) multi-class continuous data, (4) session-to-session transfer, (5) directionally modulated MEG, (6) finger movements recorded by ECoG. As after past competitions, our hope is that winning entries may enhance the analysis methods of future BCIs.BMBF, 01IB001A, LOKI - Lernen zur Organisation komplexer Systeme der Informationsverarbeitung - Lernen im Kontext der SzenenanalyseBMBF, 01GQ0850, Bernstein Fokus Neurotechnologie - Nichtinvasive Neurotechnologie für Mensch-Maschine InteraktionEC/FP7/224631/EU/Tools for Brain-Computer Interaction/TOBIEC/FP7/216886/EU/Pattern Analysis, Statistical Modelling and Computational Learning 2/PASCAL2BMBF, 01GQ0420, Verbundprojekt: Bernstein-Zentrum für Neural Dynamics, Freiburg - CNDFBMBF, 01GQ0761, Bewegungsassoziierte Aktivierung - Dekodierung bewegungsassoziierter GehirnsignaleBMBF, 01GQ0762, Bewegungsassoziierte Aktivierung - Gehirn- und Maschinenlerne