2,660 research outputs found

    Factorial Moments in a Generalized Lattice Gas Model

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    We construct a simple multicomponent lattice gas model in one dimension in which each site can either be empty or occupied by at most one particle of any one of DD species. Particles interact with a nearest neighbor interaction which depends on the species involved. This model is capable of reproducing the relations between factorial moments observed in high--energy scattering experiments for moderate values of DD. The factorial moments of the negative binomial distribution can be obtained exactly in the limit as DD becomes large, and two suitable prescriptions involving randomly drawn nearest neighbor interactions are given. These results indicate the need for considerable care in any attempt to extract information regarding possible critical phenomena from empirical factorial moments.Comment: 15 pages + 1 figure (appended as postscript file), REVTEX 3.0, NORDITA preprint 93/4

    Extended-soft-core Baryon-Baryon Model II. Hyperon-Nucleon Interaction

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    The YN results are presented from the Extended-soft-core (ESC) interactions. They consist of local- and non-local-potentials due to (i) One-boson-exchange (OBE), with pseudoscalar-, vector-, scalar-, and axial-vector-nonets, (ii) Diffractive exchanges, (iii) Two-pseudoscalar exchange, and (iv) Meson-pair-exchange (MPE). This model, called ESC04, describes NN and YN in a unified way using broken flavor SU(3)-symmetry. Novel ingredients are the inclusion of (i) the axial-vector-mesons, (ii) a zero in the scalar- and axial-vector meson form factors. We describe simultaneous fits to the NN- and YN-data, using four options in the ESC-model. Very good fits were obtained. G-matrix calculations with these four options are also reported. The obtained well depths (U_\Lambda, U_\Sigma, U_\Xi) reveal distinct features of ESC04a-d. The \Lambda\Lambda-interactions are demonstrated to be consistent with the observed data of_{\Lambda\Lambda}^6He. The possible three-body effects are investigated by considering phenomenologically the changes of the vector-meson masses in a nuclear medium.Comment: preprint vesion 66 pages, two-column version 27 pages, 17 figure

    Possible scenarios for soft and semi-hard components structure in central hadron-hadron collisions in the TeV region

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    Possible scenarios in hh collisions in the TeV regions are discussed in full phase space. It is shown that at such high energies one should expect strong KNO scaling violation and a ln(s) increase of the average charged multiplicity of the semi-hard component, resulting in a huge mini-jet production.Comment: 20 pages, 9 PS figures included, LaTeX2e with AMSmath, epsfi

    Specifications for MSE trials for Bluefin tuna in the North Atlantic

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    This document is a “straw-man” draft of detailed MSE trial specifications for Bluefin tuna in the North Atlantic which, we suggest, are a desirable outcome from the ICCAT meeting on this topic to be held in Monterey over 21-23 January 2016. Such a specification document requires many decisions at a quite complex and detailed level, desirably after full discussion at the meeting. The fact that specific suggestions have been made below is not to suggest that the authors necessarily consider that those reflect the decisions which should be made. Rather their purpose is to assist clarify the totality and nature of decisions required by way of examples. Given this draft nature of this document, and its intended further development during the meeting, the text has yet to be “polished” (to include references, etc.)

    Quark-hadron phase transition with surface fluctuation

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    The effect of surface fluctuation on the observables of quark-hadron phase transition is studied. The Ginzburg-Landau formalism is extended by the inclusion of an extra term in the free energy that depends on the vertical displacements from a flat surface. The probability that a bin has a particular net displacement is determined by lattice simulation, where the physics input is color confinement. The surface fluctuation from bin to bin is related to multiplicity fluctuation, which in turn is measured by the factorial moments. It is found that both the F-scaling behavior and the scaling exponent are essentially unaffected by the inclusion of surface fluctuation.Comment: 9 pages, LaTex, 7 figures in a single postscript file, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Bose-Einstein source of intermittency in hadronic interactions

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    The multi-particle Bose-Einstein correlations are the source of ''intermittency'' in high energy hadronic collisions. The power-law like increase of factorial moments with decreasing bin size was obtained by complete event weighing technique with gaussian approximation of space-time particle emitting source shape. The value of source size parameter was found to be higher than the common one fitted with the help of the standard Handbury Brown-Twiss procedure.Comment: 12

    Soft-core meson-baryon interactions. I. One-hadron-exchange potentials

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    The Nijmegen soft-core model for the pseudoscalar-meson baryon interaction is derived, analogous to the Nijmegen NN and YN models. The interaction Hamiltonians are defined and the resulting amplitudes for one-meson-exchange and one-baryon-exchange in momentum space are given for the general mass case. The partial wave projection is carried through and explicit expressions for the momentum space partial wave meson-baryon potentials are presented.Comment: 25 pages, 2 PostScript figures, revtex4, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Clan Structure Analysis and Rapidity Gap Probability

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    Clan structure analysis in rapidity intervals is generalized from negative binomial multiplicity distribution to the wide class of compound Poisson distributions. The link of generalized clan structure analysis with correlation functions is also established. These theoretical results are then applied to minimum bias events and evidentiate new interesting features, which can be inspiring and useful in order to discuss data on rapidity gap probability at TEVATRON and HERA.Comment: (14 pages in Plain TeX plus 5 Postscript Figures, all compressed via uufiles) DFTT 28/9

    Soft-core meson-baryon interactions. II. πN\pi N and K+NK^+ N scattering

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    The πN\pi N potential includes the t-channel exchanges of the scalar-mesons σ\sigma and f_0, vector-meson ρ\rho, tensor-mesons f_2 and f_2' and the Pomeron as well as the s- and u-channel exchanges of the nucleon N and the resonances Δ\Delta, Roper and S_{11}. These resonances are not generated dynamically. We consider them as, at least partially, genuine three-quark states and we treat them in the same way as the nucleon. The latter two resonances were needed to find the proper behavior of the phase shifts at higher energies in the corresponding partial waves. The soft-core πN\pi N-model gives an excellent fit to the empirical πN\pi N S- and P-wave phase shifts up to T_{lab}=600 MeV. Also the scattering lengths have been reproduced well and the soft-pion theorems for low-energy πN\pi N scattering are satisfied. The soft-core model for the K+NK^+ N interaction is an SU_f(3)-extension of the soft-core πN\pi N-model. The K+NK^+ N potential includes the t-channel exchanges of the scalar-mesons a_0, σ\sigma and f_0, vector-mesons ρ\rho, ω\omega and ϕ\phi, tensor-mesons a_2, f_2 and f_2' and the Pomeron as well as u-channel exchanges of the hyperons Λ\Lambda and Σ\Sigma. The fit to the empirical K+NK^+ N S-, P- and D-wave phase shifts up to T_{lab}=600 MeV is reasonable and certainly reflects the present state of the art. Since the various K+NK^+ N phase shift analyses are not very consistent, also scattering observables are compared with the soft-core K+NK^+ N-model. A good agreement for the total and differential cross sections as well as the polarizations is found.Comment: 24 pages, 20 PostScript figures, revtex4, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Hotter, Denser, Faster, Smaller...and Nearly-Perfect: What's the matter at RHIC?

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    The experimental and theoretical status of the ``near perfect fluid'' at RHIC is discussed. While the hydrodynamic paradigm for understanding collisions at RHIC is well-established, there remain many important open questions to address in order to understand its relevance and scope. It is also a crucial issue to understand how the early equilibration is achieved, requiring insight into the active degrees of freedom at early times.Comment: 10 Pages, 13 Figures, submitted to the proceedings of the Second Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, Nashville, TN, October 22-24, 200