358 research outputs found

    Chern-Simons Modified Gravity as a Torsion Theory and its Interaction with Fermions

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    We study the tetrad formulation of Chern-Simons (CS) modified gravity, which adds a Pontryagin term to the Einstein-Hilbert action with a spacetime-dependent coupling field. We first verify that CS modified gravity leads to a theory with torsion, where this tensor is given by an antisymmetric product of the Riemann tensor and derivatives of the CS coupling. We then calculate the torsion in the far field of a weakly gravitating source within the parameterized post-Newtonian formalism, and specialize the result to Earth. We find that CS torsion vanishes only if the coupling vanishes, thus generically leading to a modification of gyroscopic precession, irrespective of the coupling choice. Perhaps most interestingly, we couple fermions to CS modified gravity via the standard Dirac action and find that these further correct the torsion tensor. Such a correction leads to two new results: (i) a generic enhancement of CS modified gravity by the Dirac equation and axial fermion currents; (ii) a new two-fermion interactions, mediated by an axial current and the CS correction. We conclude with a discussion of the consequences of these results in particle detectors and realistic astrophysical systems.Comment: 11 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Cycle threshold values are inversely associated with poorer outcomes in hospitalised patients with Covid-19:a prospective, observational cohort study conducted at a UK tertiary hospital

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    ABSTRACT: This single-centre observational study demonstrated that lower cycle threshold (Ct) values (indicating higher viral loads) on admission to hospital were associated with poorer outcomes in unvaccinated, hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Demographic and outcome data were collected prospectively for all adult patients who tested positive for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 on admission to the University Hospitals North Midlands NHS Trust between 1 February and 1 July 2020. Nasopharyngeal swab samples were obtained, and a valid Ct value was determined for all patients using the Viasure reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction assay, validated by Public Health England, on admission to hospital. Multi-variable logistic regression results based on data from 618 individuals demonstrated a significant inverse relationship between the odds of death and Ct values (adjusted odds ratio 0.95, 95% confidence interval 0.92–0.98, P=0.001). The association remained highly significant after adjusting for known clinical risk factors for COVID-1

    Brane Worlds and the Cosmic Coincidence Problem

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    Brane world models with `large' extra dimensions with radii in the r_l ~ 0.01- 0.1 mm range and smaller ones at r_s < (1 TeV)^(-1) have the potential to solve the cosmic coincidence problem, i.e. the apparently fortuitous equality between dark matter and dark energy components today. The main ingredient is the assumption of a stabilization mechanism fixing the total volume of the compact submanifold, but allowing for shape deformations. The latter are associated with phenomenologically safe ultra-light scalar fields. Bulk fields Casimir energy naturally plays the role of dark energy, which decreases in time because of expanding r_l. Stable Kaluza Klein states may play the role of dark matter with increasing, O(1/r_s), mass. The cosmological equations exhibit attractor solutions in which the global equation of state is negative, the ratio between dark energy and dark matter is constant and the observed value of the ratio is obtained for two large extra dimensions. Experimental searches of large extra dimensions should take into account that, due to the strong coupling between dark matter and radii dynamics, the size of the large extra dimensions inside the galactic halo may be smaller than the average value.Comment: 6 pages, enlarged discussion on the compact volume stabilization mechanism. Version to appear on Phys. Rev.

    Loop-Generated Bounds on Changes to the Graviton Dispersion Relation

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    We identify the effective theory appropriate to the propagation of massless bulk fields in brane-world scenarios, to show that the dominant low-energy effect of asymmetric warping in the bulk is to modify the dispersion relation of the effective 4-dimensional modes. We show how such changes to the graviton dispersion relation may be bounded through the effects they imply, through loops, for the propagation of standard model particles. We compute these bounds and show that they provide, in some cases, the strongest constraints on nonstandard gravitational dispersions. The bounds obtained in this way are the strongest for the fewest extra dimensions and when the extra-dimensional Planck mass is the smallest. Although the best bounds come for warped 5-D scenarios, for which the 5D Planck Mass is O(TeV), even in 4 dimensions the graviton loop can lead to a bound on the graviton speed which is comparable with other constraints.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures, uses revte

    Boundary Term in Metric f(R) Gravity: Field Equations in the Metric Formalism

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    The main goal of this paper is to get in a straightforward form the field equations in metric f(R) gravity, using elementary variational principles and adding a boundary term in the action, instead of the usual treatment in an equivalent scalar-tensor approach. We start with a brief review of the Einstein-Hilbert action, together with the Gibbons-York-Hawking boundary term, which is mentioned in some literature, but is generally missing. Next we present in detail the field equations in metric f(R) gravity, including the discussion about boundaries, and we compare with the Gibbons-York-Hawking term in General Relativity. We notice that this boundary term is necessary in order to have a well defined extremal action principle under metric variation.Comment: 12 pages, title changes by referee recommendation. Accepted for publication in General Relativity and Gravitation. Matches with the accepted versio

    Could dark energy be vector-like?

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    In this paper I explore whether a vector field can be the origin of the present stage of cosmic acceleration. In order to avoid violations of isotropy, the vector has be part of a ``cosmic triad'', that is, a set of three identical vectors pointing in mutually orthogonal spatial directions. A triad is indeed able to drive a stage of late accelerated expansion in the universe, and there exist tracking attractors that render cosmic evolution insensitive to initial conditions. However, as in most other models, the onset of cosmic acceleration is determined by a parameter that has to be tuned to reproduce current observations. The triad equation of state can be sufficiently close to minus one today, and for tachyonic models it might be even less than that. I briefly analyze linear cosmological perturbation theory in the presence of a triad. It turns out that the existence of non-vanishing spatial vectors invalidates the decomposition theorem, i.e. scalar, vector and tensor perturbations do not decouple from each other. In a simplified case it is possible to analytically study the stability of the triad along the different cosmological attractors. The triad is classically stable during inflation, radiation and matter domination, but it is unstable during (late-time) cosmic acceleration. I argue that this instability is not likely to have a significant impact at present.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures. Uses RevTeX4. v2: Discussion about relation to phantoms added and additional references cite

    Local Gravity Constraints and Power Law f(R) Theories

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    There is a conformal equivalence between power law f(R)f(R) theories and scalar field theories in which the scalar degree of freedom evolves under the action of an exponential potential function. In the scalar field representation there is a strong coupling of the scalar field with the matter sector due to the conformal transformation. We use chameleon mechanism to implement constraints on the potential function of the scalar field in order that the resulting model be in accord with Solar System experiments. Investigation of these constraints reveals that there may be no possibility to distinguish between a power law f(R)f(R) function and the usual Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian density.Comment: 11 Pages, no figure. To appear in Gravitation and Cosmolog

    A sub-horizon framework for probing the relationship between the cosmological matter distribution and metric perturbations

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    The relationship between the metric and nonrelativistic matter distribution depends on the theory of gravity and additional fields, providing a possible way of distinguishing competing theories. With the assumption that the geometry and kinematics of the homogeneous universe have been measured to sufficient accuracy, we present a procedure for understanding and testing the relationship between the cosmological matter distribution and metric perturbations (along with their respective evolution) using the ratio of the physical size of the perturbation to the size of the horizon as our small expansion parameter. We expand around Newtonian gravity on linear, subhorizon scales with coefficient functions in front of the expansion parameter. Our framework relies on an ansatz which ensures that (i) the Poisson equation is recovered on small scales (ii) the metric variables (and any additional fields) are generated and supported by the nonrelativistic matter overdensity. The scales for which our framework is intended are small enough so that cosmic variance does not significantly limit the accuracy of the measurements and large enough to avoid complications from nonlinear effects and baryon cooling. The coefficient functions provide a general framework for contrasting the consequences of Lambda CDM and its alternatives. We calculate the coefficient functions for general relativity with a cosmological constant and dark matter, GR with dark matter and quintessence, scalar-tensor theories, f(R) gravity and braneworld models. We identify a possibly unique signature of braneworld models. Constraining the coefficient functions provides a streamlined approach for testing gravity in a scale dependent manner. We briefly discuss the observations best suited for an application of our framework.Comment: Updated references and minor changes to match the published version in MNRA

    f(R) Gravity and scalar-tensor theory

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    In the present paper we will investigate the relation between scalar-tensor theory and f(R)f(R) theories of gravity. Such studies have been performed in the past for the metric formalism of f(R)f(R) gravity; here we will consider mainly the Palatini formalism, where the metric and the connections are treated as independent quantities. We will try to investigate under which circumstances f(R)f(R) theories of gravity are equivalent to scalar-tensor theory and examine the implications of this equivalence, when it exists.Comment: minor changes to match published version, references adde

    The Laser Astrometric Test of Relativity Mission

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    This paper discusses new fundamental physics experiment to test relativistic gravity at the accuracy better than the effects of the 2nd order in the gravitational field strength. The Laser Astrometric Test Of Relativity (LATOR) mission uses laser interferometry between two micro-spacecraft whose lines of sight pass close by the Sun to accurately measure deflection of light in the solar gravity. The key element of the experimental design is a redundant geometry optical truss provided by a long-baseline (100 m) multi-channel stellar optical interferometer placed on the International Space Station. The geometric redundancy enables LATOR to measure the departure from Euclidean geometry caused by the solar gravity field to a very high accuracy. LATOR will not only improve the value of the parameterized post-Newtonian (PPN) parameter gamma to unprecedented levels of accuracy of 1 part in 1e8, it will also reach ability to measure effects of the next post-Newtonian order (1/c^4) of light deflection resulting from gravity's intrinsic non-linearity. The solar quadrupole moment parameter, J2, will be measured with high precision, as well as a variety of other relativistic. LATOR will lead to very robust advances in the tests of fundamental physics: this mission could discover a violation or extension of general relativity, or reveal the presence of an additional long range interaction in the physical law. There are no analogs to the LATOR experiment; it is unique and is a natural culmination of solar system gravity experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, invited talk given at the Second International Conference on Particle and Fundamental Physics in Space (SpacePart'03), 10-12 December 2003, Washington, D
