734 research outputs found

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    Este trabajo presenta la fundamentación, diseño y resultados de un proyecto realizado en el marco de un programa institucional en la UNAM, relacionado con la innovación de la enseñanza experimental. Como producto de este proyecto se elaboró un libro con 30 experimentos de aula dirigidos a profesores de los niveles bachillerato y universitario. Los experimentos elaborados presentan propuestas experimentales novedosas que nos permitan reconceptualizar y diversificar el trabajo práctico

    Towards resource usage analysis of miniZinc models

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    We present a method for the static resource usage analysis of MiniZinc models. The analysis can infer upper bounds on the usage that a MiniZinc model will make of some resources such as the number of constraints of a given type (equality, disequality, global constraints, etc.), the number of variables (search variables or temporary variables), or the size of the expressions before calling the solver. These bounds are obtained from the models independently of the concrete input data (the instance data) and are in general functions of sizes of such data. In our approach, MiniZinc models are translated into Ciao programs which are then analysed by the CiaoPP system. CiaoPP includes a parametric analysis framework for resource usage in which the user can define resources and express the resource usage of library procedures (and certain program construets) by means of a language of assertions. We present the approach and report on a preliminary implementation, which shows the feasibility of the approach, and provides encouraging results

    Adaptability of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) clones, introduced by exchange to southeastern Mexico.

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    ABSTRAC Objetive: To evaluate sugarcane clones in the adaptability phase, and select those with higher yield in field and factory than commercial control clones. Design/methodology/approach: 14 clones of sugarcane in the first cycle were evaluated. The experimental design consisted of randomized complete blocks with four replications. The following agricultural characteristics were evaluated: stem weight, population and yield; as well as the industrial characteristics: sucrose content, juice purity and theoretical sugar production. They were compared with the values ​​of local clones MEX 69-290 and CP 72-2086 that served as controls. Results: There were found statistical differences in agricultural and industrial characteristics between clones. In stem weight, clone LTMEX 94-02 was the heaviest. In population, clone Mex 95-35 was the one that presented the highest number of stems per ha. Regarding yield in the field, clone COLPOSCTMEX 09-1433 was the one that obtained significantly higher tonnage per hectare compared to the two control clones. Among the factory characteristics, the clone MEX 96-10 had a significantly higher concentration of sucrose and with the highest value in juice purity, and in theoretical sugar production. Clone COLPOSCTMEX 09-1433 presented the highest value of theorical sugar yield in comparison to the two control clones. Limitation on study/implications: Although data from the new clones are relevant, they belong to an only one cycle. Findings/conclusions: At least four clones evaluated showed high field and factory yields: COLPOSCTMEX 09-1433, LTMEX 94-02, MEX 95-59, and MOTZMEX 00-1192. In all four, field yield was statistically superior to that of the control MEX 69-290; thus, it is pertinent to continue with its evaluation and multiplication in the semi-commercial test phase. However, since they are introduced from other geographical regions, it is recommended to continue their evaluation under the environmental conditions of the region.Objective: To evaluate sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) clones in the adaptability phase and select those with high field and factory yields that significantly exceed the commercial control clones.Design/Methodology/Approach: Fourteen sugarcane clones were evaluated in a crop established for the first time and to which no cut has been made. The experimental design consisted of randomized complete blocks with four repetitions. The following agricultural characteristics were evaluated: stalk weight, population, and yield. The following industrial characteristics were likewise assessed: sucrose content, juice purity, and theoretical sugar production. Both values were compared with the values of the local clones MEX 69-290 and CP 72-2086 that were used as control.Results: Statistical differences were found in agricultural and industrial characteristics between clones. In terms of stalk weight, the LTMEX 94-02 clone stood out, while, in population terms, the Mex 95-35 clone recorded the highestnumber of stalks per ha. Regarding field yield, the COLPOSCTMEX 09-1433 clone obtained significantly higher tonnage per hectare than the two control clones. Among the factory characteristics, the MEX 96-10 clone stood out with a significantly higher concentration of sucrose and with the highest juice purity. Finally, the COLPOSCTMEX 09-1433 clone had the highest theoretical sugar production value, which was statistically superior to the two control clones.Study Limitations/Implications: The data were obtained from a crop establishedfor the first time.Findings/Conclusions: At least four clones showed high field and factory yields: COLPOSCTMEX 09-1433, LTMEX 94-02, MEX 95-59, and MOTZMEX 00-1192. All four showed a field performance that had better statistics than the control MEX 69-290; therefore, it would be appropriate to pursue its evaluation and multiplication during the semi-commercial test phase. However, since they were introduced, their evaluation should continue under the environmental conditions of the region

    Aprendizagem baseada em projetos. Uma experiência didática da área de Educação Física

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    Abstract: Introduction: Physical Activities in the Natural Environment are those that unite sports activity and natural environment. Many authors base their presence in the school based on the positive effects on integral education. An excellent methodology for its development in Primary Education are the learning projects defined as a didactic resource in which tasks are programmed around a common axis (Centers of interest) in order to develop the key competences. This educational experience was held at the CEIP Miguel Medina de Archena (Murcia). The title was Project Adventure and it was developed with a group of 4th. Objective: The objective was to contribute to the development of motor skills and the acquisition of key competences. Methods: Eight sessions were developed during the first trimester of the 2017/18 academic year. The methodology was based on a cognitivist conception of learning. One of the strengths is the linking of the motor, the cognitive and the social-affective, favoring the full development of the individual. Results and discussion: It is necessary that every project developed from the area of PE does not lose the essence of the objective of it in Primary Education as it is the contribution to the development of motor competence. Conclusion: The Physical Activities in the Natural Environment developed through learning projects allow the integral development of the students.Resumen: Introducción: Las Actividades Físicas en el Medio Natural son aquellas que unen actividad deportiva y medio natural. Numerosos autores fundamentan su presencia en la escuela en base a los efectos positivos sobre la formación integral. Una metodología excelente para su desarrollo en la Educación Primaria son los proyectos de aprendizaje definidos como un recurso didáctico en el que se programan tareas alrededor de un eje común (Centros de interés) con la finalidad de desarrollar las competencias clave. Esta experiencia educativa se realizó en el CEIP Miguel Medina de Archena (Murcia). El título fue Proyecto Aventura y se desarrolló con un grupo de 4. º. Objetivo: El objetivo fue contribuir al desarrollo de la competencia motriz y a la adquisición de las competencias clave. Métodos: Se desarrollaron ocho sesiones durante el primer trimestre del curso 2017/18. La metodología se basó en una concepción cognitivista del aprendizaje. Una de las fortalezas es la vinculación de lo motriz, lo cognitivo y lo social-afectivo favoreciendo el desarrollo pleno del individuo. Resultados y discusión: Es necesario que todo proyecto desarrollado desde el área de EF no pierda la esencia del objetivo de la misma en la Educación Primaria como es la contribución al desarrollo de la competencia motriz. Conclusión: Las Actividades Físicas en el Medio Natural desarrolladas a través de proyectos de aprendizaje permiten el desarrollo integral del alumnado

    Aprendendo esportes na Educação Física através do trabalho do projeto

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    Resumen: Introducción: la forma más común de entender la Educación Física en nuestra sociedad es a través del juego y el deporte. Por tanto, aprovechar estas manifestaciones motrices como elementos motivadores puede potenciar actitudes y valores de responsabilidad personal y social. Objetivos: El objetivo de este trabajo fue diseñar un proyecto de aprendizaje para la enseñanza de los deportes. Resultados y discusión: Los profesionales de la Educación Física cuentan con un recurso pedagógico, como es el aprendizaje basado en proyectos, con el cual diseñar una intervención didáctica para la enseñanza de los deportes que contribuya al desarrollo integral del alumnado, y con una perspectiva pedagógica que permita una transposición didáctica entre la escuela y la sociedad. Su desarrollo puede favorecer un pensamiento capaz de generar ideas creativas mediante la exploración de posibles soluciones por parte del alumnado, favoreciendo un pensamiento más divergente. Conclusiones: El docente debe favorecer un aprendizaje de los deportes teniendo como ejes vertebradores criterios pedagógicos y lúdico-recreativos para favorecer el desarrollo de la personalidad y las competencias del individuo. En este sentido, la metodología aprendizaje basado en proyectos da respuesta a estas demandas ya que las actividades se programan y se diseñan alrededor de centros de interés del alumnado.Abstract: Introduction: Text. Introduction: the most common way of understanding Physical Education in our society is through play and sport. Therefore, these motor manifestations should be used as motivating elements to enhance attitudes and values of personal and social responsibility. Objectives: The objective of this work was to design a learning project for teaching sports. Results and discussion: Physical Education professionals have a pedagogical resource, such as project-based learning, with which to design a didactic intervention for the teaching of sports that contributes to the integral development of students, and with a pedagogical perspective that allows a didactic transposition between school and society. It is development favors a thought capable of generating creative ideas by exploring possible solutions by students favoring divergent thinking. Conclusions: The teacher must favor an apprenticeship of sports, with pedagogical and recreational-recreational criteria as a backbone to favor the development of the individual's personality and competencies. In this sense, the project-based learning methodology responds to these demands since the activities are programmed and designed around student interest centers.Resumo: Introdução: a maneira mais comum de entender a Educação Física em nossa sociedade é através da brincadeira e do esporte. Portanto, essas manifestações motoras devem ser usadas como elementos motivadores para aprimorar atitudes e valores de responsabilidade pessoal e social. Objetivos: O objetivo deste trabalho foi elaborar um projeto de aprendizagem para o ensino de esportes. Resultados e discussão: Os profissionais de Educação Física possuem um recurso pedagógico, como a aprendizagem baseada em projetos, para projetar uma intervenção didática para o ensino do esporte que contribua para o desenvolvimento integral dos alunos e com uma perspectiva pedagógica. isso permite uma transposição didática entre escola e sociedade. Seu desenvolvimento pode favorecer um pensamento capaz de gerar idéias criativas, explorando possíveis soluções pelos alunos, favorecendo um pensamento mais divergente. Conclusões: O professor deve favorecer a aprendizagem do esporte, com critérios pedagógicos e recreativos-recreativos como espinha dorsal para favorecer o desenvolvimento da personalidade e das competências do indivíduo. Nesse sentido, a metodologia de aprendizagem baseada em projetos responde a essas demandas, uma vez que as atividades são programadas e projetadas em torno dos centros de interesse dos alunos