178 research outputs found

    Mejorar la calidad educativa a través de la internacionalización

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    La estancia ha tenido como objetivo general mejorar la calidad educativa a través de la internacionalización, especialmente con un impulso al modelo de diseño curricular por competencias como base de un enfoque inclusivo, la promoción de un perfil docente investigador abierto a la producción y difusión científica a través de diferentes instrumentos científicos homologables, así como un importante impulso a la internacionalización en profesorado y estudiantes.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Elementos de una organización educativa inclusiva para la respuesta a alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales de educación secundaria en Italia. La situación en un instituto profesional

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    El presente trabajo aborda la experiencia de la inclusión escolar en su dimensión organizacional en la etapa de educación secundaria obligatoria en el contexto italiano. Aun siendo un tema recurrente, no deja de ser un tema que en la práctica preocupa con intensidad al profesorado, a las familias y a los gestores educativos, por ello se ha tenido como objetivo fundamental analizar la situación real de la inclusión vivida y percibida por los actores sobre la organización de su institución. Metodológicamente se ha afrontado desde un estudio de caso de un instituto de secundaria de relevancia con respecto a la problemática, por su tamaño, por el impacto del problema en su seno y por su ubicación en una zona de sur de Italia con especial penetración social y escolar de la problemática de la diversidad en los centros escolares. Nos hemos encontrado con unos resultados que denotan la gran fractura que existe entre la evolución del discurso y su proyección real. Mientras la inicial integración ha quedado subsumida desde hace ya tiempo, en un paradigma más universal como es el de la inclusión, la realidad arroja datos que nos retrotraen a momentos menos evolucionados de este paradigma. La inclusión es más teórica que real, alcanza el plano de la planificación y del diseño, pero menos el de la práctica docente, con déficit notables en coordinación, en trabajo de equipo específico, y con una demanda de formación reiterada

    Senescence-associated vacuoles, a specific lytic compartment for degradation of chloroplast proteins?

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    Degradation of chloroplasts and chloroplast components is a distinctive feature of leaf senescence. In spite of its importance in the nutrient economy of plants, knowledge about the mechanism(s) involved in the breakdown of chloroplast proteins is incomplete. A novel class of vacuoles, "senescence-associated vacuoles" (SAVs), characterized by intense proteolytic activity appear during senescence in chloroplast-containing cells of leaves. Since SAVs contain some chloroplast proteins, they are candidate organelles to participate in chloroplast breakdown. In this review we discuss the characteristics of SAVs, and their possible involvement in the degradation of Rubisco, the most abundant chloroplast protein. Finally, SAVs are compared with other extra-plastidial protein degradation pathways operating in senescing leaves.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y ForestalesInstituto de Fisiología Vegeta

    Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) in Education for Sustainable Development: A Bibliographic Review

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    In recent years, technological advances have played a very important role in our society, as well as in different educational contexts, including Education for Sustainable Development. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), which have made it possible to improve the quality of life of many people. The aim of this study is to review the scientific evidence on the use of ICTs for Sustainable Development. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA) guidelines, a bibliographic search was carried out using the Web of Science and Scopus bibliographic repositories, with a total of 19 articles comprising the final sample for review. The results show that the most preeminent strategies used are mobile learning and distance education, which are related to the achievement of the sustainable development goals. Included among the conclusions of this study is the need to investigate the different strategies that are being carried out, with ICTs in school aimed at developing a more sustainable environment standing out

    El valor público de la acreditación en el mejoramiento continuo de las Carreras de Educación en Costa Rica. Un estudio de caso : a case study

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    The different accreditation processes of undergraduate degrees are the object of research due to the value of international recognition based on their accreditation. Thus, accreditation has become the preferred means of monitoring and evaluating the quality of higher education and observing universities' impact on society. The present study is part of a broader research focused on developing a doctoral thesis. It is framed in the qualitative interpretative paradigm of an emergent exploratory type. The main objective is to identify the public value generated by accreditation in the continuous improvement of undergraduate programs accredited by SINAES (an anagram of Sistema Nacional de Acreditación de la Educación Superior, National System of Higher Education Acceditation), in the field of education in Costa Rica. Five in-depth interviews were conducted to learn the perceptions of the key informants who participated in the accreditation process of the six selected degree programs. The results show the public value that accreditation produces in the continuous improvement of Education Degree Programs through ten categories that cover the achievements, benefits, results and effects of the contribution of SINAES in the continuous improvement processes of higher education. In conclusion, accreditation has become one of the determining factors when selecting an Education Degree Program in Costa Rica. The processes carried out by SINAES are perceived as legitimate and of excellence in developing these types of quality certifications.  Los diferentes procesos de acreditación por los que pasan los Grados universitarios son objeto de investigación debido al reconocimiento internacional que han adquirido por el valor asociado a la acreditación. De esta manera, la acreditación se ha convertido en el medio predilecto para supervisar y evaluar la calidad de la educación superior y observar el impacto que tienen las universidades en la sociedad. El estudio que se muestra forma parte de una investigación más amplia focalizada en el desarrollo de una tesis doctoral. Se enmarca en el paradigma cualitativo interpretativo de tipo exploratorio emergente. El objetivo principal se centra en identificar el valor público que genera la acreditación en el mejoramiento continuo de las carreras de grado acreditadas por el SINAES (Sistema Nacional de Acreditación de la Educación Superior) en el área de Educación en Costa Rica. Se ha llevaron a cabo cinco entrevistas a profundidad para conocer las percepciones de los informantes clave que participaron en el proceso de acreditación de las seis carreras seleccionadas. Los resultados muestran el valor público que produce la acreditación en el mejoramiento continuo de las Carreras de Educación por medio de 10 categorías que abarcan los logros, beneficios, resultados y efectos de la contribución del SINAES en el proceso de mejora continua de la Educación Superior. En conclusión, se observa como la acreditación se han convertido en uno de los factores determinantes a la hora de seleccionar una Carrera de Educación en Costa Rica. Los procesos llevados a cabo por el SINAES se perciben como legítimos y de excelencia en el desarrollo de este tipo de certificaciones de calidad

    El maestro de audición y lenguaje: formación, experiencia previa y acceso

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    Having  spent twenty years of business and professional development from the emergence of speech and hearing teacher (AL) traveling, it seems appropriate to reflect on the role he has been playing  this figure in order to  apprehend the things considered to improve the approach to adopt towards  to promote the quality of  its educational activities.On the other hand, while at the training curriculum of these professionals has been affected and diminished in its specificity because of the new grading structure and terms, in terms of occupation that figure has become a teaching specialty from the publication of Royal Decree 1594/2011 of 4 November (BOE 11/09/2011).This study aims to contribute to the understanding of the construction of this professional profile, making a tour of the training received, previous experience of maintaining a labor and how to access the jobs they perform.Habiendo transcurrido veinte años de andadura y desarrollo profesional desde el surgimiento del maestro de audición y lenguaje (AL) itinerante, parece conveniente reflexionar sobre el papel que ha venido desempeñando esta figura con objeto de aprehender las consideraciones oportunas que mejoren los planteamientos a adoptar de cara a promover la calidad de su actuación educativa.Por otra parte, si bien a nivel formativo el plan de estudio de estos profesionales se ha visto afectado y mermado en su especificidad a causa de la nueva estructura de grados y menciones, a nivel de ocupación laboral dicha figura se ha consolidado como especialidad docente a partir de la publicación del Real Decreto 1594/2011, de 4 de noviembre (BOE 9-11-2011).Con este estudio se pretende contribuir a la comprensión de la construcción de este perfil profesional, realizando un recorrido por la formación que han recibido, la experiencia previa de carácter laboral que mantienen y la forma de acceso a los puestos de trabajo que desarrollan

    The Socio-Educational Adaptation of Secondary School Migrant Students in Sicily: Migrant Generation, School Linguistic Mediation and Teacher Proactivity Factors

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    This study aims to analyze the implications of linguistic mediation processes and educational proactivity in schools for the socio-educational adaptation of immigrant students. The study is based on empirical research and the perspectives of the main actors: the immigrant students themselves. To this end, a non-experimental and descriptive quantitative methodology was used. The sample consisted of 100 students of foreign origin enrolled in an Italian school located in a typical socio-cultural environment. The results show significant differences in linguistic mediation and socio-educational variables and differences in expectations of progress and social adaptation of students born outside Italy vis-a-vis students who, although born in Italy, are still considered foreigners. It will also analyze teaching proactivity as a communication facilitator for first-generation immigrant pupils born outside Italy. In conclusion, it is noted that, to favor multicultural environments where all students, regardless of their origin, feel accepted, integrated, and welcomed, it is necessary to utilize all available resources to promote improvements in teaching-learning processes and strengthen social relation

    In vivo inhibition of cysteine proteases provides evidence for the involvement of 'senescence-associated vacuoles' in chloroplast protein degradation during dark-induced senescence of tobacco leaves

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    Breakdown of leaf proteins, particularly chloroplast proteins, is a massive process in senescing leaves. In spite of its importance in internal N recycling, the mechanism(s) and the enzymes involved are largely unknown. Senescenceassociated vacuoles (SAVs) are small, acidic vacuoles with high cysteine peptidase activity. Chloroplast-targeted proteins re-localize to SAVs during senescence, suggesting that SAVs might be involved in chloroplast protein degradation. SAVs were undetectable in mature, non-senescent tobacco leaves. Their abundance, visualized either with the acidotropic marker Lysotracker Red or by green fluorescent protein (GFP) fluorescence in a line expressing the senescence-associated cysteine protease SAG12 fused to GFP, increased during senescence induction in darkness, and peaked after 2-4 d, when chloroplast dismantling was most intense. Increased abundance of SAVs correlated with higher levels of SAG12 mRNA. Activity labelling with a biotinylated derivative of the cysteine protease inhibitor E-64 was used to detect active cysteine proteases. The two apparently most abundant cysteine proteases of senescing leaves, of 40 kDa and 33 kDa were detected in isolated SAVs. Rubisco degradation in isolated SAVs was completely blocked by E-64. Treatment of leaf disks with E-64 in vivo substantially reduced degradation of Rubisco and leaf proteins. Overall, these results indicate that SAVs contain most of the cysteine protease activity of senescing cells, and that SAV cysteine proteases are at least partly responsible for the degradation of stromal proteins of the chloroplast.Instituto de Fisiología Vegeta

    La intervención en audición y lenguaje en los equipos de orientación educativa de Almería (España)

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    ABSTRACTAfter 20 years of career and professional development, since the introduction of the itinerant specialist on hearing and speech, it seems appropriate to reflect on the model and type of action that this professional plays in the educational guidance and counseling teams. This has posed a study which central object is the itinerant teacher specialist on hearing and speech difficulties aimed at educational counseling teams, his/her model of intervention, the programs and contents this speciality envolves, and actually what is the professional role it’s being built on daily bases. We approached this issue through a study that covers all the different contexts in the province of Almeria in which itinerant teachers specialist on hearing and speech are working from the educative guidance teams. The methodology that allowed us to get closer to an understanding of the studied phenomenon is the qualitative an interpretative methodology, contributing to understand the organizational complexity required on the intervention of this professional. In advance seems like the proposed change of a therapeutic model to the advisor-collaborative one is more set of good intentions rather than a verifiable fact, as well as the intervention occurs through programs to solve problems rather than an action of preventive education.RESUMENHabiendo transcurrido 20 años de andadura y desarrollo profesional desde la implantación del especialista en audición y lenguaje itinerante, parece conveniente reflexionar sobre el modelo y tipo de actuación que desempeña esta figura especializada en los equipos de orientación educativa. Para ello se ha planteado un estudio que tiene como objeto central el maestro itinerante de audición y lenguaje destinado en equipos de orientación educativa, su modelo de intervención, los programas y contenidos que ocupan su actividad profesional y qué construcción de su rol profesional están desarrollando. Nos hemos adentrado en ello a través de un estudio que abarca todos los escenarios de la provincia de Almería en la que se hallan trabajando maestros itinerantes de audición y lenguaje desde los citados equipos de orientación. La metodología cualitativa e interpretativa es la que nos ha permitido acercarnos a una comprensión del fenómeno estudiado, una inmersión que contribuya a comprender la complejidad organizativa que conlleva la intervención de este profesional. Avanzamos que el proyecto de cambio de un modelo terapéutico a otro asesor-colaborativo está más henchido de intenciones que de una realidad verificable, al igual que sucede la acción a través de programas reparadores frente a la preventiva educativa.ABSTRACTAfter 20 years of career and professional development, since the introduction of the itinerant specialist on hearing and speech, it seems appropriate to reflect on the model and type of action that this professional plays in the educational guidance and counseling teams. This has posed a study which central object is the itinerant teacher specialist on hearing and speech difficulties aimed at educational counseling teams, his/her model of intervention, the programs and contents this speciality envolves, and actually what is the professional role it’s being built on daily bases. We approached this issue through a study that covers all the different contexts in the province of Almeria in which itinerant teachers specialist on hearing and speech are working from the educative guidance teams. The methodology that allowed us to get closer to an understanding of the studied phenomenon is the qualitative an interpretative methodology, contributing to understand the organizational complexity required on the intervention of this professional. In advance seems like the proposed change of a therapeutic model to the advisor-collaborative one is more set of good intentions rather than a verifiable fact, as well as the intervention occurs through programs to solve problems rather than an action of preventive education

    Senescence-associated vacuoles, a specific lytic compartment for degradation of chloroplast proteins?

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    Degradation of chloroplasts and chloroplast components is a distinctive feature of leaf senescence. In spite of its importance in the nutrient economy of plants, knowledge about the mechanism(s) involved in the breakdown of chloroplast proteins is incomplete. A novel class of vacuoles, "senescence-associated vacuoles" (SAVs), characterized by intense proteolytic activity appear during senescence in chloroplast-containing cells of leaves. Since SAVs contain some chloroplast proteins, they are candidate organelles to participate in chloroplast breakdown. In this review we discuss the characteristics of SAVs, and their possible involvement in the degradation of Rubisco, the most abundant chloroplast protein. Finally, SAVs are compared with other extra-plastidial protein degradation pathways operating in senescing leaves.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoFacultad de Ciencias Agrarias y ForestalesInstituto de Fisiología Vegeta