49 research outputs found

    Beyond the scale. Building formal approaches for the study of spatial patterns in Galician moundscapes (NW Iberian Peninsula)

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    In Galicia, works that studied the megalithic locational patterns developed only fieldwork-based approaches. As a result, the locational criteria were defined using ideas through a direct analysis at field, and never have been quantified and modelled with GIS methods until nowadays. In this work, a GIS methodology and a point pattern approach for the study of megalithic locational patterns is carried out. Starting from the definition of locational factors managed by literature, a number of first and second order properties were converted into spatial variables. From this point, specific regularities among the distribution of sites were established, which allows to determine trends in Galician megalithic occupation and open new possibilities of analysis in the study of Galician megalithic landscapes

    Tailoring 3D modelling techniques for epigraphic texts restitution. Case studies in deteriorated roman inscriptions

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    Digital Image Modelling is becoming a standard approach in epigraphic studies, mostly expressed in the diffusion practice of research groups which want their materials being publicly accessible. However, there is an important lack of works which seek for the use of 3D tools to improve the epigraphic analysis and text reading. Therefore, this paper attempts to show the application of Photogrammetry Structure from Motion and Digital Image Modelling to 3D record and analyse inscriptions that are in poor state of preservation, aiming to resolve some text-restitution problems and contribute towards the definition of new methodologies in Roman epigraphy

    Modelando dinámicas de movilidad y visibilidad en los paisajes megalíticos gallegos. El caso del Monte de Santa Mariña y su entorno (Comarca de Sarria, Lugo)

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    This paper aims to analyse two traditional forms of association of the megaliths with the landscape, such as the natural mobility and the visibility of the landscape. Several analytical approaches based on Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Statistics are applied over the megalithic barrow landscape of Monte de Santa Mariña (Sarria’s region, Lugo) and its surroundings (NW of the Iberian Peninsula). Starting from the creation of a simulation model of natural movement and the analysis of the visibility of sites, the relevance of the potential transit routes as a locational variable is checked, as well as the role that visibility of these monuments may have played regarding these routes. Subsequently, the visual prominence of the monuments with background terrain is also analysed, being able to observe the existence of common tendencies in different necropoleis of this megalithic complex concerning the size of the visual basin. The results allow us to consider the existence of an important relation between the megalithic monuments and the natural passage through the territory, with unequal trends on the visual impact of the megalith, regarding the relation with other sites and the whole territory in which the necropolis is located, which seems to indicate the necessity to reconsider the traditional discourse using these regional trends.Se propone un estudio de dos formas tradicionales de entender la relación del megalito con el paisaje, como son la movilidad natural por el territorio y la visibilidad del monumento con respecto al paisaje en el que se emplaza. Para ello, se aplican una serie de análisis fundamentados en los Sistemas de Información Geográfica y la Estadística Espacial sobre el conjunto tumular del Monte de Santa Mariña (Comarca de Sarria, Lugo) y su entorno (NO de la Península Ibérica). Partiendo de la creación de un modelo de simulación de desplazamiento natural y del estudio de la visibilidad de dicho conjunto, se comprueba, en primer lugar, la importancia de las vías potenciales de tránsito como variable locacional, así como el impacto visual que los monumentos juegan en relación con estas vías. A continuación, se analiza la prominencia visual de los túmulos megalíticos con respecto a su entorno inmediato, pudiéndose identificar la existencia de tendencias comunes en los distintos conjuntos tumulares en relación con el tamaño de las cuencas visuales. Los resultados sugieren una importante relación entre los túmulos y el tránsito natural por el territorio, si bien se detectan tendencias desiguales en lo que al impacto visual del megalito se refiere, tanto con respecto a la relación con otros túmulos como a la totalidad del territorio en el que se emplazan. Ello permite establecer un punto de partida necesario para la revisión de los planteamientos teóricos formulados para el conjunto de Galicia

    Visibility as a Locational Factor in the Megaliths of Southern Galicia

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    The analysis of the visual role of ancient monuments has a long tradition in the archaeological field, being one of the most important applications of GIS methods today. This paper analyses the visibility as a locational factor in the megaliths of Monte Penide and Serra do Galiñeiro, using Geographic Information Systems and spatial statistics. The research aims to analyse if it was the view from the mounds, the view to them, or a joint explanation among both factors, the element which determined the spatial value of the megalithic structures. To this end, the geographic territory in which the megaliths are located –visualscapes– and the horizon lining of the landscape is analysed; a study of the size of the visual basins of the megaliths and the visibility from the natural transit routes is also carried out. The results point out the complexity of this locational variable which, with high probability, was crucial in the choice of the location of the megalithic barrows. We argue that a homogeneous visual presence of the megalithic mound may have been one of the elements that marked the conformation of spatial structures in Neolithic communities, i.e. their territories.Los estudios de la visibilidad de monumentos pretéritos cuentan con larga tradición en el campo arqueológico, siendo una de las aplicaciones de los métodos SIG más importantes en la actualidad. Este trabajo analiza la visibilidad como factor locacional en las concentraciones megalíticas gallegas de Monte Penide y Serra do Galiñeiro, utilizando los Sistemas de Información Geográfica y la estadística espacial. La investigación tiene por objetivo analizar si fue la visibilidad hacia los monumentos, desde ellos, o una explicación conjunta, el elemento que determinó el valor espacial de dichas estructuras megalíticas. Para ello, se analiza el territorio geográfico en el que se sitúan los megalitos –visualscapes– y las líneas de horizonte; se realiza un estudio del tamaño de sus cuencas visuales y otro combinado entre las rutas de tránsito natural y la visibilidad de los túmulos. Los resultados apuntan a una complejidad locacional de dicha variable que, con elevada probabilidad, fue crucial a la hora de escoger el emplazamiento de los túmulos megalíticos. Se defiende la idea de que una presencia visual homogénea del túmulo megalítico pudo haber sido uno de los elementos que marcaron la conformación de estructuras espaciales en las comunidades neolíticas, es decir, sus territorios

    Modelling mobility and visibility dynamics in Galician megalithic moundscapes. The case of Monte de Santa Marina and its surroundings (Sarria's region, Lugo)

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    This paper aims to analyse two traditional forms of association of the megaliths with the landscape, such as the natural mobility and the visibility of the landscape. Several analytical approaches based on Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Statistics are applied over the megalithic barrow landscape of Monte de Santa Mariña (Sarria’s region, Lugo) and its surroundings (NW of the Iberian Peninsula). Starting from the creation of a simulation model of natural movement and the analysis of the visibility of sites, the relevance of the potential transit routes as a locational variable is checked, as well as the role that visibility of these monuments may have played regarding these routes. Subsequently, the visual prominence of the monuments with background terrain is also analysed, being able to observe the existence of common tendencies in different necropoleis of this megalithic complex concerning the size of the visual basin. The results allow us to consider the existence of an important relation between the megalithic monuments and the natural passage through the territory, with unequal trends on the visual impact of the megalith, regarding the relation with other sites and the whole territory in which the necropolis is located, which seems to indicate the necessity to reconsider the traditional discourse using these regional trends

    Digital imaging techniques for recording and analysing prehistoric rock art panels in Galicia (NW Iberia)

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    Several works have highlighted the relevance of 3D modelling techniques for the study of rock art, especially in case of deteriorated state of preservation. This paper presents a methodological approach to accurate document two Bronze Age rock art panels in Galicia (Spain), using photogrammetry SfM. The main aim is to show the application of digital enhancement techniques which have allowed the accurate depiction of the motifs and the correction of previous calques, focusing on the application of the exaggerated shading as a novel analytical method

    Locational preferences and spatial arrangement in the barrow landscape of Serra do Barbanza (North-western Iberia)

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    As anywhere else around the world, GIS is an essential tool in Galician Archaeology (NW Spain) when examining and analysing spatial data. This is also true for the study of mounds in that area, since spatial analysis and statistics have become increasingly used for contrasting hypotheses regarding the locational preferences of these monuments, usually inferred from observations made during fieldwork or taken from studies conducted elsewhere. Drawing on this basis, in this paper, we have analysed the locational patterns of the tumuli of the upper tracts of the Serra do Barbanza (Galicia, NW Spain). Using a site-predictive modelling approach, several environmental covariates were analysed in order to explore their potential role in explaining the distribution of prehistoric mounds in the area. Subsequently, we studied the clustering of these monuments via second-order modelling. Our results suggest that tumuli in the Serra do Barbanza tended to cluster on a very local scale, a trend that can only be explained by intended site spacing strategies that may have taken place over millennia. Finally, by using significance testing via Monte Carlo Simulation, we have modelled both the effect of possible preferences regarding the location of mounds and the potential impact of tradition, with pre-existent megaliths possibly fostering the construction of more monuments in the nearby areas

    Límites y posibilidades de los análisis Lidar aplicados al megalitismo asturiano. Revisión de cuatro conjuntos tumulares prehistóricos en el concejo de Salas (España)

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    Around 70 prehistoric barrows are now under research in the current council of Salas (Asturias, Spain), as a part of the Cobertoria’s Project. Focused on updating the archaeological data about the barrows included in the sites and monument record (1990), the research presented here adds new information about the structures; for instance, accurate GPs positions, new descriptions of the sites, as well as the data recovered after LiDar analysis. the information presented in this paper was gathered combining field works with remote sensing techniques. Four different necropolises were analysed, focusing on two different areas of the council: northwestern and southwestern part. this research gives information about each barrow, its evolution and main features, as well as data about the necropolises in order to better understanding the prehistoric landscape.; El actual concejo de Salas (Asturias, España) agrupa un conjunto de unos 70 túmulos prehistóricos que están siendo objeto de análisis dentro del proyecto de La Cobertoria. El estudio implica la revisión de los datos disponibles en el inventario arqueológico, realizado en 1990, incorporando posicionamientos precisos, nuevas descripciones, así como el uso de LiDar. los principales datos recabados hasta el momento por el proyecto, mediante prospecciones de campo y remotas, se presentan en este trabajo. el proyecto ha englobado cuatro necrópolis diferentes, concentradas en dos sectores geográficos específicos del concejo, la zona noroccidental y la suroccidental. el análisis está aportando datos concretos acerca de cada estructura individual, su evolución y sus características, así como sobre las necrópolis, para así buscar una comprensión clara de su ubicación en el paisaje prehistórico

    Hybrid MSRM-Based Deep Learning and Multitemporal Sentinel 2-Based Machine Learning Algorithm Detects Near 10k Archaeological Tumuli in North-Western Iberia

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    This paper presents an algorithm for large-scale automatic detection of burial mounds, one of the most common types of archaeological sites globally, using LiDAR and multispectral satellite data. Although previous attempts were able to detect a good proportion of the known mounds in a given area, they still presented high numbers of false positives and low precision values. Our proposed approach combines random forest for soil classification using multitemporal multispectral Sentinel-2 data and a deep learning model using YOLOv3 on LiDAR data previously pre-processed using a multi–scale relief model. The resulting algorithm significantly improves previous attempts with a detection rate of 89.5%, an average precision of 66.75%, a recall value of 0.64 and a precision of 0.97, which allowed, with a small set of training data, the detection of 10,527 burial mounds over an area of near 30,000 km2, the largest in which such an approach has ever been applied. The open code and platforms employed to develop the algorithm allow this method to be applied anywhere LiDAR data or high-resolution digital terrain models are available

    Hybrid MSRM-based deep learning and multitemporal Sentinel 2-based machine learning algorithm detects near 10k archaeological tumuli in north-western Iberia

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from MDPI via the DOI in this record.Data Availability Statement: All relevant material has been made available as Supplementary MaterialsThis paper presents an algorithm for large-scale automatic detection of burial mounds, one of the most common types of archaeological sites globally, using LiDAR and multispectral satellite data. Although previous attempts were able to detect a good proportion of the known mounds in a given area, they still presented high numbers of false positives and low precision values. Our proposed approach combines random forest for soil classification using multitemporal multispectral Sentinel-2 data and a deep learning model using YOLOv3 on LiDAR data previously pre-processed using a multi–scale relief model. The resulting algorithm significantly improves previous attempts with a detection rate of 89.5%, an average precision of 66.75%, a recall value of 0.64 and a precision of 0.97, which allowed, with a small set of training data, the detection of 10,527 burial mounds over an area of near 30,000 km2, the largest in which such an approach has ever been applied. The open code and platforms employed to develop the algorithm allow this method to be applied anywhere LiDAR data or high-resolution digital terrain models are available.European Union Horizon 2020Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and UniversitiesFundación BBV